Burhanuddin, Yanuar and Wakhid, Nur and Sukmana, Irza and Tarkono, Tarkono and Yudi Eka Rosano, Ahmad
Planning and Heating Analysis of Squeeze Casting Die Devices for Preparation of Basic Materials for Magnesium AZ31 Bone Bolts.
In: SEMINAR NASIONAL TAHUNAN TEKNIK MESIN XVII (SNTTM 2018 -XVII), 4-5 Oktober 2018, Kupang, Nusa Tenggara Timur.
Squeeze casting is one of the techniques of casting, where liquid metal formed under mechanical high pressure, so it get advantages combination of two processes at the same time, that from process of forging and casting. To get a good squeeze casting result, it is required a correct squeeze casting device. This study contains the descriptions design and fabrication of squeeze casting device to preparation of magnesium AZ31 based bone screw material. Squeeze casting device used Stainless Steel AISI 304 as mold materials which can be up to 710 oC according to heater capacity. However in this study the working temperature is limited to 650 oC coinciding with the melting temperature of Magnesium AZ31. Analysis was performed based on the working temperature range between 300 °C to 650 °C. The initial diameter of the cylinder at the start of squeeze is 11 mm which is carried out at a temperature of 300 oC and an inner diameter of 11.05 mm. Then the temperature was increased to 350 oC, 400 oC, 450 oC, 500 oC, 550 oC, 600 oC and 650 oC which respectively produced cylindrical diameters of 11.06 mm, 11.07 mm, 11.09 mm, 11, 10 mm, 11.11 mm and 11.13 mm. Then in analysis of heat waiting time, to raise mold temperature be 300 °C required waiting time 2.9 minutes, then to raise temperature to 350 °C, 400 °C, 450 °C, 500 °C, 550 °C, 600 °C and 650 °C required waiting time 3.5 minutes, 4.1 minutes, 4.7 minutes, 5.3 minutes, 5.9 minutes, 6.5 minutes, and 7.2 minutes.
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Planning and Heating Analysis of Squeeze Casting Die Devices for Preparation of Basic Materials for Magnesium AZ31 Bone Bolts. (deposited 15 Nov 2018 03:09)
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