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Amalia, Agustin and Amin, Muhammad and Ridwan, Ridwan and Tusi, Ahmad (2022) Analisis Zona Klasifikasi Iklim Oldeman untuk Kesesuaian Tanaman Padi (Oryza sativa L.) di Kabupaten Lampung Timur. Jurnal Agricultural Biosystem Engineering, 1 (2). pp. 172-181. ISSN 2830-4430
Amelia, Ayu and Amin, M and Ridwan, Ridwan and Asmara, Sandi (2022) Analisis Tingkat Rawan Kekeringan Berbasis Sistem Informasi Geografis di Kecamatan Candipuro Kabupaten Lampung Selatan. Jurnal Agricultural Biosystem Engineering, 1 (3). pp. 282-290. ISSN 2830-4430
Amin, M and Ridwan, Ridwan and Asmara, Sandi and Perdana, Tio Arya (2022) Analisis Tingkat Kerawanan Banjir Lahan Sawah Berbasis Sistem Informasi Geografis di Kecamatan Palas Kabupaten Lampung Selatan. Jurnal Agricultural Biosystem Engineering, 1 (2). pp. 182-192. ISSN 2830-4430
Ariessandy, Irvan and Triyono, Sugeng and Amien, Elhamida Rezkia and Tusi, Ahmad (2022) 11. Pengaruh Jenis Media Tanam Hidroponik Agregat dan EC Larutan Nutrisi terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Melon (Cucumis melo L.). JURNAL AGRICULTURAL BIOSYSTEM ENGINEERING, 1 (1). pp. 20-31. ISSN 2830-4430
Asmara, Sandi (2022) Effect of Temperature and Pressure in Producing Thick Cassava Chips Using Vacuum Frying. Open Global Scientific Journal, 1 (2). pp. 85-92. ISSN 2961-7952
Asmara, Sandi and Elhamida, Rezkia and Warji, Warji and Tamrin, Tamrin and Rahmawati, Winda and Kurniawan, Aan and Safitri, Yuni (2022) Performance Test of Cassava Cutting Machine Type of Double Block Cutter. Teknik Pertanian Lampung, 11 (3). pp. 494-504. ISSN 2302- 559X
Asmara, Sandi and Kuncoro, Sapto and AIDA, NELI (2022) Pemanfaatan Rabikong (Pengerat Bibit Singkong) Untuk Meningkatkan Produksi Singkong Secara Bertingkat. Open Community Service Journal, 1 (2). pp. 57-65. ISSN 2828-1195.
Asmara, Sandi and Kuncoro, Sapto and widyastuti, diana and Sanjaya, Purba (2022) Pemanfaatan PETOKONG (Pemotong Bibit Singkong) Untuk Menciptakan Bibit Singkong Seragam dan Meningkatkan Produksi. Open Community Service Journal, 1 (2). ISSN 2828-1195.
Asmara, Sandi and Oktafri, Oktafri and Tamrin, Tamrin and Windasari, Putri (2022) Effect of Amount and Type of Fuel on The Smoked Fish Quality. Open Global Scientific Journal, 1 (2). pp. 77-84. ISSN 2961-7952
Asmara, Sandi and widyastuti, diana and Sanjaya, Purba (2022) Pertumbuhan Akar Stek Singkong (Manihot esculenta Crantz) Hasil Pengeratan dengan Menggunakan Alat Pengerat Bibit Singkong (Rabikong). Jurnal Agrotek Tropika, 10 (2). ISSN 2337-4993
Dahlia, Dahlia and Asmara, Sandi and Amin, Mohamad and Kuncoro, Sapto (2022) Pengaruh Komposisi Campuran Serbuk Batang Singkong dan Serai Wangi terhadap Kualitas Obat Nyamuk Bakar. Jurnal Agricultural Biosystem Engineering, 1 (4). pp. 504-513. ISSN 2830-4430
Gustam, Ridho Al Akbar and Asmara, Sandi and Lanya, Budianto and Rosadi, Bustomi (2022) Rancang Bangun dan Uji Kinerja Alat Perajang Batang Singkong Tipe TEP-1. Jurnal Agricultural Biosystem Engineering, 1 (2). pp. 234-245. ISSN 2830-4430
Gustina, Risma and Warji, Warji and Tamrin, Tamrin and Kuncoro, Sapto (2022) Pengaruh Ketebalan Chip Umbi Porang (Amorphophallus oncophyllus Prain) Terhadap Hasil Penepungan Menggunakan Hammer Mill. J. Agricultural Biosystem Engineering, 1 (2). pp. 120-130.
Haidar, Aditya and Tamrin, Tamrin and Asmara, Sandi and Bustomi, R.A.B (2022) Pengaruh Campuran Limbah Tongkol Jagung, Batang Singkong dan Batu Bara dengan Perekat Tapioka terhadap Kualitas Briket Biocoal. Jurnal Agricultural Biosystem Engineering, 1 (2). pp. 246-257. ISSN 2830-4430
Haryanto, Agus (2022) Bukti Korespondensi Lengkap: Application of Artificial Neural Network to Predict Bio-diesel Yield from Waste Frying Oil Transesterification. Fakultas Pertanian. (Unpublished)
Haryanto, Agus (2022) FORTIFIKASI PELET BIOCHAR MENGGUNAKAN KOMPOS DAN PUPUK NPK (Laporan Penelitian). LPPM Unila, Bandar Lampung. (Unpublished)
Haryanto, Agus (2022) PENINGKATAN PRODUKSI BIOGAS DARI AIR LIMBAH INDUSTRI TAPIOKA MENGGUNAKAN ONGGOK (Laporan Penelitian). LPPM Unila, Bandar Lampung. (Unpublished)
Haryanto, Agus and Rahmawati, Winda (2022) KARAKTERISTIK BAHAN BAKAR PELET JERAMI PADI: PENGARUH UKURAN PARTIKEL DAN PENAMBAHAN BEKATUL. J. Agriculture Biosystem Engineering, Vol 1 (1). pp. 32-42.
Haryono, Yudi and Asmara, Sandi and Kuncoro, Sapto and Tamrin, Tamrin (2022) Uji Kinerja Alat Pemotong Bibit Singkong (Petokong) Tipe TEP-1 Menggunakan Batang 3 Varietas Tanaman Singkong. Jurnal Agricultural Biosystem Engineering, 1 (4). pp. 607-615. ISSN 2830-4430
Kuncoro, Sapto and Asmara, Sandi and Warji, Warji and Wijaya, Luthfi Wisnu (2022) Campuran Serbuk Batang Singkong dan Serbuk Daun Cengkeh untuk Pembuatan Obat Nyamuk Bakar. Jurnal Agricultural Biosystem Engineering, 1 (4). pp. 469-479. ISSN 2830-4430
Kurnia, Berti and Asmara, Sandi and Rahmawati, Winda and Suharyatun, Siti (2022) Pembuatan dan Pengujian Pot Organik Berbahan Baku Limbah Batang Singkong untuk Tanaman Kangkung Darat (Ipomea reptans Poir). JURNAL AGRICULTURAL BIOSYSTEM ENGINEERING, 1 (3). pp. 413-425. ISSN 2830-4430
Kusuma, Abi Satria Jaya and Ridwan, Ridwan and Amien, Elhamida Rezkia and Asmara, Sandi (2022) Uji Kinerja Pompa Hidram dengan 1 Klep Buang dan 1 Klep Hisap Diameter 1 Inci. Jurnal Agricultural Biosystem Engineering, 1 (1). pp. 101-107. ISSN 2830-4430
Nugraha, Danang Rezki and Asmara, Sandi and Oktafri, Oktafri and Lanya, Budianto (2022) Unjuk Kerja Mesin Pemanen Padi Combine Harvester Merek Crown Tipe CCH-2000 Star di Kecamatan Sragi, Lampung Selatan. Jurnal Agricultural Biosystem Engineering, 1 (4). pp. 556-563. ISSN 2830-4430
Nurpilihan, Bafdal and Irfan, rdiansah and Asmara, Sandi (2022) Application of Internet of Things (IoT) on Microclimate Monitoring System in The ALG Unpad Greenhouse Based on Raspberry Pi. Teknik Pertanian Lampung, 11 (3). pp. 518-530. ISSN 2302- 559X
Pijar, Muhammad and Suharyatun, Siti and Telaumbanua, Mareli and Haryanto, Agus (2022) Uji Kinerja Mesin Pencacah Tipe GX 160 untuk Pencacahan Tongkol jagung dan Ampas Tebu. JURNAL AGRICULTURAL BIOSYSTEM ENGINEERING, 1 (1). pp. 61-70. ISSN -
Pranata, Chandra and Asmara, Sandi and Oktafri, Oktafri and Warji, Warji (2022) Rancang Bangun dan Uji Kinerja Alat Pengasap Ikan Nila (Oreochromis niloticus) Tipe Drum. Jurnal Agricultural Biosystem Engineering, 1 (2). pp. 212-225. ISSN 2830-4430
Pratiw, Reysa Fattah and Ridwan, Ridwan and Amin, Mohamad and Triyono, Sugeng (2022) 10. ANALISIS HUBUNGAN RASIO DEBIT DAN PENGGUNAAN LAHAN DI DAS SEKAMPUNG HULU DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN MODEL SWAT DAN REGRESI LINIER BERGANDA. Jurnal Agricultural Biosystem Engineering, 1 (2). pp. 193-201. ISSN 2830-4430
Pratiwi, Reysa Fattah and Ridwan, Ridwan and Amin, Mohamad and Triyono, Sugeng (2022) ANALISIS HUBUNGAN RASIO DEBIT DAN PENGGUNAAN LAHAN DI DAS SEKAMPUNG HULU DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN MODEL SWAT DAN REGRESI LINIER BERGANDA. Jurnal Agricultural Biosystem Engineering, 1 (2). pp. 193-201. ISSN 2830-4430
Purnomo, Cahyo Eko and Haryanto, Agus and Wisnu, Febryan Kusuma and Telaumbanua, Mareli (2022) Torefaksi Pelet Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit Menggunakan Reaktor Putar. Jurnal Agricultural Biosystem Engineering, 1 (1). pp. 1-11.
Puspita, Ratna and Asmara, Sandi and Rahmawati, Winda and Kuncoro, Sapto (2022) Pengaruh Penambahan Kulit Jeruk Lemon (Citrus limon) pada Pemanfaatan Serbuk Batang Singkong sebagai Obat Nyamuk Bakar. Jurnal Agricultural Biosystem Engineering, 1 (3). pp. 291-298. ISSN 2830-4430
Ridwan, Ridwan and Amin, Mohamad and Asmara, Sandi and Ramadhani, Julia (2022) Analisis Perencanaan Bangunan Bendung untuk Kebutuhan Air Irigasi di DAS Way Pemerihan Kecamatan Bengkunat Kabupaten Pesisir Barat. Jurnal Agricultural Biosystem Engineering, 1 (3). pp. 381-391. ISSN 2830-4430
Setiawan, Fajar Arief and Ridwan, Ridwan and Suharyatun, Siti and Asmara, Sandi (2022) Analisis Kebutuhan Traktor Tangan (Hand Tractor) Menggunakan Sistem Informasi Geografi di Kecamatan Pringsewu dan Kecamatan Gading Rejo Kabupaten Pringsewu. Jurnal Agricultural Biosystem Engineering, 1 (4). pp. 545-555. ISSN 2830-4430
Setiawan, Muhammad Gandi and Tamrin, Tamrin and Asmara, Sandi (2022) Rancang Bangun Kereta Gantung Pengangkut Produk Hasil Pertanian. Jurnal Agricultural Biosystem Engineering, 1 (3). pp. 311-318. ISSN 2830-4430
Suhandy, Diding (2022) Bukti Melakukan Review Artikel di Jurnal applied Sciences Tahun 2022 Diding Suhandy (Reviewer). Universitas Lampung.
Suhandy, Diding (2022) Bukti Perolehan Hibah Kompetitif Nasional Terapan 2022 Diding Suhandy (Ketua). Universitas Lampung.
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Tamrin, Tamrin and Rahmawati, Winda and Kuncoro, Sapto (2022) MEMPELAJARI PEWARNAAN TAHU DENGAN EKSTRAK PEWARNA ALAMI UNTUK VARIASI TAMPILAN TAHU. J. Agriculture Biosystem Engineering, Vol 1 (1). pp. 71-80.
Tamrin, Tamrin and Rahmawati, Winda and Warji, Warji (2022) PEMBUATAN BERAS ANALOG BERBAHAN TEPUNG SUKUN (ARTOCARPUS COMMUNIS). Agricultural Biosystem Engineering, Vol 1 (1). pp. 43-53.
Telaumbanua, Mareli (2022) Bukti Korespondensi_Abundance and Characterization of Microorganisms Isolated from Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunches Waste Under Aerobic, Anaerobic, and Facultative Anaerobic conditions. Fakultas Pertanian. (Unpublished)
Telaumbanua, Mareli (2022) Bukti Korespondensi_Application of Artificial Neural Network to Predict Biodiesel Yield from Waste Frying Oil. Fakultas Pertanian. (Unpublished)
Telaumbanua, Mareli (2022) Bukti Korespondensi_Biomass Fuel From Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch Pellet Potential and Challenges. Fakultas Pertanian. (Unpublished)
Telaumbanua, Mareli (2022) Bukti Korespondensi_Controlled Electrical Conductivity (Ec) of Tofu Wastewater as A Hydroponic Nutrition. Fakultas Pertanian. (Unpublished)
Telaumbanua, Mareli (2022) Bukti Korespondensi_Controlled Electrical Conductivity (Ec) of Tofu Wastewater as A Hydroponic Nutrition. Fakultas Pertanian. (Unpublished)
Telaumbanua, Mareli (2022) Bukti Korespondensi_Controlled Electrical Conductivity (Ec) of Tofu Wastewater as A Hydroponic Nutrition. Fakultas Pertanian. (Unpublished)
Telaumbanua, Mareli (2022) Bukti Korespondensi_Cultivation of Straw Mushroom (Volvariella volvacca) on Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch Growth Medium. Fakultas Pertanian. (Unpublished)
Telaumbanua, Mareli (2022) Bukti Korespondensi_Design Automatic Pest Trap Using A Yellow-LED Bait on Cucumber Plants. Fakultas Pertanian. (Unpublished)
Telaumbanua, Mareli (2022) Bukti Korespondensi_Design of Insect Trap Automatic Control System for Cacao Plants. Fakultas Pertanian. (Unpublished)
Telaumbanua, Mareli (2022) Bukti Korespondensi_Determination of Thermal Diffusivity of Bulk Corn Kernel and Bulk Milled Corn Kernel Using Numerical Method. Fakultas Pertanian. (Unpublished)
Telaumbanua, Mareli (2022) Bukti Korespondensi_Development of Teak Leaf Plate Molding Machine for Producing Plastic Alternative Products. Fakultas Pertanian. (Unpublished)
Telaumbanua, Mareli (2022) Bukti Korespondensi_Mineral Washing From Rice Straw to Improve Its Combustion Properties. Fakultas Pertanian. (Unpublished)
Telaumbanua, Mareli (2022) Bukti Korespondensi_Performance Comparison of The Implementations of Single Row Power Weeder (Single Engine) and Multi-Row Power Weeder (Twin-Engine) in Rice Fields. Fakultas Pertanian. (Unpublished)
Telaumbanua, Mareli (2022) Bukti Korespondensi_Plant-Based Pesticide Using Citronella (Cymbopogon nardus L) Extract to Control Insect Pests on Rice Plan. Fakultas Pertanian. (Unpublished)
Telaumbanua, Mareli (2022) Bukti Korespondensi_Population of Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria in The Liquid Organic Fertilizer Created from Palm Oil Bunches and Pineapple Rhizome. Fakultas Pertanian. (Unpublished)
Telaumbanua, Mareli (2022) Bukti Korespondensi_Rancang Bangun Sistem Pengaduk dan Pembuat Pupuk Cair Limbah Kelapa Sawit dan Nanas Otomatis dengan Metode Anaerob, Semi Aerob dan Anaerob. Fakultas Pertanian. (Unpublished)
Telaumbanua, Mareli (2022) Bukti Korespondensi_Simulation of Kalman-Bucy Filter Based Optimal Yaw Rate Control System for Autonomous Tractor. Fakultas Pertanian. (Unpublished)
Telaumbanua, Mareli (2022) Bukti Korespondensi_Sustainable Management of Coffee Fruit Watse Biomass in Ecological Farming Systems at West Lampung, Indonesia. Fakultas Pertanian. (Unpublished)
Telaumbanua, Mareli (2022) Bukti Korespondensi_Tebakak Leaves Plates as an Eco-Friendly Disposable Plates Cutural Roots, Technology and People Transformations. Fakultas Pertanian. (Unpublished)
Telaumbanua, Mareli (2022) Bukti Korespondensi_Teknik Pengendalian Serangga Hama Walang Sangit (Leptocorisa oratorius) Melalui Penyemprotan Larutan Beuveria bassiana untuk Tanaman Padi. Fakultas Pertanian. (Unpublished)
Telaumbanua, Mareli (2022) Bukti Korespondensi_Tipe Chamber dan Posisi Sensor E-nose untuk Mendeteksi Aroma Biji Kopi Robusta Menggunakan Mikrokontroler. Fakultas Pertanian. (Unpublished)
Telaumbanua, Mareli (2022) Bukti Korespondensi_Torrefaction Upgrading of Palm Oil Empty Fruit Bunches Biomass Pellets for Gasification Feedstock by Using Comb (Counter Flow Multi-Baffle) Reactor. Fakultas Pertanian. (Unpublished)
Telaumbanua, Mareli (2022) Bukti Korespondensi_Torrefaction Upgrading of Palm Oil Empty Fruit Bunches Biomass Pellets for Gasification Feedstock by Using Comb (Counter Flow Multi-Baffle) Reactor. Fakultas Pertanian. (Unpublished)
Telaumbanua, Mareli (2022) Bukti Korespondensi_Torrefaction to Improve Biomass Pellet Made of Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch. Fakultas Pertanian. (Unpublished)
Telaumbanua, Mareli (2022) Lembar Penilaian_Alat Pembuat Pupuk Cair Otomatis dari Limbah Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit Berbasis Mikrokontroler_Agroteknika. Fakultas Pertanian.
Telaumbanua, Mareli (2022) Lembar Penilaian_Design Automatic Pest Trap Using A Yellow-LED Bait on Cucumber Plants_IOP Publishing. Fakultas Pertanian.
Telaumbanua, Mareli (2022) Lembar Penilaian_Design and Construction of Duku Sorting System Based on Size Using Microcontroller on Conveyor Work_International Journal of Electronics and Communications System. Fakultas Pertanian.
Telaumbanua, Mareli (2022) Lembar Penilaian_Hak Cipta Video Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah Instrumentasi. Fakultas Pertanian.
Telaumbanua, Mareli (2022) Lembar Penilaian_Pelatihan Pemanfaatan Bioslurry di Desa Rejomulyo, Kecamatan Jati Agung, Lampung Selatan. Fakultas Pertanian.
Telaumbanua, Mareli (2022) Lembar Penilaian_Pengaruh Jenis Bakteri Pelarut Fosfat (BPF) dan Jenis Pupuk Fosfat Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Tanaman Mentimun (Cucumis sativus L.)_Jurnal Agrotek Tropika. Fakultas Pertanian.
Telaumbanua, Mareli (2022) Lembar Penilaian_Pengembangan Sistem Sortasi Buah Duku (Lansium Domesticum) Berdasar Warna Menggunakan Mikrokontroler Arduino dan Sensor Warna AS7262_Jurnal Informatika dan Teknik Elektro Terapan. Fakultas Pertanian.
Telaumbanua, Mareli (2022) Lembar Penilaian_Performance Comparison of The Implementations of Single Row Power Weeder (Single Engine) and Multi-Row Power Weeder (Twin-Engine) in Rice Fields_IOP Publishing. Fakultas Pertanian.
Telaumbanua, Mareli (2022) Lembar Penilaian_Tebakak Leaves Plates as an Eco-friendly Disposable Plates Cutural Roots, Technology and People Transformations_Atlantis Press. Fakultas Pertanian.
Telaumbanua, Mareli (2022) Lembar Penilaian_Torefaksi Pelet Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit Menggunakan Reaktor Putar_Journal Agricultural Biosystem Engineering. Fakultas Pertanian.
Telaumbanua, Mareli (2022) Lembar Penilaian_Uji Kinerja Mesin Pencacah Tipe GX 160 untuk Pencacahan Tongkol Jagung dan Ampas Tahu. Fakultas Pertanian. (Unpublished)
Telaumbanua, Mareli (2022) Lembar Penilaian_Uji Kinerja Mesin Pencacah Tipe GX 160 untuk Pencacahan Tongkol Jagung dan Ampas Tebu_Journal Agricultural Biosystem Engineering. Fakultas Pertanian.
Telaumbanua, Mareli (2022) Listrik dan Elektronika Dasar Teknik Pertanian. Penerbit NEM, Pekalongan. ISBN 978-623-423-355-1
Telaumbanua, Mareli (2022) SImilarity Index_Torefaksi Pelet Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit Menggunakan Reaktor Putar. Fakultas Pertanian. (Unpublished)
Telaumbanua, Mareli (2022) Similarity Index_Abundance and Characterization of Microorganisms Isolated from Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunches Waste Under Aerobic, Anaerobic, and Facultative Anaerobic Conditions. Fakultas Pertanian.
Telaumbanua, Mareli (2022) Similarity Index_Alat Pembuat Pupuk Cair Otomatis dari Limbah Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit Berbasis Mikrokontroller. Fakultas Pertanian. (Unpublished)
Telaumbanua, Mareli (2022) Similarity Index_Application of Artificial Neural Network to Predict Biodiesel Yield from Waste Frying Oil. Fakultas Pertanian.
Telaumbanua, Mareli (2022) Similarity Index_Biomass Fuel from Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch Pellet Potential and Challenges. Fakultas Pertanian.
Telaumbanua, Mareli (2022) Similarity Index_Controlled Electrical Conductivity (Ec) of Tofu Wastewater as A Hydroponic Nutrition. Fakultas Pertanian.
Telaumbanua, Mareli (2022) Similarity Index_Cultivation of Straw Mushroom (Volvariella volvacca) on Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch Growth Medium. Fakultas Pertanian.
Telaumbanua, Mareli (2022) Similarity Index_Design Automatic Pest Trap Using A Yellow-LED Bait on Cucumber Plants. Fakultas Pertanian.
Telaumbanua, Mareli (2022) Similarity Index_Design and Construction of Duku Sorting System Based on Size Using Microcontroller on Conveyor Work. Fakultas Pertanian.
Telaumbanua, Mareli (2022) Similarity Index_Design of Insect Trap Automatic Control System for Cacao Plants. Fakultas Pertanian.
Telaumbanua, Mareli (2022) Similarity Index_Determination of Thermal Diffusivity of Bulk Corn Kernel and Bulk Milled Corn Kernel Using Numerical Method. Fakultas Pertanian.
Telaumbanua, Mareli (2022) Similarity Index_Development of Teak Leaf Plate Molding Machine for Producing Plastic Alternative Products. Fakultas Pertanian.
Telaumbanua, Mareli (2022) Similarity Index_Efektivitas Larutan Mikroorganisme Lokal dari Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit Secara Aerob. Fakultas Pertanian. (Unpublished)
Telaumbanua, Mareli (2022) Similarity Index_First Order Kinetics of Biodiesel Synthesis Using Used Frying Oil Through Transesterification Reaction. Fakultas Pertanian.
Telaumbanua, Mareli (2022) Similarity Index_Identifikasi Jenis Kopi Menggunakan Sensor e-Nose dengan Metode Pembelajaran Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan Backpropagation. Fakultas Pertanian. (Unpublished)
Telaumbanua, Mareli (2022) Similarity Index_Mathematical Model of Physical Properties Change of Coconut Sap in The Vacuum Evaporator. Fakultas Pertanian.
Telaumbanua, Mareli (2022) Similarity Index_Mineral Washing from Rice Straw to Improve Its Combustion Properties. Fakultas Pertanian.
Telaumbanua, Mareli (2022) Similarity Index_Penerapan Rancangan Sistem Hidroponik Otomatis untuk Budidaya Bawang Merah (Allium ascalonicum L.) dan Simulasi Analisis Biaya. Fakultas Pertanian. (Unpublished)
Telaumbanua, Mareli (2022) Similarity Index_Pengaruh Jenis Bakteri Pelarut Fosfat (BPF) dan Jenis Pupuk Fosfat Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Tanaman Mentimun (Cucumis sativus L.). Fakultas Pertanian. (Unpublished)
Telaumbanua, Mareli (2022) Similarity Index_Pengaruh Seleksi Citra Terhadap Klasifikasi Tingkat Kesegaran Daging Sapi Lokal. Fakultas Pertanian. (Unpublished)
Telaumbanua, Mareli (2022) Similarity Index_Pengembangan Listrik Tenaga Biogas Skala Rumah Tangga untuk Daerah Terpencil di Indonesia. Fakultas Pertanian. (Unpublished)
Telaumbanua, Mareli (2022) Similarity Index_Pengembangan Sistem Sortasi Buah Duku (Lansium Domesticum) Berdasar Warna Menggunakan Mikrokontroler Arduino dan Sensor Warna AS7262. Fakultas Pertanian. (Unpublished)
Telaumbanua, Mareli (2022) Similarity Index_Performance Comparison of The Implementations of Single Row Power Weeder (Single Engine) and Multi-Row Power Weeder (Twin-Engine) in Rice Fields. Fakultas Pertanian.
Telaumbanua, Mareli (2022) Similarity Index_Plant-Based Pesticide Using Citronella (Cymbopogon nardus L) Extract to Control Insect Pests on Rice Plants. Fakultas Pertanian.
Telaumbanua, Mareli (2022) Similarity Index_Population of Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria in The Liquid Organic Fertilizer Created from Palm Oil Bunches and Pineapple Rhizome. Fakultas Pertanian.
Telaumbanua, Mareli (2022) Similarity Index_Rancang Bangun Sistem Pengaduk dan Pembuat Pupuk Cair Limbah Kelapa Sawit dan Nanas Otomatis dengan Metode Anaerob, Semi Aerob dan Anaerob. Fakultas Pertanian. (Unpublished)
Telaumbanua, Mareli (2022) Similarity Index_Rancang Bangun Sistem Penghitung Jumlah dan Massa Biji Kopi Berbasis Mikrokontroler pada Konveyor Sabuk. Fakultas Pertanian. (Unpublished)
Telaumbanua, Mareli (2022) Similarity Index_Rancang Bangun dan Uji Kinerja Digester Biogas Rumah Tangga Tipe Floating Tank dengan Substrat Kotoran Sapi. Fakultas Pertanian. (Unpublished)
Telaumbanua, Mareli (2022) Similarity Index_Simulation of Kalman-Bucy Filter Based Optimal Yaw Rate Control System for Autonomous Tractor. Fakultas Pertanian.
Telaumbanua, Mareli (2022) Similarity Index_Sustainable Management of Coffee Fruit Waste Biomass in Ecological Farming Systems at West Lampung, Indonesia. Fakultas Pertanian.
Telaumbanua, Mareli (2022) Similarity Index_Tebakak Leaves Plates as an Eco-friendly Disposable Plates Cutural Roots, Technology and People Transformations. Fakultas Pertanian.
Telaumbanua, Mareli (2022) Similarity Index_Teknik Pengendalian Serangga Hama Walang Sangit (Leptocorisa oratorius) Melalui Penyemprotan Larutan Beuveria bassiana untuk Tanaman Padi. Fakultas Pertanian. (Unpublished)
Telaumbanua, Mareli (2022) Similarity Index_Torrefaction Upgrading of Palm Oil Empty Fruit Bunches Biomass Pellets for Gasification Feedstock by Using Comb (Counter Flow Multi-Baffle) Reactor. Fakultas Pertanian.
Telaumbanua, Mareli (2022) Similarity Index_Torrefaction to Improve Biomass Pellet Made of Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch. Fakultas Pertanian.
Telaumbanua, Mareli (2022) Similarity Index_Torrefaction to Improve Biomass Pellet Made of Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch. Fakultas Pertanian.
Telaumbanua, Mareli (2022) Similarity Index_Uji Kinerja Mesin Pencacah Tipe GX 160 untuk Pencacahan Tongkol Jagung dan Ampas Tebu. Fakultas Pertanian. (Unpublished)
Telaumbanua (2022) Video Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah Instrumentasi. EC00202244408.
Telaumbanua, Mareli and Azwar, F.R. and Lanya, Budianto and Haryanto, Agus and Amien, E.R. (2022) Design Automatic Pest Trap Using A Yellow-LED Bait on Cucumber Plants. In: 1st International Conference on Agriculture, Food, and Environment 2021.
Telaumbanua, Mareli and Kusuma Wisnu, Febryan. and Haryanto, Agus and Suharyatun, Siti and Wahyudi, Agung (2022) Similirity:Effect of Torrefaction Temperature on Physical Properties of Biopellet from Variant Biomass Waste. International Journal of Renewable Energy Research-IJRER.
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