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Number of items: 50.


Afrianti, Lilis and Ridwan, Ridwan and Hariri, Hasan and Riswanti, Rini and Sowiyah, Sowiyah (2020) Principals Role in Inclusive Education: A Literature Review. International Journal of Current Science Research and Review, 03 (12). 271 -284. ISSN 2581-8341

Agustina, Dina and sowiyah, sowiyah and Karwan, Dedy H. (2020) University Management In Making Disability Friendly Campus. International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS), 4 (2). pp. 28-31. ISSN 2454-6186


Cahyati, Dini (2020) Kepemimpinan Rektor Perempuan pada Perguruan Tinggi. Masters thesis, Universitas Lampung.


Dwansi, Ridha Mentari (2020) Manajemen Kelas Inklusif (Studi Kasus di Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Ceria Bandar Lampung). Masters thesis, Universitas Lampung.


Erlinda, Elvira Putri (2020) Kepemimpinan Partisipatif Kepala PAUD IT Qurrota A’yun. Masters thesis, Universitas Lampung.


Haenilah, Een Yayah and Ridwan, Ridwan and Hariri, Hasan and Karwan, Dedy H. (2020) Pendampingan Manajemen Peningkatan Mutu Layanan Guru Pada Kompetensi Pedagogik (Panduan Komprehensif Pembinaan Guru). Menkumham, Jakarta.

Een Y. Haenilah, Ridwan, Hasan Hariri, Dedy H. Karwan (2020) Pendampingan Manajemen Peningkatan Mutu Layanan Guru pada Kompetensi Pedagogik (Panduan Komprehensif Pembinaan Guru). EC00202035582.

Handayani, Nur and Hariri, Hasan and Sowiyah, Sowiyah and Ridwan, Ridwan (2020) The Shaping of the Student Character Caring for the School Environment through the Green School Movement in SMP Negeri 2 Adiluwih. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1655 (2020). 012115.

Hariri, Hasan (2020) HAKI Pembuatan Keputusan Kepala Sekolah: Prediktor Kepuasan Kerja Guru dalam Memantapkan Komitmen Guru dan Meningkatkan Prestasi Siswa. Menkumham, Jakarta.

Hariri, Hasan (2020) Leadership in a school context: how leadership styles are associated with leadership outcomes. International Journal of Financial, Accounting, and Management, 2 (2). pp. 159-170. ISSN 2656-3355

Hariri, Hasan (2020) Leadership in a school context: how leadership styles are associated with leadership outcomes. International Journal of Financial, Accounting, and Management (IJFAM).

Hariri, Hasan (2020) Pembuatan Keputusan Kepala Sekolah: Prediktor Kepuasan Kerja Guru dalam Memantapkan Komitmen Guru dan Meningkatkan Prestasi Siswa. Aura, Bandar Lampung. ISBN 978-623-211-187-5

Hasan Hariri (2020) REVIEW dan PENGESAHAN Pembuatan Keputusan Kepala Sekolah: Prediktor Kepuasan Kerja Guru dalam Memantapkan Komitmen Guru dan Meningkatkan Prestasi Siswa. EC00202035584.

Hariri, Hasan (2020) Reviewing manuscript # SO-19-3358 entitled "Special Education Teachers’ Readiness to Teach Students with Severe Disabilities in Inclusive Classrooms" for SAGE Open in January 2020. SAGE open.


Hariri, Hasan (2020) Running the peer-review process for manuscript # SO-19-3132 entitled "The Relationship Between School Principals’ Paternalistic Leadership and Teachers’ Job Burnout: An Action Research*" for SAGE Open Open. SAGE open.

Hariri, Hasan and Ridwan, Ridwan and Karwan, Dedy H. (2020) Kepemimpinan Sekolah dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Kinerja Guru dalam Mendongkrak Prestasi Siswa. Menkumham.

Hasan Hariri, Ridwan, Dedy H. Karwan (2020) Kepemimpinan Sekolah dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Kinerja Guru dalam Mendongkrak Prestasi Siswa. EC00202035583.

Hariri, Hasan and Sumintono, Bambang (2020) Teacher Commitment to Teaching. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education. pp. 1-21. ISSN The online ISBN of the ORE of Education is 9780190264093

Heru Siswanto, Heru and Hasan, Hariri and Sowiyah, Sowiyah and Ridwan, Ridwan (2020) The influence of principal performance on teachers’ pedagogical competence. Journal of Social, Humanity, and Education (JSHE), 1 (1). pp. 13-26. ISSN 2746-623X



Karwan, Dedy H. and Hariri, Hasan (2020) Pelatihan Penulisan Karya Tulis Ilmiah bagi Guru SMK Muhammadiyah. SAKAI SAMBAYAN Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, 4 (1). pp. 66-71. ISSN e-ISSN: 2550-1089

Karwan, Dedy H. and Hariri, Hasan and Ridwan, Ridwan (2020) Partnership Management in Industry-Based Learning in Vocational Secondary Schools of Lampung Province. Jurnal Manajemen Mutu Pendidikan, 8 (2). pp. 8-17. ISSN e-ISSN: 2716-4616 | p-ISSN 2302-1772

Karwan, Dedy H. and Hariri, Hasan and Ridwan, Ridwan (2020) Principal Visionary Leadership in Public Junior High Schools in Lampung Province, Indonesia. JPP FKIP Universitas Lampung.

Karwan, Dedy H. and Hariri, Hasan and Ridwan, Ridwan (2020) Principal Visionary Leadership in Public Junior High Schools in Lampung, Indonesia. Jurnal Pendidikan Progresif, 10 (1). pp. 1-10. ISSN 2087-9849


Lilis Afrianti, Lilis and Ridwan Ridwan, Ridwan and Hasan, Hariri and Sowiyah, Sowiyah (2020) Principals Role in Inclusive Education: A Literature Review. International Journal of Current Science Research and Review. ISSN 2581-8341

Lourena, Fitri May and Abdurrahman, Abdurrahman and Hariri, Hasan and Rahman, Bujang (2020) The Influence of Principal Managerial Competence on Teacher Performance at Schools in Bandar Lampung. Tadris: Jurnal keguruan dan Ilmu Tarbiyah UIN Raden Intan.

Lourena Fitri May, Lourena and Abdurrahman, Abdurrahman and Hasan, Hariri and Sowiyah, Sowiyah and Bujang Rahman, Rahman (2020) The Influence of Principal Managerial Competence on Teacher Performance at Schools in Bandar Lampung. Tadris: Jurnal Keguruan dan Ilmu Tarbiyah, 5 (1). pp. 121-130. ISSN p-ISSN: 2301-7562;e-ISSN: 2579-7964


Mawarni, Helvi (2020) Manajemen Penguatan Karakter di Pondok Pesantren Modern (Studi di Pondok Pesantren Nurul Ikhlas Tulang Bawang). Masters thesis, Universitas Lampung.

May, Lourena Fitri and Abdurrahman, Abdurrahman and Hariri, Hasan and Sowiyah, Sowiyah and Rahman, Bujang (2020) The Influence of Principal Managerial Competence on Teacher Performance at Schools in Bandar Lampung. Tadris: Jurnal Keguruan dan Ilmu Tarbiyah, 5 (1). pp. 121-130. ISSN p-ISSN: 2301-7562;e-ISSN: 2579-7964

May, Lourena Fitri and Abdurrahman, Abdurrahman and Hariri, Hasan and Sowiyah, Sowiyah and Rahman, Bujang (2020) The Influence of Principal Managerial Competence on Teacher Performance at Schools in Bandar Lampung. Tadris: Jurnal Keguruan dan Ilmu Tarbiyah, 5 (1). pp. 121-130. ISSN p-ISSN: 2301-7562;e-ISSN: 2579-7964


Neftyan, Caroline Claudia Anggina (2020) Gaya Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah di SMA Negeri 9 Bandar Lampung. Masters thesis, Universitas Lampung.

Neftyan, Caroline Claudia Anggina and Hariri, Hasan and Karwan, Dedy H. (2020) Do the Transformation Leadership Style have a Massive Influence on Teacher Job Satisfaction? International Journal of Current Science Research and Review, 03 (11 Nov). pp. 125-130. ISSN 2581-8341

Nur Handayani, Nur and Hasan, Hariri and Sowiyah, Sowiyah and Ridwan, Ridwan (2020) The Shaping of the Student Character Caring for the School Environment through the Green School Movement in SMP Negeri 2 Adiluwih. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1655. ISSN Print : 1742-6588 Online : 1742-6596


Resi Dwi Jayanti, Resi and Sowiyah, Sowiyah and Siswantoro, Siswantoro (2020) Relationship Scaffolding Method With Special Needs Students’ Independence Of Inclusive Education Schools. Jurnal Manajemen Mutu Pendidikan, 8 (2). ISSN e-ISSN: 2716-4616 | p-ISSN 2302-1772

Resi Dwi Jayanti, Resi and Sowiyah, Sowiyah and Siswantoro, Siswantoro (2020) Relationship Scaffolding Method With Special Needs Students’ Independence Of Inclusive Education Schools. Jurnal Manajemen Mutu Pendidikan, 8 (2). pp. 41-52. ISSN e-ISSN: 2716-4616 | p-ISSN 2302-1772

Ridwan, Ridwan and Karwan, Dedy H. and Hariri, Hasan (2020) Teacher Mentoring: Problems and Solutions. Jurnal Manajemen Mutu Pendidikan, 8 (2). pp. 18-30. ISSN e-ISSN: 2716-4616 | p-ISSN 2302-1772

Rini, Riswanti and Hariri, Hasan and Sukamto, Ismu (2020) Exploratory Analysis Study and Correlations between the Principal’s Leadership Style and the School’s Digitalization System in Bandar Lampung City. Jurnal Pendidikan Progresif, 10 (2). pp. 336-349. ISSN e-ISSN: 2550-1313 | p-ISSN: 2087-9849

Rini, Riswanti and Sukamto, Ismu and Ridwan, Ridwan and Hariri, Hasan (2020) School-Based Management in Indonesia: Decision-Making, Problems, and Problem-Solving Strategy. Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 422. pp. 229-232. ISSN 2352-5398

Riswanti, Rini and Hariri, Hasan and Sukamto, Ismu (2020) Exploratory Analysis Study and Correlations between the Principal’s Leadership Style and the School’s Digitalization System in Bandar Lampung City. JPP FKIP Universitas Lampung.

Rohma Lena, Rohma and Sowiyah, Sowiyah and Nelly Astuti, Nelly (2020) The Effect of Project Based Learning Model to Learning Outcomes of Learners. Pedagogi : Jurnal Pendidikan Dasar, 8 (1).


Sektiani, Indro (2020) Manajemen Pendidikan Sekolah Inklusi di Negeri SD Negeri 10 Nambah Rejo Kecamatan Kota Gajah Kabupaten Lampung Tengah. Masters thesis, Universitas Lampung.

Siswanto, Heru and Hariri, Hasan and Sowiyah, Sowiyah and Ridwan, Ridwan (2020) The influence of principal performance on teachers’ pedagogical competence. Journal of Social, Humanity, and Education, 1 (1). pp. 13-26.

Sopiah, Sopiah and Sowiyah, Sowiyah (2020) Relationship of the Completeness of Children Friendly School Facilities and Learning Interest on Results Learning High Class SD Negeri 5 Metro Barat. Jurnal Manajemen Mutu Pendidikan, 8 (2). pp. 31-40.

Sowiyah, Sowiyah (2020) Evaluation of Blended Learning Implementation in Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Lampung. Jurnal Pendidikan Progresif, 10 (3). pp. 429-439. ISSN e-ISSN: 2550-1313 | p-ISSN: 2087-9849

Sowiyah, Sowiyah (2020) Manajemen Sekolah Ramah Anak (Teori & Praktik). Graha Ilmu, Bandar Lampung. ISBN 978-623-228-698-6

Suparman, Ujang and Ridwan, Ridwan and Hariri, Hasan (2020) Uji similarity artikel: Promoting Learning Performance and Learning Outcomes: The Case of an Indonesian School. Asian EFL Journal Press, United Kingdom.


Tri Estu Wulandari, Tri and Riswanti, Rini and Sowiyah, Sowiyah and Elvira Putri Erlinda, Elvira (2020) Effectiveness of SliMS Automation System Services for Library Service Support (Case Study in MAN 1 Bandar Lampung. International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS), 4. ISSN 2454-6186


Ujang Suparman, Suparman and Ridwan, Ridwan and Hariri, Hasan (2020) Peer review artikel: Promoting Learning Performance and Learning Outcomes: The Case of an Indonesian School. Asian EFL Journal Press, United Kingdom.


Yoenny Oktavia Tangidy, Yoenny and Sowiyah, Sowiyah and Riswanti, Rini (2020) Collaborative Leadership In Decision Making At Educational Institute. International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS), 4. ISSN 2454-6186

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