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Pratiwi, Ayu dian and Nurdjanah, Siti and Utomo, Tanto Pratondo (2020) PENGARUH SUHU DAN LAMA PEMANASAN SAAT PROSES BLANSING TERHADAP SIFAT KIMIA, FISIKOKIMIA DAN FISIK TEPUNG UBI KAYU. Jurnal Penelitian Pasca Panen, 17 (2). pp. 47-55. ISSN ISSN : 0216-1192 E-ISSN : 2541-4054 (In Press)
Conference or Workshop Item
Fahrulsyah, Fahrulsyah and Utomo, Tanto Pratondo and Suroso, Erdi and subeki, subeki and Hidayati, Sri (2019) Analisis Nilai Tambah Minyak Bunga Kopi Robusta Di Provinsi Lampung. In: Seminar Nasional Lahan Kering ke 5, 9-11 September 2019, Bandarlampung. (Submitted)
subeki, subeki and Satyajaya, Wisnu and Utomo, Tanto Pratondo and Muhartono, Muhartono (2017) The effects of processing techniques against cyanogen levels during the production of siger rice from cassava (Manihot esculenta). In: IC STAR 2017, 18 September, Bandar Lampung.
Suroso, Erdi and Utomo, Tanto Pratondo and Al Rasyid, Harun and Zendya, Varga (2017) STRATEGI PENGEMBANGAN MINYAK ATSIRI PALA STUDI KASUS GABUNGAN KELOMPOK TANI WIRA KARYA SEJAHTERA, KABUPATEN TANGGAMUS. In: Seminar nasional APTA 2017 Bengkulu, 14 – 15 Agustus 2017, bengkulu. (In Press)
Al Rasyid, Harun and Utomo, Tanto Pratondo and subeki, subeki (2017) PENGEMBANGAN LUMBUNG BERAS SIGER DI DESA WAY KANDIS – BANDAR LAMPUNG. In: Seminar NAsional Hasil-hasil pengabdian. (In Press)
Utomo, Tanto Pratondo and Suroso, Erdi and Al Rasyid, Harun and Pandutyas, Muhammad and Sihite, Advent (2016) EVALUASI EFEKTIVITAS PROSES PRODUKSI KARET REMAH DAN RIBBED SMOKED SHEET BERDASARKAN NILAI OVERALL EQUIPMENT EFFECTIVENESS (OEE). In: Seminar Nasionall APTA 2016, 26-27 Oktober 2016, Jember.
Surfiana, Surfiana and Hasanudin, Udin and Nurdjanah, Siti and Utomo, Tanto Pratondo (2023) similarity Physicochemical Characteristics and Pasting Properties of Modified Cassava Starch and Flour by Integrated Processing Technology. Horizon Research Publishing(HRPUB).
Nurdjanah, Siti and Mulawati, Ika and Utomo, Tanto Pratondo and Nurainy, Fibra (2021) Similarity: EVALUASI UMUR PANEN TERHADAP SIFAT FISIKOKIMIA DAN KAPASITAS ANTIOKSIDAN TEPUNG LABU KUNING MADU. Jurnal Penelitian Pascapanen Pertanian. Volume 18 No.13: 121– 130..