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Number of items: 32.

Sugiharto, R. and Murhadi, Murhadi and Situmeang, Rudy T.M and subeki, subeki and Hasanudin, Udin (2024) Study of the Utilization of Spent Bleaching Earth as a Raw Material for the Production of Biodiesel Using the In-Situ Transesterification Process. Journal of Energy Technologies and Policy, 14 (1). pp. 10-23.

Iryani, Dewi Agustina and Hasanudin, Udin and Dermiyati, - and Yuwono, Suripto D. and Suroso, Erdi and Ginting, Simparmin and Sugiharto, R. and Indraningtyas, Lathifa (2024) Economic and environmental analysis of spent bleaching earth reactivation. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1308 (1). 012061. ISSN 1755-1315

Herdiana, Novita and Sugiharto, R. and Winanti, Diki (2023) Rempah dan Minyak Atsiri dar Daun. University of Lampung, University of Lampung. (Submitted)


Amelia, Julfi Restu and Iryani, Dewi Agustina and Indraningtyas, Lathifa and Sugiharto, R. and Ginting, Simparmin and Hasanudin, Udin (2023) Pengelolaan Spent Bleaching Earth. Aura Publisher, Bandar Lampung.

Iryani, Dewi Agustina and Ginting, Simparmin and Sugiharto, R. and Indraningtyas, Lathifa and Hasanudin, Udin and Amelia, Julfi Restu (2022) Production of biodiesel using heterogeneous catalyst (K Impregnated bleaching earth) based on reactivated bleaching earth. In: 8th International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environment (SEE 2022), 7-9 November 2022, Bangkok, thailand.

Kustyawati, Maria Erna and Sugiharto, R. (2022) Microencapsulation of Green Capulaga (Elettaria cardamomum) Essential Oil with Maltodextrin and Its Applications in Coffee Drink. Jurnal Teknik Pertanian Lampung, 11 (3). 531 -541. ISSN 2302-559X

Hidayati, Sri and Hadi, Sutopo and Sugiharto, R. (2020) Bleaching Process on Oil Palm Empty Bunches by Pulping Using Formacell Liquid Waste. Revista de Chimie, 71 (9). pp. 242-250. ISSN 2668-8212

Hidayati, Sri and Sugiharto, R. and Hadi, Sutopo (2020) Bleaching Process on Oil Palm Empty Bunches by Pulping Using Formacell Liquid Waste. Revista de Chimie, 71 (9). pp. 242-250. ISSN 2668-8212

Haryanto, Agus and Hasanudin, Udin and Sahari, Bandung and Sugiharto, R. (2019) METHANE EMISSION REDUCTION IN PALM OIL MILL THROUGH CO-COMPOSTING EMPTY FRUIT BUNCH AND PALM OIL MILL EFFLUENT. In: Environmental Innovations: Advances in Engineering, Technology and Management, Online Conference, 23rd-27th September, 2019, Ukraine.

Nurdjanah, Siti and Murhadi, Murhadi and Sugiharto, R. and Dewi, Ratna and Yustiana, Anisa (2019) Antioxidant Activity Test and Preference Level of Various Clones of Sweet Potato Leaves (Ipomea batatas). In: SEMINAR NASIONAL TEKNOLOGI PERTANIAN VIII POLITEKNIK NEGERI LAMPUNG 2019, 07 Nov 2019, BANDAR lAMPUNG, LAMPUNG. (Submitted)

Murhadi, Murhadi and Hidayati, Sri and Sugiharto, R. (2019) Profile of Monoglyceride and Diglyceride Compounds of the Ethanolysis Products from Palm Kernel Oil (PKO). In: International Conference on Food Science and Technology 28–29 November 2018, Semarang, Indonesia, 28-29 NOVEMBER 2018, SEMARANG.

Murhadi, Murhadi and Hidayati, Sri and Sugiharto, R. (2019) Profile of Monoglyceride and Diglyceride Compounds of the Ethanolysis Products from Palm Kernel Oil (PKO). IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 292 (1). pp. 1-10.

Hidayati, Sri and Sugiharto, R. and Zuidar, Ahmad Sapta (2019) Karakteristik Pulp Hasil Pemutihan Dari Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit Hasil Pemasakan Yang Menggunakan Limbah Lindi Hitam Siklus Ketiga. Journal of Tropical Upland Resources, 1 (1). pp. 103-108. ISSN 2686-5254

Sugiharto, R. and Hidayati, Sri and Cholik, R (2019) Application of response surface methodology to evaluate biodiesel production from spent bleaching earth by in situ transesterification process. In: International Conference on Green Agro-industry and Bioeconomy, 18-20 September 2018, UB Malang.

Sugiharto, R. and Hidayati, Sri and Cholik, R (2019) similarity: Application of response surface methodology to evaluate biodiesel production from spent bleaching earth by in situ transesterification process. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science, IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 292 (1). pp. 1-10..

Murhadi, Murhadi and Hidayati, Sri and Sugiharto, R. (2019) similarity: Profile of Monoglyceride and Diglyceride Compounds of the Ethanolysis Products from Palm Kernel Oil (PKO). IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES), IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 292 (1). pp. 1-10..

Hidayati, Sri and Sugiharto, R. and Zuidar, Ahmad Sapta (2019) similarity:Karakteristik Pulp Hasil Pemutihan Dari Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit Hasil Pemasakan Yang Menggunakan Limbah Lindi Hitam Siklus Ketiga. Centra Penerbitan dan Publikasi Ilmiah (PPI) Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian pada Masyarakat (LPPM) Universitas Lampung, Journal of Tropical Upland Resources (J. Trop. Upland Res.).

Hidayati, Sri and Sugiharto, R. and Zuidar, Ahmad Sapta (2018) Pengaruh Lama Pemutihan terhadap Karakteristik Pulp dari Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit Hasil Pemasakan secara Formacell. In: Seminar Nasional Hasil Penelitian 2018, 13 November 2018, Bandar lampung.

Kustyawati, Maria Erna and Sugiharto, R. and Erlina, Rr (2018) Peningkatan Usaha KSU Srikandi UluBelu Melalui P-IRT, Kopi Bubuk Herbal, dan Rumah Produksi. Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat SENADIMAS. (Submitted)

Kustyawati, Maria Erna and Setyani, Sri and Sugiharto, R. (2017) Hi_Link: Usaha kopi bubuk terintegrasi untuk meningkatkan mutu pada mitra tani di Tanggamus. In: Seminar Hasil Pengabdian, November 10, 2017, Surabaya. (Unpublished)

Hidayati, Sri and Zuidar, Ahmad Sapta and Sugiharto, R. and Neri, ES (2017) Pemanfaatan Minyak Sawit Merah untuk Produksi Mayonaise. In: SemNas dan rapat tahunan Dekan BKS Barat, Juli 2017, Bangka belitung.

Hidayati, Sri and Zuidar, Ahmad Sapta and Sugiharto, R. and Neri, ES (2017) similarity: Pemanfaatan Minyak Sawit Merah untuk Produksi Mayonaise. UBB, UBB prosiding.

Sugiharto, R. and Koesoemawardani, D. and Apriyani, T. (2016) Efek Penambahan Antioksidan Terhadap Sifat Sensori dan Lama Simpan Roti Tawar Difortifikasi dengan Minyak Ikan [The Effect of Addition of Antioxidant to Sensory Characteristic and Shelf Life of Bread Fortified by Fish Oil]. Jurnal Teknologi & Industri Hasil Pertanian, 21 (2). pp. 107-120.

Susilawati, Susilawati and Sugiharto, R. and Damaiyanti, S.M. (2016) Formulasi Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) dan Pengemulsi Lecitin Kedelai terhadap Stabilitas Emulsi dan Sifat Organoleptik Pasta Kacang Merah [Formulation of Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) and Soy Lechitin on the Emultion Stability and Sensory Characteristic of Red Beans Paste]. Jurnal Teknologi & Industri Hasil Pertanian, 21 (1). pp. 42-50.

Sugiharto, R. and Suroso, Erdi and Dermawan, B. (2016) Tinjauan Neraca Massa dan Proses Pengomposan Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit dennen Menambahkan Air Limbah Pabrik Kelapa Sawit [A Review of Mass Balances in Composting Process of Empty Fruit Bunches by Addition of Palm Oil Mill Effluent]. Jurnal Teknologi & Industri Hasil Pertanian, 21 (1). pp. 51-62.

Sugiharto, R. and Setyani, S. and Rikafilanti, N. (2015) Efek Fortifikasi Minyak Ikan terhadap Kadar Asam Lemak Omega-3 dan Sifat Sensori Roti Tawar Selama Penyimpanan [The Effect of Fish Oil Fortification on the Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Sensory Properties of White Bread during Storage]. Jurnal Teknologi & Industri Hasil Pertanian, 20 (1). pp. 38-50.

Nurainy, F. and Sugiharto, R. and Sari, D.W. (2015) Pengaruh Perbandingan Tepung Tapioka dan Tepung Jamur Tiram Putih (Pleurotus Oestreatus) terhadap Volume Pengembangan, Kadar Protein, dan Organoleptik Kerupuk. [Effect of Tapioca and White Oyster Mushroom (Pleurotus oestreatus) Flour on Expansion Volume, Protein Content, and Censory Characteristics of Crakers]. Jurnal Teknologi & Industri Hasil Pertanian, 20 (1). pp. 11-24.

Susansi, C.M. and Sugiharto, R. and Setyani, S. and Subeki, S. (2014) Pengaruh Jumlah Pelarut Etanol dan Suhu Fraksinasi terhadap Karekteristik Lemak Kakao Hasil Ekstraksi Non Alkalized Cocoa Powder [The Effect of Amount of Ethanol Solvent and Fractionation Temperature on the Characteristic of Cocoa Fat Extracted from Non Alkalized Cocoa Powder]. Jurnal Teknologi & Industri Hasil Pertanian, 19 (2). pp. 307-319.

Yuliana, N. and Nurdjanah, S. and Sugiharto, R. and Amethy, D. (2014) Effect of Spontaneous Lactic Acid Fermentation on Physico-Chemical Properties of Sweet Potato Flour. Microbiology Indonesia, 8 (1). pp. 1-8. ISSN 1978-3477

Hidayati, Sri and Sugiharto, R. and Hadi, Sutopo (2000) Similarity: Bleaching Process on Oil Palm Empty Bunches by Pulping Using Formacell Liquid Waste. REVISTA DE CHIMIE S.R.L. Bucharest, ROMANIA, Revista de chimie.

Kustyawati, Maria Erna and Rizal, Samsul and Sugiharto, R. and Hasanuddin, Udin Efek pemberian tempe probiotik saccharomyces (Tembiosa) terhadap profil lipida darah dan asam lemak rantai pendek pada hewan percobaan mencit (Mus musculus). LPPM. (Unpublished)

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