Sutarsyah, Cucu (2010) READING STRATEGIES USED BY EFL LEARNERS. Seventh conference on English studies. ISSN 9786028474177

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Reading strategies are the mental processes that readers consciously choose to use in accomplishing reading task (Cohen, 1998: 133). These strategies have some characteristics, i.e., planning, competition, conscious manipulation and movement toward a goal. Learning strategy, on the other hand, is any attempt used by a learner to make learning easier, faster, more enjoyable, more self-directed, more effective, and more transferable to new situations (Oxford, 1990: 8). In the case of reading strategies, Brown (1980) asserts that we incorporate any deliberate planful control of activities that give birth to comprehension. These are called metacognitive activities and include (Brown, 1980: 456). The effective reader engages in a variety of deliberate tactics to ensure efficiency. Reading strategies can also indicate how readers conceive a task, what textual cues that attend to, how they make a sense of what they read, and what they do when they do not understand (Block, 1986, King, 2010), Therefore, strategies reveal a reader’s recourses for understanding (Langer, 1982). The efficient reader always tries to find the most effective strategies that can be used; the information is analyzed only to the depth necessary to meet current needs. According to Brown (1980), these activities involve metacognition, that is, conscious deliberate attempts to understand one’s efforts at being strategies. According to this study the two most common strategies used by the students are pronouncing and skipping strategies, which were used 811 and 652 times respectively. The next order of strategies that were used most frequently by the students are regressing, syntax, guessing, dictionary, graphic, morphemic, intuitive and ignoring. Ignoring is the least strategy used by the students in the research. There are many strategies used by learners in coping with words in a text. These strategies are usually for both developing vocabulary and dealing with unknown words in a text. Some experts suggest that even the strategies are common; it does not imply that they are all useful for all learners and should be taught to foreign language readers because some strategy investigations are coming from learners when they read. Some strategies are found to impede the readers’ process to determine meaning.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
P Language and Literature > PE English
Divisions: Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (FKIP) > Prodi Bahasa Inggris
Depositing User: CUCU SUTAR
Date Deposited: 01 Feb 2021 04:52
Last Modified: 01 Feb 2021 04:52

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