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Sutyarso, Sutyarso and Damayanti, Ayu Fikri and Busman, Hendri and Kanedi, Mohammad (2023) Effect of Squid Ink Extract on Testis Histological Parameters in D-Galactose-Induced Aging Mice. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Applications, 8 (5). pp. 382-386. ISSN 2249-7781

Sutyarso, Sutyarso and Kanedi, Mohammad and Amrina, Izzatika (2023) Indonesian medicinal plants that have the potential to affect testicular function: A Review. GSC Advanced Research and Reviews, 2023, 14(03), 163–172, 14 (03). pp. 163-172. ISSN eISSN:2582-4597

Kanedi, Mohammad (2023) Edukasi Penanggulangan Limbah Organik dan Anorganik Bagi Siswa SMA 1 Bandar Lampung. JURDIAN: Jurnal Pengabdian Bakti Nusantara, 1 (2). pp. 45-50. ISSN -

Kanedi, Mohammad (2023) Indonesian medicinal plants that have the potential to affect testicular function: A Review. GSC Advanced Research and Reviews, 14 (03). pp. 163-172. ISSN 2582-4597

Kanedi, Mohammad (2023) Larvicide effects of Bacillus sp isolated from soil against fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences,, 22 (03). 028-034. ISSN 2581-3250

Kanedi, Mohammad (2023) Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Petani Kopi Melalui Budidaya Tumpang Sari Tanaman Cabai Pada Perkebunan Kopi di Pekon Pagar Dewa Kabupaten Lampung Barat. JURDIAN: Jurnal Pengabdian Bakti Nusantara, 1 (2). pp. 51-56. ISSN -

Kanedi, Mohammad (2023) Studies on the antimicrobial potential of plant extract of banana (Genus Musa) in Indonesia. World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews,, 13 (02). pp. 386-392. ISSN 2581-9615

Kanedi, Mohammad (2023) Repellent effect of plant leaves extract of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) against Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. World Journal of Biology Pharmacy and Health Sciences, 13 (01). pp. 198-202. ISSN 2582-5542

Kanedi, Mohammad (2022) Assays of physical stability and insecticidal activity of leaf extract of Gliricidia sepium on Pseudococcus longispinus—mealybugs infecting rose apple. Open Access Research Journal of Life Sciences, 04 (02). 025-030. ISSN 2783-025X

Kanedi, Mohammad (2022) Kembang sungsang (Gloriosa superba L.): A potential plant as a source of biomutagens. Magna Scientia Advanced Biology and Pharmacy, 07 (01). 036-043. ISSN 2582-8363

Kanedi, Mohammad (2022) Phytochemical and toxicity test of secondary metabolites extracted from Streptomyces bacteria against Anopheles larvae in Lampung, Indonesia. Open Access Research Journal of Biology and Pharmacy, 6 (2). 035-041. ISSN 2782-9979

Kanedi, Mohammad (2022) First identified Colletotrichum scovillei causing anthracnose on chili peppers (Capsicum annuum L.) from traditional market in Bandar Lampung, Indonesia. International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 07 (01). pp. 302-307. ISSN 2582-8185

Kanedi, Mohammad (2022) Plants potential to be developed for wound healing medicine in Indonesia. International Journal of Frontiers in Life Science Research, 03 (01). 039-044. ISSN 2783-040

Kanedi, Mohammad (2022) Therapeutic potentials of sungkai (Peronema canescens Jack.) an Indonesian luxurious woody plant. World Journal of Biology Pharmacy and Health Sciences, 11 (01). 069-071. ISSN 2582-5542

Kanedi, Mohammad (2022) Therapeutic potentials of sungkai (Peronema canescens Jack.) an Indonesian luxurious woody plant. World Journal of Biology Pharmacy and Health Sciences, 11 (01). 069-071. ISSN 2582-5542

Kanedi, Mohammad (2022) Bird Species Based on Tree Height Perched in the Liwa Botanical Garden, West Lampung Regency. Jurnal Natur Indonesia, 20 (1). pp. 9-14. ISSN 2503-0345

Kanedi, Mohammad (2022) PembuatanAlatPeraga IPABagiGuruSD LampungTimurMenggunakanBahanYangAdaDi LingkunganSekitar. J-Dinamika : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat, 7 (1). pp. 7-11. ISSN 2503-1112

Kanedi, Mohammad (2022) Pengaruh Media Pertumbuhan dan pH Terhadap Aktivitas Biosurfaktan dari Bakteri Serratia marcescens strain MBC 1 pada Minyak Jelantah. Indonesian Journal of Chemical Analysis (IJCA), 5 (1). pp. 1-8. ISSN 2622-7126

Kanedi, Mohammad (2022) Indonesian plants potentially to be used as the hair growth promoting agent. GSC Advanced Research and Reviews, 10 (03). pp. 171-175. ISSN 2582-4597

Kanedi, Mohammad (2022) Pharmacological benefits of plant extract of Peperomia pellucida growing wild in Suburb of Bandar Lampung, Indonesia. World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews,, 13 (02). pp. 519-522. ISSN 2581-9615

Handayani, Kusuma and Kanedi, Mohammad and Agustrina, Rochmah and Setiawan, Wawan Abdullah (2022) Pembuatan Alat Peraga IPA Bagi Guru SD Lampung Timur Menggunakan Bahan Yang AdaDi Lingkungan Sekitar. J-Dinamika.

Mumtazah, Dzul Fithria and Busman, Hendri and Kanedi, Mohammad and Pratami, Gina (2021) A modified high-fat diet and its effect on histopathological features of mice liver as an alternative diet for animal model of liver cell damage. Biogenesis, 9 (2). pp. 171-177. ISSN 23012-1616

Busman, Hendri and Sutyarso, Sutyarso and Kanedi, Mohammad and Farisi, Salman (2021) Essential oil extracted from plant tuber of nutgrass “Cyperus rotundus” effectively decreased sperm quality of mice. Journal of Advanced Pharmacy Education & Research, 11 (2). pp. 66-70. ISSN E-ISSN: 2249-3379

Kanedi, Mohammad and Mumtazah, Dzul Fithria and Purwanti, Eti (2021) Ameliorative Effect of Plant Extract of Suruhan (Peperomia pellucida) on Renal Histological Abnormality in Alloxan-Induced Hyperglycemic Mice. South Asian Research Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (SARJPS), 3 (3). pp. 40-43. ISSN 2664-4142

Kanedi, Mohammad and Mumtazah, Dzul Fithria (2021) Ameliorative Effect of Plant Extract of Suruhan (Peperomia pellucida) on Renal Histological Abnormality in Alloxan-Induced Hyperglycemic Mice. South Asian Research Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 3 (03). pp. 40-43. ISSN 2664-4142

Kanedi, Mohammad and Setiawan, Wawan Abdullah and Handayani, Kusuma (2021) Antibacterial activity of leaf extract of caricature plant (Graptophyllum pictum L.) against Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Research, 6 (2). 01-03. ISSN 2455-4685

Kanedi, Mohammad and Nukmal, Nismah and Suratman, Suratman (2021) Impact of 2-years practice of organic coffee farming on soil arthropod diversity. World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 10 (01). pp. 168-173. ISSN 2581-9615

Busman, Hendri and Sutyarso, Sutyarso and Kanedi, Mohammad and Farisi, Salman and Mumtazah, Dzul Fithria (2021) Essential oil extracted from plant tuber of nutgrass “Cyperus rotundus” effectively decreased sperm quality of mice. Journal of Advanced Pharmacy Education & Research, 11 (2). pp. 66-70. ISSN E-ISSN: 2249-3379

Kanedi, Mohammad and Busman, Hendri and Sutyarso, Sutyarso and Farisi, Salman and Mumtazah, Dzul Fithria (2021) Essential oil extracted from plant tuber of nutgrass “Cyperus rotundus” effectively decreased sperm quality of mice. Journal of Advanced Pharmacy Education & Research, 11 (2). pp. 66-70. ISSN 2249-3379

Kanedi, Mohammad (2021) Impact of 2-years practice of organic coffee farming on soil arthropod diversity. World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 10 (01). pp. 168-173. ISSN 2581-9615

Kanedi, Mohammad (2021) Antipyretic effect of ethanol extract of plant leaves of garden croton (Codiaeum variegatum) in male mice. GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 14 (03). pp. 202-206. ISSN 2581-3250

Kanedi, Mohammad and Setiawan, Wawan Abdullah and Handayani, Kusuma (2021) Antipyretic effect of ethanol extract of plant leaves of garden croton (Codiaeum variegatum) in male mice. GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 14 (03). pp. 202-206. ISSN 5281-3250

Kanedi, Mohammad and Handayani, Kusuma and Farisi, Salman and Setiawan, Wawan Abdullah (2021) Pembuatan Sabun Cuci Dari Minyak Jelantah Sebagai Upaya Mengurangi Limbah Rumah Tangga. JURNAL PENGABDIAN KEPADA MASYARAKAT TABIKPUN, 2 (1). pp. 55-62. ISSN 2745-7699

Farisi, Salman and Widiastuti, E.L. and Suratman, Suratman and Kanedi, Mohammad and saputra, rakhmat hadi (2021) Identification of bacteria causing Vibriosis (Vibrio sp) on white snapper (Lates calcarifer) reared in the marine cultivation ponds. GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 14 (1). 082-089. ISSN 2581-3250

Kanedi, Mohammad and Farisi, Salman and Widiastuti, E.L. and Suratman, Suratman (2021) Identification of bacteria causing Vibriosis (Vibrio sp) on white snapper (Lates calcarifer) reared in the marine cultivation ponds. GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 14 (01). 082-089. ISSN 2581-3250

Kanedi, Mohammad (2021) Identification of bacteria causing Vibriosis (Vibrio sp) on white snapper (Lates calcarifer) reared in the marine cultivation ponds. GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 14 (01). 082-089. ISSN 2581-3250

Farisi, Salman and Widiastuti, E.L. and Suratman, Suratman and Kanedi, Mohammad (2021) Identification of bacteria causing Vibriosis (Vibrio sp) on white snapper (Lates calcarifer) reared in the marine cultivation ponds. GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 14 (1). 082-089. ISSN 2581-3250

Kanedi, Mohammad and Nukmal, Nismah and Pratami, Gina (2021) Impact of ground cover vegetation types on the diversity and similarity of spider assemblage at two adjacent sites. GSC Advanced Research and Reviews, 08 (01). 060-065. ISSN 2582-4597

Mumtazah, Dzul Fithria and Busman, Hendri and Kanedi, Mohammad and Pratami, Gina (2021) A modified high-fat diet and its effect on histopathological features of mice liver as an alternative diet for animal model of liver cell damage. Biogenesis, 9 (2). ISSN 23012-1616

Hajariyah, Hajariyah and Nukmal, Nismah and Pratami, Gina and Kanedi, Mohammad (2020) THE DIVERSITY AND ABUNDANCE OF SPIDERS(Arachnida) IN LIWA BOTANICAL GARDEN. Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Eksperimen dan Keanekaragaman Hayati, 7 (2). pp. 9-18. ISSN 2338-4344;eISSN 2686-200X

Kanedi, Mohammad (2020) THE DIVERSITY AND ABUNDANCE OF SPIDERS (Arachnida) IN LIWA BOTANICAL GARDEN. Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Eksperimen dan Keanekaragaman Hayati, 7 (2). pp. 9-18. ISSN 2686-200X

Sutyarso, Sutyarso and Kanedi, Mohammad and Hendri, Busman and Nurcahyani, Nuning (2020) The Effect Combination of Extract Ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc) and Zinc(Zn) on Testicular Function of Aging Mice (Mus musculus Linn.). Biomedical and Pharmacology Journal (BPJ), xx (x). 00-00. ISSN ISSN: 0974-6242 e- ISSN: 2456–2610 (Submitted)

Kanedi, Mohammad (2020) Pengaruh lama perendaman alizarin red terhadap kadar warna rangka fetus mencit (Mus musculus L) untuk bahan praktikum dan penelitian di laboratorium. International Multilingual Journal of Science and Technology (IMJST), 5 (11). pp. 1925-1929. ISSN 2528-9810

Kanedi, Mohammad (2020) Analgesic activity of the combined extract of sukun (Artocarpus altilis) and melinjo (Gnetum gnemon L.) Leaves in mice. GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences,, 13 (01). pp. 244-250. ISSN 2581-3250

Kanedi, Mohammad (2020) Analgesic activity of the combined extract of sukun (Artocarpus altilis) and melinjo (Gnetum gnemon L.) Leaves in mice. GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences,, 13 (1). pp. 244-250. ISSN 2581-3250,

Sutyarso, Sutyarso and Kanedi, Mohammad and Rokiban, Ahmad and Wahyuni, Ayu (2020) Anti-Hyperuricemic Effects of Water-Soluble Fraction of Leaf Extract of Sukun (Artocarpus Altilis) on Mice Fed Purine-Rich Foods. Biomedical and Pharmacology Journal, 13 (2). pp. 915-919. ISSN 2456–2610

Afdilah, Nur Alita and Kanedi, Mohammad and Nukmal, Nismah and Sutyarso, Sutyarso (2020) The Diversity of Grasshoppers in Liwa Botanical Garden Based on Time Capture. Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Eksperimen dan Keanekaragaman Hayati, 7 (1). pp. 18-24. ISSN eISSN 2686-200X

Juriani, Juriani and Susanto, Gregorius Nugroho and Kanedi, Mohammad and suratman, Suratman (2020) The Diversity of Freshwater Fish Species in Way Sindalapai River,Liwa Botanical Garden, West Lampung. Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Eksperimen dan Keanekaragaman Hayati, 7 (1). pp. 54-61. ISSN 2338-4344

Sari, Indah Fitri and Nurcahyani, Nuning and Kanedi, Mohammad and Tugiyono, Tugiyono (2020) Bird Species Diversity in Liwa Botanical Garden, West Lampung. Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Eksperimen dan Keanekaragaman Hayati, 7 (1). pp. 1-6. ISSN 2338-4344

Kanedi, Mohammad and Nurcahyani, Nuning (2020) Bird Species Diversity in Liwa Botanical Garden, West Lampung. Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Eksperimen dan Keanekaragaman Hayati, 7 (1). pp. 1-6.

Agita, Agis and Nurcahyani, Nuning and Kanedi, Mohammad and Busman, Hendri (2020) Birdwatching Potency at Liwa Botanical Garden, West Lampung. Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Eksperimen dan Keanekaragaman Hayati, 7 (1). pp. 7-11. ISSN 2338-4344

Kanedi, Mohammad (2020) Birdwatching Potency at Liwa Botanical Garden, West Lampung. Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Eksperimen dan Keanekaragaman Hayati, 7 (1). pp. 7-11. ISSN ISSN 2338-4344

Kanedi, Mohammad (2020) The Diversity of Grasshoppers in Liwa Botanical Garden Based on Time Capture. Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Eksperimen dan Keanekaragaman Hayati, 7 (1). pp. 18-24. ISSN ISSN 2338-4344

Agustrina, Rochmah and Irawan, Bambang and Sumardi, Sumardi and Kanedi, Mohammad and Nasyiatul, Himmah (2020) Effects of 0.2 mT magnetic field exposure on the growth of red chili (Capsicum annuum L.) infected with pathogenic fungus Fusarium oxysporum. Effects of 0.2 mT magnetic field exposure on the growth of red chili (Capsicum annuum L.) infected with pathogenic fungus Fusarium oxysporum, 05 (02). 011-018. ISSN e-ISSN: 2581-9615,

Kanedi, Mohammad (2020) Effects of 0.2 mT magnetic field exposure on the growth of red chili (Capsicum annuum L.) infected with pathogenic fungus Fusarium oxysporum. World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 5 (2). pp. 11-18. ISSN 2581-9615

Agustrina, Rochmah and Himmah, Nasyiatul and Irawan, Bambang and Sumardi, Sumardi and Kanedi, Mohammad and Wahyuningsih, Sri (2020) Effects of 0.2 mT magnetic field exposure on the growth of red chili (Capsicum annuum L.) infected with pathogenic fungus Fusarium oxysporum. World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 5 (2). 011-018. ISSN 2581-9615

Busman, Hendri and Nurcahyani, Nuning and Farisi, Salman and Kanedi, Mohammad and Mauliana, Prawibi Dita (2020) Inhibitory effects of tuber extract of nut grass (Cyperus rotundus L) on the growth of rat fetuses. GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 10 (01). pp. 59-64. ISSN 2581-3250

Novera, Bernice Rizki and Kanedi, Mohammad and Nuning, Nurcahyani and Sutyarso, Sutyarso (2020) RATS TRAPPING AT DIFFERENT TYPES OF LOCATION IN LIWA BOTANICAL GARDEN, LAMPUNG, INDONESIA. International Journal of Research - Granthaalayah, 8 (1). pp. 237-242. ISSN ISSN- 2350-0530(O), ISSN- 2394-3629(P)

Fitri, Ayu Tiara and Kanedi, Mohammad and Setyaningrum, Endah and Susanto, Gregorius Nugroho (2020) UJI EKSTRAK DAUN KEMANGI (Ocimum sanctum L.) DALAM BENTUK SALEP DAN SPRAY SEBAGAI SKABISIDA TUNGAU Sarcoptes scabiei. Jurnal Medika Malahayati, 4 (1). pp. 62-70. ISSN 2355-6757

Kanedi, Mohammad (2020) BACTERICIDAL ACTIVITIES OF LEAF EXTRACT OF KENIKIR (COSMOS CAUDATUS) ON SHIGELLA DYSENTERIAE AND SALMONELLA TYPHI. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 9 (2). pp. 162-170. ISSN 2277– 7105

Kanedi, Mohammad (2020) EFEKTIVITAS EKSTRAK DAUN TOMAT (Solanum lycopersicum L.) SEBAGAI OVISIDA NYAMUK Aedes aegypti. Jurnal Ilmu Kedokteran Dan Kesehatan, 7 (1). pp. 368-374. ISSN 2355-7583

Madona, Mira and Setyaningrum, Endah and Pratami, Gina and Kanedi, Mohammad (2020) EFEKTIVITAS EKSTRAK DAUN TOMAT (Solanum lycopersicum L.) SEBAGAI OVISIDA NYAMUK Aedes aegypti. Jurnal Ilmu Kedokteran Dan Kesehatan, 1 (7). pp. 368-374. ISSN 2355-7583

Kanedi, Mohammad (2020) Inhibitory Effects of Tuber Extract of Nut Grass (Cyperus Rotundus L) on the Growth of Rat Fetuses. GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 10 (1). 059-064. ISSN 2581-3250

Gumay, Destika Putri and Kanedi, Mohammad and Setyaningrum, Endah and Busman, Hendri (2020) KEBERHASILAN PEMERANGKAPAN TIKUS (Rattus exulans) DENGAN JENIS UMPAN BERBEDA DI KEBUN RAYA LIWA LAMPUNG BARAT. Jurnal Medika Malahayati, 4 (1). pp. 25-32. ISSN 2355-6757

Kanedi, Mohammad (2020) RATS TRAPPING AT DIFFERENT TYPES OF LOCATION IN LIWA BOTANICAL GARDEN, LAMPUNG, INDONESIA. International Journal of Research - Granthaalayah, 8 (1). pp. 237-242. ISSN 2350-0530(O); ISSN: 2394-3629(P)

Fitri, Ayu Tiara and Kanedi, Mohammad and Setyaningrum, Endah and Susanto, Gregorius Nugroho (2020) UJI EKSTRAK DAUN KEMANGI (Ocimum sanctum L.) DALAM BENTUK SALEP DAN SPRAY SEBAGAI SKABISIDA TUNGAU Sarcoptes scabiei. Jurnal Medika Malahayati, 4 (1). pp. 62-70. ISSN 2355-6757

Kanedi, Mohammad and Handayani, Kusuma and Setiawan, Wawan Abdullah and Juwita, Ratna and Isbiyantoro, Isbiyantoro (2020) Bactericidal Activities Of Leaf Extract Of Kenikir (Cosmos caudatus) On Shigella dysenteriae And Salmonella typhi. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 9 (2).

Hajariyah, Hajariyah and Nukmal, Nismah and Pratami, Gina and Kanedi, Mohammad (2020) THE DIVERSITY AND ABUNDANCE OF SPIDERS (Arachnida) IN LIWA BOTANICAL GARDEN. Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Eksperimen dan Keanekaragaman Hayati, 7 (2). pp. 9-18. ISSN 2338-4344

Kanedi, Mohammad and Handayani, Kusuma and Farisi, Salman and Setiawan, Wawan Abdullah (2020) Pelatihan pengolahan minyak jelantah menjadi sabun cuci untuk pemberdayaan ibu-ibu PKK di Bandar Lampung. Unri Conference Series: Community Engagement, 2 (-). pp. 123-127. ISSN 2685-9017

Novera, Bernice Rizki and Kanedi, Mohammad and Nurcahyani, Nuning and Sutyarso, Sutyarso (2020) RATS TRAPPING AT DIFFERENT TYPES OF LOCATION IN LIWA BOTANICAL GARDEN, LAMPUNG, INDONESIA. International Journal of Research - GRANTHAALAYAH, 8 (1).

Umairoh, Siti and Sutyarso, Sutyarso and Kanedi, Mohammad and Busman, Hendri (2019) Boosting Sperm Count Using Red Ginger in Mice Induced by Paraquat Dichloride (1.1-dimethyl-4.4 bipyridinium). Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Eksperimen dan Keanekaragaman Hayati, 6 (2). pp. 1-7. ISSN ISSN 2338-4344 dan eISSN 2686-200X

Tsany, Kamilah and Sutyarso, Sutyarso and Kanedi, Mohammad and Busman, Hendri (2019) Organ-Protective Effect of Red Ginger Extracts in Male Mice Induced by Paraquat. Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Eksperimen dan Keanekaragaman Hayati, 6 (2). pp. 8-17. ISSN 2338-4344 dan 2686-200X

Kanedi, Mohammad (2019) Boosting Sperm Count Using Red Ginger in Mice Induced by Paraquat Dichloride (1.1-dimethyl-4.4 bipyridinium). Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Eksperimen dan Keanekaragaman Hayati, 6 (2). pp. 1-7. ISSN 2338-4344

Kanedi, Mohammad (2019) Boosting Sperm Count Using Red Ginger in Mice Induced by Paraquat Dichloride (1.1-dimethyl-4.4 bipyridinium). Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Eksperimen dan Keanekaragaman Hayati, 6 (2). pp. 1-7. ISSN ISSN 2338-4344

Nurfadhilah, Athiyya and Rosa, Emantis and Kanedi, Mohammad and Tugiyono, Tugiyono (2019) Determination of Aedes Spp. Mosquito Breeding Spots as a High-Risk Area Through Maya Index Analysis in Way Halim Bandar Lampung. Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Eksperimen dan Keanekaragaman Hayati, 6 (2). pp. 48-52. ISSN ISSN 2338-4344 eISSN 2686-200X

sari, Laila Novita and Kanedi, Mohammad and Yulianty, yuli and Ernawiati, Eti (2019) EFEKTIVITAS EKSTRAK ETANOL DAUN KENIKIR (Cosmos caudatus Kunth) TERHADAP PENYEMBUHAN LUKA SAYAT PADA MENCIT (Mus musculus L.). Jurnal Tadris Biolog, 10 (2). pp. 109-120. ISSN 2086-5945

Kanedi, Mohammad (2019) EFEKTIVITAS EKSTRAK ETANOL DAUN KENIKIR (Cosmos caudatus Kunth) TERHADAP PENYEMBUHAN LUKA SAYAT PADA MENCIT (Mus musculus L.). BIOSFER: Jurnal Tadris Biologi, 10 (2). pp. 109-120. ISSN p-ISSN : 2086-5945

Kanedi, Mohammad (2019) Organ-Protective Effect of Red Ginger Extracts in Male Mice Induced by Paraquat. Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Eksperimen dan Keanekaragaman Hayati, 6 (2). pp. 8-17. ISSN 2686-200X

Kanedi, Mohammad (2019) Organ-Protective Effect of Red Ginger Extracts in Male Mice Induced by Paraquat. Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Eksperimen dan Keanekaragaman Hayati, 6 (2). pp. 8-17. ISSN ISSN 2338-4344

Kanedi, Mohammad (2019) Effect of Pelvic Rocking Exercise Using the Birth Ball on Fetal Lie, Attitude, and Presentation. International Journal of Women’s Health and Reproduction Sciences Vol. 7, No. 4, October 2019, 461–466, 7 (4). pp. 461-466. ISSN 2330- 4456

Kanedi, Mohammad (2019) EFEKTIVITAS EKSTRAK ETANOL DAUN KENIKIR (Cosmos caudatus Kunth) TERHADAP PENYEMBUHAN LUKA SAYAT PADA MENCIT (Mus musculus L.). BIOSFER: Jurnal Tadris Biologi, 10 (2). pp. 109-120. ISSN 2580-4960

Nurhanifah, Nida and Sutyarso, Sutyarso and Kanedi, Mohammad and Busman, Hendri (2019) Aggressiveness and Libido of Male Mus musculus L. in Ethanol Extract of Red Ginger (Zingiber officinale Roxb. var. Rubrum). Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Eksperimen dan Keanekaragaman Hayati, 6 (1). pp. 8-14. ISSN 2338-4344

Kanedi, Mohammad (2019) Aggressiveness and Libido of Male Mus musculus L. in Ethanol Extract of Red Ginger (Zingiber officinale Roxb. var. Rubrum). Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Eksperimen dan Keanekaragaman Hayati, 6 (1). pp. 8-14. ISSN 2338-4344

Kanedi, Mohammad (2019) Maya Index Analysis of Dengue Fever Vector in East Metro Sub-District Lampung Province Indonesia. Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Eksperimen dan Keanekaragaman Hayati, 6 (1). pp. 1-7. ISSN 2338-4344

Ariska, Dewi and Umar, Suratman and Nukmal, Nismah and Kanedi, Mohammad (2019) KARAKTERISTIK HABITUS DAN LINGKUNGAN POHON SARANG SEMUT RANGRANG (Oecophylla smaragdina) DI BANDAR LAMPUNG. Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Eksperimen dan Keanekaragaman Hayati, 5 (2). pp. 31-35. ISSN 2338-4344

Anggraini, Dian and Sutyarso, Sutyarso and Kanedi, Mohammad and Busman, Hendri (2019) PENGARUH PEMBERIAN EKSTRAK ETANOL JAHE MERAH (Zingiber Officinale Roxb var Rubrum) TERHADAP KUANTITAS DAN KUALITAS SPERMATOZOA MENCIT JANTAN (Mus musculus L.) YANG DIINDUKSI PARAQUAT DIKLORIDA. Jurnal Biologi Eksperimen dan Keanekaragaman Hayati, 5 (2). pp. 47-54. ISSN 2338-4344

Kanedi, Mohammad and Sutyarso, Sutyarso and Busman, Hendri and Yulianty, Yulianty and Martha, Lulus Lande (2019) AMELIORATIVE EFFECT OF PLANT EXTRACTS OF SURUHAN (PEPEROMIA PELLUCIDA) ON BLOOD GLUCOSE AND LIBIDO OF MALE MICE INJECTED WITH ALLOXAN. European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical sciences, 6 (2). pp. 18-21. ISSN 2349-8870

Kanedi, Mohammad and Sutyarso, Sutyarso and Busman, Hendri and Pratami, Gina (2019) Plant extracts of Suruhan (Peperomia pellucida L. Kunth) ameliorate infertility of male mice with alloxan-induced hyperglycemia. International Journal of Biomedical Research, 10 (02). pp. 1-4. ISSN 0976-9633 (Online); 2455-0566 (Print)

Kanedi, Mohammad and Sutyarso, Sutyarso and Hendri, Busman and Gina, Dania Pratami (2019) Plant extracts of Suruhan (Peperomia pellucida L. Kunth) ameliorate infertility of male mice with alloxan-induced hyperglycemia. International Journal of Biomedical Research, 10 (02). e5039-5042. ISSN 0976-9633

Kanedi, Mohammad and Sutyarso, Sutyarso and Pratami, Gina (2019) Plant extracts of Suruhan (Peperomia pellucida L. Kunth) ameliorate infertility of male mice with alloxan-induced hyperglycemia. International Journal of Biomedical Research, 10 (02). pp. 1-4. ISSN 0976-9633 (Online); 2455-0566 (Print)

Kanedi, Mohammad (2019) AMELIORATIVE EFFECT OF PLANT EXTRACTS OF SURUHAN (PEPEROMIA PELLUCIDA) ON BLOOD GLUCOSE AND LIBIDO OF MALE MICE INJECTED WITH ALLOXAN. European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 6 (2). pp. 18-21. ISSN 2349-8870

Kanedi, Mohammad (2019) Plant extracts of Suruhan (Peperomia pellucida L. Kunth) ameliorate infertility of male mice with alloxan-induced hyperglycemia. International Journal of Biomedical Research, 10 (2). pp. 1-4. ISSN 0976-9633

Kanedi, Mohammad (2019) Plant extracts of Suruhan (Peperomia pellucida L. Kunth) ameliorate infertility of male mice with alloxan-induced hyperglycemia. International Journal of Biomedical Research, 10 (2). pp. 1-4. ISSN 0976-9633

Nukmal, Nismah and Pratami, Gina and Rosa, Emantis and Sari, Aprilia and Kanedi, Mohammad (2019) Insecticidal Effect of Leaf Extract of Gamal (Gliricidia sepium) from Different Cultivars on Papaya Mealybugs (Paracoccus marginatus, Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae). IOSR Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science (IOSR-JAVS), 12 (1). pp. 4-8. ISSN 2319-2380

Nukmal, Nismah and Pratami, Gina and Rosa, Emantis and Sari, Aprilia and Kanedi, Mohammad (2019) Insecticidal Effect of Leaf Extract of Gamal (Gliricidia sepium) from Different Cultivars on Papaya Mealybugs (Paracoccus marginatus, Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae). IOSR Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science (IOSR-JAVS), 12 (1). 04-08. ISSN e-ISSN: 2319-2380, p-ISSN: 2319-2372

Yulianty, yuli and Sutyarso, Sutyarso and Hendri, Busman and Kanedi, Mohammad and Martha, Lulus Lande (2019) AMELIORATIVE EFFECT OF PLANT EXTRACTS OF SURUHAN (PEPEROMIA PELLUCIDA) ON BLOOD GLUCOSE AND LIBIDO OF MALE MICE INJECTED WITH ALLOXAN. European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 6 (2). pp. 18-21. ISSN 2349-8870

Nismah, Nukmal and Gina, Dania Pratami and Emantis, Rosa and Aprilia, Sari and Kanedi, Mohammad (2019) Insecticidal Effect of Leaf Extract of Gamal (Gliricidia sepium) from Different Cultivars on Papaya Mealybugs (Paracoccus marginatus, Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae). IOSR Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science (IOSR-JAVS), 12 (1). pp. 4-8. ISSN 2319-2380

Kanedi, Mohammad (2019) Insecticidal Effect of Leaf Extract of Gamal (Gliricidia sepium) from Different Cultivars on Papaya Mealybugs (Paracoccus marginatus, Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae). IOSR Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science (IOSR-JAVS), 12 (1). 04-08. ISSN 2319-2380

Kanedi, Mohammad (2019) ANTI-HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIC EFFECT OF ETHANOL FRUIT EXTRACT OF VANILLA (Vanilla planifolia Andrews) ON MALE MICE. European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 6 (10). pp. 39-41. ISSN 2349-8870


Nukmal, Nismah and Pratami, Gina and Rosa, Emantis and Sari, Aprilia and Kanedi, Mohammad (2019) Insecticidal Effect of Leaf Extract of Gamal (Gliricidia sepium) from Different Cultivars on Papaya Mealybugs (Paracoccus marginatus, Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae). IOSR Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science (IOSR-JAVS), 12 (1). 04-08. ISSN 2319-2380

Sona, Betara and Rosa, Emantis and Kanedi, Mohammad and Tugiyono, Tugiyono (2019) Maya Index Analysis of Dengue Fever Vector in East Metro Sub-District Lampung Province Indonesia. Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Eksperimen dan Keanekaragaman Hayati, 6 (1). pp. 1-7. ISSN ISSN 2338-4344 eISSN 2686-200X

Kanedi, Mohammad and Sutyarso, Sutyarso and Busman, Hendri and mandasari, risky and Pratami, Gina (2019) Plant extracts of Suruhan (Peperomia pellucida L. Kunth) ameliorate infertility of male mice with alloxan-induced hyperglycemia. International Journal of Biomedical Research, 10 (02). pp. 1-4. ISSN 0976-9633

Kanedi, Mohammad (2019) Sub Lethal And Lethal Effects Of Crude Leaves Extract Of Gamal (Gliricidia Maculata) On Red Ants (Solenopsis Sp.). Specialty Journal Of Biological Sciences, 5 (2). pp. 27-32. ISSN 2412-7396

Yulianty, yuli and Nurcahyani, Endang and Kanedi, Mohammad and Farisi, Salman (2018) Pelatihan budidaya Jamur tiram merah (Pleurotus flabellatus ) dan diversifikasi produk olahan jamur tiram di Desa Pal Putih I Kecamatan JatiAgung Lampung Selatan. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Hasil-hasil Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat 2018, 1 (1). pp. 340-344. ISSN 978-602-0860-27-5

Kanedi, Mohammad (2018) Expression of HIF-1, VEGF-β and Caspase-3 in Myocardium of Rats Subjected to Hypoxic-Hyperglycemic Condition. International Journal of Biomedical Research, 09 (12). pp. 403-408. ISSN 0976-9633

Kanedi, Mohammad (2018) SPERMS QUALITY OF MICE DECREASED BY SEED EXTRACT OF PAPAYA (CARICA PAPAYA L.). European Journal of Biomedical AND Pharmaceutical sciences, 5 (8). pp. 95-98. ISSN 2349-8870

Busman, Hendri and Nurcahyani, Nuning and Sutyarso, Sutyarso and Dewi, Eka Ratna Susmala and Kanedi, Mohammad (2018) SPERMS QUALITY OF MICE DECREASED BY SEED EXTRACT OF PAPAYA (Carica papaya L.). European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 5 (8). pp. 95-98. ISSN 2349-8870

Busman, Hendri and Nuning, Nurcahyani and Sutyarso, Sutyarso and Kanedi, Mohammad (2018) SPERMS QUALITY OF MICE DECREASED BY SEED EXTRACT OF PAPAYA (CARICA PAPAYA L.). European Journal of Biomedical AND Pharmaceutical sciences, 5 (8). pp. 95-98. ISSN SSN 2349-8870

Sutyarso, Sutyarso and Annida, Sumayyah and Kanedi, Mohammad and Busman, Hendri and Nurcahyani, N (2018) PENURUNAN LAJU PENUAAN REPRODUKSI MENCIT JANTAN (Mus muculus.Linn)DENGAN PEMBERIAN EKSTRAK JAHE (Zingiber officinale) DALAM PAKAN. Jurnal Biologi Eksperimen dan Keanekaragaman Hayati, 5 (1). pp. 1-10. ISSN 2338-4344

Busman, Hendri and Nurcahyani, Nuning and Sutyarso, Sutyarso and Dewi, Eka Ratna Susmala and Kanedi, Mohammad (2018) SPERMS QUALITY OF MICE DECREASED BY SEED EXTRACT OF PAPAYA (CARICA PAPAYA L.). European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 5 (8). pp. 95-98. ISSN 2349-8870

Nurcahyani, N and Busman, Hendri and Sutyarso, Sutyarso and Rahmawati, Dwi Pratami and Kanedi, Mohammad (2018) Antispermatogenic Effect of Seeds Extract of Papaya (Carica papaya L.) in Mice. The Pharmaceutical and Chemical Journal, 5 (4). pp. 18-22. ISSN 2349-7092

Yulianty, Yulianty and Kanedi, Mohammad and Martha, Lulus Lande and Nuning, Nurcahyani and Indah Yusni, Indah Yusni (2018) Potency of Leaf Extracts of Cocor Bebek (Kalanchoe pinnata) as Hair-Growth Promoting Agent. Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences (SAJB), 6 (4). pp. 330-334. ISSN 2321-6883

Yulianty, Yulianty and Martha L., Lande and Nuning, Nurcahyani and Kanedi, Mohammad (2018) Potency of Leaf Extracts of Cocor Bebek (Kalanchoe pinnata) as HairGrowth Promoting Agent. Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences (SAJB), 6 (4). pp. 330-334. ISSN 2321-6883

Kanedi, Mohammad (2018) Effect of Styrofoam Waste Feeds on the Growth, Development and Fecundity of Mealworms (Tenebrio molitor). OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences, 18 (1). pp. 24-28. ISSN 1608-4217

Kanedi, Mohammad (2018) Potency of Leaf Extracts of Cocor Bebek (Kalanchoe pinnata) as Hair-Growth Promoting Agent. Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences (SAJB), 6 (4). pp. 330-334. ISSN 2347-9515


Busman, Hendri and Nurcahyani, Nuning and Sutyarso, Sutyarso and Kanedi, Mohammad (2018) CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF THE ESSENTIAL OILS DISTILLED FROM TUBER OF RUMPUT TEKI (CYPERUS ROTUNDUS LINN.) GROWING IN TANGGAMUS,LAMPUNG, INDONESIA. European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 5 (4). pp. 69-72. ISSN 2349-8870

Pratami, Gina Dania and Kanedi, Mohammad and Nukmal, Nismah (2018) Bioassay of Leaves Extract of Gamal (Gliricidia sepium) Against Papaya Mealybugs Paracoccus marginatus (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae). Scholars Joyrnals of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences (SJAVS), 5 (3). pp. 162-165. ISSN 2348-1854

Kanedi, Mohammad (2018) Bioassay of Leaves Extract of Gamal (Gliricidia sepium) Against Papaya Mealybugs Paracoccus marginatus (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae). Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences (SJAVS), 5 (3). pp. 162-165. ISSN 2348–1854

Busman, Hendri and Nurcahyani, Nuning and Kanedi, Mohammad (2018) CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF THE ESSENTIAL OILS DISTILLED FROM TUBER OF RUMPUT TEKI (CYPERUS ROTUNDUS LINN.) GROWING IN TANGGAMUS, LAMPUNG, INDONESIA. European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 5 (4). pp. 69-72. ISSN 2349-8870


Kanedi, Mohammad (2018) Ploidy Levels Based on the Cromosomal Counts of Banana Germplasm In Bandar Lampung, Indonesia. IOSR Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science (IOSR-JAVS), 11 (2). pp. 81-83. ISSN 2319-2380

Kanedi, Mohammad (2018) Diversity of Phytotelmic Mosquito is Not Correlated with the Diversity of Phytotelmata: A Survey Report from Lampung, Indonesia. Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences (SAJB), 6 (1). pp. 22-27. ISSN 2321-6883

Rosa, Emantis and Simangunsong, Santi Naumi and Kanedi, Mohammad (2018) Diversity of Phytotelmic Mosquito is Not Correlated with the Diversity of Phytotelmata: A Survey Report from Lampung, Indonesia. Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences (SAJB), 6 (1). pp. 22-27. ISSN 2321-6883

Kanedi, Mohammad (2018) Antispermatogenic Effect of Seeds Extract of Papaya (Carica papaya L.) in Mice. The Pharmaceutical and Chemical Journal, 5 (4). pp. 18-22. ISSN 2349-7092

Nurcahyani, Nuning and Busman, Hendri and Sutyarso, Sutyarso and Rahmawati, Dwi Pratami and Kanedi, Mohammad (2018) Antispermatogenic Effect of Seeds Extract of Papaya (Carica papaya L.) in Mice. The Pharmaceutical and Chemical Journal, 5 (4). pp. 18-22. ISSN 2349-7092

Nurcahyani, Nuning and Busman, Hendri and Sutyarso, Sutyarso and Rahmawati, Pratami Dwi and Kanedi, Mohammad (2018) Antispermatogenic Effect of Seeds Extract of Papaya (Carica papaya L.) in Mice. The Pharmaceutical and Chemical Journal, 5 (4). pp. 18-22. ISSN 2349-7092

Nurcahyani, Nuning and Busman, Hendri and Sutyarso, Sutyarso and Kanedi, Mohammad (2018) CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF THE ESSENTIAL OILS DISTILLED FROM TUBER OF RUMPUT TEKI (CYPERUS ROTUNDUS LINN.) GROWING IN TANGGAMUS, LAMPUNG, INDONESIA. European Journal of Biomedical AND Pharmaceutical sciences. ISSN ISSN 2349

Sutyarso, Sutyarso and Annida, Sumayah and Kanedi, Mohammad and Busman, Hendri and Nurcahyani, Nuning (2018) Penurunan Laju Penuaan Reproduksi Mencit Jantan (Mus muculus.Linn) Dengan Pemberian Ekstrak Jahe (Zingiber officinale) dalam Pakan. Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Eksperimen dan Keanekaragaman Hayati.

Kanedi, Mohammad (2017) Gene Polymorphism of Angiotensin II Type 1 Receptor (Agtr1) As A Risk Factor of Diabetic Nephropathy In Indonesian Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS), 16 (12). pp. 66-68. ISSN 2279-0853

Kanedi, Mohammad (2017) Root Extract of Purwoceng (Pimpinella pruatjan) Enhances Aggressiveness, but Not Libido, in Male Mice. Annual Research & Review in Biology, 20 (2). pp. 1-6. ISSN 2347-565X

Kanedi, Mohammad (2017) Hair-growth promoting activity of plant extracts of suruhan (Peperomia pellucida) in Rabbits. IOSR Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences (IOSR-JPBS), 12 (5). pp. 18-23. ISSN e-ISSN:2278-3008

Kanedi, Mohammad and Sutyarso, Sutyarso and Busman, Hendri and Nurcahyani, Nuning and Nurkhasanah, Wiwit (2017) Root Extract of Purwoceng (Pimpinella pruatjan) Enhances Aggressiveness, but Not Libido, in Male Mice. Annual Research & Review in Biology, x (x). pp. 1-6. ISSN 2347-565X

Kanedi, Mohammad and Nukmal, Nismah and Rosa, Emantis (2017) Insecticidal Effects of the Flavonoid-rich Fraction of Leaves Extract of Gamal (Gliricidia sepium) on the Coffee Mealybugs (Planococcus citri Risso.). Annual Research & Review in Biology, 16 (6). pp. 1-9. ISSN 2347-565X

Wulandari, Lusia Asih and Sutyarso, Sutyarso and Kanedi, Mohammad (2017) Early menarche and high parity contribute to better sexual-quality of life in perimenopausal women. Early menarche and high parity contribute to better sexual-quality of life in perimenopausal women, 4 (6). pp. 1841-1846. ISSN pISSN 2394-6032 | eISSN 2394-6040

Kanedi, Mohammad (2017) METHANOL PLANT EXTRACT OF RUMPUT TEKI (CYPERUS ROTUNDUS L.) CAUSING FETAL SKELETON RETARDMENT IN MICE. European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 4 (6). pp. 128-131. ISSN 2349-8870

Kanedi, Mohammad (2017) METHANOL PLANT EXTRACT OF RUMPUT TEKI (CYPERUS ROTUNDUS L.) CAUSING FETAL SKELETON RETARDMENT IN MICE. European Journal of Biomedical AND Pharmaceutical sciences, 4 (6). pp. 128-131. ISSN 2349-8870

Muhartono, Muhartono and Sukohar, Asep and Sutyarso, Sutyarso and Kanedi, Mohammad (2017) Mucoxin (Acetogenin) Induce Expression of Pro-Apoptosis Proteins, Bax and p53, in T47D Breast Cancer Cells. Biomedical & Pharmacology Journal, 10 (2). pp. 641-649. ISSN 0974-6242

Kanedi, Mohammad (2017) Child Science Skill Improvement through Hands-On Learning Activities in Kindergarten with Limited Human Resources and Facilities. American Journal of Educational Research, 5 (5). pp. 540-545.

Kanedi, Mohammad (2017) Child Science Skill Improvement through Hands-On Learning Activities in Kindergarten with Limited Human Resources and Facilities. American Journal of Educational Research, 5 (5). pp. 540-545. ISSN 2327-6126

Kanedi, Mohammad (2017) Inhibitory Effect of Carbofuran Furadan 3G on the Cocoon Production and Viability in Pheretima javanica Gates. IOSR Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology, 11 (5 Vers). pp. 59-62. ISSN 2319-2399

Muhartono, Muhartono and Sukohar, Asep and Sutyarso, Sutyarso and Kanedi, Mohammad (2017) Mucoxin (Acetogenin) Induce Expression of Pro-Apoptosis Proteins, Bax and p53, in T47D Breast Cancer Cells. Biomedical & Pharmacology Journal, 10 (2). pp. 641-649.


Yulianty, Yulianty and Kanedi, Mohammad (2017) HERBAL GEL CONTAINING CORM EXTRACT OF PISANG KEPOK (MUSA BALBISIANA) PROMOTE HAIR GROWTH OF RABBIT. European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 4 (4). pp. 27-32. ISSN 2349-8870

Kanedi, Mohammad (2017) HERBAL GEL CONTAINING CORM EXTRACT OF PISANG KEPOK (MUSA BALBISIANA) PROMOTE HAIR GROWTH OF RABBIT. European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 4 (4). pp. 27-32. ISSN 2349-8870

Kanedi, Mohammad (2017) ANTIBACTERIAL EFFECTS OF ETHANOLIC LEAF EXTRACTS OF BACHANG (MANGIFERA FOETIDA LOUR.) ON STREPTOCOCCUS MUTANS. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 6 (3). pp. 184-192. ISSN 2277– 7105

Kanedi, Mohammad (2017) Ameliorative Properties of Crude Diosgenin from Costus speciosus and Taurine on Testicular Disorders in Alloxan-Induced Diabetic Mice. Biomedical and Pharmacology Journal, 10 (1). pp. 9-17. ISSN 2456–2610

Yulianty, Yulianty and Kanedi, Mohammad (2017) ANTIBACTERIAL EFFECTS OF ETHANOLIC LEAF EXTRACTS OF BACHANG (MANGIFERA FOETIDA LOUR.) ON STREPTOCOCCUS MUTANS. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 6 (3). pp. 184-192. ISSN 2277– 7105

Lande, Martha L. and Kanedi, Mohammad and Zulkifli, Z. and Handayani, T.T. and Subowo, Dini A. (2017) SUPPRESSIVE EFFECTS OF LANTANA CAMARA LEAF EXTRACTS ON THE GROWTH OF RED CHILLI (CAPSICUM ANNUUM). World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences, 3 (1). pp. 543-551. ISSN 2454-2229

Kanedi, Mohammad (2017) SUPPRESSIVE EFFECTS OF LANTANA CAMARA LEAF EXTRACTS ON THE GROWTH OF RED CHILLI (CAPSICUM ANNUUM). World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences, 3 (1). pp. 543-551. ISSN 2454-2229

Widiastuti, E.L. and Sutyarso, Sutyarso and Gregorius, Nugroho Susanto and Rudini, Mahmud and Kanedi, Mohammad (2017) Ameliorative Properties of Crude Diosgenin from Costus speciosus and Taurine on Testicular Disorders in Alloxan-Induced Diabetic Mice. Biomedical & Pharmacology Journal, 10 (1). 09-17. ISSN 0974-6242

Widiastuti, E.L. and Sutyarso, Sutyarso and Gregorius, Nugroho Susanto and Rudini, Mahmud and Kanedi, Mohammad (2017) Ameliorative Properties of Crude Diosgenin from Costus speciosus and Taurine on Testicular Disorders in Alloxan-Induced Diabetic Mice. Biomedical & Pharmacology Journal, 10 (1). 09-17. ISSN 0974-6242

Kanedi, Mohammad (2017) DIUERETIC ACTIVITY OF PLANT EXTRACT OF GARDEN SPURGE (EUPHORBIA HIRTA L.) ON MALE WISTAR RATS. European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 4 (1). pp. 516-519. ISSN 2349-8870

Kanedi, Mohammad (2017) Alternatif Bahan Pembungkus Kalium Hidroksida (KOH) dalam Penyerapan O2 dalam Percobaan Respirasi. Jurnal Penelitian Sains, 19 (1). pp. 19104-17. ISSN 1410-7058

Widiastuti, E.L. and Sutyarso, Sutyarso and Susanto, Gregorius Nugroho and Rudini, Mahmud and Kanedi, Mohammad (2017) Ameliorative Properties of Crude Diosgenin from Costus speciosus and Taurine on Testicular Disorders in Alloxan-Induced Diabetic Mice. Biomedical & Pharmacology Journal, 10 (1). 09-17.

nurjanah, siti and samsuar, s and nopiyansah, n and Lande, Martha L. and Kanedi, Mohammad (2017) Duretic Activity of Plant Extract of Garden Spurge (Euphorbia Hirta L.) on Male Wistar Rats. European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 4 (01). pp. 516-519. ISSN 2349-8870

Kanedi, Mohammad (2017) Early menarche and high parity contribute to better sexual-quality of life in perimenopausal women. International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health, 4 (6). pp. 1841-1846. ISSN 2394-6040

Kanedi, Mohammad (2017) Ethogram of mating and male mate-locating strategy of Papilio peranthus (Lepidoptera:Papilionidae) at Gita Persada butterfly park,Lampung, Indonesia. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies, 5 (1). pp. 869-874. ISSN 2320-7078

Evi, Kurniawaty and Kanedi, Mohammad and Hamim, Sadewa (2017) Gene Polymorphism of Angiotensin II Type 1 Receptor (Agtr1) As A Risk Factor of Diabetic Nephropathy In Indonesian Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS), 12 (16). pp. 66-68. ISSN 2279-0853

Evi, Kurniawaty and Kanedi, Mohammad and sadewa, Hamin (2017) Gene Polymorphism of Angiotensin II Type 1 Receptor (Agtr1) As A Risk Factor of Diabetic Nephorpathy In Indonesia Patient With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS), 16 (12). pp. 66-68. ISSN 2279-0853

Kanedi, Mohammad and Muhartono, Muhartono and Sutyarso, Sutyarso (2017) Mucoxin (Acetogenin) Induce Expression of Pro-Apoptosis Proteins, Bax and p53, in T47D Breast Cancer Cells. Biomedical & Pharmacology Journal, 10 (2). pp. 641-649. ISSN 2456–2610

Kanedi, Mohammad (2017) Physiological Effects of Carbofuran on Earthworm Pheretima javanica Gates. Advances in Life Sciences, 7 (2). pp. 21-25. ISSN 2163-1395

Kanedi, Mohammad (2017) Phytotelmata Might Account for the High Prevalence of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever in Lampung, Indonesia. Advances in Life Sciences, 7 (2). pp. 15-20. ISSN 2163-1395

Rosa, Emantis and Kanedi, Mohammad and Oktaviani, Putri Minggar and Ningsih, Welmi Nopia (2017) Phytotelmata Might Account for the High Prevalence ofDengue Hemorrhagic Fever in Lampung, Indonesia. Advances in Life Sciences, 7 (2). pp. 15-20. ISSN p-ISSN: 2163-1387 e-ISSN: 2163-1395

Kanedi, Mohammad (2016) Determination of the Falciparum Malaria Resistance to Artemisinin-based Combination Therapies in Pesawaran, Lampung, Indonesia. Asian Journal of Epidemiology, 10 (1). pp. 19-25. ISSN 1992-1462

Hendri, Busman and Yanwirasti, Yanwirasti and Jamsari, jamsari and Djong, Hon Tjong and Kanedi, Mohammad (2016) ANTIESTROGENIC EFFECT OF TUBER EXTRACT OF CYPERUS ROTUNDUS L. ON THE ENDOMETRIAL THICKNESS OF MICE (MUS MUSCULUS L.). World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences, 2 (3). pp. 341-347. ISSN 2454-2229

Kanedi, Mohammad (2016) ANTIESTROGENIC EFFECT OF TUBER EXTRACT OF CYPERUS ROTUNDUS L. ON THE ENDOMETRIAL THICKNESS OF MICE. World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences, 2 (6). pp. 341-347. ISSN 2454-2229

Kanedi, Mohammad (2016) INHIBITORY EFFECT OF AQUEOUS LEAF EXTRACT OF BANDOTAN (Ageratum conyzoides) AGAINST THE GROWTH OF RED CHILLI. World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences, 2 (6). pp. 332-340. ISSN 2454-2229

Lande, Martha L. and Zulkifli, Z. and Harnani, Maria R. and Kanedi, Mohammad (2016) INHIBITORY EFFECT OF AQUEOUS LEAF EXTRACT OF BANDOTAN (Ageratum conyzoides) AGAINST THE GROWTH OF RED CHILLI (Capsicum annuum). World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences, 2 (6). pp. 332-340. ISSN 2454-2229


Busman, Hendri and Yanwirasti, Yanwirasti and Jamsari, Jamsari and Tjong, Djong Hon and Kanedi, Mohammad (2016) ANTIESTROGENIC EFFECT OF TUBER EXTRACT OF CYPERUS ROTUNDUS L. ON THE ENDOMETRIAL THICKNESS OF MICE (MUS MUSCULUS L.). World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences. pp. 341-347. ISSN 2454-2229

Kanedi, Mohammad (2016) Allelopathic Effects of Aqueous Rhizome Extract of Kaempferia galanga on the Growth of Red Chilli (Capsicum annuum). Plant, 4 (6). pp. 114-118. ISSN 2331-0677

Fitriana, Elisa N. and Widiastuti, E.L. and Nurcahyani, N and Kanedi, Mohammad (2016) THE EFFECT OF FOOD ADDITION OF SULFONIC AMINO ACID TAURINE ON THE GROWTH AND SURVIVAL RATE OF JUVENILE GOURAMY (Osphronemus gouramy Lac.). Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Eksperimen dan Keanekaragaman Hayati, 2 (2). pp. 49-54. ISSN 2338-4344

Kanedi, Mohammad (2016) Burns Inoculated with Staphylococcus aureus Healed by Leaf Sheath Extract of Pisang Ambon (Musa acuminata). Journal of Herbal Medicine Research, 1 (2). 0040-0046. ISSN 2474-106X

Kanedi, Mohammad (2016) Testicular Dysfunction in Male Rats Reversed by Ethanolic Extract of Pitaya Fruit. Journal of Diseases and Medicinal Plants, 2 (4). pp. 51-55. ISSN 2469-8210

Kanedi, Mohammad and Sutyarso, Sutyarso and Nurjanah, Siti and Wahidah, Lilik Koernia (2016) Testicular Dysfunction in Male Rats Reversed by Ethanolic Extract of Pitaya Fruit. Journal of Diseases and Medicinal Plants, 2 (4). pp. 51-55. ISSN 2469-8210

Kanedi, Mohammad (2016) Anti-proliferative and Apoptotic Effects of Mucoxin (Acetogenin) in T47D Breast Cancer Cells. Biomedical and Pharmacology Journal, 9 (2). pp. 491-498. ISSN 2456–2610

Muhartono, Muhartono and Sukohar, Asep and Sutyarso, Sutyarso and Kanedi, Mohammad (2016) Anti-proliferative and Apoptotic Effects of Mucoxin (Acetogenin) in T47D Breast Cancer Cells. Biomedical & Pharmacology Journal, 9 (2). pp. 491-498. ISSN 0974-6242

Sutyarso, Sutyarso and Muhartono, Muhartono and Busman, Hendri and Kanedi, Mohammad (2016) Testicular Function of Rats Treated with Water Extract of Red Ginger (Zingiber officinale var.rubrum) Combined with Zinc. Journal of Food and Nutrition Research, 4 (3). pp. 157-162. ISSN 2374-1163

Sutyarso, Sutyarso and Muhartono, Muhartono and Susianti, Susianti and Hendri, Busman and Kanedi, Mohammad (2016) Testicular Function of Rats Treated with Water Extract of Red Ginger (Zingiber officinale var.rubrum)Combined with Zinc. Journal of Food and Nutrition Research, 4 (3). pp. 157-162. ISSN 2374-1163

Lande, Martha L. and Kanedi, Mohammad and Zulfia, Anne and Arifiani, Nindya P (2016) Allelopathic Effects of Aqueous Rhizome Extract of Kaempferia galanga on the Growth of Red Chilli (Capsicum annuum). Allelopathic Effects of Aqueous Rhizome Extract of Kaempferia galanga on the Growth of Red Chilli (Capsicum annuum), 4 (6). pp. 114-118. ISSN 2331-0669 (Print); ISSN: 2331-0677 (Online)

Sutyarso, Sutyarso and Busman, Hendri and Kanedi, Mohammad and Muhartono, Muhartono (2016) Rhizome Extract of White Ginger (Zingiber officinale Roxb) Maintains Testicular Function of Aging Mice. International Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences, 5 (3). pp. 175-178. ISSN 2327-2716

Kanedi, Mohammad (2016) Mucoxin (Acetogenin) Inhibits Proliferation of T47D Breast Cancer by Suppressing Expression of Cyclin D1 Mediated by p53. International Journal of Cancer Research, 12 (2). pp. 101-108. ISSN 1811-9727

Kanedi, Mohammad (2016) The Effect of Fruit Extracts of Black Pepper on the Fertility Potential of Male Albino Rats. American Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 3 (1). pp. 1-4. ISSN 2328-4099

Kanedi, Mohammad (2016) HEALING EFFECT OF LEAF EXTRACT OF CANDLEBUSH (CASSIA ALATA L.) ON CUTANEOUS WOUND INFECTED WITHTRICHOPHYTON RUBRUM. World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences, 2 (5). pp. 42-50. ISSN 2454-2229

Kanedi, Mohammad (2016) PENGGUNAAN KAPUR API (CaO) UNTUK MEMINIMALKAN KELEMBABAN RUANG PENYIMPANAN PERALATAN OPTIK LABORATORIUM. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Sains Matematika Informatika dan Aplikasinya IV, 4 (2). pp. 43-50. ISSN 2086 – 2342

Kanedi, Mohammad (2016) Rhizome Extract of White Ginger (Zingiber officinale Roxb) Maintains Testicular Function of Aging Mice. International Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences, 5 (3). pp. 175-178. ISSN 2327-2716

Kanedi, Mohammad (2016) Testicular Function of Rats Treated with Water Extract of Red Ginger (Zingiber officinale var.rubrum) Combined with Zinc. Journal of Food and Nutrition Research, 4 (3). pp. 157-162. ISSN 2374-1163

Kanedi, Mohammad (2015) Effects of Black Pepper (Piper nigrum Linn.) Extract on Sexual Drive in Male Mice. Research Journal of Medicinal Plant, 9 (1). pp. 42-47. ISSN 1819-3455

Witriani, Wida and Widiastuti, E.L. and Kanedi, Mohammad and Nurcahyani, Nuning (2014) BIOASSAY EKSTRAK Selaginella willdenowii DENGAN BRINE SHRIMP LETHALITY TEST (BSLT). Jurnal Ilmiah : Biologi Eksperimen dan Keanekaragaman Hayati, 2 (1). pp. 46-49. ISSN ISSN : 2338-4344

Kanedi, Mohammad (2014) Effects of Sexual Dysfunction on Female Teachers Performance. American Journal of Public Health Research, 2 (6). pp. 244-247. ISSN 2327-6703

Kanedi, Mohammad (2014) Impacts of Herbicide Exposure on Seminal Parameters among Oil Palm Plantation Workers in Lampung Province, Indonesia. American Journal of Biomedical Research, 2 (4). pp. 83-87. ISSN 2328-3955

Putri, Ayu Nirarai and Widiastuti, E.L. and Nurcahyani, Nuning and Kanedi, Mohammad (2014) Pemberian Inositol Terhadap Peningkatan Pertumbuhan dan SintasanJuvenil Ikan Gurami (Osphronemusgouramy Lac.). Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Eksperimen dan Keanekaragaman Hayati, 2 (2).

Ismiyati, Feni and Nurcahyani, Nuning and Kanedi, Mohammad (2013) PENGARUH KEBISINGAN TERHADAP KADAR GLUKOSA DARAH MENCIT (Mus musculus L.) JANTAN. Jurnal Ilmiah : Biologi Eksperimen dan Keanekaragaman Hayati, 1 (2). pp. 88-91. ISSN ISSN : 2338-4344

Quinda, Bona and Kanedi, Mohammad and Nurcahyani, Nuning and Panjaitan, Ronald HP (2013) STUDI TUMBUHAN SUMBER PAKAN MONYET EKOR PANJANG (Macaca fascicularis) DI KAWASAN YOUTH CAMP TAMAN HUTAN RAYA WAN ABDUL RACHMAN LAMPUNG. Jurnal Ilmiah : Biologi Eksperimen dan Keanekaragaman Hayati, 1 (1). pp. 44-47. ISSN ISSN : 2338-4344

Reni, Septiya and Kanedi, Mohammad and Nurcahyani, Nuning and Sutyarso, Sutyarso (2013) Histologi Testis Mencit (Mus musculus L.) Muda Dan Tua Yang Diberi Ekstrak Lada Hitam (Piper nigrum L.). Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Eksperimen dan Keanekaragaman Hayati, 1 (2).


Triyandi, Ramadhan and Iqbal, Muhammad and Sayoeti, Muhammad Fitra Wardhana and Ramdini, Dwi Aulia and Puteri, Vadiyani Fricillya and Palogan, Afna Nur Afni and Fredison, Fredison and Amrillah, Nur and Kanedi, Mohammad BURNS HEALING RATES IN RATS MEDICATED WITH LEAF EXTRACT OF TEKELAN (CHROMOLAENA ODORATA L.) OINTMENT. WORLD JOURNAL OF PHARMACY AND PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES. ISSN 2278 – 4357

Pratami, Gina and Nukmal, Nismah and Kanedi, Mohammad Bioassay of Leaves Extract of Gamal (Gliricidia sepium) Against Papaya Mealybugs Paracoccus marginatus (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae). Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences (SJAVS). ISSN 2348–1854

Putra, Bagus Susilo and Kanedi, Mohammad and Nurcahyani, Nuning and Susanto, Gregorius Nugroho Bird Species Based on Tree Height Perched in the Liwa Botanical Garden, West Lampung Regency. Jurnal Natur Indonesia, 20 (1). pp. 9-14. ISSN 14109379

Madona, Mira and Setyaningrum, Endah and Pratami, Gina and Kanedi, Mohammad EFEKTIVITAS EKSTRAK DAUN TOMAT (Solanum lycopersicum L.) SEBAGAI OVISIDA NYAMUK Aedes aegypti. Jurnal Ilmu Kedokteran dan Kesehatan Malahayati. ISSN 2355-7583 (Submitted)

Fitriana, Elisa N. and Widiastuti, E.L. and Nurcahyani, Nuning and Kanedi, Mohammad Efek Penambahan Senyawa Asam Amino Sulfonat Taurin Pada Pakan Komersil Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Kelulus Hidupan Juvenile Ikan Gurami (Osphronemus gouramy Lac.). Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Eksperimen dan Keanekaragaman Hayati, 2 (2). p. 2014.

Kanedi, Mohammad Germplasm Diversity Of Banana (Musa Spp) in The City of Bandar Lampung, Indonesia by Type of Genome and Number of Chromosome. Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences (SJAVS), 5 (4). pp. 251-254. ISSN 2348–1854

Ernawiati, Eti and Agustrina, Rochmah and Irawan, Bambang and Nurhasanah, Eka and Kanedi, Mohammad Germplasm Diversity Of Banana (Musa Spp) in The City of Bandar Lampung, Indonesia by Type of Genome and Number of Chromosome. Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences (SJAVS).

Damayanti, Berliana and Arifiyanto, Achmad and Sumardi, Sumardi and Kanedi, Mohammad and RIYANTO, CINDY LUKYTA RATIH and Putri, Meishy Handerlin and Handayani, Kusuma Pengaruh Media Pertumbuhan dan pH Terhadap Aktivitas Biosurfaktan dari Bakteri Serratia marcescens strain MBC 1 pada Minyak Jelantah. Indonesian Journal of Chemical Analysis. ISSN 2622-7401

Busman, Hendri and Sutyarso, Sutyarso and Kanedi, Mohammad and Mumtazah, Dzul Fithria Sperms quality of mice effectively decreased by essential oil extracted from plant tuber of nutgrass (Cyperus rotundus). Journal of Advanced Pharmacy Education & Research. (Submitted)

Conference or Workshop Item

Handayani, Kusuma and Kanedi, Mohammad and Farisi, Salman and Setiawan, A. Wawan (2020) Pelatihan Pengolahan Minyak Jelantah Menjadi Sabun Cuci untuk Pemberdayaan Ibu-Ibu PKK di Bandar Lampung. In: Seminar Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat ke 2 Universitas Riau, 19 November 2020, Riau Pekan Baru. (Submitted)


Yulianty, yuli and Nurcahyani, Endang and Kanedi, Mohammad and Farisi, Salman (2018) Pelatihan budidaya Jamur tiram merah (Pleurotus flabellatus ) dan diversifikasi produk olahan jamur tiram di Desa Pal Putih I Kecamatan JatiAgung Lampung Selatan. In: Seminar Nasional Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 2018, 14 November 2018, Bukit randu hotel Bandar Lampung.



Kanedi, Mohammad and Busman, Hendri and Sutyarso, Sutyarso (2010) PEMERIKSAAN STRUKTUR HISTOLOGIS DAN FUNGSI HATI MENCIT YANG TERPAPAR MEDAN LISTRIK TEGANGAN TINGGI. In: Seminar Nasional Sains & Teknologi – III, 18-19 Oktober 2010, Lembaga Penelitian – Universitas Lampung Bandar Lampung.


Lande, Martha L. and Kanedi, Mohammad and Yulianty, Yulianty (2019) Pengenalan Penyakit pada tanaman Padi (Oryza sativa L.) dan Pengendaliannya dengan menggunakan bahan alami di Desa Tanjung Tirto Kecamatan Way Bungur Kabupaten Lampung Timur. [Experiment]


Nurcahyani, Endang and Herliani, Novita and Kanedi, Mohammad (2022) BUKTI CORRESPONDING AUTHOR-Jurnal International Scopus-Biomedical & Pharmacology Journal: Antihyperuricemia Activity of Vanilla (Vanilla planifolia Andrews) Fruits Ethanol Extract to Male Mice (Mus musculus L.). Oriental Scientific Publishing Company, Biomedical & Pharmacology Journal. 2022. Vol. 15 (3): 1583-1588..

Widiastuti, E.L. and Sutyarso, Sutyarso and Susanto, Gregorius Nugroho and Rudini, Mahmud and Kanedi, Mohammad (2022) Ameliorative Properties of Crude Diosgenin from Costus speciosus and Taurine on Testicular Disorders in Alloxan-Induced Diabetic Mice (Similarity Check). FMIPA Unila. (Unpublished)

Farisi, Salman and Widiastuti, E.L. and Suratman, Suratman and Saputra, Hadi Rahmat and Kanedi, Mohammad (2022) Identification of bacteria causing Vibriosis (Vibrio sp) on white snapper (Lates calcarifer) reared in the marine cultivation ponds (Similarity Check). FMIPA Unila. (Unpublished)

Nurcahyani, Endang and Maryani, Rina and Kanedi, Mohammad and Widiastuti, Endang L. (2019) SIMILARITY INDEX of: Anti-Hypercholesterolemic Effect of Ethanol Fruit Extract of Vanilla (Vanilla planifolia Andrews) on Male Mice. Editor in Chief EJBPS, European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences. ejbps. 2019. 6(10): 39-41..

Kanedi, Mohammad and Nurhidayah, Septika and Nurcahyani, Endang and Widiastuti, Endang L. (2019) SIMILARITY INDEX of: Fruit Extract of Vanilla (Vanilla planifolia Andrews) Lowers Total Blood Glucose in Alloxan-Induced Hyperglycemic Mice. Editor in Chief EJPMR, European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research. ejpmr. 2019. 6(9). 314-316..

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