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Number of items: 107.


Ahmad, Zaenudin and Rustadi, Rustadi and Iswan, Iswan and Ida Bagus S, Yogi (2021) Preliminary study of HVSR forward modeling: parameters properties and non-uniqueness of subsurface models. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1816. ISSN 17426588

Dani, Ilham and Sule, Mohammad Rachmat (2021) Pemodelan Seismik pada Struktur Geologi Kompleks menggunakan Metode Common Reflection Surface (CRS). Jurnal Geofisika Eksplorasi, 7 (3). pp. 164-177. ISSN 2356-1599 (Print); 2685-6182 (Online)

Darmawan, I Gede Boy and Fahlevi, Dirga Ilham and Yassar, Muhamad Farhan and Pramudya, Fachri Aldi (2021) IDENTIFIKASI ZONA RESERVOAR PANAS BUMI BERDASARKAN ANALISIS FAULT FRACTURE DENSITY CITRA DIGITAL ELEVATION MODEL ALOS PALSAR DI GUNUNG RAJABASA. Buletin Sumber Daya Geologi, 16 (2). pp. 119-131. ISSN 1907-5367

Darmawan, I Gede Boy and Manurung, Zelica Krismalia and Nurul, Muhammad and Prihadita, Winona Putri and Karyanto, Karyanto (2021) APLIKASI DINSAR UNTUK IDENTIFIKASI DEFORMASI PERMUKAAN GUNUNG ANAK KRAKATAU PADA PERISTIWA LONGSOR SEBELUM TSUNAMI SELAT SUNDA. Jurnal Geosaintek, 7 (2). pp. 83-92. ISSN p-ISSN: 2460-9072, e-ISSN: 2502-3659

Darmawan, I Gede Boy and Mulyasari, Rahmi and Amukti, Rian (2021) Perbandingan Indeks Kerentanan Seismik Antara Instrumen Akselerometer ADXL345 Dengan REFTEK 130-SMHR Menggunakan Metode Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio. Jurnal Geofisika, 19 (1). pp. 10-16. ISSN 0854-4352

Dewanto, Ordas and Mulyatno, Bagus Sapto and Rizki Ordas, Perdana and Wibowo, Rahmat Catur (2021) Reservoir Properties Prediction Using Seismic Inversion and Geostatistical Integration. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 1149. pp. 1-6. (Submitted)

Erfani, Sandri (2021) Analisis Model Struktur Bawah Permukaan Berdasarkan Tomografi Seismik Wilayah Sumatera Barat Menggunakan LOTOS12. Wahana Fisika Jurnal Fisika dan Terapannya, 6 (1). pp. 59-70. ISSN 2549-1989

Hesti, Ms and Suharno, Mr and Rahmi mulyasari, Ms and Akroma Hidayatika, Ms (2021) Hasil Review artikel AA Hesti. Jurnal Geofisika Eksplorasi, 07 (02). pp. 150-159. ISSN E-ISSN 2685-6182 P-ISSN 2356-1599

Karyanto, Karyanto and Darmawan, I Gede Boy (2021) Pengujian Prototipe Instrumen Pengukur Gradien Termal di Lapangan Panas Bumi Padang Cermin Pesawaran. Jurnal Teori dan Aplikasi Fisika, 09 (02). pp. 175-184. ISSN 2549-1156


Leonardo Manurung, Paulus and Dewanto, Ordas and Wibowo, Rahmat Catur (2021) Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Value Prediction in Source Rock Potential at North East Java Basin, Indonesia. Journal of Geoscience, Engineering, Environment, and Technology, 6 (3). pp. 147-151. ISSN E-ISSN : 2541-5794 ; P-ISSN : 2503-216X

Manurung, Paulus and Dewanto, Ordas and Wibowo, Rahmat Catur (2021) Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Value Prediction in Source Rock Potential at North East Java Basin, Indonesia. Journal of Geoscience, Engineering, Environment, and Technology, 6 (3). pp. 147-151. ISSN E-ISSN : 2541-5794 P-ISSN : 2503-216X

Muhammad Zulkaromi, MZ and Nandi Haerudin, NH and Suharno, Suharno and bagus, sapto (2021) Identification of Horst and Graben Structural Patterns Using Gravity and Second Vertical Derivative (SVD) Methods in The Lubuksikaping Area of West Sumatera. Indonesian Physical Review, 4 (3). pp. 153-165. ISSN 2614-7904

Mulyasari, Rahmi and Suharno, Suharno and Haerudin, Nandi and Hesti, Hesti and Hidayatika, Akroma and Yogi, Ida Bagus Suananda and Saputro, Sugeng Purwo (2021) Aplikasi Metode Geolistrik dan Analisis X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) untuk Investigasi Longsor di Pidada, Kecamatan Panjang, Bandar Lampung. Eksplorium, 42 (2). ISSN 0854-1418

Mulyatno, Bagus Sapto and Dewanto, Ordas and Wibowo, Rahmat Catur (2021) Reservoir Properties Modeling Using Multi-Attribute Seismic Analysis: Case Study South Sumatra Basin. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 1149 (1). pp. 1-14. ISSN Online ISSN: 1757-899X Print ISSN: 1757-8981 (Submitted)

Nandi Haerudin, NH and Yogi, Ida Bagus Suananda (2021) A Combination of Monte-Carlo and Damped Least Square Inversion Method for Determining Radon Source in Geothermal Case. Journal of The Earth and Space Physics, 46 (4). pp. 103-116. ISSN 2538-3906

Rasimeng, Syamsurijal and Dani, Ilham and Wibisono, Ambrosius Hernawan and Ahadi, Restu Wildanu and Al Ghifari, Sultan (2021) PENENTUAN EPISENTRUM DAN HIPOSENTRUM GEMPA BUMI MENGGUNAKAN METODE GRID SEARCH DI ANTELOPE VALLEY, CALIFORNIA. Geocelebes, 5 (2). pp. 173-181. ISSN 25795821

Rasimeng, Syamsurijal and Suharno, Suharno and Tugiyono, Tugiyono and Helmi, Masdar (2021) Draf Arikel: Empirical Formulation of Natural Frequency vs Soil Thickness Based on Maximum Spectral Value H/V in Bandar Lampung, Indonesia. Journal of Applied Science and Engineering. (Submitted)

Rustadi, Rustadi (2021) Geophysical approach for assessment of seawater intrusion in the coastal aquifer of Bandar Lampung, Indonesia. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering. ISSN 1757-899X

Rustadi, Rustadi and Darmawan, I Gede Boy and Haerudin, Nandi and Setiawan, Agus (2021) Geophysical approach for assessment of seawater intrusion in the coastal aquifer of Bandar Lampung, Indonesia. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 1173 (012007). pp. 1-7. ISSN 1757-899X

Rustadi, Rustadi and Darmawan, I Gede Boy and Nandi Haerudin, NH and Suharno, Suharno and Agus Setiawan, Agus (2021) Geophysical approach for assessment of seawater intrusion in the coastal aquifer of Bandar Lampung, Indonesia. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering. pp. 1-7. ISSN 17426588

Rustadi, Rustadi and Darmawan, I Gede Boy and Nandi Haerudin, NH and Suharno, Suharno and Agus Setiawan, Agus (2021) Geophysical approach for assessment of seawater intrusion in the coastal aquifer of Bandar Lampung, Indonesia. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 1173. pp. 1-7. ISSN 17426588

Rustadi, Rustadi and Darmawan, I Gede Boy and Nandi Haerudin, NH and Suharno, Suharno and Setiawan, Agus (2021) 6. Plagiarism Checker Prosiding Ic-Star (Geophysical approach for assessment of seawater intrusion). IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering. pp. 1-7. ISSN 17426588

Rustadi, Rustadi and Eko Rananda, Rananda (2021) FORMASI BATUAN DAN SITE CLASS DI BANDAR LAMPUNG. Jurnal Geofisika Eksplorasi, 7 (1). pp. 1-6. ISSN 2356-1599 (In Press)

Sandri, Erfani and Mustika, Siregar and zaenudin, ahmad and Rustadi, Rustadi and Yogi, Ida Bagus Suananda and Rahmat, C. Wibowo (2021) 5. Plagiarism Checker Prosiding Ic-Star (Coal velocity and proximate analysis relationship). IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering. pp. 1-6. ISSN 17426588

Sandri, Erfani and Mustika, Siregar and zaenudin, ahmad and Rustadi, Rustadi and Yogi, Ida Bagus Suananda and catur wibowo, rahmat (2021) Coal velocity and proximate analysis relationship using Multiple Linear Regression. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering. pp. 1-6. ISSN 17426588

Sandri, Erfani and Rustadi, Rustadi (2021) Coal velocity and proximate analysis relationship using Multiple Linear Regression. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering. ISSN 1757-899X

Sandri, Erfani and Rustadi, Rustadi (2021) Coal velocity and proximate analysis relationship using Multiple Linear Regression. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 1173. pp. 1-6. ISSN 17426588

Sapto Mulyanto, Bagus and Sarkowi, Muh and catur wibowo, rahmat and Sawitri, Regina Febryzha (2021) Wai Selabung geothermal reservoir analysis based on gravity method. Al-Biruni, 10 (2). pp. 45-63. ISSN p-ISSN 2303-1832 dan e-ISSN 2503-023X

Sarkowi, Muh and Wibowo, Rahmat Catur (2021) Geothermal Reservoir Identification based on Gravity Data Analysis in Rajabasa Area�Lampung. Riset Geologi dan Pertambangan Indonesian Journal of Geology and Mining, 31 (2). pp. 77-97. ISSN 01259849

Sarkowi, Muh and Wibowo, Rahmat Catur (2021) Reservoir Identification of Bac-Man Geothermal Field Based on Gravity Anomaly Analysis and Modeling. Journal of Applied Science and Engineering, 25 (2). pp. 329-338. ISSN 15606686

Sarkowi, Muh and Wibowo, Rahmat Catur and Minardi, Suhayat and Arifianto, Indra (2021) Identification of Hydrocarbons Sub-Basin Based on Gravity Data Analysis in Lampung Area. Jurnal Penelitian Fisika dan Aplikasinya (JPFA), 11 (2). pp. 106-113. ISSN 2087-9956

Sarkowi, Muh and Wibowo, Rahmat Catur and Mulyatno, Bagus Sapto (2021) Wai Selabung geothermal reservoir analysis based on gravity method. Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika Al-BiRuNi, 10 (2). pp. 45-63. ISSN 2303-1832

Sarkowi, Muh and Wibowo, Rahmat Catur and Mulyatno, Bagus Sapto and Sawitri, Regina Febryzha (2021) Wai Selabung geothermal reservoir analysis based on gravity method. Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika Al-BiRuNi, 10 (2). pp. 45-63. ISSN P-ISSN: 2303-1832 , e-ISSN: 2503-023X

Sarkowi, Muh and Wibowo, Rahmat Catur and Sawitri, Regina Febryzha and Mulyanto, Bagus Sapto (2021) Wai Selabung geothermal reservoir analysis based on gravity method. Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika ‘Al-BiRuNi’, 10 (2). pp. 45-63. ISSN 2303-1832

Wibisono, Ambrosius Hernawan and Ahadi, Restu Wildanu and Al Ghifari, Sultan and Dani, Ilham and Rasimeng, Syamsurijal (2021) Penentuan Episentrum dan Hiposentrum Gempa Bumi Menggunakan Metode Grid Search di Antelope Valley, California. Geocelebes, 5 (2). pp. 173-181. ISSN 25795821

Wibowo, Rahmat Catur and Dewanto, Ordas (2021) Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Value Prediction in Source Rock Potential at North East Java Basin, Indonesia. JOURNAL OF GEOSCIENCE, ENGINEERING, ENVIRONMENT, AND TECHNALOGY, 6 (3). ISSN 2541-5794

Wibowo, Rahmat Catur and Dewanto, Ordas (2021) Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Value Prediction in Source Rock Potential at North East Java Basin, Indonesia. JOURNAL OF GEOSCIENCE, ENGINEERING, ENVIRONMENT, AND TECHNALOGY, 6 (3). ISSN 2541-5794

Wibowo, Rahmat Catur and Mulyatno, Bagus Sapto and Dewanto, Ordas and Sarkowi, Muh (2021) Structure from Motion (SfM) method to characterize fluvial sedimentology in Way Semaka river in Lampung province, Indonesia. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 1173 (012003). pp. 2-7.

Yogi, Ida Bagus Suananda and Werena, Rosalia Dwi and Sinambela, Rudy Zefrianto and Darmawan, I Gede Boy (2021) EDUKASI DESAIN SUMUR DAN KUALITAS AIR BERSIH UNTUK WARGA KAMPUNG CENDIKIA, LAMPUNG SELATAN. Senapati Universitas Lampung. ISSN 2685-0427

zaenudin, ahmad and Rustadi, Rustadi (2021) Preliminary study of HVSR forward modeling: parameters properties and non-uniqueness of subsurface models. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. ISSN 17426588

zaenudin, ahmad and Rustadi, Rustadi and Iswan, Iswan and Yogi, Ida Bagus Suananda (2021) 3. Plagiarism Checker Prosiding IOP ICTAP 2020 (Preliminary study of HVSR forward modeling). Journal of Physics: Conference Series. ISSN 17426588

zaenudin, ahmad and Rustadi, Rustadi and Iswan, iswan and Yogi, Ida Bagus Suananda (2021) Preliminary study of HVSR forward modeling: parameters properties and non-uniqueness of subsurface models. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. pp. 1-6. ISSN 17426588

Conference or Workshop Item

Darmawan, I Gede Boy and Hidayatika, Akroma and Sarkowi, Muh and Karyanto, Karyanto (2021) Pemanfaatan simulasi numerik sebagai studi pendahuluan untuk membangun model permeabilitas zona potensi reservoar panas bumi. In: SINTA 2021, Bandar Lampung. (Unpublished)

Dewanto, Ordas and Mulyatno, Bagus Sapto and Ordas, Perdana Rizki and Wibowo, Rahmat Catur (2021) Reservoir properties prediction using seismic inversion and geostatistical integration. In: IC-STAR, 1 November 2021, Bandar Lampung.

Dewanto, Ordas and Mulyatno, Bagus Sapto and Rizki Ordas, Perdana and Wibowo, Rahmat Catur (2021) Reservoir properties prediction using seismic inversion and geostatistical integration. In: The 6th International Conference of Science, Technology, and Interdisciplinary Research 2020 (IC-STAR 2020) 20th-21st October 2020, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia, 20-21 Oktober 2020, Unila.

Dewanto, Ordas and Prihadita, Winona Putri and Mulyatno, Bagus Sapto (2021) PERBANDINGAN NILAI POROSITAS HASIL PERHITUNGAN LOG DAN PENGUKURAN CORE PADA SUMUR A-1 DAN B-1 DI CEKUNGAN SUMATERA TENGAH. In: Seminar Nasional Ilmu Teknik dan Aplikasi Industri (Sinta), Bandar Lampung. (In Press)

Dewanto, Ordas and Yuliantina, Aisah (2021) MENENTUKAN KONDUKTIVITAS PANAS FORMASI PADA SUMUR AIS DI CEKUNGAN SUMATERA TENGAH. In: Seminar Nasional Ilmu Teknik dan Aplikasi Industri (Sinta), Oktober, Bandar Lampung.

Hesti, Hesti and Mulyasari, Rahmi and Hidayatika, Akroma and Tiara, Tiara (2021) MITIGASI BENCANA BANJIR SEBAGAI UPAYA PENDIDIKAN PENANGGULANGAN BENCANA PADA SISWA SEKOLAH MENENGAH ATAS YAYASAN NURUL HUDA LAMPUNG. In: Senapati 2021, 5 Oktober 2021, Bandar Lampung. (Unpublished)

Karyanto, Karyanto and Sarkowi, Muh and Akroma Hidayatika, Akroma Hidayatika and Ukhti, Sawitri and Haerudin, Nandi and Darmawan, I Gede Boy (2021) Analisis heat lossdan pemetaan sebaran suhu permukaan manifestasi di lapangan panas bumi Way Ratai. In: Seminar Nasional Ilmu Teknik dan Aplikasi Industri (SINTA) 2020, 14 Oktober 2020, Bandar Lampung.

Karyanto, Karyanto and Sarkowi, Muh and Hidayatika, Akroma and Ukhti, Feriyanika and Haerudin, Nandi and Darmawan, I Gede Boy (2021) Analisis heat loss dan pemetaan sebaran suhu permukaan manifestasi di lapangan panas bumi Way Ratai. In: Seminar Nasional Ilmu Teknik dan Aplikasi Industri (SINTA) 2020, Bandar Lampung.

Mulyasari, Rahmi and Hesti, Hesti and Haerudin, Nandi and Suharno, Suharno (2021) EDUKASI MITIGASI BENCANA LONGSOR DI SMAN 17 BANDAR LAMPUNG UNTUK MEWUJUDKAN SEKOLAH SIAGA BENCANA. In: Senapati 2021, 5 Oktober 2021, Bandar Lampung. (Unpublished)

Mulyasari, Rahmi and Syah, Aminudin and Wibowo, Rahmat Catur and Haerudin, Nandi (2021) Geomorphological Study of Bandar Lampung City and Landslide Hazard Assessment. In: ICSTAR 2021, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia. (Submitted)

Mulyatno, Bagus Sapto and Dewanto, Ordas and Wibowo, Rahmat Catur (2021) Reservoir Properties Modeling Using Multi-Attribute Seismic Analysis: Case Study South Sumatra Basin. In: ICSTAR 2020, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia.

Mulyatno, Bagus Sapto and Parameswari, Fristy and Hikmah, Nurul and Dewanto, Ordas and Wibowo, Rahmat Catur (2021) Reservoir properties modelling using multi-attribute seismic analysis in south Sumatra basin, Indonesia. In: IC-STAR, Bandar Lampung.

Mulyatno, Bagus Sapto and Parameswari, Fristy and Hikmah, Nurul and Dewanto, Ordas and Wibowo, Rahmat Catur (2021) Reservoir properties modelling using multi-attribute seismic analysis in south Sumatra basin, Indonesia. In: The 6th International Conference of Science, Technology, and Interdisciplinary Research 2020 (IC-STAR 2020) 20th-21st October 2020, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia, 20-21 Oktober 2020, Unila.

Mulyatno, Bagus Sapto and Putri Ayu, Parameswari and Hikmah, Nurul and dewanto, ordas and Wibowo, Rahmat Catur (2021) Reservoir properties modelling using multi-attribute seismic analysis in south Sumatra basin, Indonesia. In: The 6th International Conference of Science, Technology, and Interdisciplinary Research 2020 (IC-STAR 2020) 20th-21st October 2020, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia, 20-21 Oktober 2020, Unila.

Sarkowi, Muh and Wibowo, Rahmat Catur and Karyanto, Karyanto (2021) Geothermal Reservoir Identification in Way Ratai Area Based on Gravity Data Analysis. In: Seminar Nasional Fisika (SNF) Unesa 2021, 18 Oktober 2021, Surabaya.

Sarkowi, Muh and Wibowo, Rahmat Catur and Karyanto, Karyanto (2021) Geothermal Reservoir Identification in Way Ratai Area Based on Gravity Data Analysis. In: Seminar Nasional Fisika (SNF) Unesa 2021, 18 Oktober 2021, Surabaya.

Sarkowi, Muh and Wibowo, Rahmat Catur and Karyanto, Karyanto (2021) Geothermal Reservoir Identification in Way Ratai Area Based on Gravity Data Analysis. In: SNF UNESA 2021, Surabaya. (Submitted)

Wibowo, Rahmat Catur and Dewanto, Ordas and Sarkowi, Muh (2021) Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Prediction Using Machine Learning Methods Based On Well Logs Data. In: 2nd ULICOSTE 2021, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia. (In Press)

Wibowo, Rahmat Catur and Mulyanto, Bagus Sapto and Dewanto, Ordas and Sarkowi, Muh (2021) Structure from Motion (SfM) method to characterize fluvial sedimentology in Way Semaka river in Lampung province, Indonesia. In: The 6th International Conference of Science, Technology, and Interdisciplinary Research 2020 (IC-STAR 2020) 20th-21st October 2020, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia, 20-21 Oktober 2020, Unila.

Wibowo, Rahmat Catur and Mulyatno, Bagus Sapto and Dewanto, Ordas and Sarkowi, Muh (2021) Structure from Motion (SfM) method to characterize fluvial sedimentology in Way Semaka river in Lampung province, Indonesia. In: IC-STAR 2020, Bandar Lampung.

Wibowo, Rahmat Catur and Mulyatno, Bagus Sapto and Dewanto, Ordas and Sarkowi, Muh (2021) Structure from Motion (SfM) method to characterize fluvial sedimentology in Way Semaka river in Lampung province, Indonesia. In: IC-STAR, Bandar Lampung.

Wibowo, Rahmat Catur and Mulyatno, Bagus Sapto and Dewanto, Ordas and Sarkowi, Muh (2021) Structure from Motion (SfM) method to characterize fluvial sedimentology in Way Semaka river in Lampung province, Indonesia. In: The 6th International Conference of Science, Technology, and Interdisciplinary Research 2020 (IC-STAR 2020) 20th-21st October 2020, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia, 20-21 Oktober 2020, Unila.

Wibowo, Rahmat Catur and Mulyatno, Bagus Sapto and Dewanto, Ordas and Sarkowi, Muh (2021) Structure from Motion (SfM) to Characterize Fluvial Sedimentology: Case Study Way Semaka River. In: ICSTAR 2020, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia.

Wibowo, Rahmat Catur and zaenudin, ahmad and Rustadi, Rustadi and Yogi, Ida Bagus Suananda (2021) Coal Velocity and Proximate Analysis Relationship Using Multiple Linear Regression. In: ICSTAR 2020, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia.


Dani, Ilham and Mulyatno, Bagus Sapto and Dewanto, Ordas and Wibowo, Rahmat Catur (2021) EDUKASI FENOMENA GEOLOGI GUA WARA DAN GUA MACAN PUTIH UNTUK MENINGKATKAN NILAI GEOWISATA DI KOTA METRO. Universitas Lampung, FAKULTAS TEKNIK UNILA.


Dewanto, Ordas and Irawan, Bambang and Wibowo, Rahmat Catur (2021) Beternak Dengan Sumber Air Terdekat Untuk Meningkatkan Usaha Di Desa Bernung Kecamatan Gedong Tataan Pesawaran Lampung. Fakultas Teknik Universitas Lampung.

Dewanto, Ordas and Irawan, Bambang and Wibowo, Rahmat Catur (2021) Peternak Dan Petani Yang Meningkatkan Usaha Dengan Metode Pemanfaatan Sumber Air Terdekat Di Desa Bernung Kecamatan Gedong Tataan Kabupaten Pesawaran Lampung. LPPM Universitas Lampung.

Dewanto, Ordas and Mulyatno, Bagus Sapto and Rizki Ordas, Perdana and Wibowo, Rahmat Catur (2021) Reservoir properties prediction using seismic inversion and geostatistical integration. IOP Publishing Ltd., United Kingdom.

Dewanto, Ordas and Mulyatno, Bagus Sapto and Rizki Ordas, Perdana and Wibowo, Rahmat Catur (2021) Reservoir properties prediction using seismic inversion and geostatistical integration. IOP Publishing Ltd., United Kingdom.

Dewanto, Ordas and Prihadita, Winona Putri (2021) Perbandingan Nilai Porositas Hasil Perhitungan Log Dan Pengukuran Core Pada Sumur A-1 dan B-1 Di Cekungan Sumatera Tengah. Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Lampung.

Dewanto, Ordas and Prihadita, Winona Putri (2021) Perbandingan nilai porositas hasil perhitungan log dan pengukuran core pada sumur A-1 dan B-1 di cekungan Sumatera Tengah. Fakultas Teknik Universitas Lampung.

Dewanto, Ordas and Prihadita, Winona Putri (2021) Perbandingan nilai porositas hasil perhitungan log dan pengukuran core pada sumur A-1 dan B-1 di cekungan Sumatera Tengah. Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Lampung.


Dewanto, Ordas and Yuliantina, Aisah (2021) Menentukan konduktivitas panas formasi pada sumur ais di cekungan sumatera tengah. Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Lampung.

Dewanto, Ordas and Yuliantina, Aisah (2021) Menentukan konduktivitas panas formasi pada sumur ais di cekungan sumatera tengah. Fakultas Teknik Universitas Lampung.

Dewanto, Ordas and Yuliantina, Aisah (2021) Menentukan konduktivitas panas formasi pada sumur ais di cekungan sumatera tengah. Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Lampung.

Dewanto, Ordas and Yuliantina, Aisah (2021) Menentukan konduktivitas panas formasi pada sumur ais di cekungan sumatera tengah. Fakultas Teknik Universitas Lampung.

Leonardo Manurung, Paulus and Dewanto, Ordas and Wibowo, Rahmat Catur (2021) Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Value Prediction in Source Rock Potential at North East Java Basin, Indonesia. PRESS UIR.

Leonardo Manurung, Paulus and Dewanto, Ordas and Wibowo, Rahmat Catur (2021) Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Value Prediction in Source Rock Potential at North East Java Basin, Indonesia. PRESS UIR.

Mulyatno, Bagus Sapto and Parameswari, Fristy and Hikmah, Nurul and Dewanto, Ordas and Wibowo, Rahmat Catur (2021) Reservoir properties modelling using multi-attribute seismic analysis in south Sumatra basin, Indonesia. IOP Publishing Ltd., United Kingdom.

Nandi Haerudin, NH and Ida Bagus S, Yogi (2021) Korespondensi: A Combination of Monte-Carlo and Damped Least Square Inversion Method for Determining Radon Source in Geothermal Case. igtu-jnl@ut.ac.ir.

Pambudi, Ridho and Mulyanto, Bagus Sapto and Sarkowi, Muh and Ramdhani, Egi and Dewanto, Ordas and Wibowo, Rahmat Catur (2021) Karakterisasi reservoar dan sumur usulan menggunakan metode seismik inversi acoustic impedance dan multiatribut seismik pada lapangan poseidon, australia. Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Lampung.

Pambudi, Ridho and Mulyatno, Bagus Sapto and Sarkowi, Muh and Ramdhani, Egi and Dewanto, Ordas and Wibowo, Rahmat Catur (2021) Karakterisasi Reservoar Dan Sumur Usulan Menggunakan Metode Seismik Inversi Acoustic Impedance Dan Multiatribut Seismik Pada Lapangan Poseidon, Australia. Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Lampung.

Rasimeng, Syamsurijal and Alimuddin, Alimuddin and Rudy, Sinambela (2021) Laporan Penelitian DIPA FT: MITIGASI BENCANA KEGEMPAAN BERDASARKAN NILAI INDEKS SEISMISITAS DAN AMPLIFIKASI GETARAN TANAH. Fakultas Teknik UNILA. (Unpublished)


Rustadi, Rustadi (2021) Geophysical approach for assessment of seawater intrusion in the coastal aquifer of Bandar Lampung, Indonesia. IOP Publishing.

Rustadi, Rustadi (2021) Geophysical approach for assessment of seawater intrusion in the coastal aquifer of Bandar Lampung, Indonesia. IOP Publishing.

Sandri, Erfani and Rustadi, Rustadi (2021) Coal velocity and proximate analysis relationship using Multiple Linear Regression. IOP Publishing.

Sandri, Erfani and Rustadi, Rustadi (2021) Coal velocity and proximate analysis relationship using Multiple Linear Regression. IOP Publishing.

Sapto Mulyanto, Bagus and Dewanto, Ordas and Dani, Ilham (2021) Penentuan Karakter Fisis dan Diagenesis Serpih Minyak (oil shale) Formasi Gumai Sub Cekungan Bandarjaya dengan Metode Scanning Electron Microskope (SEM). Fakultas Teknik, Fakultas Teknik.

Sarkowi, Muh (2021) Similirity - Identification of Hydrocarbons Sub-Basin Based on Gravity Data Analysis in Lampung Area. sarkowi. (Unpublished)

Sarkowi, Muh (2021) Similirity Geothermal Reservoir Identification in Way Ratai Area Based on Gravity Data Analysis. Sarkowi. (Unpublished)

Sarkowi, Muh (2021) Similirity Paper Geothermal Rajabasa. Sarkowi. (Unpublished)

Sarkowi, Muh (2021) Similirity Paper Way Seleabung. sarkowi. (Unpublished)

Sarkowi, Muh (2021) Similirity Total organic carbon (TOC) prediction using machine learning methods based on well logs data. Sarkowi. (Unpublished)

Wibowo, Rahmat Catur and Dewanto, Ordas and Sarkowi, Muh (2021) PREDIKSI TOTAL ORGANIC CONTENT (TOC) DENGAN TEKNIK MACHINE-LEARNING PADA BATU SERPIH KAYA MATERIAL ORGANIK. Universitas Lampung, Universitas Lampung.

Wibowo, Rahmat Catur and Mulyatno, Bagus Sapto and Dewanto, Ordas and Sarkowi, Muh (2021) Structure from Motion (SfM) method to characterize fluvial sedimentology in Way Semaka river in Lampung province, Indonesia. IOP Publishing Ltd., United Kingdom.

Wibowo, Rahmat Catur and Mulyatno, Bagus Sapto and Dewanto, Ordas and Sarkowi,, Muh (2021) Structure from Motion (SfM) method to characterize fluvial sedimentology in Way Semaka river in Lampung province, Indonesia. IOP Publishing Ltd., United Kingdom.

Wibowo, Rahmat Catur and Sarkowi, Muh (2021) SImilirity - Flash Flood Hazard Areas Assessment in Bandar Negeri Suoh (BNS) Region using an Index Based Approaches and Analytical Hierarchy Process. Sarkowi.

Yogi, Ida Bagus Suananda and Pangestu, Rian and Karyanto, Karyanto and Boy Darmawan, I Gede (2021) Peer Review Jurnal : INSTRUMEN REAL TIME ROCK RESISTIVITY METER UNTUK MENGUKUR RESISTIVITAS DAN MEMONITOR SIFAT KELISTRIKAN SAMPEL BATUAN. Fakultas Teknik Unila. (Unpublished)

rilo pambudi, rafi and Sapto Mulyanto, Bagus and Sarkowi, Muh and Ramdhani, Egi and Dewanto, Ordas and Wibowo, Rahmat Catur (2021) Karakterisasi reservoar dan sumur usulan menggunakan metode seismik inversi acoustic impedance dan multiatribut seismik pada lapangan poseidon, australia. Fakultas Teknik Universitas Lampung.

zaenudin, ahmad (2021) Preliminary study of HVSR forward modeling: parameters properties and non-uniqueness of subsurface models. IOP Publishing.

zaenudin, ahmad and Rustadi, Rustadi (2021) Preliminary study of HVSR forward modeling: parameters properties and non-uniqueness of subsurface models. IOP Publishing.

This list was generated on Tue Jan 21 18:24:41 2025 WIB.