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Savetlana, Shirley and Rajaguguk, Tumpal Ojahan and Zhohanes, MZ and Nardianto, Nardianto (2012) Mechanical Properties of Pineapple Fiber and Unidirectional Pineapple Fiber Reinforced Polyester Composite. In: Proceeding Seminar Nasional Tahunan Teknik Mesin XI (SNTTM XI) & Thermofluid IV Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), 16 Oktober 2012, Jogyakarta.
Savetlana, Shirley and Rajaguguk, Tumpal Ojahan and Zhohanes, MZ and Nardianto, Nardianto (2012) Mechanical Properties of Pineapple Fiber and Unidirectional Pineapple Fiber Reinforced Polyester Composite. Badan Kerjasama Teknik Mesin Indonesia (BKSTM).