Armijon, Armijon (2020) Identification of Degraded Land for Determination of Conservation Areas Based on GIS in Region-1 Lampung Selatan District. Jurnal Geofisika Eksplorasi, 6 (3). pp. 228-242. ISSN 2685-6182

Text (Identification of Degraded Land for Determination of Conservation Areas Based on GIS in Region-1 Lampung Selatan District)
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Based on a field survey at the beginning of 2019, it shows that the growth and development of land use in the South Lampung Regency area leads to uncontrolled conditions, causing disruption of land function both in the area itself and the area below. This condition can be overcome by making efforts to determine land conservation areas. One of the study documents to determine conservation areas in an area is the distribution of degraded land, so a study of degraded land is absolutely necessary. GIS technology can be used to answer the challenge of determining critical land through the superimpose method using several map layers with weighting techniques. The superimpose study requires data on thematic maps and the distribution of existing land cover. Remote sensing technology is utilized to produce existing land cover maps through classification and image interpretation techniques. Thematic map data supporting other analyzes utilize spatial data from the RTRW of the research area. The largest distribution of degraded land is in Merbau Mataram and Katibung districts which require immediate action to be implemented by the Conservation program. Conservation areas that have been defined in RTRW must be maintained, it is necessary to establish additional protected areas on the Sutet border area. As a disaster mitigation effort, all disaster areas need to be designated as conservation areas.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: Abstrak. Berdasarkan survey lapangan di awal tahun 2019 memperlihatkan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan penggunaan lahan di kawasan Kabupaten Lampung Selatan mengarah pada kondisi yang tidak terkendali sehingga menimbulkan gangguan fungsi lahan baik di kawasan itu sendiri maupun kawasan di bawahnya. Kondisi tersebut dapat diatasi dengan melakukan upaya penentuan kawasan konservasi lahan. Salah satu dokumen kajian untuk menentukan kawasan konservasi di suatu wilayah adalah sebaran lahan kritis, sehingga kajian terhadap lahan kritis mutlak diperlukan. Teknologi SIG dapat dimanfaatkan menjawab tantangan dalam menentukan lahan kritis melalui metode superimpose menggunakan beberapa layer peta. Kajian secara superimpose memerlukan data peta-peta tematik dan sebaran tutupan lahan eksisting. Teknologi penginderaan jauh dimanfaatkan untuk menghasilkan peta tutupan lahan eksisting melalui teknik klasifikasi dan interpretasi citra. Data-data peta tematik pendukung analisis lainnya memanfaatkan data spasial dari RTRW wilayah penelitian. Sebaran lahan kritis terbanyak berada pada Kecamatan Merbau Mataram dan Kecamatan Katibung yang memerlukan tindakan segera dilaksanakan program Konservasi. Kawasan Konservasi yang sudah ditetapkan dalam RTRW harus dipertahankan, perlu ditetapkan kawasan lindung tambahan pada kawasan sempadan Sutet. Sebagai upaya mitigasi bencana maka seluruh kawasan bencana perlu ditetapkan sebagai kawasan konservasi. Keyword; Kriteria Lahan Kritis, Kawasan Konservasi, SIG, Penginderaan Jauh
Uncontrolled Keywords: Critical Land Criteria, Conservation area, GIS, Remote Sensing.
Subjects: G Geography. Anthropology. Recreation > GB Physical geography
T Technology > T Technology (General)
T Technology > TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General)
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik (FT) > Prodi Teknik Geodesi
Depositing User: Armijon Armijon
Date Deposited: 24 Nov 2020 04:39
Last Modified: 24 Nov 2020 04:39

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