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Number of items: 67.


Marjunus, Roniyus and Pandiangan, Kamisah Delilawati and Amanto, Amanto and Mahfut, Mahfut and Heningtyas, Yunda (2023) Peningkatan Kualitas Pemahaman Konten dan Teknik Pengajaran Mata Pelajaran Fisika, Kimia, Matematika, Biologi, dan Teknologi Informasi Komputer (TIK). Jurnal SOLMA, 12 (1). pp. 204-211. ISSN 2614-1531

Junaidi, Junaidi and Surtono, Arif and Marjunus, Roniyus and yulianti, yanti and Sulistiyanti, Sri Ratna (2023) Penerapan Jaringan Saraf Tiruan / JST (Backpropagation) untuk Prakiraan Cuaca di Bandar Udara Radin Inten II Lampung. Jurnal Teori dan Aplikasi Fisika, 11 (1). pp. 63-72. ISSN 2303-016X

Junaidi, Junaidi and Sembiring, Simon and Marjunus, Roniyus (2023) Pengaruh Pencampuran Etilen Glikol dan Propilen Glikol Terhadap Sifat Optik Kawat Nano Perak yang Disintesis Menggunakan Metode Polyol. Jurnal Teori dan Aplikasi Fisika, 11 (1). pp. 123-130. ISSN 2303-016X

Saputra, Adi and Sulistiyanti, Sri Ratna and Marjunus, Roniyus and yulianti, yanti and Junaidi, Junaidi and Surtono, Arif (2022) Penerapan Jaringan Saraf Tiruan / JST (Backpropagation) untuk Prakiraan Cuaca di Bandar Udara Radin Inten II Lampung. Jurnal Teori dan Aplikasi Fisika. ISSN 2303-016X

Firdaus, Iqbal and Marjunus, Roniyus and Manurung, Posman (2021) Synthesis and characterization of TiO2 from Lampung’s Iron Sand using leaching method with temperature variation. Jurnal Fisika dan Aplikasinya, 17 (2). pp. 37-40. ISSN 2460-4682

Ilim, Ilim and Fitriani, Rafika and Prabowo, Tria and Bahri, Syaiful and Marjunus, Roniyus and Simanjuntak, Wasinton (2021) Molecular weight distribution and corrosion inhibitor activity of 4-vinylpyridine oligomer synthesized using low concentration hydrogen peroxide as the initiator. International Journal of Corrosion and Scale Inhibition, 10 (1). pp. 284-301. ISSN 2305-6894

Manurung, Posman and Rahmayanti, Dita and Maharani, Renita and Marjunus, Roniyus (2021) Photocatalysis Activity Nanotitania under Sunlight Irradiations. International Journal of Advances in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJASEAT), 9 (1). pp. 12-15. ISSN 2321-8991; 2321 –9009

Wahyuni Pratiwi, Rianggi and Suprihatin, Suprihatin and Sembiring, Simon and Marjunus, Roniyus (2021) Pengaruh Variasi Kadar CaCO3 terhadap Pertumbuhan Fase Superkonduktor BPSCCO–2212 Menggunakan Metode Pencampuran Basah. Journal of Energy, Material, and Instrumentation Technology, 2 (1). pp. 16-21. ISSN 2747-2043

Wahyuni Pratiwi, Rianggi and Suprihatin, Suprihatin and Sembiring, Simon and Marjunus, Roniyus (2021) Pengaruh Variasi Kadar CaCO3 terhadap Pertumbuhan Fase Superkonduktor BPSCCO–2212 Menggunakan Metode Pencampuran Basah. Journal of Energy, Material, and Instrumentation Technology, 2 (1). pp. 16-21. ISSN 2747-2043

Manurung, Posman and Rahmayanti, Dita and Maharani, Renita and Marjunus, Roniyus (2021) Photocatalysis Activity Nanotitania under Sunlight Irradiations. Photocatalysis Activity Nanotitania under Sunlight Irradiations. pp. 1-4.

Supriyanto, Amir and Suciyati, SW and Marjunus, Roniyus and Surtono, Arif (2020) PELATIHAN KETERAMPILAN PENGELOLAAN LABORATORIUM BAGI GURU IPA SMP/MTs KABUPATEN LAMPUNG TIMUR. Prosiding PKM-CSR Konferensi Nasional Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat dan Corporate Social Responsibilty, 3 (1). pp. 1-6. ISSN 2655-3570

Efbriyansyah, Nanda and Marjunus, Roniyus and Riyanto, Agus (2020) Pemantulan Dan Pembiasan Gelombang Elektromagnetik Terpolarisasi-p Pada Sisi Kiri Bahan Magnet FeF2 Dengan Konfigurasi Voigt. Jurnal Fisika Indonesia, 24 (2). pp. 91-95. ISSN 2579-8820

Manurung, Posman and Marjunus, Roniyus (2020) Pengaruh Laju Penginjeksian Doping Fluor terhadap Aktivitas Fotokatalis Nanotitania Menggunakan Metode Sol Gel. Jurnal Teori dan Aplikasi Fisika, 8 (02). pp. 83-92. ISSN 2303-016X

Marjunus, Roniyus (2020) Simulation Approach of Chamber Purging Experiment by Nitrogen Gas. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. pp. 1-8. ISSN Print : 1742-6588 Online : 1742-6596


Naafi'ah, Azizatun and Marjunus, Roniyus and Asmi, Dwi (2020) Karakteristik Pemantulan dan Pembiasan Gelombang Elektromagnetik Terpolarisasi-s Pada Bidang Batas Kiri Bahan Antiferomagnetik FeF2 Dalam Konfigurasi Faraday. Jurnal Fisika Indonesia, 23 (3). pp. 7-12. ISSN 2579-8820

Riyanto, Agus and Sembiring, Simon and Marjunus, Roniyus (2020) A preliminary study of phases, elemental mapping, and electrical properties on Na2FeSiO4 derived from rice husk silica. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1572 (2020). pp. 1-9. ISSN Print : 1742-6588 Online : 1742-6596

Marjunus, Roniyus (2019) Initial Sticking Coefficient Attenuation of Gases in Carbon Monoxide Sensing on Pt80Au14Ti6. IOP Conference Series: Journal of Physics. pp. 1-14.

Marjunus, Roniyus Analysis of Fine Glass Waste Addition as a Filler Material for Sand Substitution on the Properties of Mortar Products. TEKNIK. ISSN 2460-9919

Prayogi, Imam and yulianti, yanti and Marjunus, Roniyus Desain Inti Teras Reaktor (Core) Model Mesh Triangular Pada Reaktor CANDU Menggunakan Bahan Bakar Daur Ulang Thorium. Jurnal Fisika Indonesia. ISSN 2579-8820

Marjunus, Roniyus The Effect of Bentonite and Palm Shell Ash on The Mechanical and Physical Properties of Geopolymer Concrete. Jurnal Riset Teknologi Pencegahan Pencemaran Industri. ISSN 2503-5010

Amin, Muhammad and Chambioso, Yugo and suharto, suharto and Marjunus, Roniyus and Hendronursito, Yusup The Effect of Bentonite and Palm Shell Ash on The Mechanical and Physical Properties of Geopolymer Concrete. Jurnal Riset Teknologi Pencegahan Pencemaran Industri. ISSN 2503-5010

Marjunus, Roniyus The Effect of Temperature on Cement Clicker Characterization with a 10% Substitution of Basalt Stone on Limestone Mass. Nexo Revista Cientifica.

Rajiman, Rajiman and Amin, Muhammad and Marjunus, Roniyus and rahmawati, Agata Ani and Bhirawa, David Chandra and Simanjuntak, Marlian R. A. and Anwar, Anwar The Effect of Temperature on Cement Clicker Characterization with a 10% Substitution of Basalt Stone on Limestone Mass. Nexo Revista Cientifica.

Widiastuti, Tiara and Marjunus, Roniyus and Riyanto, Agus and Asmi, Dwi The Effect of Variation of Corn Comb Fiber Composition on The Physical Properties of Biofoam with The Addition of Aerogel Silica. Journal of Energy, Material and Instrumentation Technology, 4 (2). pp. 80-88. ISSN 2747-299X

Widiastuti, Tiara and Marjunus, Roniyus and Riyanto, Agus and Asmi, Dwi The Effect of Variation of Corn Comb Fiber Composition on The Physical Properties of Biofoam with The Addition of Aerogel Silica. Journal of Energy, Material, and Instrumentation Technology. ISSN 2747-2043

Marjunus, Roniyus Facile pore size control and low-cost synthesis of mesoporous silica nanoparticles based on rice husk. Advances in Natural Sciences: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. ISSN 2043-6262

Leni, Rumiyanti and Destiana, Catur and Oktaviani, Ria and Syafriadi, Syafriadi and Marjunus, Roniyus and Chotimah, Chotimah and Suharyadi, Edi Facile pore size control and low-cost synthesis of mesoporous silica nanoparticles based on rice husk. Advances in Natural Sciences: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. ISSN 2043-6262

Marjunus, Roniyus Molecular weight distribution and corrosion inhibitor activity of 4-vinylpyridine oligomer synthesized using low concentration hydrogen peroxide as the initiator. International Journal of Corrosion and Scale Inhibition. ISSN 2305-6894

Supriyanto, Amir and Suciyati, Sri Wahyu and Marjunus, Roniyus and Manurung, Posman Pelatihan Pengelolaan dan Pengembangan Laboratorium Fisika SMA Kabupaten Lampung Tengah. NEAR: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat. ISSN 2809-2708

Marjunus, Roniyus Pemantulan Dan Pembiasan Gelombang Elektromagnetik Terpolarisasi-p Pada Sisi Kiri Bahan Magnet FeF2 Dengan Kongurasi Voigt. Jurnal Fisika Indonesia. ISSN 2579-8820

Efbriyansyah, Nanda and Marjunus, Roniyus and Riyanto, Agus Pemantulan Dan Pembiasan Gelombang Elektromagnetik Terpolarisasi-p Pada Sisi Kiri Bahan Magnet FeF2 Dengan Kongurasi Voigt. Jurnal Fisika Indonesia. ISSN 2579-8820

Marjunus, Roniyus Pengaruh Penambahan Abu Sekam Padi Terhadap Sifat Fisis dan Mekanis pada Mortar. Jurnal Teori dan Aplikasi Fisika. ISSN 2549-1156

Wahyuni Pratiwi, Rianggi and Suprihatin, Suprihatin and Sembiring, Simon and Marjunus, Roniyus Pengaruh Variasi Kadar CaCO3 terhadap Pertumbuhan Fase Superkonduktor BPSCCO–2212 Menggunakan Metode Pencampuran Basah. Journal of Energy, Material, and Instrumentation Technology, 2 (1). pp. 16-21. ISSN 2747-2043

Marjunus, Roniyus Pengaruh Variasi Waktu Tahan Austenisasi dengan Pendinginan Cepat terhadap Kekerasan dan Ketangguhan Baja AISI 1045. Jurnal Fisika Indonesia. ISSN 2579-8820

Ginting, Ediman and Endarmoko, Endarmoko and Marjunus, Roniyus Pengaruh Variasi Waktu Tahan Austenisasi dengan Pendinginan Cepat terhadap Kekerasan dan Ketangguhan Baja AISI 1045. Jurnal Fisika Indonesia. ISSN 2579-8820

Ginting Suka, Ediman and Endarmoko, Endarmoko and Marjunus, Roniyus Pengaruh Variasi Waktu Tahan pada Austenisasi dengan Pendinginan Cepat terhadap Kekerasan dan Ketangguhan Baja AISI 1045. Jurnal Fisika Indonesia, 24 (1). pp. 47-51. ISSN 2579-8820

Marjunus, Roniyus and Pandiangan, Kamisah Delilawati and Amanto, Amanto and Mahfut, Mahfut and Heningtyas, Yunda and Satria, Heri Peningkatan Kualitas Pemahaman Konten dan Teknik Pengajaran Mata Pelajaran Fisika, Kimia, Matematika, Biologi, dan Teknologi Informasi Komputer (TIK). Jurnal SOLMA. ISSN 2614-1531

Trismahargyono, Trismahagyono and Sulistiyanti, Sri Ratna and Marjunus, Roniyus Perancangan Sistem Estimasi Intensitas Gempabumi Untuk Peringatan Dini. Jurnal Teori dan Aplikasi Fisika. ISSN 2303-016X

Trismahargyono, Trismahagyono and Sulistiyanti, Sri Ratna and Marjunus, Roniyus Perancangan Sistem Estimasi Intensitas Gempabumi Untuk Peringatan Dini. Jurnal Teori dan Aplikasi Fisika. ISSN 2303-016X

Trismahargyono, Trismahagyono and Sulistiyanti, Sri Ratna and Marjunus, Roniyus Perancangan Sistem Estimasi Intensitas Gempabumi untuk Peringatan Dini. Jurnal Teori dan Aplikasi Fisika. ISSN 2303-016X

Hendronursito, Yusup and Amin, Muhammad and Sumardi, Slamet and Marjunus, Roniyus and Clarasati, Frista and Birawidha, David Chandra and Al Muttaqqi, Muhammad and Isnugroho, Kusno Processing of granite quarry solid waste into industrial high silica materials using leaching process with HCl concentration variation. Jurnal Riset Teknologi Pencegahan Pencemaran Industri.

Marjunus, Roniyus Simulation of Pt80Au14Ti6 Work Function Change-Based Sensor of H2 Gas. Journal of Physical Science,. ISSN 2180-4230

Marjunus, Roniyus and Al Fath, Yusril and yulianti, yanti Simulation of Pt80Au14Ti6 Work Function Change-Based Sensor of H2 Gas. Journal of Physical Science,. ISSN 2180-4230

Firdaus, Iqbal and Stevani, Anggi and Handayani, Yudhistira Novitasari and Febriyanti, Nadia and Marjunus, Roniyus and Manurung, Posman Synthesis and characterization of TiO2 from Lampung’s Iron Sand using leaching method with temperature variation. Jurnal Fisika dan Aplikasinya. ISSN 2460-4682 (Submitted)

Marjunus, Roniyus Synthesis and characterization of TiO2 from Lampung’s ilmenite using leaching method with variation of time duration. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. ISSN 1742-6596

Marjunus, Roniyus and Handayani, Yudhistira Novitasari and Stevani, Anggi and Febriyanti, Nadia and Firdaus, Iqbal and Manurung, Posman Synthesis and characterization of TiO2 from Lampung’s ilmenite using leaching method with variation of time duration. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. ISSN Print : 1742-6588 Online : 1742-6596

Marjunus, Roniyus Synthesis and characterization of TiO2 from Lampung’s iron sand using acid leaching method with variation of HCl concentration. AIP Conference Proceedings. ISSN 0094-243X

Marjunus, Roniyus and Sucipto, Adi and Purwarini, Diah and Firdaus, Iqbal Synthesis and characterization of TiO2 from Lampung’s iron sand using acid leaching method with variation of HCl concentration. AIP Conference Proceedings. ISSN 0094-243X

Marjunus, Roniyus A Systematic Literature Review: Internet of Things on Smart Greenhouse. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications. ISSN 2156-5570 (online), 2158-107X(Print)

Setiawan, Dodi Yudo and Warsito, Warsito and Marjunus, Roniyus and Nurfiana, Nurfiana and Syahputri, Rahmalia A Systematic Literature Review: Internet of Things on Smart Greenhouse. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications. ISSN 2156-5570 (online), 2158-107X(Print)

Ilim, Ilim and Bahri, Syaiful and Marjunus, Roniyus and Wasinton, Simanjuntak The effect of initiator concentrations on corrosion inhibition activity of polymeric derivatives of 2-vinylpyridin. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. ISSN Print : 1742-6588 Online : 1742-6596

Marjunus, Roniyus A preliminary study of phases, elemental mapping, and electrical properties on Na2FeSiO4 derived from rice husk silica. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. ISSN Print : 1742-6588 Online : 1742-6596

Conference or Workshop Item

Ilim, Ilim and Hidayah, Laila and Marjunus, Roniyus and Bahri, Syaiful and Simanjuntak, Wasinton (2021) FRACTIONATION AND ACTIVITY TEST OF 4-VINYLPYRIDINE OLIGOMER AS ORGANIC CORROSION INHIBITORS OF MILD STEEL IN BRINE SOLUTION SATURATED CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2) MEDIUM. In: The 11th International Conference on Green Technology, 26 Oktober 2021, Malang. (Unpublished)

Marjunus, Roniyus and Firdaus, Iqbal and Manurung, Posman (2021) Synthesis and Characterization of TiO2 Thin Film Based on Iron Sand of Lampung Province - Indonesia. In: International Symposium on Physics and Applications (ISPA 2020), 17-18 December 2020, Surabaya, Indonesia.

Marjunus, Roniyus and Handayani, Yudhistira Novitasari and Stevani, Anggi and Febriyanti, Nadia and Firdaus, Iqbal and Manurung, Posman (2021) Synthesis and characterization of TiO2 from Lampung’s ilmenite using leaching method with variation of time duration. In: The 10th International Conference on Theoretical and Applied Physics (ICTAP2020), 20-22 November 2020, Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia.

Ilim, Ilim and Bahri, Syaiful and Marjunus, Roniyus and Simanjuntak, Wasinton (2021) The effect of initiator concentrations on corrosion inhibition activity of polymeric derivatives of 2-vinylpyridin. In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 1751 The 3rd International Conference on Applied Sciences Mathematics and Informatics (ICASMI), 3-4 September 2020, Bandar Lampung.

Ilim, Ilim and Bahri, Syaiful and Marjunus, Roniyus and Simanjuntak, Wasinton (2020) The effect of initiator concentrations on corrosion inhibition activity of polymeric derivatives of 2-vinylpyridin. In: The 3rd International Conference on Applied Science, Mathematics, and Informatics (ICASMI), 3-4 September 2020, Bandar Lampung. (Unpublished)

Ilim, Ilim and Bahri, Syaiful and Marjunus, Roniyus and Simanjuntak, Wasinton and Rilyanti, Mita (2019) Comparative study of CO2 Corrosion inhibition of mild steel in brine solution by the oligomers of 2-vinylpyridine and 4-vinylpyridine. In: The 10th International Conference on Green Technology, 2-3 Oktober 2019, Malang. (Unpublished)

Siregar, Ahmad Munawir and Sembiring, Simon and Riyanto, Agus and Marjunus, Roniyus (2019) Pengaruh Penambahan Abu Sekam Padi Terhadap Sifat Fisis dan Mekanis pada Mortar. In: Seminar Nasional Sains, Matematika, Informatika, dan Aplikasinya (SMIAP), 24-25 Oktober 2019, Universitas Lampung. (Submitted)

Ilim, Ilim and Bahri, Syaiful and Marjunus, Roniyus and Satria, Heri and Simanjuntak, Wasinton (2019) OLIGOMERISASI 2-VINILPIRIDIN DAN UJI AKTIVITASNYA SEBAGAI INHIBITOR KOROSI BAJA LUNAK DALAM BRINE SOLUTION YANG JENUH GAS CO2. In: Seminar & Rapat Tahunan BKS PTN Wilayah Barat Bidang MIPA 2019, 6-7 Juli 2019, Bengkulu. (Unpublished)

Marjunus, Roniyus (2018) Initial Sticking Coefficient Attenuation of Gases in Carbon Monoxide Sensing on Pt80Au14Ti6. In: The 2nd International Conference on Applied Sciences Mathematics and Informatics, 9-11 Agustus 2018, Hotel Horison, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia. (Submitted)

Marjunus, Roniyus and Kekalenteu, Daffa Cedri and Riyanto, Agus and Widanarto, Wahyu Simulation of NO2 work function-based sensor signal on ZnO. In: ICASMI 2020, 3 September 2020, Bandar Lampung. (Submitted)


Ilim, Ilim and Fitriani, Fitriani and Prabowo, Tria and Bahri, Syaiful and Marjunus, Roniyus and Simanjuntak, Wasinton (2022) Peer Review_Ilim_2021_International journal of corrosion and scale inhibition. -. (Unpublished)

Ilim, Ilim and Fitriani, Rafika and Prabowo, Tria and Bahri, Syaiful and Marjunus, Roniyus and Simanjuntak, Wasinton (2021) Similirity_2021_Ilim_ijcsi-2021_v10-n1-p16 (1)_2. -. (Unpublished)

Marjunus, Roniyus and Firdaus, Iqbal Optimalisasi Kemurnian TiO2 Dari Hasil Ekstraksi Pasir Besi Lampung Untuk Pembuatan Lapisan Tipis Sebagai Bahan Sensitif Sensor Gas. -. (Unpublished)

Haerudin, Nandi and Rustadi, Rustadi and Marjunus, Roniyus and zaenudin, ahmad and Kurniasih, Aulia and Ferucha, Istifani Similarity_2D modelling gravity methods for mapping subsurface basin of Bandar Lampung city. Turnitin. (Unpublished)

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