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Number of items: 63.


Aristoteles, Aristoteles and Safe'i, Rahmat and Syarif, Admi and Muludi, Kurnia and Lumbanraja, Favorisen R (2022) PENDAMPINGAN PENGEMBANGAN E-COMMERCE DI KWTH KARTINI, DESA KUBU BATU, KABUPATEN PESAWARAN PADA ERA DIGITALISASI DALAM PENINGKATAN EKONOMI MASYARAKAT. BUGUH : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 2 (3). pp. 32-38. ISSN 2808-1412

Aristoteles, Aristoteles and Syarif, Admi and Sutyarso, Sutyarso and Lumbanraja, Favorisen R (2022) Identification of Human Sperm based on Morphology Using the You Only Look Once Version 4 Algorithm. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 13 (7). pp. 424-431. ISSN 2156-5570 (online), 2158-107X(Print)

Aristoteles, Aristoteles and Pratama, Rinaldo Adi and Syarif, Admi (2022) RUMAH BELAJAR LANSIA: PUSAT PENGEMBANGAN DAN PENINGKATAN POTENSI LANJUT USIA DI KELURAHAN BUMI WARAS KOTA BANDAR LAMPUNG. BUGUH : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 2 (2). pp. 11-19. ISSN 2808-1412

Aristoteles, Aristoteles and Asteria, Maya and Heningtyas, Yunda and Muludi, Kurnia and Syarif, Admi (2022) Implementasi Teknologi Peta Virtual 3D Gedung E Teknik Sipil dan Gedung F Laboratorium Hidrolika Fakutas Teknik Universitas Lampung. Jurnal Pepadun, 3 (1). pp. 122-129. ISSN 2774-3403

Aristoteles, Aristoteles and Heningtyas, Yunda and Syarif, Admi and Pratidina, A.A. Gieniung (2021) Implementation of Gabor Filter for Carassius Auratus’s Identification. International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 11 (2). pp. 566-571. ISSN 2088-5334

Aristoteles, Aristoteles and Febriansyah, Febi Eka and Syarif, Admi and Miswar, dedi (2021) Pelatihan Pembuatan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Komputer Di SMKSurya Dharma Bandar Lampung. Tabikpun, 2 (1). pp. 21-28. ISSN 2745-7699

Wantoro, Agus and Syarif, Admi and Muludi, Kurnia and Berawi, Khairun Nisa (2021) Fuzzy-Based Application Model and Profile Matching for Recommendation Suitability of Type 2 Diabetic. International Journal on Advanced Science Engineering and Information Technology, 11 (3). ISSN 2988-5334

Wantoro, Agus and Syarif, Admi and Muludi, Kurnia and Berawi, Khairun Nisa (2021) Fuzzy-Based Application Model and Profile Matching for Recommendation Suitability of Type 2 Diabetic. International Journal on Advanced Science Engineering and Information Technology, 11 (3). ISSN 2988-5334

Rusliyawati, Rusliyawati and Muludi, Kurnia and Syarif, Admi and Wantoro, Agus (2021) Implementation of Fuzzy-based Model for Prediction of Prostate Cancer. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1751. ISSN 1742-6596

susanto, er and Syarif, Admi and Muludi, Kurnia and perdani, rr and Wantoro, Agus (2021) Implementation of Fuzzy-based Model for Prediction of Thalassemia Diseases. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1751. ISSN 1742-6596

Sulistiani, Heni and Muludi, Kurnia and Syarif, Admi (2021) Implementation of Various Artificial Intelligence Approach for Prediction and Recommendation of Personality Disorder Patient. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1751. ISSN 1742-6596

Wantoro, Agus and Syarif, Admi and Sulistiyanti, Sri Ratna and Berawi, Khairun Nisa and Muludi, Kurnia and Sutyarso, Sutyarso (2021) METODE PROFILE MATCHING PADA SISTEM PAKAR MEDIS UNTUK PREDIKSI RISIKO HIPERTENSI. Jurnal TEKNOINFO, 15 (2). ISSN 2615-224X

Syarif, Admi and Angraini, Dian and Muludi, Kurnia and Wamiliana, Wamiliana and Gen, Mitsuo (2020) Comparing Various Genetic Algorithm Approaches for Multiple-choice Multi-dimensional Knapsack Problem (mm-KP). The International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems (IJIES), 13 (5). ISSN 2185-3118 (eISSN), 2185-310X (pISSN)

Syarif, Admi and Heningtyas, Yunda and Aristoteles, Aristoteles and Shofiana, Dewi Asiah (2020) Pelatihan Pembuatan Video Profil Usaha Kecil Menengah di Pekon Wonodadi Induk, Kecamatan Gadingrejo, Kabupaten Pringsewu. Jurnal Pengabdian kepada masyarakat TABIK PUN.

Sulistiani, Heni and Muludi, Kurnia and Syarif, Admi (2019) Implementation of Dynamic Mutual Information and Support Vector Machine for Customer Loyalty Classification. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1338 (1). pp. 1-8. ISSN Print : 1742-6588 Online : 1742-6596

Syarif, Admi and Wamiliana, Wamiliana and Lumbanraja, Favorisen R and Gen, Mitsuo (2019) Study on genetic algorithm (GA) approaches for solving Flow Shop Scheduling Problem (FSSP). Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 857 (012009). pp. 2-7. ISSN Print : 1742-6588 Online : 1742-6596

Muludi, Kurnia and Suharjo, Radix and Syarif, Admi and Ramadhani, Fitria (2018) Implementation of Forward Chaining and Certainty Factor Method on Android-Based Expert System of Tomato Diseases Identification. (IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 9 (9). pp. 451-459.

Aristoteles, Aristoteles and Sakethi, Dwi and Syarif, Admi (2016) Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Comicreader Menggunakan Kerangka Kerja Yii. Jurnal Komputasi, 4 (1). pp. 176-186. ISSN 2541-0350

Syarif, Admi and Aristoteles, Aristoteles and Arianti, Dwiastuti and Riska, Malinda (2016) Performance Evaluation of Various Genetic Algorithm Approaches for Knapsack Problem. Asian Research Publishing Network, Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (ARPN JEAS), 11 (7). pp. 4713-4719. ISSN 1819-6608

Syarif, Admi and Ruby, Tiryono and Saputra, Adi (2009) ANALISIS KINERJA GENETIC ALGORITHM PADA JOB SHOP SCHEDULING. Seminar Nasional Sains, Matematika, Informatika dan Aplikasinya VI UNILA, 1 (1). pp. 195-202. ISSN 2086-2342

Wamiliana, Wamiliana and Syarif, Admi and Kurniawan, Didik (2008) REPRESENTING DEGREE RESTRICTED TREE USINGAUGMENTED ADJACENCY MATRIX. PROSIDING Seminar Nasional Sains dan Teknologi II, 1 (1). pp. 125-130. ISSN 978-979-1165-74-7

Wamiliana, Wamiliana and Syarif, Admi and Junaidi, Akmal and Fitriani, Fitriani (2008) COMB INEQUALITIES FOR THE DEGREE CONSTRAINED MINIMUM SPANNING TREE PROBLEM. Jurnal Sains MIPA, 14 (1). pp. 1-6. ISSN 1978-1873

Wamiliana, Wamiliana and Syarif, Admi and Junaidi, Akmal and Fitriani, Fitriani (2008) Comb Inequalities for The Degree Constrained Minimum Spanning Tree Problem. Jurnal Sains MIPA, 14 (1). pp. 12-16. ISSN 1978-1873

Syarif, Admi and Wamiliana, Wamiliana and Wijaya, Yasir (2008) Evaluasi Kinerja Metode Metode Heuristik Untuk Penyelesaian Travelling Salesman Problem. Jurnal Sains MIPA, 14 (1). pp. 7-11. ISSN 1978-1873

Syarif, Admi and Wamiliana, Wamiliana and Wijaya, Yasir Evaluasi Kinerja Metode-metode Heuristik pada persolan Traveling Salesman Problem. Jurnal Sains MIPA, 14 (1). pp. 7-11. ISSN 1978-1873


Sulistiani, Heni and Muludi, Kurnia and Syarif, Admi Implementation of Dynamic Mutual Information and Support Vector Machine for Customer Loyalty Classification. IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1338 (2019) 012033. ISSN Online ISSN: 1742-6596

Redi Susanto, Erliyan and Syarif, Admi and Muludi, Kurnia and Perdani, Roro Rukmi Windi Implementation of Fuzzy-based Model for Prediction of Thalassemia Diseases. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1751. ISSN 1742-6596 (eISSN), 1742-6588 (pISSN)

Sulistiani, Heni and Muludi, Kurnia and Syarif, Admi Implementation of Various Artificial Intelligence Approach for Prediction and Recommendation of Personality Disorder Patient. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1751. ISSN 1742-6596 (eISSN), 1742-6588 (pISSN)

Sulistiani, Heni and Muludi, Kurnia and Syarif, Admi Repo Prosiding : Implementation of Dynamic Mutual Information and Support Vector Machine for Customer Loyalty Classification. IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1338 (2019) 012033. ISSN Online ISSN: 1742-6596

Muludi, Kurnia and Shofiana, Dewi Asiah and Syarif, Admi and Akbar, Moh Surya Sentiment Analysis Of Energy Independence Tweets Using Simple Recurrent Neural Network. Indonesian Journal of Computing and Cybernetics Systems.

Muludi, Kurnia and Suharjo, Radix and Syarif, Admi and Ramadhani, Fitria Similarity check result of paper: Implementation of Forward Chaining and Certainty Factor Method on Android-Based Expert System of Tomato Diseases Identification. Ijacsa, 9 (9). p. 2018.

Muludi, Kurnia and Wantoro, Agus and Syarif, Admi and Berawi, Khairun Nisa repo jurnal : Fuzzy-Based Application Model and Profile Matching for Recommendation Suitability of Type 2 Diabetic. IJASEIT.

Book Section

Syarif, Admi and Setiyadi, Ag. Bambang and Ulvan, Ardian and Nurweni, Ari and Ginting, Cipta and Fuad, Muhammad and Sukirlan, Muhammad and Widodo, Mulyanto and Rusminto, N E and Hasibuan, Rosma and Widodo, Soesiladi E. and Suparman, Ujang (2010) Karya Tulis Ilmiah: Pengertian, Penyusunan, Anatomi, Kebahasaan, dan Presentasi. In: Karya Tulis Ilmiah: Pengertian, Penyusunan, Anatomi, Kebahasaan, dan Presentasi. Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Lampung, Bandar Lampung. ISBN 9789798510090


Syarif, Admi and Hermanto, Bambang and Yusman, Machudor and Pribadi, Rd. Irwan Adi (2021) PENGEMBANGAN DAN PELATIHAN SISTEM ADMINISTRASI DESA GUNUNG KATUN TANJUNGAN, KECAMATAN TULANG BAWANG UDIK, TULANG BAWANG BARAT. Project Report. Lppm Universitas lampung. (Submitted)

Conference or Workshop Item

Lumbanraja, Favorisen R and Silalahi, Ester Debora and Kurniawan, Didik and Syarif, Admi (2019) PREDIKSI ASETILASI PADA SEQUENCE PROTEIN MENGGUNAKAN SUPPORT VECTOR MACHINE. In: Seminar Nasional Sains, Matematika, Informatika dan Aplikasinya (SNSMIAP 2019), 24 Oktober 2019, Bandar Lampung. (Submitted)

Syarif, Admi and Wamiliana, Wamiliana and Lumbanraja, Favorisen R and Gen, Mitsuo (2019) Study on Genetic Algorithm (GA) Approaches for Solving Flow Shop Scheduling Problem (FSSP). In: The 5TH International Conference on Science, Technology and Interdisciplinary Research (IC-STAR) 2019, 23-25 September 2019, Bandar Lampung. (In Press)

Syarif, Admi and Gen, Mitsuo (2010) Solving an Extended Logistic Model by Hybrid Genetic Algorithm. In: The 11th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference, 7-10 Desember 2010, Malaka.

Syarif, Admi and Muludi, Kurnia and Gen, Mitsuo (2008) Implemetation of Hybridized Genetic Algorithm for Fuzzy Travelling Salesman Problem. In: Thirteenth International Conference on Information and Management Sciences, 3-8 August 2014, Zhangjiajie, China.


Program Komputer (2020) Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Penjaminan Mutu Internal Universitas Lampung Menggunakan Framework CodeIgniter. 000205468.

LPPM Universitas Lampung (2020) Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Penjaminan Mutu Internal Universitas Lampung Menggunakan Framework CodeIgniter. EC00202035718.

Admi Syarif (2020) Aplikasi Buku Digital Unit Pelayanan Teknis Bahasa Universitas Lampung. 000179695.

Program Komputer (2019) Sistem Informasi Pemetaan UMKM Berbasis Web. 000153540.


Aristoteles, Aristoteles and Syarif, Admi and Sutyarso, Sutyarso and Lumbanraja, Favorisen R and Hidayatullah, Arbi (2022) Similarity Check Result : Identification of Human Sperm based on Morphology Using the You Only Look Once Version 4 Algorithm. The Science and Information (SAI) Organization.

Wantoro, Agus and Syarif, Admi and Sulistiyanti, Sri Ratna and Muludi, Kurnia and Berawi, Khairun Nisa and Sutyarso, Sutyarso and Rusliyawati, Rusliyawati and Bella, Annisa (2022) Aplikasi Pakar Rekomendasi Obat Diabetes Tipe 2. Dit Hak Cipta dan Desain Industri.

Aristoteles, Aristoteles and Heningtyas, Yunda and Syarif, Admi and Pratidina, A.A. Gieniung (2021) Peer Review : Implementation of Gabor Filter for Carassius Auratus’s Identification. INSIGHT - Indonesian Society for Knowledge and Human Development, Indonesia. (Unpublished)

Aristoteles, Aristoteles and Heningtyas, Yunda and Syarif, Admi and Pratidina, A.A. Gieniung (2021) Similarity Check Result Implementation of Gabor Filter for Carassius Auratus’s Identification. INSIGHT - Indonesian Society for Knowledge and Human Development.

Syarif, Admi (2021) Daftar Pengujian Mahasiswa S3. Jurusan Ilmu Komputer FMIPA Unila. (Unpublished)

Mahfut, Mahfut and Syarif, Admi and Muludi, Kurnia (2021) Laporan Akhir Penelitian Terapan : IMPLEMENTASI METODE PROFILE MATCHING PADA SISTEM PAKAR PENYAKIT ANGGREK ALAM DI KEBUN RAYA LIWA BERBASIS WEB. Fmipa. (Submitted)

Wantoro, Agus and Syarif, Admi and Muludi, Kurnia and Berawi, Khairun Nisa (2021) Similarity Check : Fuzzy-Based Application Model and Profile Matching for Recommendation Suitability of Type 2 Diabetic. IJASEI.

Syarif, Admi and Muludi, Kurnia and Wantoro, Agus (2021) Similarity Check : Implementation of Fuzzy-based Model for Prediction of Thalassemia Diseases. IOP.

Rusliyawati, Rusliyawati and Muludi, Kurnia and Syarif, Admi and Wantoro, Agus (2021) Similarity Check : Implementation of Fuzzy-based Model for Prediction of Prostate Cancer. IOP.

Muludi, Kurnia and Syarif, Admi (2021) Similarity Check : Implementation of Various Artificial Intelligence Approach for Prediction and Recommendation of Personality Disorder Patient. IOP.

Syarif, Admi and Muludi, Kurnia and Wamiliana, Wamiliana (2020) Similarity Check : Comparing Various Genetic Algorithm Approaches for Multiple-choice Multidimensional Knapsack Problem (mm-KP). www.inass.org.

Syarif, Admi and Wamiliana, Wamiliana and Lumbanraja, Jamalam (2020) Study on genetic algorithm (GA) approaches for solving Flow Shop Scheduling Problem (FSSP). iops.

Sulistiani, Heni and Syarif, Admi and Muludi, Kurnia (2019) Similarity Check : Implementation of Dynamic Mutual Information and Support Vector Machine for Customer Loyalty Classification. IOP.

Muludi, Kurnia and Suharjo, Radix and Syarif, Admi and Ramadhani, Fitria (2018) similarity IJACSA_radix. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications(IJACSA).

Syarif, Admi File Supplement GB Admi Syarif. LPPM Unila. (Unpublished)

Muludi, Kurnia and Suharjo, Radix and Syarif, Admi and Ramadhani, Fitria Hasil review IJACSA : reviewer suskandini ratih. University of Lampung.

Muludi, Kurnia and Suharjo, Radix and Syarif, Admi and Ramadhani, Fitria Hasil review jurnal IJACSA : reviewer Joko prasetyo. University of Lampung.

Muludi, Kurnia and Suharjo, Radix and Syarif, Admi and Ramadhani, Fitria Hasil review_jurnal IJACSA_radix. University of Lampung.

Syarif, Admi and Muludi, Kurnia Plagiarism check of paper : Solving fuzzy shortest path problem by genetic algorithm. IOP. (Unpublished)

Syarif, Admi Suplement (Perolehan Hibah, Bimbingan S3 dll). -. (Unpublished)

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