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Number of items: 44.


Abdurrahman, Abdurrahman and Kadaryanto, Budi and Diah, Utaminingsih and tarmini, wini (2018) Learning Community-based Model in the Context of Teacher-parent Partnerships: A Novel Model for Preparing Post-disaster Recovery and Resilience for Students in Risk Disaster Areas in Indonesia. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 11 (29). ISSN 0974-5645

Ambarwati, Desih and Suyatna, Agus (2018) Interactive design for self-study and developing students’ critical thinking skills in electromagnetic radiation topic. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 948. pp. 1-8. ISSN Print : 1742-6588 Online : 1742-6596

Amila, Agnes and Abdurrahman, Abdurrahman and Suyatna, Agus and Distrik, I Wayan and Herlina, Kartini (2018) Practicality and Effectiveness of Student’ Worksheets Based on Ethno science to Improve Conceptual Understanding in Rigid Body. International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science (IJAEMS), 4 (5). pp. 400-407. ISSN 2454-1311


Beli Riyadi, BR and Chandra Ertikanto, CE and Agus Suyatna, AS (2018) THE ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF GUIDED INQUIRY E-WORKSHEET BASED TO DEVELOP HIGH ORDER THINKING SKILLS. : International Journal of Research -GRANTHAALAYAH, 6 (7). pp. 223-233. ISSN 2350-0530(O), 2394-3629(P)

Ertikanto, Chandra and Rosidin, Undang and Distrik, I Wayan and Yuberti, Yuberti (2018) COMPARISON OF MATHEMATICAL REPRESENTATION SKILL AND SCIENCE LEARNING RESULT IN CLASSES WITH PROBLEM-BASED AND DISCOVERY LEARNING MODEL. Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia, 7 (1). pp. 10-113. ISSN 2089-4392

F Bayu Nirwana, FBS and Agus Suyatna, AS and Chandra Ertikanto, CE (2018) DEVELOPMENT OF LEARNING STRATEGY BASED INQUIRY TO BUILD STUDENT ARGUMENTATION SKILLS. International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR), 6 (5). pp. 651-657. ISSN 2320-5407

Fhadhila, Fharia and Ertikanto, Chandra and Rosidin, Undang (2018) Developing Student Worksheet of Temperature and Heat Based on Scientific Process Skill. Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika Al-BiRuNi, 7 (1). ISSN 2303-1832

Fharia Fhadhila, FF and Chandra Ertikanto, CE and Undang Rosidin, UR (2018) DEVELOPING STUDENT WORKSHEET OF TEMPERATURE AND HEAT BASED ON SCIEN TIFIC PROCESS SKILL. Al-Biruni, 7 (1). pp. 21-32. ISSN p-ISSN 2303-1832 dan e-ISSN 2503-023X

Hamatun, Hamatun and Agus Suyatna, AS and Undang Rosidin, UR and Chandra Ertikanto, CE (2018) THE DEVELOPMENT OF PROBLEM BASED LEARNING WORKSHEET TO TRAIN STUDENT CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS ON WORKS AND ENERGY MATERIALS. International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR), 6 (4). pp. 369-375. ISSN 2320-5407

Hamatun, Hamatun and Suyatna, Agus and Rosidin, Undang and Ertikanto, Chandra (2018) The Development of Problem Based Learning Worksheet to Train Student Critical Thinking Skills on Works and Energy Materials. Internasional Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR), 6 (4). pp. 369-375. ISSN 2320-5407

Harnani, Susi and Suyatna, Agus and Fadiawati, Noor (2018) The Effectiveness of Global Warming Worksheet SETS Vision to Improve Students Critical Thinking Skills. International Journal of Current Innovations in Advanced Research, 1 (6). pp. 84-93. ISSN 2636-6282

Herpratiwi, Herpratiwi and Ag Bambang Setiyadi, Bambang and Riswandi, riswandi and Chandra Ertikanto, CE and Sugiyanto, Sugiyanto (2018) Building Students' Character in Elementary School through the Scientific Method: A Case Study of the Lampung Province. Pertanika Journal of Social Science and Humanities, 26 (3). 1547 -1561. ISSN p-ISSN 0128-7702 ; e-ISSN 2231-8534

I Wayan Distrik, IWD and Chandra Ertikanto, CE and Agus Suyatna, AS and Suana, Wayan (2018) THE EFFECT OF REAL MODEL IN ENHANCING METACOGNITION OF ABSTRACT PHYSICS TOPIC. International Journal of Research -GRANTHAALAYAH, 6 (6). pp. 389-395. ISSN 2350-0530

Maretha Zahara, MZ and Abdurrahman, Abdurrahman and Chandra Ertikanto, CE and Agus Suyatna, AS (2018) IMPLEMENTATION OF SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING, AND MATHEMATICS (STEM)LEARNING APPROACH TO REDUCE GENDER DISPARITY IN SCIENCE LEARNING ACHIEVEMENT. International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR), 6 (4). pp. 308-316. ISSN 2320-5407

Nirwana, F Bayu and Suyatna, Agus and Ertikanto, Chandra (2018) Development of Learning Strategy Based Inquiry to Build Student Argumentation Skills. International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR), 6 (5). pp. 651-657. ISSN 2320-5407

Nufus, Hayatun and Rosidin, Undang and Herlina, Kartini and Hasnunidah, Neni (2018) PENGARUH PENERAPAN MODEL ARGUMENT-DRIVEN INQUIRY TERHADAP KETERAMPILAN BERPIKIR KRITIS SISWA SMP BERDASAKAN PERBEDAAN KEMAMPUAN AKADEMIK. JurnalPendidikanFisika, 7 (2). pp. 110-117. ISSN 2301-7651

Pradina, Luthfia Puspa and Suyatna, Agus (2018) Atom Core Interactive Electronic Book to Develop Self Efficacy and Critical Thinking Skills. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 17 (1). pp. 17-23. ISSN 1303 - 6521

Pradina, Luthfia Puspa and Suyatna, Agus (2018) Atom Core Interactive Electronic Book to Develop Self Efficacy and Critical Thinking Skills. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 17 (1). pp. 17-23. ISSN New:2146-7242; Old: 1303-6521

Riyadi, Beli and Ertikanto, Chandra and Suyatna, Agus (2018) The analysis and design of guided inquiry e-worksheet Based to develop high order thinking skills. International Journal of Research - Granthaalayah, 6 (7). pp. 223-233. ISSN 2350-0530(O); ISSN: 2394-3629(P)

Romli, S and Abdurrahman, Abdurrahman and Riyadi, Beli (2018) Designing students’ worksheet based on open-ended approach to foster students’ creative thinking skills. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 948 (1). pp. 1-6. ISSN Print : 1742-6588 Online : 1742-6596

Saregar, antomi and Abdurrahman, Abdurrahman (2018) Temperature and Heat Learning Through SSCS Model with Scaffolding: Impact on Students’ Critical Thinking Ability. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists, 6 (3).

Setiawan, Agus and Rosidin, Undang and Abdurrahman, Abdurrahman (2018) The Effectiveness of Ongoing Assessment on Physics Learning in Improving Students Critical Thinking Skills. International Educational Research, 2 (2). ISSN 2576-3059 (Unpublished)

Suryani, Yani and Suyatna, Agus and Distrik, I Wayan (2018) The Practicality and Effectiveness of Student Worksheet Based Multiple Representation to Improve Conceptual Understanding and Students’ Problem-solving Ability Of Physics. International Journal of Research - Granthaalayah, 6 (4). pp. 166-173. ISSN 2350-0530(O); ISSN: 2394-3629(P)

Suyatna, Agus and Distrik, I Wayan and Herlina, Kartini and Suyanto, Eko and Haryaningtias, Dita (2018) Developing Interactive E-Book of Relativity Theory to Optimize Self-Directed Learning and Critical Thinking. AIP Conference Proceedings, 2014. 020065-1-020065-9. ISSN 978-0-7354-1687-1

Suyatna, Agus and Maulina, Hervin and Rakhmawati, Ismi (2018) ELECTRONIC VERSUS PRINTED BOOK: A COMPARISON STUDY ON THE EFFECTIVITY OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL PHYSICS BOOK. Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia, 7 (4). pp. 391-398. ISSN p-ISSN 2339-1286; e-ISSN 2089-4392

Ummul Uslima, UU and Chandra Ertikanto, CE and Undang Rosidin, UR (2018) Contextual Learning Module Based on Multiple Representations: The Influence on Students’ Concept Understanding. Tadris: Jurnal Keguruan dan Ilmu Tarbiyah, 3 (1). pp. 11-29. ISSN e-ISSN : 2579-7964 dan p-ISSN : 2301-7562

Uslima, Ummul and Ertikanto, Chandra and Rosidin, Undang (2018) Contextual Learning Module Based on Multiple Representations: The Influence on Students’ Concept Understanding. Tadris: Jurnal Keguruan dan Ilmu Tarbiyah, 3 (1). ISSN p-ISSN: 2301-7562;e-ISSN: 2579-7964

yuliani, tripika and Hastuti Noer, Sri and Rosidin, Undang (2018) Guided Discovery Worksheet for Increasing Mathematical Creative Thinking and Self-Efficacy. International Journal of Trends in Mathematics Education Research, 8 (1). pp. 30-34. ISSN 2621-8488

zulimah, zulimah and Abdurrahman, Abdurrahman and Jalmo, Tri (2018) The Effectiveness of Students’ Worksheet of Virtual Laboratory Practice on Dynamic Electricity to Improve Science Process Skill. International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science (IJAEMS), 4 (4). pp. 319-328. ISSN ISSN: 2454-1311

Conference or Workshop Item

Hasnunidah, Neni and Rosidin, Undang and Kadaritna, Nina (2018) The Development of Practical Guided on Structure and Function Plant to Enhancing the Students’ Critical Thinking Skills at Grade VIII of Junior High School. In: Proceeding Biology Education Conference, 1 Oktober 2018, Surakarta.

Herlina, Kartini (2018) Validity and Practicality of the Students’ Worksheet Based Multiple Representations on Dynamic Electricity Material. In: International Conference on Multidisciplinary Academic, 7 - 8 Mei 2018, Universitas Mercu Buana, Jakarta.

Herpiana, R and Rosidin, Undang (2018) Development of instrument for assessing students' critical and creative thinking ability. In: 1st International Conference of Education on Sciences, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (ICE-STEM) 17–19 October 2017, Jakarta, Indonesia, 7–19 October 2017, Jakarta.

Rosidin, Undang and Distrik, I Wayan and Herlina, Kartini (2018) The Development of Assessment Instrument for Learning Science to Improve Student’s Critical and Creative Thinking Skills. In: International Conference Educational Assessment and Policy, 6 November 2018, Jakarta.

Suyatna, Agus and Distrik, I Wayan and Herlina, Kartini and Suyanto, Eko and Haryaningtyas, Dita (2018) Developing Interactive E-Book of Relativity Theory to Optimize Self-Directed Learning and Critical Thinking Skills. In: International Conference of Science and Applied Science, 12 Mei 2018, Universitas Negeri Sebelas Maret Surakarta. (In Press)

Warni, Warni and Sunyono, Sunyono and Rosidin, Undang (2018) Measuring metacognitive ability based on science literacy in dynamic electricity topic. In: 1st International Conference of Education on Sciences, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (ICE-STEM) 17–19 October 2017, Jakarta, Indonesia, 7–19 October 2017, Jakarta.


Abdurrahman, Abdurrahman and Herlina, Kartini and Nurulsari, Novinta (2018) Seri Pengembangan Termodinamika. FKIP Universitas lampung.


Abdurrahman, Abdurrahman (2018) Inquiry-based STEM Learning Strategy “GUIDANCE”. DJKI Kemenkumham RI.

Agustini, Ratna and Suyatna, Agus (2018) Cek similarity/Originality: Developing Inquiry-Based Practice Equipment Of Heat Conductivity To Foster The Students’ Critical Thinking Ability. Physics Education Department, UIN Raden Intan Lampung, Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika Al-BiRuNi.

Ambarwati, Desih and Suyatna, Agus (2018) Cek similarity/Originality: Interactive design for self-study and developing students’ critical thinking skills in electromagnetic radiation topic. IOP Publishing, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 948.

Rahman, Bujang and Abdurrahman, Abdurrahman and Hariri, Hasan and Putri, Rahmah Dianti (2018) School Based Management Model Berkarakter Hijau. DJKI Kemenkumham RI.

Suyatna, Agus and Herlina, Kartini and Distrik, I Wayan and Suyanto, Eko and Haryaningtias, Dita (2018) Cek Similarity/Originality: Developing interactive e-book of relativity theory to optimize self-directed learning and critical thinking skills. American Institute of Physics, AIP Conference Proceedings.

Suyatna, Agus and Maulina, Hervin and Rakhmawati, Ismi and Khasanah, RHN (2018) Cek Similarity/Originality: Electronic Versus Printed Book: A Comparison Study On The Effectivity Of Senior High School Physics Book. Science Education Study Program FMIPA UNNES Semarang, Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia.

Suyatna, Agus and Pradina, Luthfia Puspa and Abdurrahman, Abdurrahman (2018) Buku Elektronik Interaktif Inti Atom Untuk SMA. DJKI Kemenkumham RI.

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