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Salman, Farisi and Bambang, Irawan and Suratman, Suratman and Hendri, Busman and SUTYARSO, SUTYARSO (2023) Sosialisasi dan Praktik Pembuatan Kompos Dari Serasah Limbah Pertanian Dengan Inducer Fungi Trichoderma sp. di Desa Negeri Agung, Kec. Gunung Pelindung, Kab. Lampung Timur. Jurnal Pengabdian Bakti Nusantara, 1 (2). pp. 66-71.
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Supiyanto, Supiyanto and Emantis, Rosa and Bambang, Irawan and Nismah, Nukmal (2019) Isolasidan UjiPatogenitas Isolat Fungi Entomopatogen Terhadap Stadium Dewasa Nyamuk Aedesaegypti. JURNALBIOLOGIPAPUA, 11 (1). pp. 33-41. ISSN ISSN2086-3314 / E-ISSN2503-0450
Eti Ernawiati, Eti and Rochmah, Agustrina and Bambang, Irawan and Eka Nurhasanah, Eka and Mohamad, Kanedi (2018) Germplasm Diversity Of Banana (Musa Spp) in The City of Bandar Lampung,Indonesia by Type of Genome and Number of Chromosome. Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences (SJAVS), 5 (4). pp. 251-254. ISSN 2348–1854
Novriyanti, Novriyanti and Ihsan, Ihsan and Bambang, Irawan and Cory, Wulan Fragmented Urban Areas: Can Plants Encourage Birds in Jambi City Urban Space? IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES). (In Press)
Conference or Workshop Item
Noviany, Noviany and Dicky, Sialdian and Andi, Setiawan and Sutopo, Hadi and Bambang, Irawan and Mohamad, Nurul Azmi (2019) Isolation and Separation Bioactive Secondary Metabolites from Jengkol Plant (Archidendron jiringa (Jack) I. C. Nielsen) Through Bioassay Guided Fractination Approach. In: The 14th Joint Conference On Chemistry, 10-11 September 2019, Solo Paragon Hotel, Surakarta, Indonesia. (Unpublished)
Novriyanti, Novriyanti and Ihsan, Ihsan and Bambang, Irawan and Cory, Wulan Birds Diversity in Jambi Urban Space. In: The 2nd ISATrop 2021, 21-22 June 2021, Bogor, IPB University. (Unpublished)
Noviany, Noviany and Dicky, Sialdian and Andi, Setiawan and Bambang, Irawan and Mohamad, Nurul Azmi and Sutopo, Hadi (2021) Peer Reviewed of Bioassay-Guided Separation Approach for Characterization of New Antibacterial Fractions from the Stem Roots Extracts of Archidendron jiringa. Turkish Chemical Society.