Herdiana, Novita and Hasanudin, Udin Potential for Management and Utilization of Lampung Province of Tofu Industrial Waste. In: ULICOSS 2021, 31 AGUSTUS 2021, bandar lampung. (In Press)

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Abstract. This study purposed to examine and determine the management and utilization techniques of tofu wastewater with the right technology. The method used in this research is Literature Review. The results of the studies that have been carried out are all journals showing that the management of tofu liquid waste is to reduce the levels of BOD, COD, TSS, minerals and pH to conform to water quality standards according to the Regulation of the Minister of the Environment of the Republic of Indonesia Number 5 of 2014 concerning Wastewater Quality Standards. The management can be done naturally using materials that are around the environment including vetiver, chitosan, coconut shell charcoal, water jasmine and tamarind and modern management includes continuous electro-coagulation methods, aeration methods, batch system methods as well as a combination of aeration, precipitation and filtration methods so as to reduce environmental pollution caused by tofu waste. In addition, the common use of tofu liquid waste is as an organic liquid fertilizer that can increase the economic value of the liquid waste and the use of liquid waste into biogas as an effort to fulfill sustainable development goals (SDGs) which are expected to improve the quality of sustainable life without causing environmental pollution.

Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item (Speech)
Subjects: Q Science > Q Science (General)
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian (FP) > Prodi Teknologi Hasil Pertanian
Depositing User: NOVITA HER
Date Deposited: 11 Nov 2021 08:40
Last Modified: 11 Nov 2021 08:40
URI: http://repository.lppm.unila.ac.id/id/eprint/1816

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