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Number of items: 48.

Aini, Dalfa Habibah Nurul and Kurniasari, Dian and Nuryaman, Aang and Usman, Mustofa (2023) IMPLEMENTATION OF ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORK WITH BACKPROPAGATION ALGORITHM FOR RATING CLASSIFICATION ON SALES OF BLACKMORES IN TOKOPEDIA. Jurnal Teknik Informatika (JUTIF), 4 (2). pp. 365-372. ISSN 2723-3871

Karya Tulis (Artikel) (2023) Model Hybrid VAR-LSTM: Peningkatan Akurasi Peramalan Harga Saham Konstruksi-Kurs Rupiah. 000510127.

Alifiah, Nur and Kurniasari, Dian and Amanto, Amanto and Warsono, Warsono (2023) Prediction of COVID-19 Using the Artificial Neural Network (ANN) with K-Fold Cross-Validation. Journal of Information Systems Engineering and Business Intelligence, 9 (1). pp. 16-27. ISSN 24432555

Alifiah, Nur and Kurniasari, Dian and Amanto, Amanto and Warsono, Warsono (2023) Prediction of COVID-19 Using the Artificial Neural Network (ANN) with K-Fold Cross-Validation. Journal ofInformation Systems Engineeringand Business Intelligence, 9 (1). pp. 16-27. ISSN 2443-2555

Arifin, Bustanul and Warsono, Warsono and Kurniasari, Dian (2023) Perbaikan Angka Potensi Produksi Padi dengan Metode Hybrid. BULETIN RINGKAS STATISTICAL & POLICY BRIEF, 22. pp. 53-59. ISSN 23030461

Asmiati, Asmiati and Irawan, Agus and Nuryaman, Aang and Muludi, Kurnia (2023) The Locating Chromatic Number for Certain Operation of Origami Graphs. Mathematics and Statistics, 11 (1). pp. 101-106. ISSN 2332-2071

Aulia, Silvia Rizki and Wamiliana, Wamiliana and Asmiati, Asmiati and Notiragayu, Notiragayu (2023) Perbandingan Algoritme Dijkstra dan Algoritme A* (A-Star) dalam Penentuan Lintasan Terpendek dari Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi Lampung ke Beberapa Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) Negeri di Provinsi Lampung. Jurnal Pepadun, 4 (2). pp. 183-190. ISSN 2774-3403

Azizah, Luthfia Nur and Khotimah, Purnomo Husnul and Arisal, Andria and Rozie, Andri Fachrur and Munandar, Devi and Riswantini, Dianadewi and Nugraheni, Ekasari and Suwarningsih, Wiwin and Kurniasari, Dian (2023) The Investigation into Deep Learning Classifiers Towards Imbalanced Text Data. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Networking, Information Systems & Security: Envisage Intelligent Systems in 5G/6G-based Interconnected Digital Worlds NISS 2022. ISSN 978-1-6654-5363-9

Program Komputer (2023) Peramalan Ekspor Impor Indonesia dengan Metode Hybrid Vector Autoregressive Exogenous-Convolutional Neural Network (VARX�CNN). EC00202367285.

Fitriani, Debi Nur and Widiarti, Widiarti and Nuryaman, Aang and Setiawan, Eri (2023) Application of singular spectrum analysis (SSA) method on forecasting train passengers data in sumatera. DESIMAL: JURNAL MATEMATIKA, 6 (3). pp. 305-310. ISSN p-ISSN: 2613-9073 (print), e-ISSN: 2613-9081 (online),

Herawati, Netti and Chandra, Dharnita and Rizki, Dhea and Nisa, Khoirin (2023) A High-Order Fuzzy Time Series Forecasting Method Based on an Intersection Operation for Forecasting USD Foreign Exchange Rate. International Journal of Latest Engineering Research and Applications (IJLERA), 8 (1). pp. 46-53. ISSN 2455-7137

Herawati, Netti and Setiawan, Eri and Nisa, Khoirin and Saidi, Subian and Sutrisno, Agus and Azis, Dorrah (2023) PEMBUATAN PUPUK CAIR ORGANIK BERSAMA KELOMPOK WANITA TANI PADANG MANIS. Jurnal Buguh, 3 (1). pp. 63-67. ISSN P-ISSN : 2776-3749 E-ISSN : 2808-1412

Herawati, Netti and fitriyani, A and Saidi, Subian and Setiawan, Eri and Meliantari, D (2023) Overdispersion Data Modeling Cases of Filariasis in East Lampung Province, Indonesia. International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology, 8 (6). pp. 31-39. ISSN 2456-2165

Program Komputer (2023) Klasifikasi Nilai Mahasiswa Universitas Lampung Menggunakan Algoritma Naive Bayes Dan Random Forest. EC00202360416.

Program Komputer (2023) Hybrid Vector Autoregressive Exogenous (VARX) - Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) Untuk Peramalan Suku Bunga Kredit Investasi. EC00202365143.

Kurniasari, Dian and Mahyunis, Ranti Vidia and Warsono, Warsono and Nuryaman, Aang (2023) Implementation of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) using Backpropagation Algoritm by Comparing Four Activation Funtions in Predicting Gold Prices. Kumpulan Jurnal Ilmu Komputer (KLIK), 10 (1). pp. 93-105. ISSN 2406-7857

Kurniasari, Dian and Mukhlisin, Zaenal and Wamiliana, Wamiliana and Warsono, Warsono (2023) PERFORMANCE OF THE ACCURACY OF FORECASTING THE CONSUMER PRICE INDEX USING THE GARCH AND ANN METHODS. BAREKENG: Journal of Mathematics and Its Applications, 17 (2). pp. 931-944. ISSN 2615-3017

Kurniasari, Dian and Oskavina, Sulistian and Wamiliana, Wamiliana and Warsono, Warsono (2023) Forecasting The Value of Indonesian Oil-Non-Oil and Gas Imported Using The Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU). Indonesian Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining (IJAIDM), 6 (1). pp. 71-83. ISSN 2614-6150

Kurniasari, Dian and Putri, Amelia Fallizia and Warsono, Warsono and Notiragayu, Notiragayu (2023) APPLICATION OF ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORK METHOD USING HYPERPARAMETER TUNING FOR PREDICTION OF EURO EXCHANGE RUPIAH. JSI : Jurnal Sistem Informasi (E-Journal), 15 (1). pp. 2981-2998. ISSN 2355-4614

Program Komputer (2023) Perbandingan Pembelajaran Kesamaan Teks Menggunakan Deep Siamese Manhattan Antara Cosine Similarity Dan Word Mover’s Distance Pada Laporan Medikal. EC00202384422.

Program Komputer (2023) Deep Learning Dengan Model BIOWORDVEC Untuk Klasifikasi Laporan Medikal. EC00202372170.

Mustika, Mira and Wamiliana, Wamiliana and Setiawan, Roni (2023) MODELLING AND SOLVING COURSE SCHEDULING PROBLEMS (CASE STUDY: MATHEMATICS STUDY PROGRAM, INSTITUT TEKNOLOGI SUMATERA). Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Optimization, 1 (1). pp. 1-10.

Mustofa, Usman (2023) Analysis Forecasting of Gasoline Prices in Some ASEAN Countries by Using State Space Representation on Vector Autoregressive Model. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 13 (6). pp. 194-202. ISSN 2146-4553

Ningsih, Febi Siti Sutria and Khotimah, Purnomo Husnul and Arisal, Andria and Rozie, Andri Fachrur and Munandar, Devi and Riswantini, Dianadewi and Nugraheni, Ekasari and Suwarningsih, Wiwin and Kurniasari, Dian (2023) Synonym-based Text Generation in Restructuring Imbalanced Dataset for Deep Learning Models. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Networking, Information Systems & Security: Envisage Intelligent Systems in 5G/6G-based Interconnected Digital Worlds NISS 2022. ISSN 978-1-6654-5363-9

Nosa, Ferzy Tryanda and Kurniasari, Dian and Amanto, Amanto and Warsono, Warsono (2023) Robusta London Coffee Price Forecasting Analysis Using Recurrent Neural Network – Long Short Term Memory (RNN – LSTM). Jurnal Transformatika, 20 (2). pp. 30-41. ISSN 2460-6731

Program Komputer (2023) Perbandingan Word Embedding Word2Vec, GloVe, Dan FastText Menggunakan Deep Learning (LSTM) Pada Data Drugs Review. EC00202337407.

Program Komputer (2023) Perbandingan Word Embedding Word2Vec, GloVe, Dan FastText Menggunakan Deep Learning (LSTM) Pada Data Drugs Review. EC00202337407.

Rachma Adji, Ramadanti and Nusyirwan, Nusyirwan and Pandri, Ferdias and Khoirin, Nisa (2023) Penerapan Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System Menggunakan Fungsi Keanggotaan Generalized Bell untuk Prediksi Indeks Harga Konsumen. Jurnal Sains Matematika dan Statistika, 9 (2). pp. 1-20. ISSN 2460-4542

Ramadhania, Hilda L and Widiarti, Widiarti and Zakaria, L and Nusyirwan, Nusyirwan (2023) Aplikasi Metode Sillhouette Coefficient, Metode Elbow dan Metode Gap Staticstic dalam Menentukan K Optimal pada Analisis K-Medoids. Jurnal Siger Matematika, 4 (1). pp. 1-10. ISSN 2721-5849 (p), 2721-6853(e)

Program Komputer (2023) Hybrid Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)-Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) Untuk Klasifikasi Data Text Penilaian Produk Nutrimax Food Supplement. EC00202337386.

Program Komputer (2023) Hybrid Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)-Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) Untuk Klasifikasi Data Text Penilaian Produk Nutrimax Food Supplement. EC00202337386.

Russel, Edwin and Wamiliana, Wamiliana and Warsono, Warsono and Nairobi, Nairobi and Usman, Mustofa and Elfaki, Faiz A. M. (2023) Analysis Multivariate Time Series Using State Space Model for Forecasting Inflation inSome Sectors of Economy in Indonesia. Science and Technology Indonesia, 8 (1). pp. 144-150. ISSN e -ISSN:2580-4391 p -ISSN:2580-4405

Program Komputer (2023) Peramalan Harga Saham Apple Dengan Metode Hybrid Vector Autoregressive Integrate Moving Average (VARIMA) - Long Short Term Memory (LSTM). EC00202365077.

Saidi, Subian and Herawati, Netti and Nisa, Khoirin (2023) Environmental-based diseases of students in urban and rural areas, Lampung province, Indonesia. International Journal of Innovative Research and Scientific Studies, 6 (2). pp. 242-249. ISSN 2617-6548

Program Komputer (2023) Peramalan Suhu Minimum Mingguan Dengan Metode Hybrid Seasonal Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (SARIMA) - Long Short Term Memory (LSTM). EC00202361887.

Setiawan, Eri and Herawati, Netti and Nisa, Khoirin and Saidi, Subian and Tiryono, Ruby (2023) LUBANG BIOPORI: SOLUSI BERKELANJUTAN DALAM MENGELOLA SAMPAH ORGANIK DI DESA NEGERI NGARIP. Jurnal Buguh, 3 (2). pp. 118-125. ISSN P-ISSN : 2776-3749 E-ISSN : 2808-1412

Setiawan, Eri and Nuryaman, Aang and Usman, Mustofa (2023) IMPLEMENTASI METODE BACKPROPAGATION NEURAL NETWORK DALAM MERAMALKAN TINGKAT INFLASI DI INDONESIA. MATHunesa : Jurnal Ilmiah Matematika, 1 (1). pp. 8-16. ISSN 2716-506X

Program Komputer (2023) Hybrid Autoregressive Integrate Moving Average (ARIMA) - Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) Dalam Peramalan Harga Sawit Pada PT. Sawit Sumbermas Sarana Di Kalimantan Tengah. EC00202365120.

Program Komputer (2023) Klasifikasi Electronic Health Record (EHR) Menggunakan Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Dan Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU). EC00202356460.

Tria, Citra Puspa and Nuryaman, Aang and Faisol, Ahmad and Setiawan, Eri (2023) Penerapan Algoritma K-Nearest Neighbor Pada Data Kategorik Untuk Klasifikasi Harga Jual Laptop. Jurnal Siger Matematika, 4 (2). pp. 51-58. ISSN 2721-5849 (p), 2721-6853(e)

Usman, Mustofa (2023) Dynamic Modeling and Analysis of Some Energy Companies of Indonesia Over the Year 2018 to 2022 By Using VAR(p)-CCC GARCH(r,s) Model. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 13 (4). pp. 542-554. ISSN 2146-4553

Wamiliana, Wamiliana and Permatasari, Reni and Reformasari, A and Suparman, Jani and Junaidi, Akmal (2023) Solving the Shortest Total Path Length Spanning Tree Problem Using the Modified Sollin and Modified Dijkstra Algorithms. Science and Technology Indonesia, 8 (4). pp. 684-690. ISSN 2580-4391

Wamiliana, Wamiliana and Yuliana, Attiya and Fitriani, Fitriani (2023) he Relationship of Multiset, Stirling Number, Bell Number, and Catalan Number. Science and Technology Indonesia, 8 (2). pp. 330-337. ISSN e -ISSN:2580-4391 p -ISSN:2580-4405

Widiarti, Widiarti and Aang, Nuryaman and Warsono, Warsono (2023) Penerapan Model Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) pada Peramalan Data Nilai Ekspor dan Nilai Impor Seluruh Komoditas di Provinsi Lampung Tahun 2022. Jurnal Siger Matematika, 04 (02). pp. 67-75. ISSN 2721-5849 (p), 2721-6853(e)

Widiarti, Widiarti and Sutrisno, Agus and Usman, Mustofa (2023) Pemodelan Dinamis Distributed Lag Dengan Menggunakan Metode Koyck Dan Metode Almon. Jurnal Siger Matematika, 4 (1). pp. 17-22. ISSN 2721-5849 (p), 2721-6853(e)

Widiarti, Widiarti and Usman, Mustofa and Wamiliana, Wamiliana and Nurcahyani, Nuning and Master, Jani (2023) Konservasi Anggrek Dan Peningkatan Peringkat Greenmetric Melalui Kegiatan Penanaman Anggrek Di Kampus. Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Tapis Berseri, 2 (1). ISSN 2830-6945

Widiarti, Widiarti and Zakaria, L and Nusyirwan, Nusyirwan (2023) Aplikasi Metode Sillhouette Coefficient, Metode Elbow dan Metode Gap Staticstic dalam Menentukan K Optimal pada Analisis K-Medoids. Jurnal Siger Matematika, 4 (1). pp. 1-10. ISSN 2721-5849 (p), 2721-6853(e)

Zakaria, L and Megarani, Wahyu and Faisol, Ahmad and Nuryaman, Aang and Muharramah, Ulfah (2023) Hasil Cek Similarity Artikel "Computational Mathematics: Solving Dual Fully Fuzzy Nonlinear Matrix Equations Numerically using Broyden’s Method". IJMEMS. (Unpublished)

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