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Number of items: 216.

Analianasari, Analianasari and Murhadi, Murhadi and Nurdin, Samsu Udayana and Utomo, tanto Pratondo and Suhandy, Diding (2023) The influence of coffee clonesand postharvest methods on the physical quality of eight clones oflocal robusta coffeein West Lampung, Indonesia. Biodiversitas, 24 (10). pp. 5779-5787. ISSN 2085-4722

Suhandy, Diding and Yulia, Meinilwita (2022) Sertifikat Hak Cipta Buku Uji Keaslian Madu Dengan Teknologi UV-Visible Spectroscopy : Dari Benchtop Ke Portabel. Dirjen KI RI.

Suhandy, Diding and Yulia, Meinilwita (2022) Sertifikat hak cipta buku referensi kopi robusta Lampung. Dirjen KI RI.

Yulia, Meinilwita and Ningtyas, Kurnia Rimadhanti and Suharyatun, Siti and Rahmawati, Winda and Suhandy, Diding (2022) Similirity: UV spectroscopy for discrimination of two arabica coffee cultivars in West Java Indonesia: a feasibility study. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.

Suhandy, Diding (2022) Bukti Melakukan Review Artikel di Jurnal applied Sciences Tahun 2022 Diding Suhandy (Reviewer). Universitas Lampung.

Suhandy, Diding (2022) Bukti Perolehan Hibah Kompetitif Nasional Terapan 2022 Diding Suhandy (Ketua). Universitas Lampung.

Suhandy, Diding and Yulia, Meinilwita (2021) Bukti Sertifikat Hak Cipta Buku Autentikasi Madu Menggunakan Teknologi UV-Visible Spectroscopy. Dirjen KI RI.

Yulia, Meinilwita and Suhandy, Diding (2021) Quantification of Corn Adulteration in Wet and Dry-Processed Peaberry Ground Roasted Coffees by UV–Vis Spectroscopy and Chemometrics. Molecules, 26 (20). p. 6091. ISSN 1420-3049

Suhandy, Diding and Yulia, Meinilwita (2021) Authentication of Six Indonesian Ground Roasted Specialty Coffees According to Variety and Geographical Origin using NIR Spectroscopy with Integrating Sphere. IOP Publishing.

Suhandy, Diding and Yulia, Meinilwita (2021) Authentication of Six Indonesian Ground Roasted Specialty Coffees According to Variety and Geographical Origin using NIR Spectroscopy with Integrating Sphere. In: ICoSITeR2020, 23-25 October 2020, South Lampung, Indonesia.

Yulia, Meinilwita and Ningtyas, Kurnia Rimadhanti and Kuncoro, Sapto and Suhandy, Diding (2021) A Discrimination of Dry and Wet Processing Lampung Robusta Coffee using UV Spectroscopy and PLS-DA. IOP Publishing.

Yulia, Meinilwita and Ningtyas, Kurnia Rimadhanti and Kuncoro, Sapto and Suhandy, Diding (2021) A Discrimination of Dry and Wet Processing Lampung Robusta Coffee using UV Spectroscopy and PLS-DA. In: ICoSITeR2020, 23-25 October 2020, South Lampung, Indonesia.

Suhandy, Diding and Yulia, Meinilwita (2021) Bukti kehadiran ICAPHP 2021. ICAPHP2021. (Unpublished)

Suhandy, Diding and Yulia, Meinilwita and Kusumiyati, Kusumiyati and Suharyatun, Siti and Waluyo, Sri (2021) Investigasi pengaruh pengenceran sampel madu pada proses klasifikasi madu menggunakan uv spectroscopy dan kemometrika. Jurnal Teknologi & Industri Hasil Pertanian, 26 (2). pp. 72-82. ISSN 1410-3044

LPPM Universitas Lampung (2021) Metode Pengujian Keaslian Kopi Bubuk Luwak Menggunakan UV-Visible Spectroscopy dan Kemometrika. IDP000080391.

Suhandy, Diding and Yulia, Meinilwita (2021) Using UV-Visible spectroscopy coupled with linear discrimination analysis to discriminate between monofloral and multifloral honey from Indonesia. In: The International Conference on Chemical Science and Technology (ICCST) 2021, 8 September 2020, Medan North Sumatera.

Suhandy, Diding and Yulia, Meinilwita and Kuroki, Shinichiro and Nakano, Kohei (2021) The potential application of portable spectrometer equipped with integrating sphere and PLS-DA method to authenticate Indonesian specialty coffee. In: The International Conference on Chemical Science and Technology (ICCST) 2021, 8 September 2020, Medan North Sumatera.

Yulia, Meinilwita and Suhandy, Diding (2021) The qualitative and quantitative analysis of adulteration in specialty coffee from Tanggamus lampung using UV-visible spectroscopy and chemometrics. In: The International Conference on Chemical Science and Technology (ICCST) 2021, 8 September 2020, Medan North Sumatera.


Suhandy, Diding and Yulia, Meinilwita (2021) UJI KEASLIAN MADU LEBAH HUTAN APIS DORSATA DARI NEKTAR UNIFLORA ACACIA MANGIUM MENGGUNAKAN SPEKTROSKOPI ULTRAVIOLET DAN KEMOMETRIKA. Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya, Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian JTP.

Kuncoro, Sapto and Suhandy, Diding and Elhamida, Rezkia and Rahmawati, Winda (2021) PERTANIAN VERTIKULTUR UNTUK MENINGKATKAN MINAT MENANAM PADA ANAK SEKOLAH DASAR KHOIRU UMMAH BANDAR LAMPUNG. SAKAI SAMBAYAN, 5 (1). pp. 55-60. ISSN e-ISSN 2550-1089

Kuncoro, Sapto and Yulia, Meinilwita and Suhandy, Diding (2021) APLIKASI UV SPECTROSCOPY DAN METODE SIMCA UNTUK KLASIFIKASI KOPI LIBERIKA TUNGKAL JAMBI DAN KOPI LIBERIKA PROBOLINGGO. Jurusan Teknik Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian Unila, Jurnal Teknik Pertanian Lampung.

Kuncoro, Sapto and Yulia, Meinilwita and Suhandy, Diding (2021) APLIKASI UV SPECTROSCOPY DAN METODE SIMCA UNTUK KLASIFIKASI KOPI LIBERIKA TUNGKAL JAMBI DAN KOPI LIBERIKA PROBOLINGGO. Jurnal Teknik Pertanian Lampung, 10 (1). pp. 49-56. ISSN 2302-559X

Suhandy, Diding and Yulia, Meinilwita (2021) The Use of UV Spectroscopy and SIMCA for the Authentication of Indonesian Honeys According to Botanical, Entomological and Geographical Origins. Molecules, 26 (4). p. 915. ISSN 1420-3049

Kusumiyati, Kusumiyati and Munawar, Agus Arip and Suhandy, Diding (2021) Fast and contactless assessment of intact mango fruit quality attributes using near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). In: ICATES2020, 21-22 September 2020, Banda Aceh.

Suhandy, Diding and Yulia, Meinilwita (2021) Classification of Lampung robusta Specialty Coffee According to Differences in Cherry Processing Methods Using UV Spectroscopy and Chemometrics. Agriculture, 11 (2). p. 109. ISSN 2077-0472

Suhandy, Diding and Yulia, Meinilwita (2021) Classification of Lampung robusta Specialty Coffee According to Differences in Cherry Processing Methods Using UV Spectroscopy and Chemometrics. MDPI AG, Agriculture (MDPI).

Suhandy, Diding and Yulia, Meinilwita (2021) THE USE OF ULTRAVIOLET (UV) SPECTROSCOPY AND CHEMOMETRICS TO QUANTIFY THE PERCENTAGES OF ADULTERATION IN KALOSI GROUND ROASTED SPECIALTY COFFEE. Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, 16 (1). pp. 350-364. ISSN 1823-4690


Suhandy, Diding and Yulia, Meinilwita (2021) Uji Keaslian Kopi Bubuk Spesialti Arabika Gayo Aceh Menggunakan Spektroskopi UV dan Kemometrika. AGRITECH, 41 (1). pp. 58-70. ISSN 0216-0455

Suhandy, Diding and Yulia, Meinilwita (2021) Uji Keaslian Kopi Bubuk Spesialti Arabika Gayo Aceh Menggunakan Spektroskopi UV dan Kemometrika. Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian UGM, AGRITECH.

Suhandy, Diding and Yulia, Meinilwita (2021) The Use of UV Spectroscopy and SIMCA for the Authentication of Indonesian Honeys According to Botanical, Entomological and Geographical Origins. MDPI AG, Molecules.

Yulia, Meinilwita and Suhandy, Diding (2021) Simple analytical method based on UV-visible spectroscopy coupled with SIMCA method for authentication of Lampung robusta coffee with geographic indications (GIs). In: ICASMI 2020, 3 September 2020, Bandar Lampung.

Suhandy, Diding and Yulia, Meinilwita and Kuroki, Shinichiro and Nakano, Kohei (2021) The Use of SIMCA Method and NIR Spectroscopy with Hand-Held Spectrometers Equipped with Integrating Sphere for Classification of Two Different Indonesian Specialty Coffees. In: ICASMI 2020, 3-4 September 2020, Bandar Lampung.

Kusumiyati, Kusumiyati and Munawar, Agus Arip and Suhandy, Diding (2021) Fast, simultaneous and contactless assessment of intact mango fruit by means of near infrared spectroscopy. AIMS Agriculture and Food, 6 (1). pp. 172-184. ISSN 2471-2086

Kusumiyati, Kusumiyati and Munawar, Agus Arip and Suhandy, Diding (2021) Fast, simultaneous and contactless assessment of intact mango fruit by means of near infrared spectroscopy. AIMS Press, AIMS Agriculture and Food.

Suhandy, Diding (2021) Bukti LoA artikel di ICAPHP2021 M Yulia. ICAPHP2021. (Unpublished)

Suhandy, Diding (2021) Bukti Melakukan Review Artikel di Jurnal JESTEC Tahun 2021 Diding Suhandy (Reviewer). Universitas Lampung.

Suhandy, Diding (2021) Bukti Melakukan Review Artikel di Jurnal Molecules Tahun 2021 Diding Suhandy (Reviewer). Universitas Lampung.

Suhandy, Diding (2021) Bukti Perolehan Hibah Kompetitif Nasional Dasar 2021 Diding Suhandy (Ketua). Universitas Lampung.

Suhandy, Diding (2021) Bukti Perolehan Hibah Kompetitif Nasional Terapan 2021 Diding Suhandy (Ketua). Universitas Lampung.

Suhandy, Diding (2021) Bukti kehadiran seminar internasional TREPSEA2021. TREPSEA. (Unpublished)

Kusumiyati, Kusumiyati and Munawar, Agus Arip and Suhandy, Diding (2021) Fast and contactless assessment of intact mango fruit quality attributes using near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). IOP Publishing, IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science.

Suhandy, Diding and Yulia, Meinilwita and Kusumiyati, Kusumiyati and Suharyatun, Siti and Waluyo, Sri (2021) Investigasi pengaruh pengenceran sampel madu pada proses klasifikasi madu menggunakan uv spectroscopy dan kemometrika. Department of Agricultural Product Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, cooperated with Association of Indonesian Food Technologist (PATPI).

Suhandy, Diding (2021) Letter of Acceptance (LoA) artikel di ICAPHP2021. ICAPHP2021. (Unpublished)

Yulia, Meinilwita and Suhandy, Diding (2021) LoA AESAP2021 Meinilwita Yulia dan Diding Suhandy. AESAP2021. (Unpublished)

Suhandy, Diding (2021) LoA artikel di AESAP2021 Diding Suhandy. AESAP2021. (Unpublished)

Suhandy, Diding (2021) LoA artikel di IPBFFTC2021 Diding Suhandy. IPBFFTC2021. (Unpublished)

Suhandy, Diding (2021) Penghargaan best presenter di ICAPHP2021. ICAPHP2021.

Suhandy, Diding (2021) Sertifikat Best Presenter di AESAP2021 M Yulia. AESAP2021.

Suhandy, Diding (2021) Sertifikat Presenter di AESAP2021 Diding Suhandy. AESAP2021.

Suhandy, Diding (2021) Sertifikat Presenter di IPBFFTC2021 Diding Suhandy. IPBFFTC2021.

Suhandy, Diding (2021) Sertifikat presenter di AESAP2021 M Yulia. AESAP2021.

Suhandy, Diding (2021) Sertifikat presenter di ICAPHP2021 M Yulia. ICAPHP2021.

Suhandy, Diding (2021) Sertifikat presenter di TREPSEA2021 M Yulia. TREPSEA2021.

Yulia, Meinilwita and Suhandy, Diding (2021) Simple analytical method based on UV-visible spectroscopy coupled with SIMCA method for authentication of Lampung robusta coffee with geographic indications (GIs). IOP Publishing, Journal of Physics: Conference Series.

Suhandy, Diding and Yulia, Meinilwita (2021) Tutorial Analisis Data Spektra Menggunakan The Unscrambler® Edisi ke-2. Graha Ilmu.

Suhandy, Diding and Yulia, Meinilwita and Kuroki, Shinichiro and Nakano, Kohei (2021) The Use of SIMCA Method and NIR Spectroscopy with Hand-Held Spectrometers Equipped with Integrating Sphere for Classification of Two Different Indonesian Specialty Coffees. IOP Publishing, Journal of Physics: Conference Series.

Suhandy, Diding and Yulia, Meinilwita (2021) Using UV-Visible spectroscopy coupled with linear discrimination analysis to discriminate between monofloral and multifloral honey from Indonesia. AIP Publishing, AIP Conference Proceedings.

Suhandy, Diding and Yulia, Meinilwita and Kuroki, Shinichiro and Nakano, Kohei (2021) The potential application of portable spectrometer equipped with integrating sphere and PLS-DA method to authenticate Indonesian specialty coffee. AIP Publishing, AIP Conference Proceedings.

Yulia, Meinilwita and Suhandy, Diding (2021) The qualitative and quantitative analysis of adulteration in specialty coffee from Tanggamus lampung using UV-visible spectroscopy and chemometrics. AIP Publishing, AIP Conference Proceedings.

Kusumiyati, Kusumiyati and Munawar, Agus Arip and Suhandy, Diding (2020) PREDIKSI VITAMIN C, TOTAL ASAM TERTITRASI, DAN TOTAL PADATAN TERLARUT PADA BUAH MANGGA MENGGUNAKAN NEAR-INFRARED REFLECTANCE SPECTROSCOPY. Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya, Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian JTP.

Kusumiyati, Kusumiyati and Munawar, Agus Arip and Suhandy, Diding (2020) PREDIKSI VITAMIN C, TOTAL ASAM TERTITRASI, DAN TOTAL PADATAN TERLARUT PADA BUAH MANGGA MENGGUNAKAN NEAR-INFRARED REFLECTANCE SPECTROSCOPY. Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian, 21 (3). pp. 145-154. ISSN 2528-2794

Suhandy, Diding and Yulia, Meinilwita (2020) Klasifikasi Madu Berdasarkan Jenis Lebah (Apis dorsata versus Apis mellifera) Menggunakan Spektroskopi Ultraviolet dan Kemometrika. JIPI Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia, 25 (4). pp. 564-573. ISSN 0853-4217

Suhandy, Diding and Yulia, Meinilwita (2020) Klasifikasi Madu Berdasarkan Jenis Lebah (Apis dorsataversus Apis mellifera) Menggunakan Spektroskopi Ultraviolet dan Kemometrika. LPPM IPB, JIPI.

Suhandy, Diding and Yulia, Meinilwita (2020) Unsupervised classification of three specialty coffees from Java based on principal component analysis and UV-visible spectroscopy. In: International Conference on Science, Infrastructure Technology and Regional Development 2019 25-26 October 2019, South Lampung, Indonesia, 25-26 October 2019, South Lampung, Indonesia.

Yulia, Meinilwita and Suhandy, Diding (2020) The potential application of UV-visible spectroscopy and chemometrics for discrimination of Lampung robusta coffee with different fermentations. In: International Conference on Science, Infrastructure Technology and Regional Development 2019 25-26 October 2019, South Lampung, Indonesia, 25-26 October 2019, South Lampung, Indonesia.

Suhandy, Diding (2020) Bukti Melakukan Review Artikel di Jurnal Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition Tahun 2020 Diding Suhandy (Reviewer). Universitas Lampung.

Suhandy, Diding and Yulia, Meinilwita (2020) Teknologi Near Infrared Spectroscopy Portabel Untuk Kuantifikasi Atribut Mutu Buah-Buahan. Graha Ilmu.

Suhandy, Diding and Yulia, Meinilwita (2020) Unsupervised classification of three specialty coffees from Java based on principal component analysis and UV-visible spectroscopy. IOP Publishing, IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science.

Yulia, Meinilwita and Suhandy, Diding (2020) The potential application of UV-visible spectroscopy and chemometrics for discrimination of Lampung robusta coffee with different fermentations. IOP Publishing, IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science.

Yulia, Meinilwita and Suhandy, Diding (2019) Authentication of organic Lampung robusta ground roasted coffee by UV-visible spectroscopy and PLS-DA method. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1341. pp. 1-7. ISSN Print : 1742-6588 Online : 1742-6596

Suhandy, Diding and Zulkarnain, Iskandar and Meinilwita, Yulia and Pratama, Galih (2019) STUDI KUANTIFIKASI PENCAMPURAN KOPI DEKAF-NONDEKAF MENGGUNAKAN UV-Vis SPECTROSCOPY DAN REGRESI PLS. Jurnal Teknik Pertanian Lampung, 8 (2). pp. 86-96. ISSN 2302-559X

Yulia, Meinilwita and Suhandy, Diding (2019) The Feasibility of Geographical Origin Discrimination of Lampung Robusta Coffee Using UV-Visible Spectroscopy and Chemometric Methods. In: International Conference on Science, Infrastructure Technology and Regional Development, 19–20 October 2018, Institut Teknologi Sumatera campus, Lampung Selatan, Indonesia.

Suhandy, Diding and Yulia, Meinilwita (2019) The Measurement of Luwak Content in Coffee Blends Using UV-Visible Spectroscopy Combined with Support Vector Machine Regression (SVMR). In: International Conference on Science, Infrastructure Technology and Regional Development (ICoSITeR) 2018, 19-20 October 2018, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia.

Suhandy, Diding and Yulia, Meinilwita (2019) Potential application of UV-visible spectroscopy and PLS-DA method to discriminate Indonesian CTC black tea according to grade levels. In: International Conference on Science, Infrastructure Technology and Regional Development, 19–20 October 2018, Institut Teknologi Sumatera campus, Lampung Selatan, Indonesia.

Suhandy, Diding and Yulia, Meinilwita (2019) The authentication of peaberry and civet ground roasted robusta coffee using UV-visible spectroscopy and PLS-DA method with two different particle sizes. In: International Conference on Science, Technology, Infrastructure and Regional Development (ICoSITeR), 19-20 Oktober 2018, ITERA (Institut Teknologi Sumatera).

Suhandy, Diding and Yulia, Meinilwita (2019) Klasifikasi Kopi Bubuk Spesialti Kalosi dan Toraja Menggunakan UV-Visible Spectroscopydan Metode PLS-DA. LPPM IPB, JIPI.

Suhandy, Diding and Yulia, Meinilwita (2019) Klasifikasi Kopi Bubuk Spesialti Kalosi dan Toraja Menggunakan UVVisible Spectroscopy dan Metode PLS-DA. JIPI Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia, 24 (1). pp. 73-81. ISSN 0853-4217

Suhandy, Diding (2019) Bukti Perolehan Hibah Kompetitif PSNI 2019 Diding Suhandy (Ketua). Universitas Lampung.

Yulia, Meinilwita and Suhandy, Diding (2019) The Feasibility of Geographical Origin Discrimination of Lampung Robusta Coffee Using UV-Visible Spectroscopy and Chemometric Methods. IOP Publishing, IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science.

Suhandy, Diding and Yulia, Meinilwita (2019) Pengantar Ilmu Spektroskopi Untuk Pertanian. Graha Ilmu.

Suhandy, Diding and Yulia, Meinilwita (2019) Potential application of UV-visible spectroscopy and PLS-DA method to discriminate Indonesian CTC black tea according to grade levels. IOP Publishing, IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science.

Suhandy, Diding and Yulia, Meinilwita and Kusumiyati, Kusumiyati (2019) The authentication of peaberry and civet ground roasted robusta coffee using UV-visible spectroscopy and PLS-DA method with two different particle sizes. IOP Publishing, IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science.

Suhandy, Diding and Yulia, Meinilwita (2019) The development of classification model of peaberry and civet ground roasted coffee using UV-visible spectroscopy and two different compensation methods. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1341. pp. 1-7. ISSN Print : 1742-6588 Online : 1742-6596

Suhandy, Diding and Supriyanti, Eny and Yulia, Meinilwita and Waluyo, Sri (2018) PENGGUNAAN TEKNOLOGI UV-Vis SPECTROSCOPY UNTUK MEMBEDAKAN JENIS KOPI BUBUK ARABIKA GAYO WINE DAN KOPI BUBUK ARABIKA GAYO BIASA. Jurnal Teknik Pertanian Lampung, 7 (3). pp. 123-132. ISSN 2302-559X

Suhandy, Diding and Supriyanti, Eny and Yulia, Meinilwita and Waluyo, Sri (2018) PENGGUNAAN TEKNOLOGI UV-Vis SPECTROSCOPY UNTUK MEMBEDAKAN JENIS KOPI BUBUK ARABIKA GAYO WINE DAN KOPI BUBUK ARABIKA GAYO BIASA. Jurusan Teknik Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian Unila, Jurnal Teknik Pertanian Lampung.

Subagya, Annie Widya and Tamrin, Tamrin and Sugianti, Cicih and Suhandy, Diding (2018) MEMPELAJARI KARAKTERISTIK PENGERINGAN KERUPUK SAYUR. Jurnal Ilmiah Rekayasa Pertanian dan Biosistem, 6 (2). pp. 172-180. ISSN 2301-8119

isworo, Dyah and Triyono, Sugeng and Haryanto, Agus and Suhandy, Diding (2018) PENGARUH CAMPURAN LIMBAH BAGLOG DAN ARANG SEKAM TERHADAP KARAKTERISTIK MEDIA TANAM. Jurnal Teknik Pertanian Lampung, 7 (2). pp. 115-121. ISSN 2549-0818



Suhandy, Diding (2018) Penggunaan Metode Soft Independent Modelling of Class Analogy Dan Uv-Vis Spectroscopy Untuk Membedakan Kopi Bubuk Robusta Asal Jawa Dan Sumatera Secara Cepat. Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Terapan, 18 (2). pp. 110-115. ISSN 1410-5020

Suhandy, Diding (2018) Bukti Perolehan Hibah Kompetitif Nasional PBK 2018 Diding Suhandy (Ketua). Universitas Lampung.

Suhandy, Diding (2018) Bukti Perolehan Hibah Kompetitif Nasional PSNI 2018 Diding Suhandy (Ketua). Universitas Lampung.

Suhandy, Diding (2018) Chemometric quantification of peaberry coffee in blends using UV–visible spectroscopy and partial least squares regression. In: THE 8TH ANNUAL BASIC SCIENCE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, 6–7 March 2018, Malang, Indonesia.

Suhandy, Diding (2018) The Classification of Ground Roasted Decaffeinated Coffee Using UV-VIS Spectroscopy and SIMCA Method. In: The 2nd International Conference on Agricultural Engineering for Sustainable Agriculture Production 2017 (AESAP 2017), 23–25 October 2017, Bogor, Indonesia.

Suhandy, Diding and Yulia, Meinilwita (2018) The Current Status of Authentication of Indonesian Specialty Coffees Using UV-Visible Spectroscopy and Chemometrics. In: IC-GU 12 UGSAS-GU, 3-4 Desember 2018, Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Lampung.

Suhandy, Diding (2018) The Detection and Quantification of Adulteration in Ground Roasted Asian Palm Civet Coffee Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy in Tandem with Chemometrics. In: The 2nd International Conference on Agricultural Engineering for Sustainable Agriculture Production 2017 (AESAP 2017), 23–25 October 2017, Bogor, Indonesia.

Suhandy, Diding (2018) Discrimination of several Indonesian specialty coffees using Fluorescence Spectroscopy combined with SIMCA method. In: The 3rd International Conference on Chemical Engineering Sciences and Applications 2017 (3rd ICChESA 2017), 20-21 September 2017, Aceh.

Suhandy, Diding (2018) Identification of fresh and expired ground roasted robusta coffee using UV-visible spectroscopy and chemometrics. In: The 3rd Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference (AASEC 2018), 18 April 2018, Bandung, Indonesia.

Yulia, Meinilwita and Suhandy, Diding (2018) Identification of fresh and expired ground roasted robusta coffee using UV-visible spectroscopy and chemometrics. EDP Sciences, MATEC Web of Conferences.

Suhandy, Diding (2018) Luwak Coffee Classification Using UV-Vis Spectroscopy Data: Comparison of Linear Discriminant Analysis and Support Vector Machine Methods. Aceh International Journal of Science and Technology (AIJST), 7 (2). pp. 115-121. ISSN 2088-9860

Suhandy, Diding (2018) Partial least squares with discriminant analysis and UV– visible spectroscopy for qualitative evaluation of Arabica and Robusta coffee in Lampung. In: THE 8TH ANNUAL BASIC SCIENCE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, 6–7 March 2018, Malang, Indonesia.

Suhandy, Diding (2018) Pengaruh Ukuran Partikel Kopi Bubuk pada Proses Diskriminasi Kopi Dekafeinasi Menggunakan Metode Ultraviolet-Visible Spectroscopy dan PLS-DA. Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Terapan (JPPT), 18 (1). pp. 46-51. ISSN 1410-5020

Suhandy, Diding and Yulia, Meinilwita and Suzuki, Tetsuhito and Ogawa, Yuichi and Kondo, Naoshi (2018) RIGHT-ANGLE FLUORESCENCE SPECTROSCOPY COUPLED WITH PLS-DA FOR DISCRIMINATION OF INDONESIAN PALM CIVET COFFEE. In: ISAE International Seminar 2017, 9-12 August 2017, Bandar Lampung.


Suhandy, Diding (2018) The classification of arabica gayo wine coffee using UV-visible spectroscopy and PCA-DA method. In: The 3rd Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference (AASEC 2018), 18 April 2018, Bandung, Indonesia.

Suhandy, Diding and Yulia, Meinilwita (2018) The classification of arabica gayo wine coffee using UV-visible spectroscopy and PCA-DA method. EDP Sciences, MATEC Web of Conferences.

Suhandy, Diding (2018) The feasibility of using explicit method for linear correction of the particle size variation using NIR Spectroscopy combined with PLS2 regression method. In: The 3rd International Conference on Chemical Engineering Sciences and Applications 2017 (3rd ICChESA 2017), 20-21 September 2017, Aceh.

Suhandy, Diding (2018) The potential of UV-visible spectroscopy and chemometrics for determination of geographic origin of three specialty coffees in Indonesia. In: THE 8TH ANNUAL BASIC SCIENCE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, 6–7 March 2018, Malang, Indonesia.

Suhandy, Diding and Yulia, Meinilwita and Waluyo, Sri and sugianti, cicih (2017) UJI PENGGUNAAN METODE DISCRIMINANT PARTIAL LEAST SQUARES (DPLS) DAN DATA SPEKTRA DI DAERAH ULTRAVIOLET-CAHAYA TAMPAK UNTUK PENGGOLONGAN KOPI LUWAK. Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian (JTEP), 5 (3). pp. 195-200. ISSN 2407-0475

Suhandy, Diding and Yulia, Meinilwita and Waluyo, Sri and sugianti, cicih (2017) Uji Penggunaan Metode Discriminant Partial Least Squares (DPLS) dan Data Spektra di Daerah Ultraviolet-Cahaya Tampak untuk Penggolongan Kopi Luwak. PERTETA, JTEP Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian.

Suhandy, Diding and Yulia, Meinilwita and Ogawa, Yuichi and Kondo, Naoshi (2017) Diskriminasi Kopi Lanang Menggunakan UV-Visible Spectroscopy dan Metode SIMCA. AGRITECH, 37 (4). pp. 471-476. ISSN 0216-0455

Suhandy, Diding and Yulia, Meinilwita and Ogawa, Yuichi and Kondo, Naoshi (2017) Diskriminasi Kopi Lanang Menggunakan UV-Visible Spectroscopy dan Metode SIMCA. Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian UGM, AGRITECH.

Waluyo, Sri and Handayani, Fipit Novi and Suhandy, Diding and Rahmawati, Winda and Sugianti, Cicih and Yulia, Meinilwita (2017) ANALISIS SPEKTRUM UV-VIS UNTUK MENGUJI KEMURNIAN KOPI LUWAK. Jurnal Teknik Pertanian Lampung, 6 (2). pp. 73-80. ISSN 2302-559X

Suhandy, Diding (2017) ANALISIS SPEKTRUM UV-VIS UNTUK MENGUJI KEMURNIAN KOPI LUWAK. Jurnal Teknik Pertanian Lampung, 6 (2). pp. 73-80. ISSN 2302-559X

Suhandy, Diding and Yulia, Meinilwita (2017) The Quantification of Adulteration in Arabica Coffee using UV-Visible Spectroscopy in Combination with Two Different PLS Regressions. Aceh International Journal of Science and Technology (AIJST), 6 (2). pp. 59-67. ISSN 2088-9860

Suhandy, Diding and Yulia, Meinilwita (2017) Peaberry coffee discrimination using UV-visible spectroscopy combined with SIMCA and PLS-DA. Taylor & Francis, International Journal of Food Properties.

Yulia, Meinilwita and Iriani, Riri and Suhandy, Diding and Waluyo, Sri and Sugianti, Cicih (2017) Studi Penggunaan Uv-Vis Spectroscopy Dan Kemometrika Untuk Mengidentifikasi Pemalsuan Kopi Arabika Dan Robusta Secara Cepat. Jurnal Teknik Pertanian Lampung, 6 (1). pp. 43-52. ISSN 2302-559X

Suhandy, Diding (2017) Bukti Perolehan Hibah Kompetitif Nasional PSNI 2017 Diding Suhandy (Ketua). Universitas Lampung.

Yulia, Meinilwita and Suhandy, Diding (2017) Indonesian palm civet coffee discrimination using UV-visible spectroscopy and several chemometrics methods. In: International Symposium on Bioinformatics, Chemometrics and Metabolomics 18 October 2016, Bogor, Indonesia, 18 October 2016, Bogor, Indonesia.

Suhandy, Diding (2017) Indonesian palm civet coffee discrimination using UV-visible spectroscopy and several chemometrics methods. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 835 (1). pp. 1-6. ISSN 17426596

Yulia, Meinilwita and Suhandy, Diding and Suzuki, Tetsuhito and Ogawa, Yuichi and Kondo, Naoshi (2017) L-ASCORBIC ACID DETERMINATION USING FTIR-ATR TERAHERTZ SPECTROSCOPY COMBINED WITH PLS2 REGRESSION. In: ISAE International Seminar 2017, 9-12 August 2017, Bandar Lampung.

Suhandy, Diding and Yulia, Meinilwita (2017) Peaberry coffee discrimination using UV-visible spectroscopy combined with SIMCA and PLS-DA. International Journal of Food Properties. ISSN 1094-2912 (In Press)

Suhandy, Diding (2017) Penilaian Sejawat: Peaberry coffee discrimination using UV-visible spectroscopy combined with SIMCA and PLS-DA. Taylor & Francis.

Suhandy, Diding and Yulia, Meinilwita (2017) The Use of Partial Least Square Regression and Spectral Data in UV-Visible Region for Quantification of Adulteration in Indonesian Palm Civet Coffee. International Journal of Food Science. pp. 1-7. ISSN 2356-7015

YULIA, MEINILWITA and Suhandy, Diding and Waluyo, Sri and sugianti, cicih (2016) DETECTION AND QUANTIFICATION OF ADULTERATION IN LUWAK COFFEE THROUGH ULTRAVIOLET-VISIBLE SPECTROSCOPY COMBINED WITH CHEMOMETRICS METHOD. In: The USR International Seminar on Food Security (UISFS), August 23 - 24, 2016, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia.

Setiasih, Ning Hartati and Triyono, Sugeng and Tusi, Ahmad and Suhandy, Diding (2016) PENGARUH DAYA LAMPU NEON TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN TANAMAN PAK CHOI (Brassica rapa L.) PADA SISTEM HIDROPONIK INDOOR. Jurnal Teknik Pertanian Lampung, 5 (2). pp. 93-100. ISSN 2302-559X

Suhandy, Diding (2016) Bukti Perolehan Hibah Kompetitif Nasional PSNI 2016 Diding Suhandy (Ketua). Universitas Lampung.

Yulia, Meinilwita and Suhandy, Diding and Waluyo, Sri and Sugianti, Cicih (2016) Detection and Quantification of Adulteration in Luwak Coffee Through Ultraviolet-Visible Spectroscopy Combined with Chemometrics Method. In: UISFS The USR International Seminar on Food Security, August 23-24, 2016, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia.

Suhandy, Diding and Yulia, Meinilwita (2016) A Method to Compensate the Influence of Different Particle Size of Coffee Powder in NIR Calibration Model Performance. In: The 1st International Conference on the Role of Agricultural Engineering for Sustainable Agriculture Production, 13-14 December 2016, Bogor, Indonesia.

Priastuti, Rita Catur and Tamrin, Tamrin and Suhandy, Diding (2016) PENGARUH ARAH DAN KETEBALAN IRISAN KUNYIT TERHADAP SIFAT FISIK TEPUNG KUNYIT YANG DIHASILKAN. Jurnal Teknik Pertanian Lampung, 5 (2). pp. 101-108. ISSN 2302-559X

Yulia, Meinilwita and Suhandy, Diding (2016) Potensi Penggunaan UV-Visible Spectroscopy dan PLS-DA untuk Membedakan Kopi Luwak dan Bukan Luwak. In: Seminar Nasional Pengembangan Teknologi Pertanian Politeknik Negeri Lampung, 08 September 2016, Politeknik Negeri Lampung.

Suhandy, Diding and Yulia, Meinilwita and Novita, Dwi Dian and Oktora, Arion and Fitri, Yuni Kurnia (2016) The Potential Application of Using lnformation from Absorbance Spectra in UV‐ Vis Region for Prediction of ShelfLife in Loca1 0range Fruits During storage. In: Seminar Nasional Tempe, 28 Mei 2016, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia.

Suhandy, Diding and Yulia, Meinilwita and Waluyo, Sri and Sugianti, Cicih and Iriani, Riri and Handayani, Fipit Novi and Apratiwi, Novi (2016) The Potential Use of Ultraviolet-Visible Spectroscopy and Soft Independent Modelling of Class Analogies (SIMCA) for Classification of Indonesian Palm Civet Coffee (Kopi Luwak). In: UISFS The USR International Seminar on Food Security, August 23-24, 2016, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia.

Dahlia, Ani and Haryanto, Agus and Suhandy, Diding (2016) STUDI PENGGUNAAN KMnO4 UNTUK MEMPERPANJANG UMUR SIMPAN PISANG MULI. Jurnal Teknik Pertanian Lampung, 5 (2). pp. 67-72. ISSN 2302-559X

Sugianti, Cicih and Apratiwi, Novi and Suhandy, Diding and Telaumbanua, Mareli and Waluyo, Sri and Yulia, Meinilwita (2016) STUDIES ON THE USE OF UV-VIS SPECTROSCOPY FOR IDENTIFICATION OF BLENDING OF CIVET COFFEE WITH ARABICA COFFEE. Jurnal Teknik Pertanian Lampung, 5 (3). pp. 167-176. ISSN 2302-559X

Suhandy, Diding and Novita, Dwi Dian and Yulia, Meinilwita and Oktora, Arion and Fitri, Yuni Kurnia (2016) Shelf Life Prediction of Local Oranges Using Spectral Information in UV-Vis-NIR Region Combined With PLS Regression. In: UISFC International Seminar Food Secure, 23-24 August 2016, Bandar Lampung.

Suhandy, Diding and Waluyo, Sri and Sugianti, Cicih and Yulia, Meinilwita and Iriani, Riri and Handayani, Fipit Novi and Apratiwi, Novi (2016) The Use of UV-Vis-NIR Spectroscopy and Chemometrics for Identification of Adulteration in Ground Roasted Arabica Coffees -Investigation on the Influence of Particle Size on Spectral Analysis-. In: Seminar Nasional Tempe, 28 Mei 2016, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia.

Ramadhan, Handy and Tusi, Ahmad and Suhandy, Diding and Zulkarnain, Iskandar (2015) RANCANG BANGUN SISTEM HIDROPONIK PASANG SURUT UNTUK TANAMAN BABY KAILAN (Brassica oleraceae) DENGAN MEDIA TANAM SERBUK SERABUT KELAPA. Jurnal Teknik Pertanian Lampung, 4 (4). pp. 281-292. ISSN 2302-559X

Suhandy, Diding and Tusi, Ahmad and Novianto, Iwan and Yulia, Meinilwita (2015) Analisis Hubungan Tingkat Pemberian Air Irigasi terhadap Nilai Leaf Water Potential dan Kandungan Padatan Terlarut pada Tanaman Melon(Cucumis melo L). In: Seminar Nasional Sains & Teknologi VI, 3 November 2015, Bandar Lampung.

Tusi, Ahmad and Suhandy, Diding and Agista, Darma and Oktafri, Oktafri (2015) Penentuan Jumlah Titik Pengambilan Spektra Suhu Daun Tanaman Kopi Menggunakan Infrared Thermometer. In: Seminar Nasional Sains dan Teknologi VI, 3 November 2015, Bandar Lampung Indonesia.

Suhandy, Diding (2015) Bukti Perolehan Hibah Kompetitif Nasional Ristek 2015 Diding Suhandy (Ketua). Universitas Lampung.

Suhandy, Diding (2014) Chlorogenic acid (CGA) determination in roasted coffee beans by Near Infrared (NIR) spectroscopy. Engineering in Agriculture, Environment and Food, 7 (4). pp. 139-142. ISSN 1881-8366

Suhandy, Diding (2014) Investigation on the influence of temperature in l-ascorbic acid determination using FTIR-ATR terahertz spectroscopy: Calibration model with temperature compensation. Engineering in Agriculture, Environment and Food, 7 (4). pp. 148-154. ISSN 1881-8366

Suhandy, Diding (2014) The Effect of EC Levels of Nutrient Solution on the Growth, Yield, and Quality of Tomatoes (Solanum Lycopersicum) under the Hydroponic System. Journal of Agricultural Engineering and Biotechnology(JAEB), 2 (1). pp. 7-12. ISSN 2331-3234

Suhandy, Diding (2013) Prediction of L-Ascorbic Acid using FTIR-ATR Terahertz Spectroscopy Combined with Interval Partial Least Squares (iPLS) Regression. Engineering in Agriculture, Environment and Food, 6 (3). pp. 111-117. ISSN 1881-8366

Suhandy, Diding (2012) L-Ascorbic Acid Prediction in Aqueous Solution Based on FTIR-ATR Terahertz Spectroscopy. Engineering in Agriculture, Environment and Food, 5 (4). pp. 152-158. ISSN 1881-8366

Suhandy, Diding (2012) A Quantitative Study for Determination of Glucose Concentration Using Attenuated Total Reflectance Terahertz (ATR-THz) Spectroscop. Engineering in Agriculture, Environment and Food, 5 (3). pp. 90-95. ISSN 1881-8366

Suhandy, Diding (2011) Click on the underlined title to access the document or go back to the Search Results screen to download the PDF version. If you are not an ASABE member or if your employer has not arranged for access to the full-text, Click here for options. Feasibility of Using Attenuated Total Reflectance Terahertz (ATR-THz) Spectroscopy for Quantitative and Qualitative Study of Vitamin C in Aqueous Solutions. In: ASABE 2011 Annual International Meeting, August 7-11, 2011, Louisville Kentucky USA.

Suhandy, Diding (2011) Prediction of vitamin C using FTIR-ATR terahertz spectroscopy combined with interval partial least squares (iPLS) regression. In: 2011 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII),, 20-22 Dec. 2011, Kyoto Japan.

Suhandy, Diding (2011) A Quantitative Study for Determination of Sugar Concentration Using Attenuated Total Reflectance Terahertz (ATR-THz) Spectroscopy. In: Sensing for Agriculture and Food Quality and Safety III, 25 - 29 April 2011, Orlando World Center Marriott Resort & Convention Center Orlando, Florida, United States.

Suhandy, Diding and Yulia, Meinilwita and Kuncoro, Sapto and Rinaldo, Wahyu and KONDO, Naoshi and OGAWA, Yuichi (2010) The Measurement of Soluble Solids Content in Snake Fruit (Salacca Edulis Reinw) cv. Pondoh Using A Portable Spectrometer. In: 3rd IFAC Conference in Modelling and Control in Agriculture, Horticulture and Post-Harvest Processing - Agricontrol, 6-8 September 2010, Kyoto.


Suhandy, Diding (2009) Nondestructive Measurement of Soluble Solids Content in Pineapple Fruit Using Short Wavelength Near Infrared (SW-NIR) Spectroscopy. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 4 (1). pp. 107-114. ISSN 0973-4562

Suhandy, Diding (2008) PENENTUAN BAHAN KERING BUAH MANGGA SECARA INTACT MENGGUNAKAN NEAR INFRARED SPECTROSCOPY. Journal Penelitian Pascapanen Pertanian, 5 (2). pp. 10-17. ISSN 0216-1192




Yulia, Meinilwita and Suhandy, Diding Bukti Hasil Cek Similarity Untuk Publikasi Yulia and Suhandy 2021 Molecules. MDPI AG.

Suhandy, Diding Bukti Kehadiran AASEC2018 Diding Suhandy 2018. MATEC.

Suhandy, Diding Bukti kehadiran seminar AASEC2018 Meinilwita Yulia (sebagai presenter). MATEC.

Suhandy, Diding Bukti kehadiran seminar ICASMI2020 Diding Suhandy. IOP Publishing.

Suhandy, Diding Bukti kehadiran seminar ICASMI2020 Yulia. IOP Publishing.

Suhandy, Diding Bukti kehadiran seminar ICATES2020 Kusumiyati. IOP Publishing.

Suhandy, Diding Bukti kehadiran seminar ICCST2020 Diding 1. AIP Publishing.

Suhandy, Diding Bukti kehadiran seminar ICCST2020 Diding 2. AIP Publishing.

Suhandy, Diding Bukti kehadiran seminar ICCST2020 Yulia. AIP Publishing.

Suhandy, Diding Bukti kehadiran seminar Icositer2018. IOP Publishing.

Suhandy, Diding Bukti kehadiran seminar Icositer2018. IOP Publishing.

Suhandy, Diding Bukti kehadiran seminar Icositer2018. IOP Publishing.

Suhandy, Diding Bukti kehadiran seminar Icositer2019. IOP Publishing.

Suhandy, Diding Bukti kehadiran seminar Icositer2019 Yulia. IOP Publishing.

Suhandy, Diding Bukti kehadiran seminar Icositer2020 Diding Suhandy. IOP Publishing.

Suhandy, Diding Bukti kehadiran seminar Icositer2020 Yulia. IOP Publishing.

Suhandy, Diding Bukti korespondensi Molecules (Q1) Yulia. MDPI AG.

Suhandy, Diding Bukti korespondensi di Molecules (Q1) Diding Suhandy. MDPI AG.

Suhandy, Diding Bukti korespondensi publikasi di International Journal of Food Properties (Q2) Diding Suhandy. Taylor & Francis.

Suhandy, Diding Bukti korespondensi untuk publikasi bereputasi di jurnal Agriculture (Q2) Diding Suhandy. MDPI AG.

Suhandy, Diding Bukti korespondensi untuk publikasi jurnal bereputasi Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (JESTEC) (Q2) Diding Suhandy. Taylor's University.

Suhandy, Diding Dokumen Pendukung Hak Cipta Buku: Monitoring water stress (Diding Suhandy). Aura Publishing.

Suhandy, Diding Dokumen Pendukung Hak Cipta Buku: Uji Keaslian Kopi (Diding Suhandy). Graha Ilmu.

Suhandy, Diding Penilaian Sejawat: A Discrimination of Dry and Wet Processing Lampung Robusta Coffee using UV Spectroscopy and PLS-DA. IOP EES. IOP Publishing.

Suhandy, Diding Penilaian Sejawat: Aplikasi UV Spectroscopy Dan Metode Simca Untuk Klasifikasi Kopi Liberika Tungkal Jambi Dan Kopi Liberika Probolinggo. JTEP Unila. Jurusan Teknik Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian Unila.

Suhandy, Diding Penilaian Sejawat: Authentication of Six Indonesian Ground Roasted Specialty Coffees According to Variety and Geographical Origin using NIR Spectroscopy with Integrating Sphere . IOP EES. IOP Publishing.

Suhandy, Diding and Yulia, Meinilwita Penilaian Sejawat: Buku Uji Keaslian Kopi Spesialti Indonesia Menggunakan UV-Visible Spectroscopy dan Metode Kemometrika. Graha Ilmu.

Suhandy, Diding Penilaian Sejawat: Buku Water stress management. Aura Publishing.

Suhandy, Diding Penilaian Sejawat: Classification of Lampung robusta Specialty Coffee According to Differences in Cherry Processing Methods Using UV Spectroscopy and Chemometrics. MDPI (Agriculture). MDPI AG.

Suhandy, Diding Penilaian Sejawat: Diskriminasi Kopi Lanang Menggunakan UV-Visible Spectroscopy dan Metode SIMCA. Agritech UGM. Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian UGM.

Suhandy, Diding Penilaian Sejawat: Fast and contactless assessment of intact mango fruit quality attributes using near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). IOP EES. IOP Publishing.

Suhandy, Diding Penilaian Sejawat: Fast, simultaneous and contactless assessment of intact mango fruit by means of near infrared spectroscopy. AIMS Press. AIMS Press.

Suhandy, Diding Penilaian Sejawat: Identification of fresh and expired ground roasted robusta coffee using UV-visible spectroscopy and chemometrics. MATEC. MATEC.

Suhandy, Diding Penilaian Sejawat: Investigasi pengaruh pengenceran sampel madu pada proses klasifikasi madu menggunakan uv spectroscopy dan kemometrika. JTIHP Unila. Jurusan Teknologi Hasil Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Lampung.

Suhandy, Diding Penilaian Sejawat: Klasifikasi Kopi Bubuk Spesialti Kalosi dan Toraja Menggunakan UV-Visible Spectroscopy dan Metode PLS-DA. JIPI IPB. LPPM IPB.

Suhandy, Diding Penilaian Sejawat: Klasifikasi Madu Berdasarkan Jenis Lebah (Apis dorsata versus Apis mellifera) Menggunakan Spektroskopi Ultraviolet dan Kemometrika. JIPI IPB. LPPM IPB.

Suhandy, Diding Penilaian Sejawat: Penggunaan Metode Soft Independent Modelling of Class Analogy Dan Uv-Vis Spectroscopy Untuk Membedakan Kopi Bubuk Robusta Asal Jawa Dan Sumatera Secara Cepat. JPPT Polinela. UPPM Politeknik Negeri Lampung.

Suhandy, Diding Penilaian Sejawat: Penggunaan Teknologi Uv-Vis Spectroscopy Untuk Membedakan Jenis Kopi Bubuk Arabika Gayo Wine Dan Kopi Bubuk Arabika Gayo Biasa. JTEP Unila. Jurusan Teknik Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian Unila.

Suhandy, Diding Penilaian Sejawat: Potential application of UV-visible spectroscopy and PLS-DA method to discriminate Indonesian CTC black tea according to grade levels. IOP EES. IOP Publishing.

Suhandy, Diding Penilaian Sejawat: Prediksi Vitamin C, Total Asam Tertitrasi, Total Padatan Terlarut Pada Buah Mangga Menggunakan Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy. JTP UB. Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya.

Suhandy, Diding Penilaian Sejawat: Quantification of Corn Adulteration in Wet and Dry-Processed Peaberry Ground Roasted Coffees by UV–Vis Spectroscopy and Chemometrics. Molecules. MDPI. MDPI AG.

Suhandy, Diding Penilaian Sejawat: Simple analytical method based on UV-visible spectroscopy coupled with SIMCA method for authentication of Lampung robusta coffee with geographic indications (GIs). IOP JP. IOP Publishing.


Suhandy, Diding Penilaian Sejawat: The Feasibility of Geographical Origin Discrimination of Lampung Robusta Coffee Using UV-Visible Spectroscopy and Chemometric Methods. IOP EES. IOP Publishing.

Suhandy, Diding Penilaian Sejawat: The Potential Application of Portable Spectrometer Equipped with Integrating Sphere and PLS-DA Method to Authenticate Indonesian Specialty Coffee. AIP. AIP Publishing.

Suhandy, Diding Penilaian Sejawat: The Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Adulteration in Specialty Coffee from Tanggamus Lampung Using UV-Visible Spectroscopy and Chemometrics. AIP. AIP Publishing.

Suhandy, Diding Penilaian Sejawat: The Use of SIMCA Method and NIR Spectroscopy with Hand-Held Spectrometers Equipped with Integrating Sphere for Classification of Two Different Indonesian Specialty Coffees . IOP JP. IOP Publishing.

Suhandy, Diding Penilaian Sejawat: The Use of UV Spectroscopy and SIMCA for the Authentication of Indonesian Honeys According to Botanical, Entomological and Geographical Origins. Molecules. MDPI. MDPI AG.

Suhandy, Diding Penilaian Sejawat: The authentication of peaberry and civet ground roasted robusta coffee using UV-visible spectroscopy and PLS-DA method with two different particle sizes. IOP EES. IOP Publishing.

Suhandy, Diding Penilaian Sejawat: The classification of arabica gayo wine coffee using UV-visible spectroscopy and PCA-DA method. MATEC. MATEC.

Suhandy, Diding Penilaian Sejawat: The potential application of UV-visible spectroscopy and chemometrics for discrimination of Lampung robusta coffee with different fermentations. IOP EES. IOP Publishing.

Suhandy, Diding Penilaian Sejawat: Uji Keaslian Kopi Bubuk Spesialti Arabika Gayo Aceh Menggunakan Spektroskopi UV dan Kemometrika. Agritech UGM. Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian UGM.

Suhandy, Diding Penilaian Sejawat: Uji Keaslian Madu Lebah Hutan Apis Dorsata Dari Nektar Uniflora Acacia Mangium Menggunakan Spektroskopi Ultraviolet Dan Kemometrika. JTP UB. Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya.

Suhandy, Diding Penilaian Sejawat: Uji Penggunaan Metode Discriminant Partial Least Squares (DPLS) dan Data Spektra di Daerah Ultraviolet-Cahaya Tampak untuk Penggolongan Kopi Luwak. JTEP IPB. PERTETA.

Suhandy, Diding Penilaian Sejawat: Unsupervised classification of three specialty coffees from Java based on principal component analysis and UV-visible spectroscopy. IOP EES. IOP Publishing.

Suhandy, Diding Penilaian Sejawat: Using UV-Visible Spectroscopy Coupled with Linear Discrimination Analysis to Discriminate between Monofloral and Multifloral Honey from Indonesia. AIP. AIP Publishing.

Waluyo, Sri and Juwanda, Joowy and Suhandy, Diding Prediksi Kematangan Buah Nanas Menggunakan Informasi Citra Digital. TekTan Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Pertanian, 3 (3). pp. 194-204. ISSN 2085-1278

This list was generated on Sun Oct 20 06:39:01 2024 WIB.