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Tugiyono, Tugiyono (2023) Korespondensi Evaluation of the Water Quality Status and Pollution Load Carrying Capacity of Way Umpu River, Way Kanan District, Lampung Province, Indonesia, Based on Land Use. FMIPA. (Unpublished)

Tugiyono, Tugiyono (2023) Korespondensi Nilai Nutrition Value Coefficient (NVC) ikan sebagai indikator biologi tingkat pencemaran Sungai Way Umpu Kecamatan Way Kanan Provinsi Lampung. FMIPA. (Unpublished)

Tugiyono, Tugiyono (2023) Similarity check Evaluation of the Water Quality Status and Pollution Load Carrying Capacity of Way Umpu River, Way Kanan District, Lampung Province, Indonesia, Based on Land Use. FMIPA Unila. (Unpublished)

Tugiyono, Tugiyono (2023) Similarity check Extract Of Mangosteen Peel (Garcinia mangostana L.) As Calcium Carbonate Scale Inhibitor. FMIPA Unila. (Unpublished)

Tugiyono, Tugiyono (2023) Similarity check Fractal Dimension Analysis and Earthquake Repeated Period Estimation in the Southern Part of Sumatra Subduction Zone (Bengkulu-Lampung-Sunda Segment). FMIPA Unila. (Unpublished)

Tugiyono, Tugiyono (2023) Similarity check Plankton diversity and its heavy metal content in Ratai Bay of Pesawaran district, Lampung, Indonesia. FMIPA Unila. (Unpublished)

Rasimeng, Syamsurijal and Suharno, Suharno and Masdar, Helmi and Tugiyono, Tugiyono (2022) Fractal Dimension Analysis and Earthquake Repeated Period Estimation in the Southern Part of Sumatra Subduction Zone (Bengkulu-Lampung-Sunda Segment). Indonesian Journal on Geoscience, 9 (3). pp. 383-394. ISSN 2355-9314

Widiastuti, E.L. and Dani, Sayu Kadek Dwi and Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Yudha, Indra Gumay and Susanto, Gregorius Nugroho (2022) Growth and Estimation of Potential Carbon Absorption by Transplantation Branching Coral Reefs on Mahitam and Pahawang Islands of Pesawaran Regency, Lampung Province (Similarity Check). FMIPA Unila. (Unpublished)

Octarianita, Eva and Widiastuti, Endang Linirin and Tugiyono, Tugiyono (2022) Analysis Micropllastic Of Water And Sediment At Beach Teluk Lampung With Method Ft-Ir (Fourier Transform Infrared). Jurnal Sumberdaya Akuatik Indopasifik, 6 (2). p. 177. ISSN 2550-1232

Virgianti, L and Setiawan, Agus and Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Bakri, Samsul (2022) Priority Analysis of Regional Rehabilitation Activities Irrigation Way Apu System by using Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) Method. In: 2nd International Conference on Agriculture and Applied Science (ICoAAS 2021).

Winda, Trijayanthi Utama and Asep Sukohar, Asep Sukohar and Dedy Miswar, DM and samsul Bakri, bakri and Agus Setiawan, AS and Tugiyono, Tugiyono (2022) Peer Reviewer: Study of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS) on Zero Waste Management of Household Infectious Waste in the Era of the Covid-19 Pandemic. IJMMU.

Winda, Trijayanthi Utama and Asep Sukohar, Asep Sukohar and Dedy Miswar, DM and samsul, bakri and Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Agus Setiawan, Agus (2022) Turnityn: Study of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS) on Zero Waste Management of Household Infectious Waste in the Era of the Covid-19 Pandemic. IJMMU.

Winda, Trijayanthi Utama and Asep Sukohar, Asep Sukohar and Dedy Miswar, DM and samsul Bakri, bakri and Agus Setiawan, Agus and Tugiyono, Tugiyono (2022) Study of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS) on Zero Waste Management of Household Infectious Waste in the Era of the Covid-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, 9 (2). pp. 188-199. ISSN 2364-5369

Virianti, Lidia and Setiawan, Agus and Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Bakri, Samsul (2022) 15% OVERALL SIMILARITY the Paper entitle "Priority Analysis of Regional Rehabilitation Activities Irrigation Way Apu System by using Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) Method". IOP Publising.

EC00202180812, 18 Desember 2021 (2022) HKI BUKU PLANKTONOLOGI : PLANTON SEBAGAI PAKAN HIDUP. 000303447.

Alhafizoh, F and Widiastuti, E.L. and Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Susanto, Gregorius Nugroho and Mumtazah, DF (2022) Heavy metals concentration in green macroalgae Spirogyra sp. of Way Ratai River Pesawaran Regency Lampung. In: TREPSEA-2021IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1027 (2022) 012031IOP Publishingdoi:10.1088/1755-1315/1027/1/0120312.

Saputra, A E and Setiawan, Agus and Bakri, Samsul and Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Zulkarnain, Iskandar and Wisman, M (2022) Utilization of Natural Rubber (Latex) as Raw Material for Flexible Pavement Industry. In: 2nd International Conference on Agriculture and Applied Science (ICoAAS 2021).

Kiswandono, Agung and Suharso, Suharso and Buhani, Buhani and Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Sumekar, Dyah Wulan (2021) Study of Water Quality of Way Umpu River, Way Kanan Regency, Lampung Province, Indonesia, Based on Differences of TSS, DO, BOD, COD, and Phosphate Levels in Mining Locations. In: International Conference on Science, Mathematics, Environment and Education, 27-28 Juli 2021, Science Education Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Sebelas Maret.

Alif, Fian Surya and Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Setiawan, Agus and Susanto, Gregorius Nugroho (2021) The Quality Status of Circulating Cooling Water in The Melting Scrap Factory and Recycling. Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Eksperimen dan Keanekaragaman Hayati, 8 (1). pp. 1-7. ISSN 2338-4344

Niswati, Ainin and Dermiyati, - and Tugiyono, Tugiyono (2021) Integrated farming system of cattle and oil palm plantation increasing population and diversity of soil fauna in Ultisols soils. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 648 (1). 012172-012179.

Putri, Revni and Sumardi, Sumardi and Irawan, Bambang and Agustrina, Rochmah and Tugiyono, Tugiyono (2021) Isolation and properties of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria from mangrove sediment, hanura lampung beach. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1751 (012054). 012054-012054. ISSN Print : 1742-6588 Online : 1742-6596

Annisa, Faradila and Nukmal, Nismah and Pratami, Gina and Tugiyono, Tugiyono (2021) he existence of night insects based on the color effect of the lights At the Liwa Botanical Garden. Bioma : Berkala Ilmiah Biologi, 22 (2). pp. 130-135. ISSN 1410-8801

., Suharso and Padli, M and Tugiyono, Tugiyono and ., Buhani (2021) COMBINATION OF GAMBIER EXTRACT AND BENZOIC ACID AS INHIBITOR OF CALCIUM SULFATE SCALE FORMATION. Rasayan Journal of Chemistry, 14 (1). pp. 141-148. ISSN 09741496, 09760083

Widiastuti, E.L. and Dani, Sayu Kadek Dwi and Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Yudha, Indra Gumay and Susanto, Gregorius Nugroho (2021) Growth and Estimation of Potential Carbon Absorption by Transplantation Branching Coral Reefs on Mahitam and Pahawang Islands of Pesawaran Regency, Lampung Province. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1751. pp. 1-8.

Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Siregar, Sisilya Teresia and Susanto, Gregorius Nugroho and Suratman, Suratman (2021) The Diversity of Singing Birds at the Way Canguk Research Station, Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park. In: SN-SMIAP-VI.

Rasimeng, Syamsurijal and Suharno, Suharno and Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Helmi, Masdar (2021) Draf Arikel: Empirical Formulation of Natural Frequency vs Soil Thickness Based on Maximum Spectral Value H/V in Bandar Lampung, Indonesia. Journal of Applied Science and Engineering. (Submitted)

Jokowinarno, Dwi and Banuwa, Irwan Sukri and Yuwono, Slamet Budi and Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Bakri, Samsul and Setiawan, Agus (2021) IDF (intensity-duration-frequency) curve and unit hydrograph as signature of characteristic changing of Way Kuala Garuntang Watershed. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 739 (012023).

Tugiyono, Tugiyono (2021) PEER REVIEW HKI Buku PLANKTONOLOGI : PLANKTON SEBAGAI PAKAN HIDUP. Kementerian Hukum dan HAM.

Tugiyono, Tugiyono (2021) PEER REVIEW Relationship of season and water quality of Way Umpu river to public health in Way Kanan district Lampung- Indonesia. Eco. Env. & Cons..

Jokowinarno, Dwi and Yuwono, Slamet Budi and Banuwa, Irwan Sukri and Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Bakri, Samsul and Setiawan, Agus (2021) SIMILARITY CHECK" IDF (intensity-duration-frequency) curve and unit hydrograph as signature of characteristic changing of Way Kuala Garuntang Watershed". IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.

Ekasaputra, Andy and Setiawan, Agus and Bakri, Samsul and Tugiyono, Tugiyono (2021) Similarity checker of paper entitled: "Utilization of Natural Rubber (Latex) as Raw Material for Flexible Pavement Industry". IOP Publising.

Pratiwi, Sekar and Rosa, Emantis and Priyambodo, Priyambodo and Tugiyono, Tugiyono (2020) JUMLAH TELUR NYAMUK Aedes sp. PADA OVITRAP YANG DIBERI FERMENTASI GULA SEBAGAI ATRAKTAN ALAMI DI LINGKUNGAN FMIPA UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG. Jurnal Biologi Papua, 12 (2). pp. 109-113. ISSN 2086-3314

Setiana, Rani and Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Susanto, Gregorius Nugroho and suratman, Suratman (2020) Makrozoobentos Diversity in Various Substrates Type in Way Sindalapai River, Liwa Botanical Garden. Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Eksperimen dan Keanekaragaman Hayati, 7 (1). pp. 47-53. ISSN 2338-4344

Sari, Indah Fitri and Nurcahyani, Nuning and Kanedi, Mohammad and Tugiyono, Tugiyono (2020) Bird Species Diversity in Liwa Botanical Garden, West Lampung. Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Eksperimen dan Keanekaragaman Hayati, 7 (1). pp. 1-6. ISSN 2338-4344


Rasimeng, Syamsurijal and Helmi, Masdar and Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Suharno, Suharno (2020) FRACTAL DIMENSION ANALYSIS AND EARTHQUAKE REPEATED PERIOD ESTIMATION IN SUMATERA FAULT ZONE CASE: BENGKULU-LAMPUNG-SUNDA SEGMENT (Awaiting for Publish at Q4 Scopus index). Indonesian Journal on Geoscience, xxx (xxxx). xxxx-xxxx. ISSN 2355-9314 (Submitted)

Rasimeng, Syamsurijal and Helmi, Masdar and Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Suharno, Suharno (2020) FRACTAL DIMENSION ANALYSIS AND EARTHQUAKE REPEATED PERIOD ESTIMATION IN SUMATERA FAULT ZONE CASE: BENGKULU-LAMPUNG-SUNDA SEGMENT (Awaiting for Publish at Q4 Scopus index). Indonesian Journal on Geoscience, xxx (xxxx). xxxx-xxxx. ISSN 2355-9314 (Submitted)

Widiastuti, E.L. and Dhani, Sayu K and Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Yudha, Indra Gumay and Susanto, Gregorius Nugroho (2020) Growth and Estimation of Potential Carbon Absorption by Transplantation Branching Coral Reefs on Mahitam and Pahawang Islands of Pesawaran Regency, Lampung Province. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science. ISSN 1755-1315 (In Press)

Jokowinarno, Dwi and Banuwa, Irwan Sukri and Yuwono, Slamet Budi and Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Bakri, Samsul and Setiawan, Agus (2020) IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science "DF (intensity-duration-frequency) curve and unit hydrograph as signature of characteristic changing of Way Kuala Garuntang Watershed". IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 739 (-). pp. 1-10.

Faradila, Annisa and Nukmal, Nismah and Pratami, Gina and Tugiyono, Tugiyono (2020) Keberadaan Serangga Malam Berdasarkan Efek Warna Lampu Di Kebun Raya Liwa. Bioma : Berkala Ilmiah Biologi, 22 (2). pp. 130-135. ISSN 1410-8801

Faradila, Annisa and Nukmal, Nismah and Pratami, Gina and Tugiyono, Tugiyono (2020) Keberadaan Serangga Malam Berdasarkan Efek Warna Lampu Di Kebun Raya Liwa. Bioma : Berkala Ilmiah Biologi, 22 (2). pp. 130-135. ISSN 1410-8801

Pratiwi, Sekar and Rosa, Emantis and Priyambodo, Priyambodo and Tugiyono, Tugiyono (2020) Peer Review Populasi Telur Nyamuk Aedes sp. Pada Ovitrap yang Diberi Fermentasi Gula Sebagai Atraktan Alami di Lingkungan Kampus FMIPA Universitas Lampung. JURNAL Biologi Papua, Univ Cendrawasih, JURNAL Biologi Papua.

Anggraeni, Rara Fitria and Nurcahyani, Nuning and Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Harianto, Sugeng P. (2020) Perilaku Menangkap Mangsa Pada Burung Air di Areal Lahan Basah Desa Margasari Kecamatan Labuhan Maringgai Kabupaten Lampung Timur. In: Seminar Nasional Biologi XXV Perhimpunan Biologi Indonesia (SNB XXV PBI) Tahun 2019, 25-27 Agustus 2019, Bandar Lampung.

Dewi, Puspa Sari and Nurcahyani, Nuning and Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Harianto, Sugeng P. and Abrini, Harnes (2020) Pola Persebaran dan Kelimpahan Burung Air pada Areal Lahan Basah di Desa Margasari, Kecamatan Labuhan Maringgai, Kabupaten Lampung Timur. In: Seminar Nasional Biologi XXV Perhimpunan Biologi Indonesia (SNB XXV PBI) Tahun 2019, 25-27 Agustus 2019, Bandar Lampung.

Pratiwi, Sekar and Rosa, Emantis and Priyambodo, Priyambodo and Tugiyono, Tugiyono (2020) Populasi Telur Nyamuk Aedes sp. Pada Ovitrap yang Diberi Fermentasi Gula Sebagai Atraktan Alami di Lingkungan Kampus FMIPA Universitas Lampung. JURNAL BIOLOGI PAPUA, 12 (2). pp. 109-113.

Safitri, MIranti Febriani and Nurcahyani, Nuning and Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Harianto, Sugeng P. (2020) Studi Habitat dan Keanekaragaman Burung Air di Desa Margasari Kecamatan Labuhan Maringgai Kabupaten Lampung Timur. In: Seminar Nasional Biologi XXV Perhimpunan Biologi Indonesia (SNB XXV PBI) Tahun 2019, 25-27 Agustus 2019, Bandar Lampung.

Setioko, Regina Alvira P and Nurcahyani, Nuning and Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Harianto, Sugeng P. (2020) Studi Jenis dan Status Konservasi Burung-Burung Yang di Perdagangkan di Wilayah Metro dan Bandar Lampung. In: Seminar Nasional Biologi XXV Perhimpunan Biologi Indonesia (SNB XXV PBI) Tahun 2019, 25-27 Agustus 2019, Bandar Lampung.

Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Febryano, Indra Gumay and Yuwana, Puja and Suharso, Suharso (2020) Utilization of Fish Waste as Fish Feed Material as an Alternative Effort to Reduce and Use Waste. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, 23 (5). pp. 701-707. ISSN 10288880

Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Febryano, Indra Gumay and Suharso, Suharso (2020) Utilization of Fish Waste as Fish Feed Material as an Alternative Effort to Reduce and Use Waste. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, 23 (5). pp. 701-707. ISSN 10288880

Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Febryano, Indra Gumay and Yuwana, Puja and Suharso, Suharso (2020) Utilization of Fish Waste as Fish Feed Material as an Alternative Effort to Reduce and Use Waste. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, 23 (5). pp. 701-707. ISSN 10288880

Yushananta, Prayudhy and Setiawan, Agus and Tugiyono, Tugiyono (2020) Variasi Iklim dan Dinamika Kasus DBD di Indonesia: Systematic Review (Climate variability and dynamics of DHF cases in Indonesia: Systematic Review). Jurnal Kesehatan, 11 (2). pp. 294-310. ISSN 2086-7751

Nurfadhilah, Athiyya and Rosa, Emantis and Kanedi, Mohammad and Tugiyono, Tugiyono (2019) Determination of Aedes Spp. Mosquito Breeding Spots as a High-Risk Area Through Maya Index Analysis in Way Halim Bandar Lampung. Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Eksperimen dan Keanekaragaman Hayati, 6 (2). pp. 48-52. ISSN ISSN 2338-4344 eISSN 2686-200X

Khasanah, Isni Uswatun and Setyaningrum, Endah and Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Susanto, Gregorius Nugroho (2019) Does Expired-Larvicides Impacted to Plankton Abundance and Diversity? Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Eksperimen dan Keanekaragaman Hayati, 6 (2). pp. 71-75. ISSN 2338-4344

Khasanah, Isni Uswatun and Setyaningrum, Endah and Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Susanto, Gregorius Nugroho (2019) Does Expired-Larvicides Impacted to Plankton Abundance and Diversity? Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Eksperimen dan Keanekaragaman Hayati, 6 (2). pp. 71-75. ISSN 2338-4344

Suharso, Suharso and ., Buhani and Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Satria, Heri (2019) INFLUENCE OF GAMBIER EXTRACT MODIFICATION AS INHIBITOR OF CALCIUM SULFATE SCALE FORMATION. Desalination and Water Treatment, 169. pp. 22-28. ISSN 19443994, 19443986

Syamsurijal, Rasimeng and Suharno, Suharno and Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Masdar, Helmi (2019) FRACTAL DIMENSION ANALYSIS AND EARTHQUAKE REPEATED PERIOD ESTIMATION IN SUMATERA FAULT ZONE (BENGKULU-LAMPUNG-SUNDA SEGMENT). In: Coordinating Science, Technology and Culture for Sustainable and Resilient Future, 17 Oktober 2019, Bengkulu.

kornelia, Restianti and Martin, Yul and Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Mustofa, Usman (2019) THE INFLUENCE OF NOISE FROM TRAIN ROAD TRAFFIC ON LISTENING FUNCTION OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS. In: The 4th International Conference on Social, Humanities, Economics, Law and Development (SHIELD 2019), 26-27 Agustus 2019, Bandar Lampung. (In Press)

Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Setiawan, Agus (2019) POWDER QUALITY TEST OF Nannochloropsis sp. ISOLATED FROM LAMPUNG MANGROVE CENTER BASED ON FAT CONTENT WITH DRYING TREATMENT IN DIFFERENT TEMPERATURE. In: International Conference on Social, Humanities, Economic, Education, Low, and Sustainable Development, 27-28 Agustus 2019, Hotel Horison Bandar Lampung. (Submitted)

Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Setiawan, Agus (2019) PROTEIN TEST ON POWDER Nannochloropsis sp. LAMPUNG MANGROVE CENTER (LMC) ISOLATE BASED ON DIFFERENCES OF DRY TEMPERATURE. In: International Conference on Marine and Coastal Engineering and Sciences 2019, 23-24 Agustus 2019, Hotel Emersia Bandar Lampung. (Submitted)

Tugiyono, Tugiyono (2019) UTILIZATION OF BYCATCH FROM FISHING AND FISH PROCESSING WASTE AS FORMULATED FEED RAW MATERIALS IN SILVER POMPANO (Trachinotus blochii Lacepede 1801) GOW OUT. In: International Conference on Marine and Coastal Engineering and Sciences 2019, 23-24 Agustus 2019, Hotel Emersia Bandar Lampung. (Submitted)

Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Setiawan, Agus and Suharso, S (2019) The endurance test of Nannochloropsis sp. paste isolated from Lampung Mangrove Centre (LMC). IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 314 (01203). pp. 1-9. ISSN 1755-1315

Syamsurijal, Rasimeng and Masdar, Helmi and Suharno, Suharno and Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Desta, Amanda and Putri, Amalia (2019) Identification of Earthquake Hazard Zones Through Deterministic Seismic Hazard Analysis (DSHA) Method at Bandar Lampung City Based. The 6th Annual Scientific Meeting on Disaster Research 2019 International Conference on Disaster Management, 1 (1). pp. 68-80. ISSN 978-602-5808-43-2

Puspitasari, Gita and Widiastuti, E.L. and Wijayanti, Henni and Tugiyono, Tugiyono (2019) Coral Reef Fish and Plankton Diversity toward Coral Reef Coverage in Panjang Island of Anak Krakatoa Mountain. Jurnal Biologi dan Eksperimen Keragaman Hayati, 6 (1). pp. 45-49. ISSN 2338-4344

Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Setiawan, Agus and Rosyani, Emy and Suharso, Suharso and Nurjanah, Siti (2019) The endurance test of Nannochloropsis sp. paste isolated from Lampung Mangrove Centre (LMC). IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 314 (012032).

Tugiyono, Tugiyono (2019) Perbedaan Pertumbuhan dan Kandungan Gizi Tetraselmis sp. Isolat dari Lampung Mangrove Center pada Kultur Skala Semi Massal dengan Konsentrasi TSP Berbeda. Jurnal Biologi Eksperimen dan Keanekaragaman Hayati, 5 (2). pp. 15-20. ISSN 2338-4344

Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Setiawan, Agus and ., Suharso (2019) Combination of agriculture fertilizer for intermediate cultivation of isolate Nannochloropsis sp. of the waters of Lampung Mangrove Center as live feed. Asian Journal of Agriculture and Biology, 6 (4). pp. 587-593. ISSN ISSN 2307-8553

Sona, Betara and Rosa, Emantis and Kanedi, Mohammad and Tugiyono, Tugiyono (2019) Maya Index Analysis of Dengue Fever Vector in East Metro Sub-District Lampung Province Indonesia. Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Eksperimen dan Keanekaragaman Hayati, 6 (1). pp. 1-7. ISSN ISSN 2338-4344 eISSN 2686-200X

Tugiyono, Tugiyono and ., Suharso and Setiawan, Agus (2019) The endurance test of Nannochloropsis sp. paste isolated from Lampung Mangrove Centre (LMC). IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 314.

Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Suharso, S and Setiawan, Agus (2018) Combination of agriculture fertilizer for intermediate cultivation of isolate Nannochloropsis sp. of the waters of Lampung Mangrove Center as live feed. Asian Journal of Agriculture and Biology, 6 (4). pp. 587-593. ISSN ISSN 2307-8553

Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Setiawan, Agus (2018) KUALITAS PASTA Nannochloropsis sp. ISOLAT DARI LAMPUNGMANGROVE CENTER (LMC) BERDASARKAN UJI KANDUNGAN LEMAK. In: Seminar Nasional Hasil-Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 2018, Rabu, 14 November 2018, Hotel Bukit Randu Bandar Lampung.

Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Setiawan, Agus (2018) UJI KANDUNGAN KARBOHIDRAT PASTA Nannochloropsis sp. DARI ISOLAT LAMPUNG MANGROVE CENTER PADA KULTUR SKALA INTERMEDIET. In: Seminar Nasional Hasil-Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 2018, Rabu, 14 November 2018, Hotel Bukit Randu Bandar Lampung.

Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Setiawan, Agus (2018) UJI KANDUNGAN PROTEIN PADA PASTA Nannochloropsis sp. ISOLAT LAMPUNG MANGROVE CENTER PADA KULTUR SKALA INTERMEDIET. In: Seminar Nasional Hasil-Hasil Penelitian “Diseminasi Hasil Penelitian Dalam Mendukung Pembangunan Berkelanjutan, 13 November 2018, Bandar Lampung.

Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Setiawan, Agus (2018) UJI KANDUNGAN KARBOHIDRAT PASTA Nannochloropsis sp. DARI ISOLAT LAMPUNG MANGROVE CENTER PADA KULTUR SKALA INTERMEDIET. In: Seminar Nasional Hasil-Hasil Penelitian “Diseminasi Hasil Penelitian Dalam Mendukung Pembangunan Berkelanjutan, 13 November 2018, Bandar Lampung.


., Suharso and Tugiyono, Tugiyono and ., Buhani and Satria, Heri (2018) PEMANFAATAN INHIBITOR ALAMI DALAM MENGHAMBAT PEMBENTUKAN KERAK KALSIUM SULFAT (CaSO4). In: SEMIRATA-International Conference on Science and Technology (ICST) 2018, 4-6 May 2018, Medan, Sumatera Utara.

Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Setiawan, Agus and Rusyani, Emy and Widyawati, Ika (2018) TEST OF PROTEIN CONTENT IN PASTA OF Nannochloropsis sp. ISOLATED FROM LAMPUNG MANGROVE CENTER IN INTERMEDIATE SCALE CULTURE. Proceeding of the 3rd SHIELD International Conference of 2018.

Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Master, Jani and ., Suharso (2017) Isolation and identification of phytoplankton from aquatic ecosystems of Lampung Mangroves Center (LMC) as biological feed. Asian Journal of Agriculture and Biology, 5 (4). pp. 188-194.

., Suharso and Tugiyono, Tugiyono (2017) Kemenyan (Styrax benzoin Dryand) extract as green inhibitor of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) crystallization. In: Seminar Hasil Program Riset Dasar Tahun 2017, 20-21 November 2017, Tanggerang.

., Suharso and Tugiyono, Tugiyono (2017) Kemenyan (Styrax benzoin Dryand) extract as green inhibitor of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) crystallization. In: Seminar Hasil Program Riset Dasar, 20-21 November 2017, Tanggerang.

., Suharso and Sabriani, Novi A and Tugiyono, Tugiyono and ., Buhani and Endaryanto, Teguh (2017) Kemenyan (Styrax benzoin Dryand) extract as green inhibitor of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) crystallization. Desalination and Water Treatment, 92. pp. 38-45. ISSN 19443994, 19443986

., Suharso and Tugiyono, Tugiyono (2017) Laporan Terakhir Penelitian Berbasis Kompetensi Tahun 2017 dengan judul: Pemanfaatan Kemenyan (Styrax Benzoin Dryand) Sebagai Green Inhibitor Pertumbuhan Kalsium Karbonat (CaCO3) (Tahun 3). Universitas Lampung. (Unpublished)

., Suharso and ., Buhani and Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Endaryanto, Teguh (2017) THE USE OF INDONESIAN KEMENYAN EXTRACT TO CONTROL CALCIUM CARBONATE (CaCO3) SCALE FORMATION. In: 4TH International Congress on Technology - Engineering & Science Conference, 5th to 6th August 2017, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

., Suharso and Tugiyono, Tugiyono (2017) Proposal Penelitian Strategis Nasional tahun 2018 dengan judul:Modifikasi Ekstrak Gambir Sebagai Material Scaling Inhibitor CaSO4 Untuk Instalasi Pipa Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Panas Bumi (PLTP). Universitas Lampung. (Unpublished)

Suharso, Suharso and ., Buhani and Yuwono, Suripto D. and Tugiyono, Tugiyono (2017) Inhibition of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) scale formation by calix [4] resorcinarene compounds. Desalination and Water Treatment (68). pp. 32-39. ISSN 19443994, 19443986

Ningsih, Diah Ratna and Widiastuti, E.L. and Murwani, Sri and Tugiyono, Tugiyono (2017) KADAR LIPID TIGA JENIS MIKROALGA PADA SALINITAS YANG BERBEDA. JurnalIlmiah Biologi Eksperimen dan Keanekaragaman Hayati, 4 (1). pp. 23-29. ISSN 2338-4344

Daefi, Tiara and Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Rusyani, Emy and Murwani, Sri (2017) PERTUMBUHAN DAN KANDUNGAN GlZl Nannochloropsis sp. YANG DIISOLASI DARI LAMPUNG MANGROVE CENTER DENGAN PEMBERIAN DOSIS UREA BERBEDA PADA KULTUR SKALA LABORATORIUM. Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Eksperimen dan Keanekaragaman Hayati, 4 (1). pp. 39-46. ISSN 2338-4344

Hermawan, Lia Setiani and Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Rusyani, Emy and Murwani, Sri (2017) Pertumbuhan dan Kandungan Nutrisi Tetraselmis sp. dari Lampung Mangrove Center pada Kultur Skala Laboratorium dengan Pupuk Pro Analis dan Urea yang Berbeda. Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Eksperimen dan Keanekaragaman Hayati, 4 (1). pp. 31-38. ISSN 2338-4344

., Suharso and ., Buhani and Dwi Yuwono, Suripto and Tugiyono, Tugiyono (2017) Inhibition of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) scale formation by calix [4] resorcinarene compounds. Desalination and Water Treatment, 68. pp. 32-39. ISSN 19443994, 19443986

., Suharso and Tugiyono, Tugiyono (2016) Pemanfaatan Kemenyan (Styrax Benzoin Dryand) Sebagai Green Inhibitor Pertumbuhan Kalsium Karbonat (CaCO3): LAPORAN AKHIR TAHUN HIBAH KOMPETENSI. Universitas Lampung. (Unpublished)

Affandi, Firdaus Rahman and Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Susanto, G. Nugroho and Rustiati, Elly L. (2016) PREVENTION MODELS TOWARDS HUMAN - TIGER CONFLICT (HTC) IN BUKIT BARISAN SELATAN NATIONAL PARK (BBSNP), LAMPUNG. In: International Wildlife Symposium, 18 - 19 October 2016, University of Lampung.

Affandi, Firdaus Rahman and Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Gregorius, Nugroho Susanto and Rustiati, Elly L. (2016) PREVENTION MODELS TOWARDS HUMAN - TIGER CONFLICT (HTC) IN BUKIT BARISAN SELATAN NATIONAL PARK (BBSNP), LAMPUNG. In: International Wildlife Symposium, 18 - 19 October 2016, University of Lampung.

Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Master, Jani (2015) Fish Condition Factor as Bioindicator of Water Quality on Mangrove Ecosystems at Labuhan Maringgai, Indonesia. In: IC-STAR 2015 (The 1st International Conference on Science, Technology and Interdisciplinary Research).

Tugiyono, Tugiyono (2015) PEER REVIEW Fish Condition Factor as Bioindicator of Water Quality on Mangrove Ecosystems at Labuhan Maringgai, Indonesia. IC-STAR 2015 (The 1st International Conference on Science, Technology and Interdisciplinary Research).

Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Nurcahyani, Nuning and Supriyanto, R and Hadi, Sutopo (2011) Biomonitoring of Effects Following Exposure of Fish to Sugar Refinery Effluent. Modern Applied Science, 5 (5). pp. 39-45. ISSN ISSN 1913-1844

Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Buchari, Henrie (2005) Klasifikasi Air Sungai Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Way Sekampung Provinsi Lampung. In: Seminar Hari Air Sedunia.

Giantara, Wahid and Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Setiawan, Agus and Susanto, Gregorius Nugroho The Air Quality and Noise Study in Settlements and Metal Scrap Melting Factory. Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Eksperimen dan Keanekaragaman Hayati, 8 (2). pp. 1-7.

Tugiyono, Tugiyono Bird Species Diversity in Liwa Botanical Garden, West Lampung. Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Eksperimen dan Keanekaragaman Hayati.

Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Setiawan, Agus and Rusyani, Emy and Gustina, Erlin and Suharso, Suharso Combination of agricultural fertilizer for intermediate cultivation of isolate Nannochloropsis sp of the water of Lampung Mangrove Center as live feed. Life Science Society.

Suharso, Suharso and Chandra, N. M and Kiswandono, Agung Abadi and Tugiyono, Tugiyono and ., Buhani EXTRACT OF MANGOSTEEN PEEL (Garcinia mangostana L.) AS CALCIUM CARBONATE SCALE INHIBITOR. Rasayan J. Chem., 15 (3). pp. 1799-1805. ISSN ISSN: 0974-1496 | e-ISSN: 0976-0083

Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Setiawan, Agus and Suharso, Suharso and Risgiyanto, Anang and Huda, Ahmad Nuril and Hadi, Sutopo Evaluation of the Water Quality Status and Pollution Load Carrying Capacity of Way Umpu River, Way Kanan District, Lampung Province, Indonesia, Based on Land Use. International Journal of Ecology, 2023.

Jokowinarno, Dwi and Banuwa, Irwan Sukri and Yuwono, Slamet Budi and Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Bakri, Samsul and Setiawan, Agus IDF (intensity-duration-frequency) curve and unit hydrograph as signature of characteristic changing of Way Kuala Garuntang Watershed. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 739 (2021).

Jokowinarno, Dwi and Banuwa, Irwan Sukri and Yuwono, Slamet Budi and Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Bakri, Samsul and Setiawan, Agus IDF (intensity-duration-frequency) curve and unit hydrograph as signature of characteristic changing of Way Kuala Garuntang Watershed. In: ULICOSTE2020, 18-19 November 2020, Radisson Hotel.

Niswati, Ainin and Romelah, Siti and Dermiyati, - and Tugiyono, Tugiyono Integrasi Kebun Kelapa Sawit – Sapi dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Perubahan Fauna Tanah. In: the 1st International Conference Management - Adapting Land Management to Climate Change and Combating L Resilience of Agricultural System, 16-18 September 2020, Bogor. (Unpublished)

Niswati, Niswati and S, Romelah and Dermiyati, Dermiyati and Tugiyono, Tugiyono Integrated farming system of cattle and oil palm plantation increasing population and diversity of soil fauna in Ultisols soils. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science.

Sumardi, Sumardi and Agustrina, Rochmah and Irawan, Bambang and Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Putri, Desfika Ardia and Arifiyanto, Achmad Isolation and Characterization of Anoxygenic Photosynthetic Bacteria for Reducing Ammonia and Probiotics Candidate. Asian Journal of Scientific Research.

Sumardi, Sumardi and Rochmah, Agustrina and Irawan, Bambang and Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Putri, Desfika Ardia and Arifiyanto, Achmad Isolation and Characterization of Anoxygenic Photosynthetic Bacteria for Reducing Ammonia and Probiotics Candidate. Asian Journal of Scientific Research. ISSN 1992-1454

R, Putri and Sumardi, Sumardi and Irawan, Bambang and Tugiyono, Tugiyono Isolation and properties of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria from mangrove sediment, hanura lampung beach. Journal of Physics: Conference Series.

Pratiwi, Sekar and Rosa, Emantis and Priyambodo, Priyambodo and Tugiyono, Tugiyono JUMLAH TELUR NYAMUK Aedes sp. PADA OVITRAP YANG DIBERI FERMENTASI GULA SEBAGAI ATRAKTAN ALAMI DI LINGKUNGAN FMIPA UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG. Bioma. (Submitted)

Pratiwi, Sekar and Rosa, Emantis and Priyambodo, Priyambodo and Tugiyono, Tugiyono JUMLAH TELUR NYAMUK Aedes sp. PADA OVITRAP YANG DIBERI FERMENTASI GULA SEBAGAI ATRAKTAN ALAMI DI LINGKUNGAN FMIPA UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG. Jurnal Biologi Papua. ISSN 2086-3314 (Submitted)

Faradila, Annisa and Nukmal, Nismah and Pratami, Gina and Tugiyono, Tugiyono KEBERADAAN SERANGGA MALAM BERDASARKAN EFEK WARNA LAMPU PADA LIGHT TRAP di KEBUN RAYA LIWA. Juranal Berkala ilmiah biologi. ISSN 1410-8801 (Submitted)

Tugiyono, Tugiyono Kontrak Penelitian. LPPM. (Unpublished)

Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Setiawan, Agus and Rusyani, Emy and Gustina, Erlin Kultur Skala Semi masal isolat Nannochloropsis sp dari Perairan Ekosistem Lampung Mangrove Center Sebagai Sebagai Pakan Hidup. In: Seminar Nasional Hasil Penelitian dan Pengabdian 2017, 25 Oktober 2017, IBI Darmajaya Bandar Lampung. (Unpublished)

Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Setiawan, Agus and Rusyani, Emy and Gustina, Erlin Modification of live feed from intermediate cultivation of isolate Nannochloropsis sp. of the waters of Lampung Mangrove Center. In: the 5th International Conference on Biology Sciences (ICBS 2017), September, 15-16, 2017, Faculty of Biology Gadjah Mada University Yogyakarta. (Unpublished)

Ramadhanti, Saskya Ardrila and Rosa, Emantis and Rustiati, Elly L. and Tugiyono, Tugiyono THE NUMBER of (Aedes sp.) EGGS LAYING ON DIFFERENCES TIPE AND SPECIES OF PHYTOTELMATA IN AREA OF LAMPUNG UNIVERSITY. Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Eksperiment dan Keanekaragaman Hayati.

Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Sofia, Vao and Umar, Suratman and Rustiati, Elly L. Nilai Nutrition Value Coefficient (NVC) ikan sebagai indikator biologi tingkat pencemaran Sungai Way Umpu Kecamatan Way Kanan Provinsi Lampung. Jurnal Penelitian Sains, 24 (3). pp. 99-106. ISSN 1410-7058

Tugiyono, Tugiyono PEER REVIEW Biomonitoring of Effects Following Exposure of Fish to Sugar Refinery Effluent. Modern Applied Science.


Tugiyono, Tugiyono PEER REVIEW Combination of agriculture fertilizer for intermediate cultivation of isolate Nannochloropsis sp. of the waters of Lampung Mangrove Center as live feed. Asian J Agri & Biol..

Tugiyono, Tugiyono PEER REVIEW Coral Reef Fish and Plankton Diversity toward Coral Reef Coverage in Panjang Island of Anak Krakatoa Mountain. Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Eksperimen dan Keanekaragaman Hayati.

Tugiyono, Tugiyono PEER REVIEW Determination of Aedes Spp. Mosquito Breeding Spots as a High-Risk Area Through Maya Index Analysis in Way Halim Bandar Lampung. Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Eksperimen dan Keanekaragaman Hayati.

Tugiyono, Tugiyono PEER REVIEW Does Expired-Larvicides Impacted to Plankton Abundance and Diversity? Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Eksperimen dan Keanekaragaman Hayati.

Tugiyono, Tugiyono PEER REVIEW Growth and Estimation of Potential Carbon Absorption by Transplantation Branching Coral Reefs on Mahitam and Pahawang Islands of Pesawaran Regency, Lampung Province. Journal of Physics: Conference Series.

Tugiyono, Tugiyono PEER REVIEW IDF (intensity-duration-frequency) curve and unit hydrograph as signature of characteristic changing of Way Kuala Garuntang Watershed. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science.

Tugiyono, Tugiyono PEER REVIEW Influence of gambier extract modification as inhibitor of calcium sulfate scale formation. Desalination and Water Treatment.

Tugiyono, Tugiyono PEER REVIEW Inhibition of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) scale formation by calix [4] resorcinarene compounds. Desalination and Water Treatment.

Tugiyono, Tugiyono PEER REVIEW Integrated farming system of cattle and oil palm plantation increasing population and diversity of soil fauna in Ultisols soils. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.

Tugiyono, Tugiyono PEER REVIEW Isolation and Characterization of Anoxygenic Photosynthetic Bacteria for Reducing Ammonia and Probiotics Candidate. Asian Journal of Scientific Research.

Tugiyono, Tugiyono PEER REVIEW Isolation and identification of phytoplankton from aquatic ecosystems of Lampung Mangroves Center (LMC) as biological feed. Asian J Agri & Biol..

Tugiyono, Tugiyono PEER REVIEW Isolation and properties of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria from mangrove sediment, hanura lampung beach. Journal of Physics: Conference Series.

Tugiyono, Tugiyono PEER REVIEW KADAR LIPID TIGA JENIS MIKROALGA PADA SALINITAS YANG BERBEDA. Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Eksperimen dan Keanekaragaman Hayati.

Tugiyono, Tugiyono PEER REVIEW Keberadaan Serangga Malam Berdasarkan Efek Warna Lampu Di Kebun Raya Liwa. Bioma.

Tugiyono, Tugiyono PEER REVIEW Makrozoobentos Diversity in Various Substrates Type in Way Sindalapai River, Liwa Botanical Garden. Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Eksperimen dan Keanekaragaman Hayati.

Tugiyono, Tugiyono PEER REVIEW Maya Index Analysis of Dengue Fever Vector in East Metro Sub-District Lampung Province Indonesia. Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Eksperimen dan Keanekaragaman Hayati.



Jokowinarno, D and Banuwa, Irwan Sukri and Yuwono, Slamet Budi and Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Bakri, Samsul and Setiawan, Agus PEER REVIEW PROSIDING "IDF (intensity-duration-frequency) curve and unit hydrograph as signature of characteristic changing of Way Kuala Garuntang Watershed" IOP Conference Series. Penerbit Universitas Lampung with Indonesia Network for Agroforetry Education (INAFE)-SEANAFE.

Tugiyono, Tugiyono PEER REVIEW Perbedaan Pertumbuhan dan Kandungan Gizi Tetraselmis sp. Isolat dari Lampung Mangrove Center pada Kultur Skala Semi Massal dengan Konsentrasi TSP Berbeda. Jurnal Biologi Eksperimen dan Keanekaragaman Hayati.

Tugiyono, Tugiyono PEER REVIEW Perilaku Menangkap Mangsa Pada Burung Air di Areal Lahan Basah Desa Margasari Kecamatan Labuhan Maringgai Kabupaten Lampung Timur. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Perhimpunan Biologi Indonesia XXV.

Tugiyono, Tugiyono PEER REVIEW Pertumbuhan dan Kandungan Nutrisi Tetraselmis sp. dari Lampung Mangrove Center pada Kultur Skala Laboratorium dengan Pupuk Pro Analis dan Urea yang Berbeda. Jurnal Biologi Eksperimen dan Keanekaragaman Hayati.

Tugiyono, Tugiyono PEER REVIEW Pola Persebaran dan Kelimpahan Burung Air pada Areal Lahan Basah di Desa Margasari, Kecamatan Labuhan Maringgai, Kabupaten Lampung Timur. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Perhimpunan Biologi Indonesia XXV.

Tugiyono, Tugiyono PEER REVIEW Populasi Telur Nyamuk Aedes sp. Pada Ovitrap yang Diberi Fermentasi Gula Sebagai Atraktan Alami di Lingkungan Kampus FMIPA Universitas Lampung. JURNAL BIOLOGI PAPUA.

Tugiyono, Tugiyono PEER REVIEW Studi Habitat dan Keanekaragaman Burung Air di Desa Margasari Kecamatan Labuhan Maringgai Kabupaten Lampung Timur. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Perhimpunan Biologi Indonesia XXV.

Tugiyono, Tugiyono PEER REVIEW Studi Jenis dan Status Konservasi Burung-Burung Yang di Perdagangkan di Wilayah Metro dan Bandar Lampung. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Perhimpunan Biologi Indonesia XXV.

Tugiyono, Tugiyono PEER REVIEW The endurance test of Nannochloropsis sp. paste isolated from Lampung Mangrove Centre (LMC). IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.

Tugiyono, Tugiyono PEER REVIEW Utilization of Fish Waste as Fish Feed Material as an Alternative Effort to Reduce and Use Waste. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences.

Tugiyono, Tugiyono PEER REVIEW kemenyan (Styrax benzoin Dryand) extract as green inhibitor of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) crystallization. Desalination and Water Treatment.

Sumardi, Sumardi and Rochmah, Agustrina and Irawan, Bambang and Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Arifiyanto, Achmad Peer review-Isolation and Characterization of Anoxygenic Photosynthetic.... Science Alert.

., Suharso and Tugiyono, Tugiyono Pemanfaatan Kemenyan (Styrax Benzoin Dryand) Sebagai Green Inhibitor Pertumbuhan Kalsium Karbonat (CaCO3): USUL PENELITIAN PENELITIAN BERBASIS KOMPETENSI (PROPOSAL LANJUTAN) (Usulan Tahun ke-3 dari rencana 3 tahun). Universitas Lampung. (Unpublished)

Widiastuti, E.L. and Afifa, A. D and Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Suratman, Suratman and Mumtazah, Dzul Fithria and Hadi, Sutopo Plankton diversity and its heavy metal content in Ratai Bay of Pesawaran district, Lampung, Indonesia. Journal of Water and Health, 21 (6). pp. 663-675.

Pratiwi, Sekar and Rosa, Emantis and Priyambodo, Priyambodo and Tugiyono, Tugiyono Populasi Telur Nyamuk Aedes sp. Pada Ovitrap yang Diberi Fermentasi Gula sebagai Atraktan Alami di Lingkungan Kampus FMIPA Universitas Lampung. Jurnal Biologi Papua. ISSN 2086-3314

Virgianti, L and Setiawan, Agus and Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Bakri, Samsul Priority Analysis of Regional Rehabilitation Activities Irrigation Way Apu System by using Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) Method. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.

Virgianti, L and Setiawan, Agus and Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Bakri, Samsul Priority analysis of regional rehabilitation activities irrigation Way Apu system by using Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) Methode. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.

Risgiyanto, Anang and ., Suharso and ., Buhani and Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Kiswandono, Agung Abadi and Rahmawati, Anisa and Wardani, Dyah Wulan Relationship of season and water quality of Way Umpu river to public health in Way Kanan districtLampung-Indonesia. Eco. Env. & Cons..

Tugiyono, Tugiyono Reviewer Asian Journal of Agriculture and Biology. Asian Journal of Agriculture and Biology. (Unpublished)

Tugiyono, Tugiyono Reviewer Thalassas: An International Journal of Marine Sciences. Springer. (Unpublished)

Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Nurcahyani, Nuning and Supriyanto, R and Hadi, Sutopo Similarity Check Biomonitoring of Effects Following Exposure of Fish to Sugar Refinery Effluent. Modern Applied Science.

Suharsono, Suharsono and Padli, M and Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Buhani, Buhani Similarity Check COMBINATION OF GAMBIER EXTRACT AND BENZOIC ACID AS INHIBITOR OF CALCIUM SULFATE SCALE FORMATION. RASAYAN J.Chem.

Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Setiawan, Agus and Rusyani, Emy and Gustina, Erlin and ., Suharso Similarity Check Combination of agriculture fertilizer for intermediate cultivation of isolate Nannochloropsis sp. of the waters of Lampung Mangrove Center as live feed. Asian J Agri & Biol..

Widiastuti, E.L. and Dani, Sayu Kadek Dwi and Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Yudha, Indra Gumay and Susanto, Gregorius Nugroho Similarity Check Growth and Estimation of Potential Carbon Absorption by Transplantation Branching Coral Reefs on Mahitam and Pahawang Islands of Pesawaran Regency, Lampung Province. Journal of Physics: Conference Series.

Jokowinarno, Dwi and Banuwa, Irwan Sukri and Yuwono, Slamet Budi and Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Bakri, Samsul and Setiawan, Agus Similarity Check IDF (intensity-duration-frequency) curve and unit hydrograph as signature of characteristic changing of Way Kuala Garuntang Watershed. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science.

., Suharso and ., Buhani and utari, Hiasinta Rini and Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Satria, Heri Similarity Check Influence of gambier extract modification as inhibitor of calcium sulfate scale formation. Desalination and Water Treatment.

., Suharso and ., Buhani and Yuwono, Suripto D. and Tugiyono, Tugiyono Similarity Check Inhibition of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) scale formation by calix [4] resorcinarene compounds. Desalination and Water Treatment.

Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Master, Jani and ., Suharso Similarity Check Isolation and identification of phytoplankton from aquatic ecosystems of Lampung Mangroves Center (LMC) as biological feed. Asian J Agri & Biol..

., Suharso and Sabriani, Novi A and Tugiyono, Tugiyono and ., Buhani and Endaryanto, Teguh Similarity Check Kemenyan (Styrax benzoin Dryand) extract as green inhibitor of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) crystallization. Desalination and Water Treatment.

Tugiyono, Tugiyono Similarity Index Fish Condition Factor as Bioindicator of Water Quality on Mangrove Ecosystems at Labuhan Maringgai, Indonesia. Prosiding Integrated Sci-Tech : The Interdisciplinary Research Approach.

Tugiyono, Tugiyono Similarity Index Relationship of season and water quality of Way Umpu river to public health in Way Kanan districtLampung-Indonesia. Eco. Env. & Cons..

Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Febryano, Indra Gumay and Puja, Yuwana and ., Suharso Similarity check Utilization of Fish Waste as Fish Feed Material as an Alternative Effort to Reduce and Use Waste. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences.

Yuwana, Puja and Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Suciantoro, Suciantoro and Febryano, Indra Gumay Utilization of Bycatch from Fishing and Fish Processing Waste as Formulated Feed Raw Materials in Silver pompano (Trachinotus blochii Lacepede 1801) Grow Out. In: The International Conference on Marine and Coastal Engineering and Sciences (ICMACES 2019), 23-24 Agustus 2019, Bandar Lampung.

Saputra, A E and Setiawan, Agus and Bakri, Samsul and Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Zulkarnain, Iskandar and Wisman, M Utilization of natural rubber (Latex) as raw material for flexible Pavement Industry. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.

Tugiyono, Tugiyono Variasi Iklim dan Dinamika Kasus DBD di Indonesia: Systematic Review. Jurnal Kesehatan.

Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Setiawan, Agus and Rusyani, Emy and ., Suharso and Nurjanah, Siti The endurance test of Nannochloropsis sp. paste isolated from Lampung Mangrove Centre (LMC). IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science.

Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Setiawan, Agus and Rusyani, Emy and Suharso, Suharso and Nurjanah, Siti The endurance test of Nannochloropsis sp. paste isolated from Lampung Mangrove Centre. The Postgraduate Program in Environmental Sciences of Universitas Negeri Padang.

This list was generated on Fri Mar 14 13:35:32 2025 WIB.