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Aldila, Bella and Nikmatullah, Dewangga and Hasanuddin, Tubagus (2018) FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG BERHUBUNGAN DENGAN PERANAN PENGURUS BADAN USAHA MILIK PEKON DI PEKON GISTING BAWAH Bella Aldila, Dewangga Nikmatullah, Tubagus Hasanuddin. Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Agribisnis, 6 (2). pp. 214-221. ISSN 2337 7070
Dianti, Indah Ayu and Hasanuddin, Tubagus and Viantimala, Begem (2018) EFEKTIVITAS PROGRAM PENINGKATAN PENGHIDUPAN MASYARAKAT BERBASIS KOMUNITAS (PPMK) DALAM MENINGKATKAN PENDAPATAN DI LEMBAGA KESWADAYAAN MASYARAKAT (LKM) MARGODADI JAYA KOTA METRO Indah Ayu Dianti, Tubagus Hasanuddin, Begem Viantimala. Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Agribisnis, 6 (1). pp. 49-56. ISSN 2337 7070
Gultom, Dame Trully and Sadar, Suarno (2018) HUBUNGAN PENGGUNAAN TIK DENGAN KINERJA PPL DI BP3K JATI AGUNG KABUPATEN LAMPUNG SELATAN. Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Agribisnis, 6 (3). pp. 1-8.
Gultom, Dame Trully and Syarief, Yuniar Aviati (2018) RESPON PETANI TERHADAP SISTEM TANAM JAJAR LEGOWO DI KECAMATAN TUMIJAJAR KABUPATEN TULANG BAWANG BARAT. Jurnal Imlu-Ilmu Agribisnis, 6 (3). pp. 1-8.
Helvi Yanfika, HY and Siti Amanah, Amanah and Anna Fatchiya, Anna and Pang S. Asngari, PSA (2018) WORKER PERFORMANCE FROM PERSPECTIVE OF PROFIT, QUALITY AND WORK ACCURACY IN TRADITIONAL FISHERY BUSINESS IN LAMPUNG PROVINCE. International Journal of Social Science and Economic Research, 3. pp. 579-587. ISSN 2455-8834
Irsa, Riandari and Nikmatullah, Dewangga and Rangga, Kordiyana (2018) Persepsi Petani dan Efektivtas Kelompok Tani dalam Program Upsus Pajale di Kecamatan Banjar Baru Kabupaten Tulang Bawang. PERSEPSI PETANI DAN EFEKTIVITAS KELOMPOK TANI DALAM PROGRAM UPSUS PAJALE DI KECAMATAN BANJAR BARU KABUPATEN TULANG BAWANG, 6 (1). pp. 1-8. ISSN 2337 - 7070
Listiana, Indah and Sumardjo, Sumardjo and Dwi, Sadono and Prabowo, Tjitropronoto (2018) Affecting Factors the Capacity of Freelance Extension Agents and Its Impacts on Farmers. International Journal of Business and Social ScienceInternational Journal of Business and Social Science, 9 (1). pp. 1-10. ISSN 2219-1993
Listiana, Indah and Sumardjo, Sumardjo and Dwi, Sadono and Probowo, Tjitropranoto (2018) Hubungan Kapasitas Penyuluh dengan Kepuasan Petani dalam Kegiatan Penyuluhan. Jurnal Penyuluhan, September 2018 Vol. 14 No. 2, 14 (2). pp. 244-258. ISSN 2442-4110
Pujiana, Tri and Hasanuddin, Tubagus and Gitosaputra, Sumaryo (2018) KINERJA PENYULUH PERTANIAN LAPANGAN DAN PRODUKTIVITAS USAHATANI PADI SAWAH (KASUS PETANI PADI DI KECAMATAN KALIREJO KABUPATEN LAMPUNG TENGAH) Tri Pujiana, Tubagus Hasanuddin, Sumaryo Gitosaputro. Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Agribisnis, 6 (4). pp. 384-392. ISSN 2337 7070
Rangga, Kordiyana and Irwan, Effendi and Listiana, Indah (2018) HUBUNGAN KEPEMIMPINAN KETUA KELOMPOK DENGAN KEEFEKTIFAN KELOMPOK TANI PADI SAWAH DI KECAMATAN SUKOHARJO KABUPATEN PRINGSEWU (Relationship between Leadership of Farmer Group leader with Effectiveness of Paddy Farmer Group at Sukoharjo Sub District Pringsewu Regency). Jurnal Pengkajian dan Pengembangan Teknologi. (Submitted)
Rio Tedi Prayitno, RTP and Dewangga Nikmatullah, DN and Destika Maulidiawati, DM (2018) PARTISIPASI PETANI DALAM PROGRAM UPSUS PAJALE DI KECAMATAN RAWA JITU SELATAN KABUPATEN TULANG BAWANG. Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Agribisnis, 6 (1). pp. 65-71. ISSN 2337 7070
Sitompul, Rika ES and Rangga, Kordiyana and Viantimala, Begem (2018) PARTISIPASI PETANI DALAM PROGRAM PENGEMBANGAN USAHA AGRIBISNIS PEDESAAN (PUAP) DI KECAMATAN ADILUWIH KABUPATEN PRINGSEWU. The objectives of this research are to know the participation of farmers in PUAP program, factors related to farmers’ participation in PUAP program, and farmers’ income. This research was conducted in Bandung Baru Village of Adiluwih District, Pringsewu, 6 (3). pp. 297-304. ISSN 2337 - 7070
Solichah, Tri Utami and Rangga, Kordiyana (2018) Shallot Farmers’ Adaptation Towards Climate Change in Larangan Village, Brebes. Shallot Farmers’ Adaptation Towards Climate Change in Larangan Village, Brebes, 1. pp. 45-54.
Syarief, Yuniar Aviati and Rangga, Kordiyana (2018) Paddy farmer households’ participation and food security level in special effort program in Seputih Raman sub-district of Central Lampung Regency. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 142 (012060). pp. 1-5. ISSN 17551315 17551307
Yama, I Made Thresna and Gitosaputra, Sumaryo and Hasanuddin, Tubagus (2018) PARTISIPASI PETANI PADI DALAM PELAKSANAAN PROGRAM PENINGKATAN PRODUKSI BERAS NASIONAL (P2BN) DI KECAMATAN SEPUTIH MATARAM LAMPUNG TENGAH I Made Thresna Yama, Sumaryo Gitosaputra, Tubagus Hasanuddin. Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Agribisnis, 6 (1). pp. 103-109. ISSN 2337 7070
Yanfika, Helvi and Siti Amanah, Amanah and Anna Fatchiya, Anna and Pang S Ansgari, Pang (2018) Strategy to Develop Traditional Fishery Business in Implementing the Principle of Sustainable Business. Jurnal Penyuluhan, September 2018 Vol. 14 No. 2, 14 (02). pp. 271-280. ISSN 2442-4110
harahap, nurliana and manik, mahendra ginting and Listiana, Indah (2018) Motivation of Farmers in Group Management to Develop Maize Cultivation. Proceedings of The 3rd Annual International Seminar on Transformative Education and Educational Leadership (AISTEEL), 3. pp. 267-273. ISSN 2548-4631
yama, I Made Thresna and Gitosaputro, Sumaryo and Hasanuddin, Tubagus (2018) PARTISIPASI PETANI PADI DALAM PELAKSANAAN PROGRAM PENINGKATAN PRODUKSI BERAS NASIONAL (P2BN) DI KECAMATAN SEPUTIH MATARAM LAMPUNG TENGAH. JIIA (Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Agribisnis), 6 (1). ISSN 2337-7070
Conference or Workshop Item
Gultom, Dame Trully and Gitosaputro, Sumaryo (2018) THE ROLE OF SUPPORTING ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS ON THE USE OF CYBER EXTENSION BY FARMERS OF FOOD CROPS AND HORTICULTURE IN LAMPUNG PROVINCE. In: Seminar Internasional Cassava, 23-24 November 2017, Bandar Lampung.
Gultom, Dame Trully and Gitosaputro, Sumaryo (2018) The Role Of Extension Workerss In The Development Of Agriculture Information Network Through Cyber Extension In Lampung Province. In: Bogor Internasional Conference Social Science, 25-26 September 2018, Bogor. (Submitted)
Helvi Yanfika, HY and Indah Listiana, IL and Abdul Mutolib, Mutolib, Abdul and Ali Rahmat, Rahmat, Ali (2018) Linkages between Extension Institutions and Stakeholders in the Development of Sustainable Fisheries in Lampung Province. In: Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training.
Harahap, Nurliana and Ginting Manik, Mahendra and Listiana, Indah (2018) Hasil Review_Motivation of Farmers in Group Management to Develop Maize Cultivation. Proceedings of The 3rd Annual International Seminar on Transformative Education and Educational Leadership.
Helvi Yanfika, HY and Indah Listiana, IL and Abdul Mutolib, Mutolib, Abdul and Ali Rahmat, Rahmat, Ali (2018) Hasil Review_Linkages Between Extension Institutions and Stakeholders in The Development of Sustainable Fisheries in Lampung Province. Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan, Lampung, Indonesia.
Helvi Yanfika, HY and Siti Amanah, Amanah and Anna Fatchiya, Anna and Pang S. Asngari, PSA (2018) Hasil Review_Strategy to Develop Traditional Fishery Business in Implementing the Principle of Sustainable Business. Jurnal Penyuluhan.
Helvi Yanfika, HY and Siti Amanah, Amanah and Anna Fatchiya, Anna and Pang S. Asngari, PSA (2018) Hasil Review_Worker Performence From Perspective of Profit, Quality and Work Accuracy in Traditional Fishery Businnes in Lampung Province. International Journal of Social Science and Economic Research.
Listiana, Indah and Mutolib, Abdul and EFFENDI, IRWAN and Rahmat, Ali (2018) hasil review_The behavior of extension agents in utilizing information and technology to improve the performence of extension agent in Lampung province. Young Scholar Symposium on Transdisciplinary in Education and Environment.
Listiana, Indah and Sumardjo, Sumardjo and sadono, dwi and Tjitropranoto, Prabowo (2018) Hasil Review_Hubungan Kapasitas Penyuluh dengan Kepuasan Petani dalam Kegiatan Penyuluhan. Jurnal Penyuluhan.
Listiana, Indah and Sumardjo, Sumardjo and sadono, dwi and Tjitropranoto, Prabowo (2018) Hasil review_Affecting factors the capacity of freelance extension agents and its impacts on farmers. International Journal of Business and Social Science.
Listiana, Indah and Sumardjo, Sumardjo and sadono, dwi and Tjitropranoto, Prabowo (2018) SIMILARITY Affecting Factors the Capacity of Freelance Extension Agents and Its Impacts on Farmers. http://ijbssnet.com/journal.
Rangga, Kordiyana and Yuniar Avianti, YA (2018) Hasil Similirity : Paddy farmer households' participation and food security level in special effort program in Seputih Raman sub-district of Central Lampung Regency. IOP Confr Series : Earth and Environmental Science 142, Hasil Similirity : Paddy farmer households' participation and food security level in special effort program in Seputih Raman sub-district of Central Lampung Regency.
Sumaryo, Gitosaputro and Kordiyana, K. Rangga and Tubagus, Hassanuddin (2018) MODELPENGEMBANGAN SUMBERDAYA MANUSIA PERTANIAN MELALUI IMPLEMENTASI CYBER EXTENSION DI PROVINSI LAMPUNG Tahun ke-2 dari rencana dua tahun. Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Lampung. (Submitted)
Yanfika, Helvi and Amanah, Siti and Fatchiya, Anna and Asngari, Pang (2018) Hasil Review_Strategy to Develop Traditional Fishery Business in Implementing the Principle of Sustainable Business. Jurnal Penyuluhan.
Yanfika, Helvi and Listiana, Indah and Mutolib, Abdul and Rahmat, Ali (2018) hasil review_Lingkages between extension institutions and stakeholders in The Development of sutainable fisheries in Lampung province. Young Scholar Symposium on Transdisciplinary in Education and Environment.
harahap, nurliana and malik, mahendra and Listiana, Indah (2018) hasil review_Motivation of farmers in group management to develop maize cultivation. Education, Learning and Leadership Innovation.
harahap, nurliana and manik, mahendra ginting and Listiana, Indah (2018) similarity result check Motivation of Farmers in Group Management to Develop Maize Cultivation. http://aisteel2018.unimed.ac.id, Proceeding Aisteel 2018.