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Dewanto, Ordas and Ferucha, Istifani and Darsono, Darsono and Rizky, Sri (2022) CONVERSION OF OIL SHALE TO LIQUID HYDROCARBONS AS A NEW ENERGY RESOURCES USING IRON (Fe)-PILLARED CLAY (KAOLINITE) CATALYST. Indonesian Journal of Applied Physics (IJAP), 12 (2). pp. 197-216. ISSN p-ISSN 2089 – 0133 e-ISSN 2477-6416
Alben Ambarita, Alben and Darsono, Darsono and rochmiyati, rochmiyati and Dodo, Septiawan (2019) Pembentukan Kompetensi Pedagogik dan Profesional Guru SD melalui Hybrid Learning pada Pendidikan Profesi Guru Dalam Jabatan. JURNAL INOVASI PENDIDIKAN DAN PEMBELAJARAN SEKOLAH DASAR, 3 (2). pp. 68-81. ISSN P-ISSN. 2622-5069, E-ISSN. 2579-3403
Alben Ambarita, Alben and Darsono, Darsono and rochmiyati, rochmiyati and septiawan, Dodo (2019) Pembentukan Kompetensi Pedagogik dan Profesional Guru SD melalui Hybrid Learning pada Pendidikan Profesi Guru Dalam Jabatan. JURNAL INOVASI PENDIDIKAN DAN PEMBELAJARAN SEKOLAH DASAR, 3 (2). pp. 68-81. ISSN P-ISSN. 2622-5069, E-ISSN. 2579-3403
Ria, Erawati and Caswita, Caswita and Darsono, Darsono and Alben Ambarita, Alben (2019) The Development of Students’ Worksheet Based on Reciprocal Teaching Models to Improve Critical Thinking Ability in Elementary School. Journal of Education and Practice, 10 (17). pp. 74-79. ISSN ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online)
Setiawan, Dodo and Sabdaningtyas, Lilik and Darsono, Darsono and Alben Ambarita, Alben (2019) The Development of Assessment Instruments Based on Multiple Intelligence in Elementary School. The Development of Assessment Instruments Based on Multiple Intelligence in Elementary School, 10 (12). pp. 147-154. ISSN 2222-1735
minarni, minarni and rochmiyati, rochmiyati and Suntoro, Irawan and Darsono, Darsono (2019) The Development of Performance Assessment Instrument Based on Scientific on Thematic Integrated Learning in Fourth Grade in Elementary School. American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences (ASRJETS), 53 (1). pp. 83-96. ISSN 2313-4410, (Online) 2313-4402
Munaris, Munaris and Mutiara, Delima and Darsono, Darsono and Alben Ambarita, Alben (2019) The Development of Student Worksheets Based on Discovery Learning Subtema Utilizing Natural Wealth in Indonesia in Fourth Grade Elementary Schools. Journal of Education and Practice, 10 (35). ISSN 2222-288X
Fifi, Astuti and Alben Ambarita, Alben and Lilik, LS and Darsono, Darsono (2019) The Development of Student Worksheets in the Project Based Learning Model Oriented Project Assessment in the Thematic Learning in Fourth Grade of Elementary School. Journal of Education and Practice, 10 (17). pp. 65-73. ISSN 2222-288X
Alif Via Sufianti, Alif and Darsono, Darsono and Munaris, Munaris and Alben Ambarita, Alben (2019) Development of Students’ Worksheet Based on Quantum Learning to Improve Students’ Critical Thinking Ability in 5th Grade Elementary School. Journal of Education and Practice.
Listianawati, Listianawati and Nurlaksana eko, Nurlaksana eko and Darsono, Darsono and Alben Ambarita, Alben (2018) Development of Thematic Textbook Based on Nation Culture and Character for 4th Grader Student. American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences (ASRJETS), 44 (1). pp. 278-298. ISSN 2313-4402
Herpratiwi, Herpratiwi and Darsono, Darsono and Sasmiati, Sasmiati and Pujiati, Pujiati (2018) Cooperative Learning and Learning Achievement in Social Science Subjects for Sociable Students. Cooperative Learning and Learning Achievement in Social Science Subjects for Sociable Students, 75 (18). pp. 81-98. ISSN (Print ISSN 1302-597X, e-ISSN: 2528-8911
Herpratiwi, Herpratiwi and Darsono, Darsono and Sasmiati, Sasmiati and PUJIATI, Pujiati (2018) Cooperative Learning and Learning Achievement in Social Science Subjects for Sociable Students. Cooperative Learning and Learning Achievement in Social Science Subjects for Sociable Students, 75 (18). pp. 81-98. ISSN Print ISSN 1302-597X, e-ISSN: 2528-8911
Gita, Ade Pradana and Darsono, Darsono and Erlina, Rufaidah (2018) Development Of E-Learning Lkpd Schoology Improving Critical Thinking Ability And Learning Outcome Of History. Jurnal Studi Sosial, 6 (1). pp. 13-25. ISSN 2798-0480
Komang, Okayana and Irawan, Suntoro and Lilik, LS and Darsono, Darsono (2018) The Development of Higher Order Thinking Skills-Based Assessment Instrument for Elementary School Integrated Thematic Learning. The Development of Higher Order Thinking Skills-Based Assessment Instrument for Elementary School Integrated Thematic Learning, 10 (15). pp. 135-142. ISSN 2222-288X
ristiana, ristiana and Darsono, Darsono and Sabdaningtyas, Lilik (2018) The Development of Students’ Worksheet Based on Guided Inquiry Learning to Foster Students’ Critical Thinking in Elementary School. https://iiste.org/Journals/index.php/JEP/article/view/44706, 9 (30). pp. 172-177.
Sari, Maria Dwi Retno and Trisnaningsih, Trisna and Darsono, Darsono (2018) The Implementation of Two Stay Two Stray and Talking Chips Learning Models to Increase Students Social Skill by Taking Types of Assignment on Economy Subject at XI Grade of SMA Negeri 1 Air Naningan Tanggamus. The Implementation of Two Stay Two Stray and Talking Chips Learning Models to Increase Students Social Skill by Taking Types of Assignment on Economy Subject at XI Grade of SMA Negeri 1 Air Naningan Tanggamus, 9 (17). ISSN 2222-1735
Pargito, Pargito and Darsono, Darsono and Sabar, Prayogo (2016) Cheating Experience and Effect Model Cause Students Cheat in Senior High School No.1 Tegineneng. Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization, 56. pp. 36-39. ISSN ISSN 2224-3240 (Paper) ISSN 2224-3259 (Online)
Rangga, Kordiyana and Darsono, Darsono and Anantanyu, Sapja and Wijaya, Mahendra (2014) THE PARTICIPATION OF MICRO BUSINESS AFFINITY GROUP MEMBERS IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF FOOD SELF-SUFFICIENCY ACTION PROGRAM IN LAMPUNG PROVINCE. Academic research International, 5 (3). pp. 112-122. ISSN 2223-9944
Rangga, Kordiyana and Darsono, Darsono and Anantanyu, Sapja and Wijaya, Mahendra (2014) Micro Business Affinity Group Empowerment For Self-Sufficient Food Village in Lampung Province. International Journal Of Scientific Research And Education, 2 (4). pp. 719-726. ISSN 2321-7545
Pujianto, Agus and Darsono, Darsono and Pujiati, P (2013) PEMBELAJARAN INKUIRI UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KEMAMPUAN BERPIKIR KRITIS DAN PRESTASI BELAJAR IPS. Jurnal Studi Sosial, 1 (4). ISSN ISSN 2089-9335
Novita, Veronica and Herpratiwi, Herpratiwi and Alben Ambarita, Alben and Darsono, Darsono (0020) The Development of Image Media Based on Problem Based Learning to Grow Communication Skills on Second Grade of Elementary School. Journal of Education and Practice, 11 (3). pp. 52-57. ISSN ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online)
Herpratiwi, Herpratiwi and Darsono, Darsono and Saswiyanti, Enny and Pujiati, P Cooperative learning and learning achievement in social science subjects for sociable students. Eurasian Journal of education research, 75 (18). pp. 81-98. ISSN 1302-597X
Novita, Veronica and Herpratiwi, Herpratiwi and Alben Ambarita, Alben and Darsono, Darsono The Development of Image Media Based on Problem Based Learning to Grow Communication Skills on Second Grade of Elementary School. Journal of Education and Practice, 11 (3). pp. 52-57. ISSN ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online)
Novita, Veronica and Herpratiwi, Herpratiwi and Alben Ambarita, Alben and Darsono, Darsono The Development of Image Media Based on Problem Based Learning to Grow Communication Skills on Second Grade of Elementary School. Journal of Education and Practice, 11 (3). pp. 52-57. ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) 2222-288X (Online)
Surbakti, Arwin and Alben Ambarita, Alben and Darsono, Darsono Development of Students Worksheets Based on Discovery Learning in Thematic Learning for 4th Grader Elementary School. Development of Students Worksheets Based on Discovery Learning in Thematic Learning for 4th Grader Elementary School. ISSN 2222-1735 (paper); 2222-288X (online)
Listianawati, Listianawati and Rusminto, N E and Darsono, Darsono and Alben Ambarita, Alben Development of Thematic Textbook Based on Nation Culture and Character for 4th Grader Student. American Scientific Research Journal fro Engineering, Technology, and Sciences (ASRJETS), 44 (1). ISSN 2313-4410
Darsono, Darsono and Alben Ambarita, Alben and Setianingsih, Eni and Kadaryanto, Budi Using Worksheets in Integrated Thematic Instruction at Elementary Schools. Using Worksheets in Integrated Thematic Instruction at Elementary Schools, 9 (11). ISSN 2222-1735
Mesi Ruli Wulan, MRW and Alben Ambarita, Alben and Darsono, Darsono and Arwin Subakti, AS (2018) Development of Students Worksheets Based on Discovery Learning in Thematic Learning for 4th Grader Elementary School. Masters thesis, University of lampung.
Dewanto, Ordas and Ferucha, Istifani and Darsono, Darsono and Rizky, Sri (2022) CONVERSION OF OIL SHALE TO LIQUID HYDROCARBONS AS A NEW ENERGY RESOURCES USING IRON (Fe)-PILLARED CLAY (KAOLINITE) CATALYST. Universitas Sebelas Maret.
Dewanto, Ordas and Ferucha, Istifani and Darsono, Darsono and Rizky, Sri (2022) CONVERSION OF OIL SHALE TO LIQUID HYDROCARBONS AS A NEW ENERGY RESOURCES USING IRON (Fe)-PILLARED CLAY (KAOLINITE) CATALYST. Department of Physics, Sebelas Maret University in collaboration with Physical Society of Indonesia (LoA, website), Universitas Sebelas Maret.
Dewanto, Ordas and Ferucha, Istifani and Darsono, Darsono and Rizky, Sri (2022) CONVERSION OF OIL SHALE TO LIQUID HYDROCARBONS AS A NEW ENERGY RESOURCES USING IRON (Fe)-PILLARED CLAY (KAOLINITE) CATALYST. Department of Physics, Sebelas Maret University in collaboration with Physical Society of Indonesia (LoA, website).
Novita, Veronica and Herpratiwi, Herpratiwi and Alben Ambarita, Alben and Darsono, Darsono (2020) The Development of Image Media Based on Problem Based Learning to Grow Communication Skills on Second Grade of Elementary School. Journal of Education and Practice.
Novita, Veronica and Herpratiwi, Herpratiwi and Alben Ambarita, Alben and Darsono, Darsono (2020) The Development of Image Media Based on Problem Based Learning to Grow Communication Skills on Second Grade of Elemntary School. Journal of Education and Practice. (Unpublished)
Novita, Veronica and Herpratiwi, Herpratiwi and Alben Ambarita, Alben and Darsono, Darsono (2020) The Development of Image Media Based on Problem Based Learning to Grow Communication Skills on Second Grade of Elemntary School. Journal of Education and Practice. (Unpublished)
Mutiara, Delima and Darsono, Darsono and Alben Ambarita, Alben and Munaris, Munaris (2019) The Development of Student Worksheets Based on Discovery Learning Subtema Utilizing Natural Wealth in Indonesia in Fourth Grade Elementary Schools. Journal of Education and Practice.
Ria, Erawati and Caswita, Caswita and Darsono, Darsono and Alben Ambarita, Alben (2019) The Development of Students’ Worksheet Based on Reciprocal Teaching Models to Improve Critical Thinking Ability in Elementary School. Journal of Education and Practice.
Fifi, Astuti and Alben Ambarita, Alben and Lilik, LS and Darsono, Darsono (2019) The Development of Student Worksheets in the Project Based Learning Model Oriented Project Assessment in the Thematic Learning in Fourth Grade of Elementary School. Journal of Education and Practice.
Dodo, Septiawan and Lilik, LS and Darsono, Darsono and Alben Ambarita, Alben (2019) The Development of Assessment Instruments Based on Multiple Intelligence in Elementary School. IISTE International Knowledge Sharing Platform.
Komang, Okayana and Irawan, Suntoro and Lilik, LS and Darsono, Darsono (2019) The Development of Higher Order Thinking Skills-Based Assessment Instrument for Elementary School Integrated Thematic Learning. Journal of Education and Practice.
Mutiara, Delima and Darsono, Darsono and Alben Ambarita, Alben and Munaris, Munaris (2019) The Development of Student Worksheets Based on Discovery Learning Subtema Utilizing Natural Wealth in Indonesia in Fourth Grade Elementary Schools. International Knowledge Sharing Platform IISTE.
Fifi, Astuti and Alben Ambarita, Alben and Lilik, LS and Darsono, Darsono (2019) The Development of Student Worksheets in the Project Based Learning Model Oriented Project Assessment in the Thematic Learning in Fourth Grade of Elementary School. Journal of Education and Practice.
Alif, Via Sufianti and Darsono, Darsono and Munaris, Munaris and Alben Ambarita, Alben (2019) Development of Students’ Worksheet Based on Quantum Learning to Improve Students’ Critical Thinking Ability in 5th Grade Elementary School. IISTE International Knowledge Sharing Platform.
Evi, Seftiana and Thoha, BS Jaya and Alben Ambarita, Alben and Darsono, Darsono (2019) The Development of Supplementary Textbooks Basedon Local Wisdom With Inquiry Learning Model to Improve Critical Thinking Ability in Elemenary School. Journal of Education and Practice.
Herpratiwi, Herpratiwi and Darsono, Darsono and Sasmiati, Sasmiati and PUJIATI, P (2018) Cooperative Learning and Learning Achievement in Social Subjects for Sociable Students. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research. (Unpublished)
Herpratiwi, Herpratiwi and Darsono, Darsono and Sasmiati, Sasmiati and PUJIATI, P (2018) Cooperative Learning and Learning Achievement in Social Science Subjects for Sociable Students. HEADQUARTER/ YonitimMerkezi Turkey.
Pradana, Gita Ade and Darsono, Darsono and Rufaidah, Erlina (2018) Development Of E-Learning Lkpd Schoology Improving Critical Thinking Ability And Learning Outcome Of History. Jurnal Studi Sosial, jurnal.fkip.unila.ac.id.
Mesi Ruli Wulan, MRW and Alben Ambarita, Alben and Darsono, Darsono and Arwin Subakti, AS (2018) Development of Students Worksheets Based on Discovery Learning in Thematic Learning for 4th Grader Elementary School. International Knowledge Sharing Platform IISTE.
Mesi, Ruli Wulan and Alben Ambarita, Alben and Darsono, Darsono and Arwin Subakti, AS (2018) Development of Students Worksheets Based on Discovery Learning in Thematic Learning for 4th Grader Elementary School. Journal of Education and Practice.
Sabdaningtyas, Lilik and Darsono, Darsono (2018) The Development of Students’ Worksheet Based on Guided Inquiry Learning to Foster Students’ Critical Thinking in Elementary School. International Knowledge Sharing Platform.
Listianawati, Listianawati and Nurlaksana eko, Nurlaksana eko and Darsono, Darsono and Alben Ambarita, Alben (2018) Development of Thematic Textbook Based on Nation Culture and Character for 4th Grader Student. American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences (ASRJETS).
Darsono, Darsono and Alben Ambarita, Alben and Eni, Setianingsi and Budi, Kadaryanto (2018) Using Worksheets in Integrated Thematic Instruction at Elementary Schools. Journal of Education and Practice.
Dodo, Septiawan and Lilik, LS and Darsono, Darsono and Alben Ambarita, Alben The Development of Assessment Instruments Based on Multiple Intelligence in Elementary School. Journal of Education and Practice.
Rangga, Kordiyana and Darsono, Darsono and Anantanyu, Sapja and Wijaya, Mahendra Hasil Similarity : Micro Business Affinity Group Empowerment For Self-Sufficient Food Village in Lampung Province. IJSEE, International Journal Of Scientific Research And Education.
Rangga, Kordiyana and Darsono, Darsono and Anantanyu, Sapja and Wijaya, Mahendra Hasil Similarity : The Participation of Micro Business Affinity Group Members in the Implementation of Food Self-Sufficiency Action Program in Lampung Province. SAVAP International, Academic Research International.
Kordiyana K Rangga, KKR and Darsono, Darsono and Sapja, Anantanyu and Mahendra, Wijaya Hasil review : Micro Business Affinity Group Empowerment For Self-Sufficient Food Village in Lampung Province. International Journal Of Scientific Research And Education.