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Shafwati, Dian (2022) The effect of using pronunciation applications on students' pronunciation abilities. Unila Journal Of English Teaching (U-JET), 11 (1). pp. 93-99. ISSN ISSN 2798-4532
Shafwati, Dian (2022) PEER REVIEW JURNAL DENGAN JUDUL: The effect of using pronunciation applications on students' pronunciation abilities. Engish Education Study Program, -.
Supriady, Deddy and Sholihah, Lilis and Shafwati, Dian (2021) THE EFFECT OF GROUP WORK STRATEGY IN ENGLISH TEACHING AND LEARNING IN SMP BANDAR LAMPUNG. In: The Third International Conference on English Language Teaching and Learning (ICON-ELTL) with the theme "Glocalization in English Language Teaching" 2021, 4-5 September 2021, UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG, FKIP. (Submitted)
Riyantika, Fajar and Prakoso, Gita Hilmi and Shafwati, Dian and Sholihah, Lilis (2020) The Application of MBTI to Analyze EFL Teachers’ Teaching Styles. ICOPE 2020. ISSN 2593-7650
Sudirman, Sudirman and Shafwati, Dian (2020) The problem occurred in students’ writing when using Picture Series technique in learning recount text. U-Jet: Unila Journal of English Teaching, 9 (3). pp. 300-305. ISSN 2301-9964
Shafwati, Dian and Sudirman, Sudirman (2020) Improving Students’ Achievement in Writing Recount Text through Picture Series Strategy. In: the second international conference on progressive education (2nd ICOPE) 2020, 17-18 OKTOBER 2020, UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG, FKIP. (Submitted)
Nurdiana, Novita and Deviyanti, Rafista and Nisa, Khairun and Shafwati, Dian (2020) Pelatihan Bahasa Inggris Komunikatif Berbasis Game Anak-Anak di Panti Asuhan Al Falah Yasmuba. Jurnal Sumbangsih, 1 (19). pp. 130-134.
Shafwati, Dian and Sholihah, Lilis and Prakoso, Gita Hilmi and Riyantika, Fajar (2020) The Use of Youtube Video toward Students’ Listening Ability. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Progressive Education. pp. 105-112.
Shafwati, Dian (2019) Teaching Procedure Text Using Islamic Tutorial Video. 2nd International Conference on English Language Teaching and Learning "EFL Teaching and Learning for The Millennial Generation". pp. 250-259. ISSN 978-602-0860-36-7