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Number of items: 42.


Rasimeng, Syamsurijal and Agustin, Erisa and Fahlefi, M. Reza and Yogi, Ida Bagus Suananda and Mulyasari, Rahmi and Muchtar, Alimuddin and Rafieds, Fahruddin (2024) Subsurface Rock Modeling with Half Slope Inversion of Reduce to the Pole Geomagnetic Anomaly in Hot Spring Natar-Lampung Area. Gravitasi, 23 (1). pp. 11-17. ISSN 2654-4318

Dani, Ilham and Mulia, Rahma Reza and Erfani, Sandri and Yogi, Ida Bagus Suananda (2023) Penggunaan sistem informasi geografis untuk pemetaan kawasan rawan bencana banjir di kabupaten Lampung Timur. Jurnal UVAYA Sains dan Teknologi, 1 (1). pp. 54-69. ISSN 2985-9131

Sarkowi, Muh and Wibowo, Rahmat Catur and Yogi, Ida Bagus Suananda and Yusuf, Mahmud and Boka, Stefani (2022) Microtremor analysis to evaluate BMKG region III building, Bali, Indonesia. Iranian Journal of Earth Sciences, 14 (2). pp. 104-111.

Mulyasari, Rahmi and Suharno, Suharno and Haerudin, Nandi and Hesti, Hesti and Hidayatika, Akroma and Yogi, Ida Bagus Suananda and Saputro, Sugeng Purwo (2021) Aplikasi Metode Geolistrik dan Analisis X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) untuk Investigasi Longsor di Pidada, Kecamatan Panjang, Bandar Lampung. Eksplorium, 42 (2). ISSN 0854-1418

Yogi, Ida Bagus Suananda and Werena, Rosalia Dwi and Sinambela, Rudy Zefrianto and Darmawan, I Gede Boy (2021) EDUKASI DESAIN SUMUR DAN KUALITAS AIR BERSIH UNTUK WARGA KAMPUNG CENDIKIA, LAMPUNG SELATAN. Senapati Universitas Lampung. ISSN 2685-0427

Sandri, Erfani and Mustika, Siregar and zaenudin, ahmad and Rustadi, Rustadi and Yogi, Ida Bagus Suananda and Rahmat, C. Wibowo (2021) 5. Plagiarism Checker Prosiding Ic-Star (Coal velocity and proximate analysis relationship). IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering. pp. 1-6. ISSN 17426588

Sandri, Erfani and Mustika, Siregar and zaenudin, ahmad and Rustadi, Rustadi and Yogi, Ida Bagus Suananda and catur wibowo, rahmat (2021) Coal velocity and proximate analysis relationship using Multiple Linear Regression. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering. pp. 1-6. ISSN 17426588

zaenudin, ahmad and Rustadi, Rustadi and Iswan, Iswan and Yogi, Ida Bagus Suananda (2021) 3. Plagiarism Checker Prosiding IOP ICTAP 2020 (Preliminary study of HVSR forward modeling). Journal of Physics: Conference Series. ISSN 17426588

Nandi Haerudin, NH and Yogi, Ida Bagus Suananda (2021) A Combination of Monte-Carlo and Damped Least Square Inversion Method for Determining Radon Source in Geothermal Case. Journal of The Earth and Space Physics, 46 (4). pp. 103-116. ISSN 2538-3906

zaenudin, ahmad and Rustadi, Rustadi and Iswan, iswan and Yogi, Ida Bagus Suananda (2021) Preliminary study of HVSR forward modeling: parameters properties and non-uniqueness of subsurface models. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. pp. 1-6. ISSN 17426588

Sari, Iis Ratna and Ramadhan, Haqqie and Supardi, Supardi and Rasimeng, Syamsurijal and Yogi, Ida Bagus Suananda (2020) Identifikasi Bahaya Penguatan Gempa Wilayah Jawa Tahun 1974-2020. Jurnal Geosaintek, 6 (3). pp. 127-136. ISSN p-ISSN: 2460-9072, e-ISSN: 2502-3659

Nurrochman, Arsy and Doni, Luvi Roma and Safitri, Wulan and Yogi, Ida Bagus Suananda and Rasimeng, Syamsurijal (2020) Perbandingan Penggunaan Matlab dan Python Dalam Penentuan Episenter Gempa; Studi Kasus Gempa Laut Banda 06 Mei 2020. Jurnal Ilmu Fisika dan Pembelajarannya (JIFP), 4 (2). pp. 77-82. ISSN 2549-6158

Nurul, Muhammad and Yuliantina, Aisah and Yulianata, Aprillia and Yogi, Ida Bagus Suananda and Rasimeng, Syamsurijal (2020) FORWARD MODELLING METODE GAYABERAT DENGAN MODEL INTRUSI DAN PATAHAN MENGGUNAKAN OCTAVE. Jurnal Geocelebes, 4 (2). pp. 111-117. ISSN 2579-5546

Rasimeng, Syamsurijal and Yogi, Ida Bagus Suananda and Rananda, Eko (2020) ANALYSIS AND ZONATION OF LAND VULNERABILITY AREAS IN PEKON KARANGREJO ULUBELU TANGGAMUS USING MICROZONATION METHOD. Jurnal Geofisika HAGI, 18 (1). pp. 14-18. ISSN p-ISSN: 085-4352 and e-ISSN: 2477-6084

Ahmad, Zaenudin and Risman, Rivaldi and Boy Darmawan, I Gede and Yogi, Ida Bagus Suananda (2020) Analysis of gravity anomaly for groundwater basin in Bandar Lampung city based on 2D gravity modeling. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1572.

Nandi Haerudin, NH and Rustadi, Rustadi and Fikri, Alami and Yogi, Ida Bagus Suananda (2020) 8. Plagiarism Checker Prosiding Ictat (The effect site analysis based on microtremor data). Journal of Physics: Conference Series. pp. 1-9. ISSN 17426588

Nandi Haerudin, NH and Rustadi, Rustadi and Fikri, Alami and Yogi, Ida Bagus Suananda (2020) The effect site analysis based on microtremor data using the Horizontal to Vertical Spectral Ratio (HVSR) method in the Bandar Lampung City. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. pp. 1-9. ISSN 17426588

Nandi Haerudin, NH and Rustadi, Rustadi and ALAMI, FIKRI and Yogi, Ida Bagus Suananda (2020) The effect-site analysis based on microtremor data using the Horizontal to Vertical Spectral Ratio (HVSR) method in the Bandar Lampung City. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1572 (75). pp. 1-10. ISSN Print : 1742-6588 Online : 1742-6596

Ahmad, Zaenudin and Risman, Rivaldi and Darmawan, I Gede Boy and Yogi, Ida Bagus Suananda (2020) Analysis of gravity anomaly for groundwater basin in Bandar Lampung city based on 2D gravity modeling. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1572.

Rasimeng, Syamsurijal and Yogi, Ida Bagus Suananda and Human, As'ad (2020) Aplikasi Metode 1D Resistivitas Menggunakan Damped Least Square Menentukan Air Tanah di Kecamatan Jati Agung. Jurnal MIPA, XX (xxx). pp. 1-8. ISSN e-ISSN 23023899 (Submitted)

Yogi, Ida Bagus Suananda and Pangestu, Rian and Karyanto, Karyanto and Darmawan, I Gede Boy (2020) INSTRUMEN REAL TIME ROCK RESISTIVITY METER UNTUK MENGUKUR RESISTIVITAS DAN MEMONITOR SIFAT KELISTRIKAN SAMPEL BATUAN. Jurnal Geosaintek, 6 (3). pp. 143-152. ISSN p-ISSN: 2460-9072, e-ISSN: 2502-3659

Rasimeng, Syamsurijal and Yogi, Ida Bagus Suananda (2020) Penentuan Posisi Hiposenter Gempabumi Menggunakan Metode Grid Search, Studi Kasus: Gempa Pada Daerah Sumatera Barat Pada Tahun 2017. Jurnal MIPA, XX (xxx). pp. 1-8. ISSN e-ISSN 23023899 (Submitted)

zaenudin, ahmad and Risman, Rivaldi and Darmawan, I Gede Boy and Yogi, Ida Bagus Suananda Analysis of gravity anomaly for groundwater basin in Bandar Lampung City based on 2D gravity modeling. IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series, 1572.

Hidayatika, Akroma and Suharno, Suharno and Mulyasari, Rahmi and Yogi, Ida Bagus Suananda Geophysical Resistivity Model for Estimation Gold Potential in Pesisir Barat, Lampung. http://ic-star.unila.ac.id/?page_id=63. (Submitted)


Dani, Ilham and Erfani, Sandri and Yogi, Ida Bagus Suananda and Syah, Aminudin Identifikasi Bidang Gelincir dan Edukasi Upaya Mitigasi Bencana Tanah Longsor di Kelurahan Pidada, Bandar Lampung. PROSIDING SENAPATI SEMINAR NASIONAL PENGABDIAN KEPADA MASYARAKAT TEKNOLOGI DAN INOVASI Pengabdian Masyarakat di Era Revolusi Industri 4.0 dan Society 5.0. ISSN 2685-0427

Hidayatika, Akroma and Suharno, Suharno and Mulyasari, Rahmi and Hesti, Hesti and Yogi, Ida Bagus Suananda and Rasimeng, Syamsurijal The Initiation Study on the Gold Potential Resources at West Coast Area in Lampung Province, Indonesia. JESR.

zaenudin, ahmad and Rustadi, Rustadi and Iswan, iswan and Yogi, Ida Bagus Suananda Preliminary study of HVSR forward modeling: parameters properties and non-uniqueness of subsurface models. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1816 (1). pp. 1-6. ISSN Print : 1742-6588 Online : 1742-6596

Dani, Ilham and Sinambela, Rudy Zefrianto and Yogi, Ida Bagus Suananda Rekonstruksi Penampang Zona Rawan Longsor di Daerah Pidada, Bandar Lampung, Menggunakan Metode Tomografi Seismik Refraksi. Prosiding SINTA 3 (2020). ISSN 2655-2914

Book Section

Darmawan, I Gede Boy and Yassar, Muhamad Farhan and Kandi, Ahmad Asmara and Yogi, Ida Bagus Suananda (2019) APLIKASI CITRA SAR UNTUK PEMETAAN DEFORMASI AKIBAT GEMPA BUMI DENGAN METODE DINSAR. In: Ilmu-ilmu Teknik Kebencanaan 2019. UPT Perpustakaan Universitas Lampung, pp. 159-170. ISBN 978-602-73260-3-3

Yassar, Muhamad Farhan and Kandi, Ahmad Asmara and Dinata, Ozza and Yogi, Ida Bagus Suananda and Darmawan, I Gede Boy (2019) IDENTIFIKASI DIMENSI FRAKTAL EVENT GEMPA BUMI MENGGUNAKAN METODE B–VALUE PADA DAERAH AMBON DAN SEKITARNYA. In: Ilmu-ilmu Teknik Kebencanaan 2019. UPT Perpustakaan Universitas Lampung, pp. 171-179. ISBN 978-602-73260-3-3

Conference or Workshop Item

Wibowo, Rahmat Catur and zaenudin, ahmad and Rustadi, Rustadi and Yogi, Ida Bagus Suananda (2021) Coal Velocity and Proximate Analysis Relationship Using Multiple Linear Regression. In: ICSTAR 2020, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia.

Yogi, Ida Bagus Suananda and Karyanto, Karyanto and Boy Darmawan, I Gede and Pangestu, Rian (2020) RANCANG BANGUN ALAT AUTOMATIC ROCK RESISTIVITY METER (ARRM) BERBASIS MICROCONTROLLER ARDUINO UNO. In: Seminar Nasional Ilmu Teknik dan Aplikasi Industri (SINTA) 2020, 14 Oktober 2020, Bandar Lampung. (Unpublished)

zaenudin, ahmad and Wibowo, Rahmat Catur and Rustadi, Rustadi and Yogi, Ida Bagus Suananda (2020) Pendekatan E-Tourism pada Kelompok Sadar Wisata Rindu Bhuwana Kecamatan Banjit dalam Tata Kelola Wisata yang Berkelanjutan. In: PROSIDING SENAPATI SEMINAR NASIONAL PENGABDIAN KEPADA MASYARAKAT TEKNOLOGI DAN INOVASI Sinergi Nasional Pengabdian Masyarakat untuk Pembangunan Berkelanjutan, 22 September 2020, Bandar Lampung.

zaenudin, ahmad and Risman, Rivaldi and Darmawan, I Gede Boy and Yogi, Ida Bagus Suananda (2019) Analysis of gravity anomaly for groundwater basin in Bandar Lampung City based on 2D gravity modeling. In: The International Conference on Theoretical and Applied Physics (The ICTAP 2019), 26-27 September 2019, Univeristas Lampung. (Submitted)


Sarkowi, Muh and Wibowo, Rahmat Catur and Yusuf, Mahmud and Yogi, Ida Bagus Suananda (2022) Similirity : Microtremor analysis to evaluate BMKG region III building, Bali, Indonesia. Fakultas Teknik Universitas Lampung.

Yogi, Ida Bagus Suananda and Pangestu, Rian and Karyanto, Karyanto and Boy Darmawan, I Gede (2021) Peer Review Jurnal : INSTRUMEN REAL TIME ROCK RESISTIVITY METER UNTUK MENGUKUR RESISTIVITAS DAN MEMONITOR SIFAT KELISTRIKAN SAMPEL BATUAN. Fakultas Teknik Unila. (Unpublished)

Yogi, Ida Bagus Suananda and Pangestu, Rian and Darmawan, I Gede Boy and Karyanto, Karyanto INSTRUMEN REAL TIME ROCK RESISTIVITY METER UNTUK MENGUKUR RESISTIVITAS DAN MEMONITOR SIFAT KELISTRIKAN SAMPEL BATUAN. Jurusan Teknik Geofisika, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Lampung. (Unpublished)

Hidayatika, Akroma and Suharno, Suharno and Hesti, Hesti and Yogi, Ida Bagus Suananda PEMODELAN RESISTIVITAS UNTUK MENGINTERPRETASIKAN BATUAN PEMBAWA MINERAL EKONOMIS DI DAERAH PESISIR BARAT LAMPUNG. Faculty Of Engineering, University of Lampung.. (Submitted)

Haerudin, Nandi and Yogi, Ida Bagus Suananda Similarity_A Combination of Monte-Carlo and Damped Least Square Inversion Method for Determining Radon Source in Geothermal Case. Journal of the Earth and Space Physics. (Unpublished)

Rahmi Mulyasari, Rahmi Mulyasari and Suharno, Suharno and Nandi Haerudin, NH and Hesti, Hesti and Hidayatika, Akroma and Yogi, Ida Bagus Suananda and Saputro, Sugeng Purwo Similarity_Aplikasi Metode Geolistrik dan Analisis X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) untuk Investigasi Longsor di Pidada, Kecamatan Panjang, Bandar Lampung. Turnitin. (Unpublished)

Yogi, Ida Bagus Suananda and Pangestu, Rian and Darmawan, I Gede Boy and Karyanto, Karyanto Similiarity_INSTRUMEN REAL TIME ROCK RESISTIVITY METER UNTUK MENGUKUR RESISTIVITAS DAN MEMONITOR SIFAT KELISTRIKAN SAMPEL BATUAN. LPPM, ITS. (Unpublished)

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