Hariri, Hasan and Sumintono, Bambang
Teacher Commitment to Teaching.
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education.
pp. 1-21.
ISSN The online ISBN of the ORE of Education is 9780190264093
Summary and Keywords
Teachers matter for many reasons, particularly because they can make a difference in student achievement. Student achievement can help improve school and education quality. Teacher commitment to teaching and its associated aspects are explored, including the characteristics of committed teachers. Committed teachers are characterized by four qualities: having a desire to be good teachers, being more fact purveyors and sources, recognizing and accepting individual worth, and meeting professional responsibilities. Thus, committed teachers need to be prepared, to maintain their commitment, and to improve their performance. Principals can help teachers be committed to teaching, for example, by implementing leadership styles that contribute to their commitment. Education policymakers can make the teaching profession be more appealing by elevating its status, similar to that of doctors, to attract the best candidates.
Keywords: teacher commitment, teaching, student, learning, student achievement, committed teachers
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