Number of items: 4.
Conference or Workshop Item
Suryono, Nano and -, Apriady and -, Alawiyah and Pah, Zacky Michael and Dewi, Bainah Sari
(Case Study in Bulok Watershed Sub Watershed in Lampung Province).
In: International Conference 3rd SHIELD 2018, 9-11 November 2018, university of Lampung.
Suryono, Nano and Alawiyah, Apriadi and Pah, Zacky Michael and Dewi, Bainah Sari
Land degradation that occurs in the Bulok Sub-watershed results in the function of the Bulek Sub-watershed as a catchment area with the aim of providing water for people's lives such a agricultural irigation, domestic water needs and other activities will be disrupted. Analytis of land cover changes to river flow regime coefficients and surface flow conditions in carried out by using arc gis as a tool used to analyze spatial data, and using secondary data on rainfall and river discharge in time series from 1996/2006/2016. Secondary data and spatial processed quantitatively based on Minister of Forestry regulation number 61 of 2014. This land damage was caused by the increase of settlement land and rice fields from 1996 to 2016 The addition of paddy fields from 1996 which was originally only 1.05% of the Bulok Sub- watershed area in 2016, it was 25.61% of the Bulok watershed area. This situation resulted in data were KRA values experiencing a considerable change, in 1996 KRA had a value of 35, 85 in 2006 had a value of 56.50 and in 2016 had reached a very high KRA class, amounting to 175.49. Changes in land cover patterns also greatly affect surface flow. In 1996 the surface flow was 0.33 or by 33% of falling rainfall. In 2006 the surface flow was 43% and in 2016 it was 44%. Suggestions for improvement of the Bulok watershed, the easiest way is to make land cover close to land cover in 1996, because land cover in 1996 had a surface flow of 33% Based on Minister of Forestry Decree No. 61 of 2014, a surface flow of 33% was in the medium category. Keywords: land cover change, flow coefficient, surface flow.
In: International Conference 3rd SHIELD 2018, 9-11 November 2018, university of Lampung.
Suryono, Nano and Alawiyah, Apriadi and Pah, Zacky Michael and Dewi, Bainah Sari
Hasil Similarity ANALYSIS OF LAND COVER CHANGES TO FLOW REGIME COEFFICIENTS AND SURFACE FLOW CONDITIONS (Case Study in Bulok Watershed Sub Watershed in Lampung Province).
International Conference 3rd SHIELD, tahun 2018.
Suryono, Nano and -, Apriady and -, Alawiyah and Pah, Zacky Michael and Dewi, Bainah Sari
Hasil Penilaian Peer Review Prosiding ANALYSIS OF LAND COVER CHANGES TO FLOW REGIME COEFFICIENTS AND SURFACE FLOW CONDITIONS (Case Study in Bulok Watershed Sub Watershed in Lampung Province). In: International Conference 3rd SHIELD 2018, 9-11 November 2018, university of Lampung.
Lembaga Penelitian Dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Lampung.
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