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LPPM Unila (2019) Metode pembuatan hibrida alga-silika-Fe3O4 dari biomassa Nannochloropsis sp. sebagai penyerap zat pewarna metilen biru. P00201911623.


., Buhani and ., Suharso and Aditiya, Ismi and Kausar, Radho Al and ., Sumadi and ., Rinawati (2019) Production of a Spirulina sp. algae hybrid with a silica matrix as an effective adsorbent to absorb crystal violet and methylene blue in a solution. Sustainable Environment Research, 29 (27). pp. 1-11. ISSN 24682039

., Buhani and ., Suharso and Luziana, Fitria and Rilyanti, Mita and ., Sumadi (2019) Production of adsorbent from activated carbon of palm oil shells coated by Fe3O4 particle to remove crystal violet in water. Production of adsorbent from activated carbon of palm oil shells coated by Fe3O4 particle to remove crystal violet in water, 171 (1). pp. 281-293. ISSN ISSN Print 1944-3994, ISSN Online 1944-3986


., Buhani and Aditya, Ismi and ., Suharso (2019) KINETIKA ADSORPSI KRISTAL VIOLET DAN METILEN BIRU PADA HIBRIDA ALGA Spirulina sp.-SILIKA. In: Seminar dan Rapat Tahunan (SEMIRATA) Bidang MIPA dan The International Conference on Science and Technology (ICST) 2019, 6-7 Juli 2019, Bengkulu. (Submitted)

., Buhani and Hariyanti, Fentri and ., Suharso and Rinawati, Rinawati and ., Sumadi (2019) Magnetized algae-silica hybrid from Porphyridium sp. biomass with Fe3O4 particle and its application as adsorbent for the removal of methylene blue from aqueous solution. Desalination and Water Treatment, 142 (1). pp. 331-340. ISSN 1944-3994

., Buhani and Luziana,, Fitria and ., Suharso and Rilyanti, Mita (2019) ISOTERM ADSORPSI KRISTAL VIOLET OLEH ADSORBEN KARBON AKTIF-MAGNETIT DARI CANGKANG KELAPA SAWIT. In: Seminar dan Rapat Tahunan (SEMIRATA) Bidang MIPA dan The International Conference on Science and Technology (ICST) 2019, 6-7 Juli 2019, Bengkulu. (Unpublished)

., Suharso (2019) Adsorption study of Pb(II) onto a novel calix[4]resorcinarene-chitosan hybrid. Desalination and Water Treatment, 143 (-). pp. 268-273. ISSN 19443994, 19443986

., Suharso (2019) Inhibition study of Piper betle leaf extracts to calcium carbonate (CaCO3) scale formation. In: The 8th International Conference of The Indonesian Chemical Society (ICICS) 2019, 6-7 Agustus 2019, Bogor., 6-7 August 2019, Bogor. (Unpublished)

., Suharso (2019) Piper betle leaf extract as a green inhibitor of calcium sulphate (CaSO4) scale formation. In: (ICoSITeR) 2018, Bandar Lampung.

., Suharso and ., Buhani (2019) Penghambat Kerak Ramah Lingkungan. -, - (-). Graha Ilmu, Yogyakarta. ISBN 978-623-228-044-01

., Suharso and ., Buhani and Setiososari, Eka and Kiswandono, Agung Abadi and Satria, Heri (2019) AC G3 SEBAGAI GREEN INHIBITOR PEMBENTUKAN KERAK KALSIUM KARBONAT. In: Seminar dan Rapat Tahunan (SEMIRATA) Bidang MIPA dan The International Conference on Science and Technology (ICST) 2019, 6-7 Juli 2019, Bengkulu. (Unpublished)

A.Z., Zulaicha and ., Buhani and ., Suharso (2019) Coating of active carbon from oil palm shells with magnetite particles and adsorption tests on Cu(II) ions in solution. In: The International Conference on Science and Technology (ICST) 2019, 6-7 Juli 2019, Bengkulu. (In Press)

Agung Abadi Kiswandono, Agung Abadi Kiswandono and Nurhasanah, Nurhasanah and Jamiatul, Akmal (2019) PELATIHAN DAN PENDAMPINGAN HOME INDUSTRI KELOMPOK PKK DESA FAJAR BARU: PEMBUATAN DETERGEN CAIR. In: Seminar Nasional Aplikasi Teknologi Pada Masyarakat, 9-10 Oktober 2019, Palembang. (Submitted)

Ambarwati, Yuli and Martoprawiro, Muhamad A. and Mulyani, Irma (2019) Doking Interaksi Kromium(III) dan Kromium(VI) dengan Protein Tirosin Fosfatase Sebagai Reseptor Insulin. In: Seminar dan Rapat Tahunan (SEMIRATA) Bidang MIPA dan The International Conference on Science and Technology (ICST) 2019, 6-7 Juli 2019, Bengkulu. (Unpublished)

Ambarwati, Yuli and Martoprawiro, Muhamad A. and Mulyani, Irma and ismunandar, Ismunadar and Onggo, Djulia (2019) Docking Interaction of Chromium(III) Phenylalanine with Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1338 (1). 012009. ISSN doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1338/1/012009

Ambarwati, Yuli and septiani, lia and Bahri, Syaiful and Hadi, Sutopo and Kesumaningrum, Ninuk Dewi (2019) SINTESIS SENYAWA KOMPLEKS Cr(III) DAN Cu(II) DENGAN ALANIN SEBAGAI SENYAWA ANTIDIABETES. In: Seminar Nasional Kimia 2019 UIN Sunan Gunung Djati, 26 Oktober 2019, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati, Bandung. (Unpublished)

Amrulloh, Hanif and Simanjuntak, Wasinton and Situmeang, Rudy T.M and Sagala, Sophia Lasma and Bramawanto, Rikha and Nahrowi, Ridho (2019) Effect of Dilution and Electrolysis Time on Recovery of Mg2+ As Mg(OH)2 from Bittern by Electrochemical Method. Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry Research, 8 (1). pp. 87-95. ISSN p-ISSN:2302-4690, e-ISSN:2541-0733

Bahri, Syaiful and Ambarwati, Yuli and Marlina, Lina and Utami, Utami (2019) IDENTIFICATION OF PHENYL PROPANOID COMPOUND ISOLATED FROM ROOT BARK DATUAN(Ficus vasculosa Wall. Ex Miq) AND ANTIBACTERIAL ACTIVITY TEST ON Escherichia coli. In: International Conference of Science Technology Insfrastructure and Regional Development. (Submitted)

Fadhila, Tita Nur and Rosilawati, Ila and Diawati, Chansyanah (2019) Efektivitas Model Pembelajaran POGIL untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Proses Sains pada Materi Garam Menghidrolisis. Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Kimia, 8 (2). pp. 346-359. ISSN ISSN: 2302-1772

Hadi, Sutopo and Noviany, Noviany and Suhartati, Tati and Qudus, Hardoko Insan (2019) The Antimalarial and Antibacterial Activities of Some Organotin(IV) Carboxylate compounds. In: International Conference on the Coordination and Organometallic Chemistry of Germanium, Tin and Lead, September 1-6, 2019, Saitama Japan.

Hadi, Sutopo and Suhartati, Tati and Qudus, Hardoko Insan and Yandri, Yandri (2019) The Biological Activity of Some Organotin(IV) benzoate compounds as new antimalarial agents. In: SEMIRATA-International Conference on Science and Technology (ICST) 2019 Bengkulu, 5-7 July 2019, Bengkulu. (Unpublished)

Ilim, Ilim and Bahri, Syaiful and Marjunus, Roniyus and Satria, Heri and Simanjuntak, Wasinton (2019) OLIGOMERISASI 2-VINILPIRIDIN DAN UJI AKTIVITASNYA SEBAGAI INHIBITOR KOROSI BAJA LUNAK DALAM BRINE SOLUTION YANG JENUH GAS CO2. In: Seminar & Rapat Tahunan BKS PTN Wilayah Barat Bidang MIPA 2019, 6-7 Juli 2019, Bengkulu. (Unpublished)

Ilim, Ilim and Bahri, Syaiful and Marjunus, Roniyus and Simanjuntak, Wasinton and Rilyanti, Mita (2019) Comparative study of CO2 Corrosion inhibition of mild steel in brine solution by the oligomers of 2-vinylpyridine and 4-vinylpyridine. In: The 10th International Conference on Green Technology, 2-3 Oktober 2019, Malang. (Unpublished)

Juliasih, Ni Luh Gede Ratna and Kurniasih, Sari Dewi and Laelalugina, Amila and Nurachman, Zeily (2019) Exploitation of Biosilica from Tropical Marine Diatom Cyclotella striata. In: Broad Exposure to Science and Technology 2019, 7-8 August, 2019, Bali. (Unpublished)

Kawachi, Takashi and Tanaka, Shun and Fukuda, Akinori and Sumii, Yuji and Setiawan, Andi and Kotoku, Naoyuki and Kobayashi, Motomasa and Arai, Masayoshi (2019) Target Identification of the Marine Natural Products Dictyoceratin-Aand-CasSelectiveGrowthInhibitors in Cancer Cells Adapted to Hypoxic Environments. Marine Drugs, 17 (163). pp. 1-14.

Khuluk, Rifki Husnul and Rahmat, Ali and ., Buhani and ., Suharso (2019) Removal of Methylene Blue by Adsorption onto Activated Carbon From Coconut Shell (Cocous Nucifera L.). Indonesian Journal of Science & Technology, 4 (2). pp. 229-240. ISSN e-2527-8045


Kiswandono, Agung Abadi (2019) Similarity: Copoly Eugenol Crosslinked Dialylphthalate 8% as a Carrier in Phenol and Pb(II) Metal Transport. IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series. (Unpublished)


Kiswandono, Agung Abadi and Hadi, Sutopo (2019) Copoly Eugenol Crosslinked Dialylphthalate 8% as a Carrier in Phenol and Pb(II) Metal Transport. In: ICASMI 2018 (International Conference on Applied Sciences Mathematics and Informatics), 9-11 Agustus 2018, Hotel Emersia, Bandar Lampung.

Kiswandono, Agung Abadi and Nurhasanah, Nurhasanah and Jamiatul, Akmal (2019) PELATIHAN DAN PENDAMPINGAN HOME INDUSTRI KELOMPOK PKK DESA FAJAR BARU: PEMBUATAN DETERGEN CAIR. Sakai Sembayan, 3 (3). pp. 1-6. ISSN 2550-1089 (Submitted)

Kiswandono, Agung Abadi and Nurhasanah, Nurhasanah and Jamiatul, Akmal (2019) WORKSHOP PENINGKATAN KEMAMPUAN PEMBUATAN DETERGEN CAIR SEBAGAI UPAYA MENGAKTIFKAN PENGURUS PKK DESA FAJAR BARU. In: Seminar Nasional Aplikasi Teknologi untuk Masyarakat (SNAPTEKMAS) 2019, 09-10 Oktober 2019, Palembang. (Unpublished)

Kiswandono, Agung Abadi and Nurhasanah, Nurhasanah and Nauli, Pigo and Prabowo, Rizky (2019) PENDAMPINGAN PEMBUATAN PRODUK HANDSANITIZER BERBASIS ALKOHOL PADA KELOMPOK PKK DESA FAJAR BARU. Prosiding PKM-CSR Konferensi Nasional Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat dan Corporate Social Responsibilty, 2. pp. 446-451. ISSN 2655-3570

Kiswandono, Agung Abadi and Sutopo, Hadi (2019) Copoly Eugenol Crosslinked Dialylphthalate 8% as a Carrier in Phenol and Pb(II) Metal Transport. In: The 2nd International Conference on Applied Sciences Mathematics and Informatics, 9-11 Agustus 2018, Hotel Horison, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia.

Kiswandono, Agung Abadi and Sutopo, Hadi (2019) Synthesis and characterization of co-edaf and its application test as a carrier membrane for phenol transport using polymer inclusion membrane (PIM). Synthesis and characterization of co-edaf and its application test as a carrier membrane for phenol transport using polymer inclusion membrane (PIM), 23 (5). pp. 1-9. ISSN E-ISSN No. 2278 - 4535; PRINT-ISSN 0973-6263

Kiswandono, Agung Abadi and Sutopo, Hadi (2019) The Synthesis of Copoly-Eugenol DVB 4% as Carrier Compound for Phenol Transport in Artificial Waste using PIM Method. In: Annual meeting and Seminar (SEMIRATA) of BKS PTN-B, 06-07 July 2019, Bengkulu. (Unpublished)

Kiswandono, Agung Abadi and siswanto, Heni and sumiharni, sumiharni and Munaris, Munaris and Yulia Kusuma Wardani, Yulia (2019) PELATIHAN EKONOMI KREATIF DAN EDUKASI HUKUM PADA MASYARAKAT DESA WAY TUBA. In: Seminar Nasional Aplikasi Teknologi untuk Masyarakat (SNAPTEKMAS) 2019, 09-10 Oktober 2019, Palembang. (Unpublished)

Kiswandono, Agung Abadi and siswanto, Heni and sumiharni, sumiharni and Munaris (Penulis 2), Munaris and Yulia Kusuma Wardani, Yulia (2019) PELATIHAN EKOWIRAUSAHA PRODUK DETERGEN DAN EDUKASI HUKUM DAGANG DI DESA AIR NANINGAN. In: Seminar Nasional Aplikasi Teknologi untuk Masyarakat (SNAPTEKMAS) 2019, 09-10 Oktober 2019, Palembang. (Unpublished)

Muftihana, Fita and Fadiawati, Noor and Diawati, Chansyanah (2019) Peningkatan Keterampilan Berkomunikasi Siswa SMA Menggunakan Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah Pencemaran oleh Limbah Cair Tahu. Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Kimia, 8 (2). pp. 402-416. ISSN ISSN: 2302-1772

Ni Luh Gede Ratna Juliasih, Ni Luh Gede Ratna Juliasih and pigo Nauli, Pigo Nauli and Nurhasanah, Nurhasanah and Agung Abadi Kiswandono, Agung Abadi Kiswandono (2019) TEKNIK PEMASARAN SABUN CAIR CUCI PIRING CHEMLIGHT BERBASIS ONLINE DI DESA FAJAR BARU LAMPUNG SELATAN. In: Seminar Nasional Aplikasi Teknologi Pada Masyarakat, 9-10 Oktober 2019, Palembang. (Submitted)

Ni Luh Gede Ratna Juliasih, Ni Luh Gede Ratna Juliasih and pigo nauli, Pigo Nauli and Agung Abadi Kiswandono, Agung Abadi Kiswandono and Nurhasanah, Nurhasanah (2019) TEKNIK PEMASARAN SABUN CAIR CUCI PIRING CHEMLIGHT BERBASIS ONLINE DI DESA FAJAR BARU LAMPUNG SELATAN. In: Seminar Nasional Aplikasi Teknologi Pada Masyarakat, 9-10 Oktober 2019, Palembang. (Submitted)

Noviany, Noviany (2019) Seminar dan Workshop Spektrometri Resolusi Tinggi Dalam Riset Metabolomik. In: Seminar dan Workshop Spektrometri Massa Resolusi Tinggi Dalam Riset Metabolomik, 5 September 2019, Kampus IPB Dramaga, Bogor. (Unpublished)

Noviany, Noviany (2019) Workshop Kemometrik 2019. In: Workshop Kemometrik 2019, 3-4 September 2019, Kampus IPB Taman Kencana, Bogor. (Unpublished)

Noviany, Noviany (2019) Workshop Metabolomik Berbasis NMR. In: Workshop Metabolomik Berbasis NMR, 6-7 Agustus 2019, Gedung Kimia ITB Bandung. (Unpublished)

Noviany, Noviany and Dicky, Sialdian and Andi, Setiawan and Sutopo, Hadi and Bambang, Irawan and Mohamad, Nurul Azmi (2019) Isolation and Separation Bioactive Secondary Metabolites from Jengkol Plant (Archidendron jiringa (Jack) I. C. Nielsen) Through Bioassay Guided Fractination Approach. In: The 14th Joint Conference On Chemistry, 10-11 September 2019, Solo Paragon Hotel, Surakarta, Indonesia. (Unpublished)

Noviany, Noviany and Hadi, Sutopo and Nofiani, Risa (2019) Suplemen (Syarat Tambahan) Pengajuan Guru Besar: Hibah Penelitan Unggulan Perguruan Tinggi (PDUPT) Multi tahun (2019-2021) dari Kemenristekdikti. Kemenristekdikti. (Unpublished)

Noviany, Noviany and Setiawan, Andi and Hadi, Sutopo and Irawan, Bambang (2019) Suplemen (Syarat Tambahan) Pengajuan Guru Besar: Hibah Penelitian Kerja Sama Internasional (PKSI) 2019 dari BLU-Unila. BLU-Unila. (Unpublished)

Noviany, Noviany and Sutopo, Hadi and Risa, Nofiani and Arif, Nurhidayat and Muhammad, Aziz (2019) Structure Elucidation of A New 2-Arylbenzofuran Isolated from Sesbania grandiflora. In: The 8th International Conference of The Indonesian Chemical Society (ICICS) 2019, 6-7 Agustus 2019, Bogor. (Unpublished)

Nurhasanah, Nurhasanah and Aspita, Laila and Supriyanto, Supriyanto and Siwi, Mutia Sadewi (2019) Analisis Kadar Protein, Lemak, Dan Total Asam Laktat Dari Fermentasi Kefir Berbahan Baku Kolostrum Sapi. Analit: Analytical and Environmental Chemistry, 4 (2). pp. 30-41. ISSN 2540-8224

Nurhasanah, Nurhasanah and Heri Satria, Heri Satria and Aspita, Laila and Widya, Kusuma (2019) KARAKTERISTIK MOLEKULAR MIKROBA INDIGEN ISOLAT TERPILIH DARI LIMBAH PADAT SINGKONG. In: Seminar Nasional Kimia 2019, 26 Oktober 2019, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati, Bandung. (Submitted)

Nurhasanah, Nurhasanah and Heri Satria, Heri Satria and Aspita, Laila and Widya, Kusuma (2019) Seminar Nasional Kimia 2019. In: Seminar Nasional Kimia 2019 UIN Sunan Gunung Djati, 26 Oktober 2019, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati, Bandung. (Submitted)

Nurhasanah, Nurhasanah and Heri Satria, Heri Satria and Aspita, Laila and Widya, Kusuma (2019) Seminar Nasional Kimia 2019. In: Seminar Nasional Kimia 2019 UIN Sunan Gunung Djati, 26 Oktober 2019, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati, Bandung. (Submitted)

Nurhasanah, Nurhasanah and Heri Satria, Heri Satria and Aspita, Laila and Widya, Kusuma (2019) Seminar Nasional Kimia 2019. In: Seminar Nasional Kimia 2019 UIN Sunan Gunung Djati, 26 Oktober 2019, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati, Bandung. (Submitted)

Nurhasanah, Nurhasanah and Intan, Tsamratul Fuadah and Heri Satria, Heri Satria and Suripto, Suripto (2019) Isolasi Eksopolisakarida dari Bakteri Asam Laktat Hasil Fermentasi Kefir Kolostrum. In: Seminar Nasional Sains MIPA, Informatika dan Aplikasinya V, 24 Oktober 2019, FMIPA Universitas Lampung. (Submitted)

Nurhasanah, Nurhasanah and Siwi, Mutia Sadewi and Supriyanto, Supriyanto and Aspita, Laila (2019) Analisis Kadar Protein, Lemak, Dan Total Asam Laktat Dari Fermentasi Kefir Berbahan Baku Kolostrum Sapi. In: Seminar Nasional Sains MIPA, Informatika dan Aplikasinya V, 24 Oktober 2019, FMIPA Universitas Lampung. (Submitted)

Nurhasanah, Nurhasanah and Siwi, Mutia Sadewi and Supriyanto, Supriyanto and Aspita, Laila (2019) Analisis Kadar Protein, Lemak, Dan Total Asam Laktat Dari Fermentasi Kefir Berbahan Baku Kolostrum Sapi. In: Seminar Nasional Sains MIPA, Informatika dan Aplikasinya V, 24 Oktober 2019, FMIPA Universitas Lampung. (Submitted)

Nurhasanah, Nurhasanah and Siwi, Mutia Sadewi and Supriyanto, Supriyanto and Aspita, Laila (2019) Analisis Kadar Protein, Lemak, Dan Total Asam Laktat Dari Fermentasi Kefir Berbahan Baku Kolostrum Sapi. In: Seminar Nasional Sains MIPA, Informatika dan Aplikasinya V, 24 Oktober 2019, FMIPA Universitas Lampung. (Submitted)

Pandiangan, Kamisah Delilawati and Damayanti, Putri and Riyanti, Faulia and Simanjuntak, Wasinton (2019) UJI AKTIVITAS KATALITIK ZSM-5 YANG DISINTESIS MENGGUNAKAN SILIKA SEKAM PADI DAN AL(OH)3 PADA REAKSI TRANSESTERIFIKASI MINYAK KELAPA SAWIT. In: Seminar Nasional Sains, Matematika, Informatika dan Aplikasinya (SN-SMIAP) V, 24-25 Oktober 2019, FMIPA Universitas Lampung. (Unpublished)

Pandiangan, Kamisah Delilawati and Simanjuntak, Wasinton and Ilim, Ilim and Herasari, Dian and Alista, Diska Indah (2019) Preparation of ZSM-5 from Rice Husk Silica and Aluminum Foil Using Tetrapropylammonium Bromide(TPABr)as a Template. In: The 10th International Conference on Green Technology ICGT, 2-3 Oktober 2019, Malang. (Unpublished)

Pandiangan, Kamisah Delilawati and Simanjuntak, Wasinton and Ilim, Ilim and Rilyanti, Mita and Herasari, Dian (2019) PENGARUH WAKTU KRISTALISASI TERHADAP STRUKTUR DAN MIKROSTRUKTUR SERTA AKTIVITAS KATALITIK ZSM-5 BERBASIS SILIKA SEKAM PADI. In: SEMIRATA BKS PTN BARAT BIDANG MIPA 2019 & The 2nd ICST "Science and Technology for Nation Prosperity", 6-7 Juli 2019, Bengkulu. (Unpublished)

Pandiangan, Kamisah Delilawati and Simanjuntak, Wasinton and Pratiwi, Endah and Rilyanti, Mita (2019) Characteristics and catalytic activity of zeolite-a synthesized from rice husk silica and aluminium metal by sol-gel method. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1338 (1). pp. 1-9. ISSN 1742-6596

Pandiangan, Kamisah Delilawati and Simanjuntak, Wasinton and Satria, Heri and Ilim, Ilim and Jamarun, Novesar (2019) Catalytic Performance of CaO/SiO2 Prepared from Local Limestone Industry and Rice Husk Silica. The Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry Research, 8 (2). pp. 170-178. ISSN 2302-4690

Permatasari, Desy and ., Buhani and Rilyanti, Mita and ., Suharso (2019) Adsorption Isotherm Of Multicomponent Solution Of Cu(II) Ions, Crystal Violet, And Methylene Blue On Silica- Magnetite Porphyridium sp. Algae Hybrid. In: The 5TH International Conference on Science, Technology and Interdisciplinary Research (IC-STAR) 2019, 23-25 September 2019, Bandar Lampung. (Submitted)

Qudus, Hardoko Insan (2019) Peer Reviewed of Analysis of Chlorophyll Phalaenopsis amabilis (L.) Bl. Results of the Resistance to Fusarium oxysporum and Drought Stressand Their Modification Result. International Organization Of Scientific Research (IOSR), India.

Qudus, Hardoko Insan (2019) Peer Reviewed of The Potency Study of Organotin(IV) 3-Nitrobenzoate Compounds as Antimalarial Agents. IOP Publishing.

Qudus, Hardoko Insan (2019) Peer Reviewed of The potential of derivatives of organotin(IV) benzoate compounds in medicinal chemistry. IOP Publishing.

Qudus, Hardoko Insan (2019) Similarity Index of Analysis of Chlorophyll Phalaenopsis amabilis (L.) Bl. Results of the Resistance to Fusarium oxysporum and Drought Stressand Their Modification Result. International Organization Of Scientific Research (IOSR), India.

Qudus, Hardoko Insan (2019) Similarity Index of The Potency Study of Organotin(IV) 3-Nitrobenzoate Compounds as Antimalarial Agents. IOP Publishing.

Qudus, Hardoko Insan (2019) Similarity Index of The potential of derivatives of organotin(IV) benzoate compounds in medicinal chemistry. IOP Publishing.

R.A, Kausar and ., Buhani and ., Suharso (2019) Methylene Blue Adsorption Isotherm on Spirulina sp. Microalgae Biomass The coated Silica-Magnetite. In: The 5TH International Conference on Science, Technology and Interdisciplinary Research (IC-STAR) 2019, 23-25 September 2019, Bandar Lampung. (Submitted)

Ridho, Nahrowi and Andi, Setiawan and Noviany, Noviany and Irza, Sukmana and Suripto, D Yuwono (2019) Peer reviewed of The Improvement of Paclitaxel Cytotoxicity using Nanocellulose based Nature Resources. Faculty of Engineering, University of Lampung.

Ridho, Nahrowi and Andi, Setiawan and Noviany, Noviany and Irza, Sukmana and Suripto, Dwi Yuwono (2019) Similarity index of The Improvement of Paclitaxel Cytotoxicity using Nanocellulose based Nature Resources. Faculty of Engineering, University of Lampung.

Rika, Sulistyo Rini and imelda, Fajriati and Kiswandono, Agung Abadi (2019) PENGARUH PENAMBAHAN HIDROGEN PEROKSIDA (H2O2) TERHADAP EFEKTIVITAS FOTODEGRADASI NAPHTHOL MENGGUNAKAN FOTOKATALIS TIO2. Analit: Analytical and Environmental Chemistry, 4 (1). pp. 26-40. ISSN 2540-8224

Rinawati, Rinawati and Hidayat, Diky and Supriyanto, Supriyanto and Permana, Ferdian Diky and Yunita, Yunita (2019) Adsorption of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons using Low-Cost Activated Carbon Derived from Rice Husk. In: International Conference on Applied Sciences Mathematics and Informatics ( ICASMI) , 9 - 11 Agustus 2018, 10 Agustus 2018, at Horison Hotel, Lampung, Indonesia.

Rinawati, Rinawati and Sidabalok, Christian Paul Partogi and Supriyanto, Supriyanto and Kiswandono, Agung Abadi and Hidayat, Diky (2019) FUNGSIONALISASI SILIKA SEKAM PADI DENGAN DIFENILAMIN UNTUK ADSORPSI POLISIKLIK AROMATIK HIDROKARBON (PHENANTRENA). Analit: Analytical and Environmental Chemistry, 4 (1). pp. 51-64. ISSN 2540-8224

Rudiana, Tarso and Suryani, Nani and Indriatmoko, Dimas Danang and Yusransyah, Yusransyah and Amelia, Ane and Noviany, Noviany and Hadi, Sutopo (2019) Characterization of antioxidative fraction of plant stem Bouea macrophylla Griff. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1341. pp. 1-8. ISSN Print : 1742-6588 Online : 1742-6596

Samsuar, Samsuar and Simanjuntak, Wasinton and Qudus, Hardoko Insan and Hadi, Sutopo (2019) The potential of derivatives of organotin(IV) benzoate compounds in medicinal chemistry. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1338. pp. 1-5. ISSN 1742-6596

Satria, Heri and Nurhasanah, Nurhasanah and Yandri, Yandri and Dwi Yuwono, Suripto and Herasari, Dian (2019) Hydrolysis Enzyme Activity of Some Indigenous Actinomycetes in Presence of Choline Acetate Ionic Liquid. In: General Assembly and The Third International Symposium of JSPS Alumni Association of Indonesia (IS-JAAI), 31 October 2019, Bogor, Indonesia. (Unpublished)

Satria, Heri and Yandri, Yandri and Nurhasanah, Nurhasanah and Dwi Yuwono, Suripto and Herasari, Dian (2019) Extracellular Hydrolysis Enzyme Activity of Some Indigenous Actinomycetes on Pretreated Bagasse using Choline Acetate Ionic Liquid. In: Green Industry Symposium, 11-12 September 2019, Universitas Airlangga Surabaya. (Unpublished)

Satria, Heri and Yandri, Yandri and Nurhasanah, Nurhasanah and Herasari, Dian (2019) Bio-Hidrolisis Substrat Bagas Terpretreatment Ionic Liquid [C2mim][OAc] oleh Isolat Lokal Actinomycetes. In: SEMIRATA-International Conference on Sicience and Technology (ICST) 2019 Bengkulu, 6-7 July 2019, Bengkulu. (Unpublished)

Satria, Heri and Yandri, Yandri and Nurhasanah, Nurhasanah and Laila, Aspita and Dwi Yuwono, Suripto (2019) Utilization of Native Extracellular Cellulase from Cultivated Indigenous Actinomycetes Act-4 on Ionic Liquid Pretreated Bagasse in Simultaneous Saccharification and Fermentation (SSF) Ethanol. In: International Conference on Sustainable Biomass 2019, 15-17 October 2019, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia. (Unpublished)

Setiawan, Andi and Juliasih, Ni Luh Gede Ratna and Setiawan, A. Wawan (2019) APPLICATION OF INTERNET OF THINGS (IOT) TECHNOLOGY TO TRADITIONAL SHRIMP PONDS IN SRIMINOSARI VILLAGE, EAST LAMPUNG. DISEMINASI: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, 1 (2). pp. 107-113. ISSN E-ISSN: 2655-2221 P-ISSN: 2655-2175

Simanjuntak, Wasinton and Pandiangan, Kamisah Delilawati and Sembiring, Zipora and Pangesti, Gesa Gustami and Simanjuntak, Agustina (2019) The Effect of Crystallization Time on Structure, Microstructure, and Catalytic Activity of Zeolite-A Synthesized from Rice Husk Silica and Food-grade Aluminum Foil. In: The 10th International Conference on Green Technology (ICGT), 2-3 Oktober 2019, Malang. (Unpublished)

Simanjuntak, Wasinton and Sembiring, Simon and Pandiangan, Kamisah Delilawati and Sembiring, Zipora (2019) Zeolit Sintetik Berbasis Silika Sekam Padi: Preparasi, Karakterisasi, dan Aplikasi. -, - (-). Graha Ilmu, Yogyakarta. ISBN 978-623-228-047-2

Simanjuntak, Wasinton and Simanjuntak, Agustina and Pandiangan, Kamisah Delilawati (2019) KAJIAN PENGARUH PERBANDINGAN KOMPOSISI BAHAN BAKU CAMPURAN BAGAS TEBU DAN MINYAK BIJI KARET MENJADI LIQUID FUEL MENGGUNAKAN ZEOLIT- X SEBAGAI KATALIS. In: Seminar Nasional Sains, Matematika, Informatika dan Aplikasinya (SN-SMIAP) V, 24-25 Oktober 2019, FMIPA Universitas Lampung. (Unpublished)

Situmeang, Rudy T.M (2019) Pectins as Emulsifying Agent on the Preparation, Characterization, and Photocatalysis of Nano LaCrO3. In: Pectins - Extraction, Purification, Characterization, and Applications. IntechOpen Limited, 32 London Bridge Street, London, United Kingdom, SE1 9SG. (In Press)

Situmeang, Rudy T.M and Sembiring, Zipora and Simanjuntak, Wasinton and Dwi Yuwono, Suripto and Sembiring, Simon (2019) CHARACTERISTICS OF LaCrO3 NANOMATERIAL THE EFFECT OF THE CALCINATION TEMPERATURE. Journal of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, 54 (4). pp. 715-720. ISSN 1314-7978

Situmeang, Rudy T.M and Tamba, Matthew and Erwin, Simarmata and Tria, Yuliarni and Simanjuntak, Wasinton and Sembiring, Zipora and Sembiring, Simon (2019) LaCrO3 nano photocatalyst: the effect of calcination temperature on its cellulose conversion activity under UV-Vis Irradiation. Advances in Natural Sciences: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 10 (1). 015009-015017. ISSN 2043-6262

Suharso, Suharso and ., Buhani and Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Satria, Heri (2019) INFLUENCE OF GAMBIER EXTRACT MODIFICATION AS INHIBITOR OF CALCIUM SULFATE SCALE FORMATION. Desalination and Water Treatment, 169. pp. 22-28. ISSN 19443994, 19443986

Suharso, Suharso and Kiswandono, Agung Abadi and ., Buhani and Satria, Heri (2019) LIQUID SMOKE OF COCONUT SHELL AS GREEN INHIBITOR OF CALCIUM CARBONATE SCALE FORMATION. Desalination and Water Treatment, 169. pp. 29-37. ISSN 19443994, 19443986

Suharso, Suharso and Kiswandono, Agung Abadi and Buhani, Buhani and Satria, Heri (2019) Similarity: Liquid smoke of coconut shell as green inhibitor of calcium carbonate scale formation. Desalination and Water Treatment. (Unpublished)

Suhartati, Tati and Andini, V. and Yandri, Yandri (2019) ISOLASI SENYAWA BIOAKTIF DARI KULIT CABANG TUMBUHAN PUDAU (Artocarpus kemando Miq.). Prosiding Seminar dan Rapat Tahun BKS PTN Barat Bidang MIPA 2019. pp. 383-394. ISSN 978-602-5830-09-9

Suhartati, Tati and Hasanah, Susy Isnaini and Suwandi, Jhons Fatriyadi and Yandri, Yandri (2019) ISOLASI DAN MODIFIKASI SENYAWA ARTONIN E DARI FRAKSI POLAR KAYU AKAR TUMBUHAN KENANGKAN (Artocarpus rigida). Prosiding Seminar Nasional Sains Matematika Informatika dan Aplikasinya IV. pp. 43-53. ISSN 2086 – 2342

Suhartati, Tati and Wulandari, Gabriella and Yandri, Yandri and Hadi, Sutopo (2019) The antibacterial and anticancer test of cyclomulberochromen compounds from Artocarpus altilis. Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment, 23 (9). pp. 10-16. ISSN E-ISSN No. 2278-4527; PRINT-ISSN No. 0972-0626

Suhartati, Tati and Yandri, AS and Suripto, Suripto and Hardoko, Insan Qudus and Sa'diah, Khalimatus (2019) ISOLATION, CHARACTERIZATION, MODIFICATION OF ARTOCARPIN COMPOUND FROM PUDAU PLANT (Artocarpus kemando Miq.) AND BIOACTIVITY ANTIBACTERIAL ASSAY OF ARTOCARPIN COMPOUND AND THEIR MODIFICATION RESULT. In: International Conference on Science, Infrastructure Technology and Regional Development, 25–26 October 2019, Institut Teknologi Sumatera campus, Lampung Selatan, Indonesia. (Submitted)

Suhartati, Tati and Yandri, Yandri (2019) ISOLASI SENYAWA BIOAKTIF DARI KULIT CABANG TUMBUHAN PUDAU (Artocarpus kemando Miq.). In: SEMIRATA & The 2nd ICST 2019, 6-7 Juli 2019, Bengkulu.

Suhartati, Tati and Yandri, Yandri and Hadi, Sutopo (2019) The antibacterial and anticancer test of cyclomulberochromen compounds from Artocarpus altilis. Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment, 23 (9). pp. 10-16. ISSN 0972-0626

Suhartati, Tati and Yandri, Yandri and Hardoko, Insan Qudus and Suripto, Suripto (2019) ISOLASI SENYAWA BIOAKTIF DARI KULIT CABANG TUMBUHAN PUDAU Artocarpus kemando Miq.). In: Semirta & ICST Bengkulu 2019, 6-7 Juli 2019, Bengkulu. (Unpublished)

Suhartati, Tati and Yandri, Yandri and Suripto, Suripto and Hardoko, Insan Qudus and Sa’diah, Khalimatus (2019) ISOLATION, CHARACTERIZATION, MODIFICATION OF ARTOCARPIN COMPOUND FROM PUDAU PLANT (Artocarpus kemando Miq.) AND BIOACTIVITY ANTIBACTERIAL ASSAY OF ARTOCARPIN COMPOUND AND THEIR MODIFICATION RESULT. In: Internasional conference of science, ITERA 2019, 25–26 October 2019, Institut Teknologi Sumatera campus, Lampung Selatan, Indonesia. (Unpublished)

Sutopo, Hadi and Bayu, Andani and Yuli, Ambarwati and Noviany, Noviany (2019) Peer reviewed of Uji Antibakteri dan Antimalaria Senyawa Difeniltimah(IV) dan Trifeniltimah(IV) 3-nitrobenzoat. Universitas Lampung.

Sutopo, Hadi and Noviany, Noviany and Hardoko, Insan Qudus and Pakorn, Wattana-Amorn (2019) Peer reviewed of The Potency Study of Organotin(IV) 3-Nitrobenzoate Compounds asAntimalarial Agents. IOP Publishing.

Sutopo, Hadi and Noviany, Noviany and Hardoko, Insan Qudus and Pakorn, Wattana-Amorn (2019) The Potency Study of Organotin(IV) 3-Nitrobenzoate Compounds as Antimalarial Agents. Journal of Physics: Conf. Series, 1338 (012012). pp. 1-7. ISSN 1742-6588 Online ISSN: 1742-6596

Sutopo, Hadi and Noviany, Noviany and Hardoko, Insan Qudus and Pakorn, Wattana-Amorn (2019) Similarity Index of The Potency Study of Organotin(IV) 3-Nitrobenzoate Compounds asAntimalarial Agents. IOP Publishing.

Tarso, Rudiana and Nani, Suryani and Dimas, Danang Indriatmoko and Yusransyah, Yusransyah and Ane, Amelia and Noviany, Noviany and Sutopo, Hadi (2019) Characterization of antioxidative fraction of plant stem Bouea macrophylla Griff. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1341 (072008). pp. 1-8. ISSN Print : 1742-6588 Online : 1742-6596

Tarso, Rudiana and Nani, Suryani and Dimas, Danang Indriatmoko and Yusransyah, Yusransyah and Ane, Amelia and Noviany, Noviany and Sutopo, Hadi (2019) Peer reviewed of Characterization of antioxidative fraction of plant stem Bouea macrophylla Griff. IOP Publishing.

Tarso, Rudiana and Nani, Suryani and Dimas, Danang Indriatmoko and Yusransyah, Yusransyah and Ane, Amelia and Noviany, Noviany and Sutopo, Hadi (2019) SimilarityIndex of Characterization of antioxidative fraction of plant stem Bouea macrophylla Griff. IOP Publishing.

Tati, Suhartati (2019) Indekx Similarity of The antibacterial and anticancer test of cyclomulberochromen compoundsfrom Artocarpus altilis. Research Journal of Chemistry and Environmen.

Widiarto, Sonny and ., Suharso (2019) Cellulose Nanofibers Preparation from Cassava Peelsvia Mechanical Disruption. Fibers, 7 (44). pp. 1-11. ISSN 20796439

Yandri, Yandri (2019) Indekx Similarity of The antibacterial and anticancer test of cyclomulberochromen compoundsfrom Artocarpus altilis. Research Journal of Chemistry and Environmen.

Yandri, Yandri (2019) Peer Reviewer of The antibacterial and anticancer test of cyclomulberochromen compoundsfrom Artocarpus altilis. Research Journal of Chemistry and Environmen.

Yandri, Yandri and Satria, Heri and Hadi, Sutopo and Suhartati, Tati and Sejati, Fathaniah (2019) ISOLASI, PEMURNIAN, DAN KARAKTERISASI ENZIM α-AMILASE DARI Bacillus subtilis ITBCCB148. In: Seminar Nasional Semirata Bengkulu 2019. (Submitted)

Yandri, Yandri and Sejati, F. and Suhartati, Tati and Satria, Heri and Hadi, Sutopo (2019) ISOLASI, PEMURNIAN, DAN KARAKTERISASI ENZIM α-AMILASE DARI Bacillus subtilis ITBCCB148. Seminar dan Rapat Tahunan BKS Barat Bidang MIPA 2019. pp. 373-382. ISSN 978-602-5830-09-9

Yandri, Yandri and Suhartati, Tati and Hadi, Sutopo and Satria, Heri and Karlinasari, Surtini (2019) Enzymatic Conversion of Potato Starch into Glucose using The purified α-Amylase Enzyme from Locale Isolate Bacteria Bacillus subtillis ITBCCB148. In: Semirata & ICST Bengkulu 2019. (Submitted)

Yandri, Yandri and Suhartati, Tati and Satria, Heri and Hadi, Sutopo and Karlinasari, Surtini (2019) Enzymatic Conversion of Potato Starch into Glucose using The purified α-Amylase Enzyme from Locale Isolate Bacteria Bacillus subtillis ITBCCB148. In: Semirata & ICST Bengkulu 2019, 6 - 7 Juli 2019, Bengkulu. (Unpublished)

Yandri, Yandri and Suhartati, Tati and Satria, Heri and Hadi, Sutopo and Sejati, Fathaniah (2019) ISOLASI, PEMURNIAN, DAN KARAKTERISASI ENZIM α-AMILASE DARI Bacillus subtilis ITBCCB148. In: Seminar Nasional Semirata & ICST Bengkulu 2019, 6 - 7 Juli 2019, Bengkulu. (Unpublished)

Yandri, Yandri and Suhartati, Tati and Satriawan, M. Iwan and Hadi, Sutopo (2019) ISOLASI, PEMURNIAN, DAN KARAKTERISASI ENZIM α-AMILASE DARI Bacillus subtilis ITBCCB148. In: SEMIRATA & The 2nd ICST 2019, 6-7 Juli 2019, Bengkulu.

Yuwono, Suripto D. and Iryani, Dewi Agustina and Buhani, Buhani and Suharso, Suharso (2019) Hasil Review: Production of Acetyl Cellulose from Agricultural Waste of Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunches. Asian Journal of Chemistry.

jomori, Takahiro and Hara, Yasumasa and sasaoka, miho and harada, kazio and Setiawan, Andi and Hirata, Kazumasa and Kimishima, Atsushi and Arai, Masayoshi (2019) Mycobacterium smegmatis alters the production of secondary metabolites by marine‑derived Aspergillus niger. Journal of Natural Medicines, 74. pp. 76-82. ISSN 13403443, 18610293

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