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Dewi, Anita Kusuma and Nurdiono, Nurdiono and Dewi, Fajar Gustiawaty and Yuliansyah, Yuliansyah and Komalasari, Agrianti (2022) Strategic Performance Measurement System: Its Impact On Firm Performance In The Covid-19 Pandemic Era. Webology, 19 (2). pp. 8846-8859. ISSN 1735-188X
Novilia, Rosa and Yuliansyah, Yuliansyah and Widiyanti, Ade (2022) Reaksi Pasar Modal Terhadap Pandemi Covid 19 di Indonesia. Review of Applied Accounting Research, 2 (1). pp. 75-87. ISSN 2807-8969
Kenamon, Mardiah and Komalasari, Agrianti and Dewi, Fajar Gustiawaty and Yuliansyah, Yuliansyah (2022) The Interactive Performance Measurement System and Psychological Empowerment. Multicultural Education, 7 (11). pp. 56-64. ISSN 1068-3844
Kusnadi, Nabila Shafira and Oktavia, Reni and Sukmasari, Dewi and Yuliansyah, Yuliansyah (2022) Pengaruh Partisipasi Penganggaran terhadap Kesenjangan Anggaran dengan Komunikasi sebagai Variabel Moderasi: Studi Perusahaan di Batam (The Effect of Bugdeting Participation to Budgetary Slack with Communication as Intervening Variable: Studies in Batam Companies). Jurnal Akuntansi, Keuangan, dan Manajemen, 3 (1). pp. 31-49. ISSN 2716-0807
Trilaksono, Ibnu and Komalasari, Agrianti and Tubarad, Chara Pratami Tidespania and Yuliansyah, Yuliansyah (2021) Pengaruh Islamic Corporate Governance dan Islamic Social Reporting terhadap Kinerja Keuangan Bank Syariah di Indonesia. Bukhori: Kajian Ekonomi dan Keuangan Islam, 1 (1). pp. 11-20. ISSN 2798-6691
Pradana, Eldam and Sudrajat, Sudrajat and Nauli, Pigo and Yuliansyah, Yuliansyah (2021) Pengaruh Political Connection terhadap Cumulative Abnormal Return dan Trading Volume Activity pada Pemilihan Presiden 2019. Jurnal Studi Pemerintahan dan Akuntabilitas, 1 (1). pp. 83-95. ISSN 2776-7574
Azzahra, Putri Zaviera and Yuliansyah, Yuliansyah and Nauli, Pigo (2021) Pengaruh akuntabilitas dan budaya organisasi terhadap kinerja organisasi pada rumah sakit swasta kota Bandar Lampung. Jurnal Studi Pemerintahan dan Akuntabilitas, 1 (1). pp. 43-54. ISSN 2776-7574
Yasa, Panca Tirta and Yuliansyah, Yuliansyah and Kesumaningrum, Ninuk Dewi (2021) The influence of ethics, experience, and competence on auditors’ professional skepticism (Study at BPKP representative of Lampung Province). Jurnal Studi Pemerintahan dan Akuntabilitas, 1 (1). pp. 1-23. ISSN 2776-7574
Mappadang, Agoestina and Yuliansyah, Yuliansyah (2021) Trigger Factors of Fraud Triangle Toward Fraud On Financial Reporting Moderated by Integration Of Technology Industry 4.0. Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi dan Bisnis, 16 (1). pp. 96-114. ISSN 2303-1018
Yuliansyah, Yuliansyah and Rammal, Hussain Gulzar and Maryani, Maryani and Jais, Ismie Roha Mohamed and Mohd-Sanusi, Zuraidah (2021) Organizational learning, innovativeness and performance of financial service firms in an emerging market: examining the mediation effects of customer-focused strategy. Business Process Management Journal, 27 (4). ISSN 1463-7154
Alansori, Apip and Listyaningsih, Erna and Yuliansyah, Yuliansyah and Lukman, Iing and Sariningsih, Eka (2021) Pengaruh Total Quality Management, teknologi dan budaya organisasi terhadap kinerja manajerial. Jurnal Akuntansi, Keuangan, dan Manajemen, 2 (2). pp. 129-139. ISSN 2716-0807
Yuliansyah, Yuliansyah and Khan, Asfaq and Triwacananingrum, Wijaya (2021) The “interactive” performance measurement system and team performance – Towards optimal organizational utility. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management. ISSN 1741-0401
Handayani, Wuri Septi and Lindrianasari, Lindrianasari and Yuliansyah, Yuliansyah and Gamayuni, Rindu Rika (2021) THE EFFECT OF STRATEGIC PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT SYSTEM AND SERVICE STRATEGY ON A FIRM’S PERFORMANCE. PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION, 58 (2). pp. 4288-4302. ISSN 00333077
Anita Kusuma, Dewi and Nurdiono, Nurdiono and fajar, gustiwaty and Agrianti, Komalasari and Yuliansyah, Yuliansyah (2021) Effects of Strategic Performance Measurement System and Islamic Work Ethics on Firm Performance: (Evidence from Malaysian Islamic Banks). Ilkogretim Online, 20 (6). pp. 781-796. ISSN 1305-3515
Rahmawati, Yannisa and Dewi, Fajar Gustiawaty and Yuliansyah, Yuliansyah (2020) Regional Management Information System and Training for Regional Financial Accountability. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 8 (11).
Yuliansyah, Yuliansyah and Dewi, Fajar Gustiawaty and Amelia, Yunia (2020) Pelatihan Standar Akuntansi Pesantren dalam penyusunan laporan keuanganbagi staf keuangan pondok pesantren. Yumary: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyaraka, 1 (1). pp. 19-24. ISSN 2746-0576
Amelia, Yunia and Yuliansyah, Yuliansyah and Winata, Andri (2020) Pelatihan peningkatan value ekonomi dan lingkungan pondok pesantren untuk sustainability di era society 5.0. Yumary: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, 1 (1). pp. 19-24. ISSN : 2746-0576
Faeni, Dewi Puspaningtyas and Faeni, Ratih Puspitaningtyas and Septiyanti, Ratna and Yuliansyah, Yuliansyah (2020) The Role Of Management Control System On Firm Performance. Journal of Talent Development and Excellence, 12 (3s). pp. 1629-1639. ISSN 1869-2885
Satria, Bangsawan and Yuliansyah, Yuliansyah (2020) The Influence of Islamic Organizatinal Culture on Performace with Management Accounting Systems as Mediating Variable. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29 (02). pp. 2128-2150. ISSN 2005-4238 IJAST
Hendrawaty, Ernie and Yuliansyah, Yuliansyah and Pranyoto, Edi (2020) Initial public offerings news in social media and investor sentiments. The Future Opportunities and Challenges of Business in Digital Era 4.0. pp. 200-204.
Amelia, Yunia and Yuliansyah, Yuliansyah and Winata, Andri (2020) PELATIHAN PENINGKATAN VALUE EKONOMI DAN LINGKUNGAN PONDOK PESANTREN UNTUK SUSTAINABILITY DI ERA SOCIETY 5.0. Yumary: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, Vol 1, (33). pp. 33-38.
Yuliansyah, Yuliansyah and Gustiawaty Dewi, Fajar and Amelia, Yunia (2020) PELATIHAN STANDAR AKUNTANSI PESANTREN DALAM PENYUSUNAN LAPORAN KEUANGAN BAGI STAF KEUANGAN PONDOK PESANTREN. Yumary: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, Vol 1, (27). pp. 27-32.
Putri, Levina Rachmawati and Dewi, Fajar Gustiawaty and Yuliansyah, Yuliansyah (2019) Effect of Compensation on the Performance of Private Higher Education Lecturers with Motivation as an Intervening Variables. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 7 (12). pp. 751-755.
Sastrawan, Hendrik and Dewi, Fajar Gustiawaty and Yuliansyah, Yuliansyah (2019) The effect of budgetary participation on managerial performance: internal control and organizational commitments as intervening variables. International Journal of Financial, Accounting, and Management (IJFAM), 1 (2). pp. 105-118. ISSN ISSN: 2656-3355
Yuliansyah, Yuliansyah (2019) Strategic performance measurement system, firm capabilities and customer-focused strategy. Pacific Accounting Review, 31 (2). ISSN 0114-0582
Yuliansyah, Yuliansyah (2019) The implementation of accrual basis accounting by Indonesia’s local governments. International Review of Public Administration, 24 (2). ISSN 2331-7795
Yuliansyah, Yuliansyah (2018) Budgetary Participation and Its Impact on Individual Performance. Tourism and Hospitality Management journal, 24 (2). ISSN 1847-3377
Maksum, Arif and Yuliansyah, Yuliansyah and Inuwa, Muhamad and Shahril, Mohd Shahril Bin Ahmad Razimi (2018) THE IMPLEMENTATION OF INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL REPORTING STANDARD (IFRS) ADOPTION ON THE RELEVANCE OF EQUITY AND EARNING BOOK VALUE. Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal, 22. pp. 1-7. ISSN 1528-2635
Makhsun, Arif and Yuliansyah, Yuliansyah and Pahlevi, M Reza and Razimi, Mohd Shahril Bin Ahmad and Muhammad, Inuwa (2018) PERSISTENCE OF EARNINGS AFTER IFRS ADOPTION IN BANKING COMPANIES LISTED ON INDONESIAN STOCK EXCHANGE. Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal, 22 (s). pp. 1-6. ISSN 1096-3685
Yuliansyah, Yuliansyah (2017) A revisit of the participative budgeting and employees’ self-efficacy interrelationship – empirical evidence from Indonesia’s public sector. International Review of Public Administration,, 22 (3). pp. 1-18. ISSN 2331-7795
Mia, Silvia and Yuliansyah, Yuliansyah and Nauli, Pigo (2016) DAMPAK PARTISAPASI ANGGARAN DAN REINFORCEMENT CONTIGENCY TERHADAP KOMITMENT ORGANISASI. Proceeding International Conference of 2nd ICAF UMY 2016 ISBN 978-602-72325-1-8.
Yuliansyah, Yuliansyah and Gurd, Bruce and Mohamed, Nafsiah Mohamed (2016) The significant of business strategy in improving organizational performance. Humanomics, 33 (1). pp. 56-74. ISSN 0828-8666
Yuliansyah, Yuliansyah and Razimi, Mohd Shahril Ahmad (2015) Non-financial performance measures and managerial performance: the mediation role of innovation in an Indonesian stock exchange-listed organization. Problems and Perspectives in Management, 13 (4). pp. 135-145. ISSN 1727-7051
Yuliansyah, Yuliansyah (2015) ATTRIBUTES INFLUENCING STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT IN THE SERVICE SECTOR: AN INDONESIAN BANKING SECTOR CASE STUDY. International Journal of Business, Economics and Management, 2 (2). pp. 34-48. ISSN 2312-0916
Yuliansyah, Yuliansyah and Khan, Ashfaq (2015) Interactive use of performance measurement systems and the organization’s customers-focused strategy: the mediating role of organizational learning. Problems and Perspectives in Management, 13 (2). pp. 219-229. ISSN 17727-7051
Nauli, Pigo and Yuliansyah, Yuliansyah and Dwi, Yana Nurul Fajar (2013) Studi atas Penerapan Metoda Konvensional dan Metoda Berbasis Matematika dalam Pembelajaran Akuntansi Pengantar terhadap Pemahaman Siswa. Prosiding Simposium Nasional Akuntansi Manado 25-28 September 2013.
Yuliansyah, Yuliansyah Attributes influencing strategic alignment in the service sector: an indonesian banking sector case study. International Journal of Business, Economics and Management.
Yuliansyah, Yuliansyah Budgetary Participation And Its Impact On Individual Performance. Tourism and Hospitality Management journal.
Yuliansyah, Yuliansyah Budgetary Participation and Its Impact on Individual Performance. Tourism and Hospitality Management journal. ISSN 1847-3377
Yuliansyah, Yuliansyah Budgetary Participation and Its Impact on Individual Performance. Tourism and Hospitality Management journal. ISSN 1847-3377
Yuliansyah, Yuliansyah and Rammal, Hussain and Rose, Elizabeth Business strategy and performance in Indonesia’s service sector. Journal of Asia Business Studies. ISSN 1558-7894
Yuliansyah, Yuliansyah and Rammal, Hussain and Rose, Elizabeth Business strategy and performance in Indonesia’s service sector. Journal of Asia Business Studies. ISSN 1558-7894
Dewi, Anita Kusuma and Nurdiono, Nurdiono and Dewi, Fajar Gustiawaty and Yuliansyah, Yuliansyah and Komalasari, Agrianti Effects of Strategic Performance Measurement System and Islamic Work Ethics on Firm Performance: (Evidence from Malaysian Islamic Banks). Ilkogretim Online - Elementary Education Online, 20 (5). pp. 781-796.
Yuliansyah, Yuliansyah Enhancing Task Performance Of Bank Employees: The Relevance Of Trust, Self-Efficacy And Budget Participation. International Journal of Business Excellence.
Yuliansyah, Yuliansyah Enhancing Task Performance Of Bank Employees: The Relevance Of Trust, Self-Efficacy And Budget Participation. International Journal of Business Excellence, 17 (4). ISSN 1756-0047
Yuliansyah, Yuliansyah Enhancing Task Performance Of Bank Employees: The Relevance Of Trust, Self-Efficacy And Budget Participation. International Journal of Business Excellence.
Yuliansyah, Yuliansyah Enhancing Task Performance Of Bank Employees: The Relevance Of Trust, Self-Efficacy And Budget Participation. International Journal of Business Excellence. ISSN 1756-0047
Yuliansyah, Yuliansyah How Managers Use PMS to Induce Behavioural Change in Enhancing Governance. Int. Journal of Economics and Management.
Yuliansyah, Yuliansyah How Managers Use PMS to Induce Behavioural Change in Enhancing Governance. IJEM.
Yuliansyah, Yuliansyah Strategic Performance Measure, Innovativeness, Entrepreneurship, And Strategic Outcomes. Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi dan Bisnis.
Yuliansyah, Yuliansyah Strategic performance measurement system, firm capabilities and customer-focused strategy. Pacific Accounting Review.
Yuliansyah, Yuliansyah Strategic performance measurement system, firm capabilities and customer-focused strategy. Pacific Accounting Review.
Yuliansyah, Yuliansyah Strategic performance measurement system, firm capabilities and customer-focused strategy. Pacific Accounting Review.
Yuliansyah, Yuliansyah The implementation of accrual basis accounting by Indonesia’s local governments. International Review of Public Administration.
Yuliansyah, Yuliansyah The implementation of accrual basis accounting by Indonesia’s local governments. IRPA.
Yuliansyah, Yuliansyah The implementation of accrual basis accounting by Indonesia’s local governments. International Review of Public Administration.
Yuliansyah, Yuliansyah and Khan, Ashfaq A revisit of the participative budgeting and employees’ self-efficacy interrelationship -empirical evidence from Indonesia’s public sector’. A revisit of the participative budgeting and employees’ self-efficacy interrelationship -empirical evidence from Indonesia’s public sector’.
Yuliansyah, Yuliansyah A revisit of the participative budgeting and employees’ self-efficacy interrelationship -empirical evidence from Indonesia’s public sector’. International Review of Public Administration. ISSN 2331-7795
Yuliansyah, Yuliansyah and Khan, Asfaq A revisit of the participative budgeting and employees’ self-efficacy interrelationship – empirical evidence from Indonesia’s public sector. International Review of Public Administration, 22 (3). ISSN 2331-7795
Yuliansyah, Yuliansyah and Mohammed, Nafsiah and Gurd, Bruce The significant of business strategy in improving organizational performance. Humanomics. ISSN 0828-8666
Conference or Workshop Item
Hendrawaty, Ernie and Yuliansyah, Yuliansyah and Pranyoto, Edi (2019) INVESTOR SENTIMENTS AND INITIAL PUBLIC OFFERINGS NEWS IN SOCIAL MEDIA. In: The 2nd International Conference of Economics, Business and Entrepreneurship, 1 november 2019, swisbel hotel, bandar lampung. (In Press)
Nurdin, Samsu Udayana and Rizal, Samsul and Yuliansyah, Yuliansyah (2017) Mengangkat Harkat dan Harga Geblek. In: Seminar Nasional Hasil-Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Unila, 7 November 2017, Hotel Emersia Bandar Lampung. (Unpublished)
Yuliansyah, Yuliansyah (2016) MENINGKATKAN RESPONSE RATE PADA PENELITIAN SURVEY SUATU STUDY LITERATURE. Penerbit Change Publications, Jakarta. ISBN 978-602-372-110-8
Yuliansyah, Yuliansyah (2015) PENYELARASAN STRATEGIS ORGANISASI: Teori dan Konsep serta Penerapannya di Industri Perbankan. Salemba, Jakarta. ISBN 978-979-061-640-0
Yuliansyah, Yuliansyah and Hariri, Hasan and Shahril, Mohd Shahril Bin Ahmad Razimi and Razimi, Mohd Shahril Bin Ahmad (2018) Comprehensive Strategy to Conduct A Mail Survey: Technique to Improve Response Rates. International Journal of Management and Busines Research.
Yuliansyah, Yuliansyah and Hariri, Hasan and Shahril, Mohd Shahril Bin Ahmad Razimi and Razimi, Mohd Shahril Bin Ahmad (2018) Comprehensive Strategy to Conduct A Mail Survey: Technique to Improve Response Rates. International Journal of Management and Busines Research.