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Nairobi, Nairobi and Hendrawaty, Ernie and Komalasari, Agrianti and Suningsih, Sri (2023) Sosialisasi dan Edukasi Go Green and Go Export bagi UMKM Lampung dan Sabah Malaysia. Jurnal Abdimas (Journal of Community Service), 5 (3). pp. 562-574. ISSN 2686-519X
Hendrawaty, Ernie and Komalasari, Agrianti and Alvia, Liza and wahyudi, heru and Ribhan, Ribhan and Abdullah, Mohammad bin and Lokman, Mohd (2023) SME’s sustainability and the utilization of vegetable oil waste to support environmentally friendly production process. Journal of Community Service and Empowerment, 4 (2). pp. 236-241. ISSN 2442-375
Puspita, Edwin Harsono and Nairobi, Nairobi and Hendrawaty, Ernie and Komalasari, Agrianti and Sri, Suningsih (2023) Literasi Keuangan dan Kelestarian Lingkungan melalui Bank Sampah. Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat I-Com: Indonesian Community Journal, 3 (1). pp. 250-258. ISSN E-ISSN : 2809-2031 (online) | P-ISSN : 2809-2651 (print)
Hendrawaty, Ernie and Nairobi, Nairobi and Komalasari, Agrianti and Hasnawati, Sri and Sri, Suningsih (2023) Pemanfaatan Produk Fintech bagi UMKM di Bandar Lampung. Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat I-Com: Indonesian Community Journal, 3 (1). pp. 236-242. ISSN E-ISSN : 2809-2031 (online) | P-ISSN : 2809-2651 (print)
Yanti, Novita Indri and Komalasari, Agrianti and Prasetyo, Tri Joko (2023) Does Covid-19 Have an Impact on Bank Performance in Indonesia? A Comparative Analysis Based on BUKU. Journal Dimensie Management and Public Sector, 4 (1). pp. 9-18. ISSN 2709-6211
Dina, Farah and Lindrianasari, Lindrianasari and Komalasari, Agrianti (2022) The Effect Of Industry Type, Environmental Information From External Parties, And Environmental Disclosure Toward Environmental Costs In Indonesia. Uluslararası Akademik Birikim Dergisi, 5 (5). pp. 377-391. ISSN 2757-6469
Yanti, Nurul Rizki and Komalasari, Agrianti and Andi, Kiagus (2022) Pengaruh Profitabilitas, Leverage, dan Struktur Modal terhadap Nilai Perusahaan dengan Kebijakan Deviden sebagai Variabel Moderasi (Effect of Profitability, Leverage, and Capital Structure on Firm Value with Dividend Policy as Moderating Variable). Goodwood Akuntansi dan Auditing Reviu, 1 (1). pp. 49-65. ISSN 2964-0852
Putri, Riski Tiara and Komalasari, Agrianti and Putri, Widya Rizky Eka (2022) PENGARUH ASSET TANGIBILITY, PROFITABILITY, DAN GROWTH TERHADAP LEVERAGE SAAT PANDEMI COVID-19. E-journal Field of Economics, Business, and Entrepreneurship (EFEBE), 1 (3). pp. 334-344. ISSN 2964-5697
Arisandi, Ria and Komalasari, Agrianti and Prasetyo, Tri Joko (2022) Comparison Level of Financial Distress before and During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia. Asian Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting, 22 (23). pp. 257-262. ISSN 2456-639X
Paulus, Paulus and Komalasari, Agrianti and Octavia, Reni (2022) The Effect of Profitability and Leverage on LQ-45 Indexed Firm Value Before and During the Pandemic. Asian Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting, 22 (23). pp. 184-190. ISSN 2456-639X
Yanti, Nurul Rizki and Komalasari, Agrianti and Andi, Kiagus (2022) Comparisonal analysis of profitability and leverage of hotel, restaurant and tourism sub sector companies before and during covid-19 pandemic. Asian Journal of Economics and Business Management, 1 (2). pp. 51-57. ISSN 2961-7006
Meitasir, Bella Chenia and Komalasari, Agrianti and Septiyanti, Ratna (2022) Whistleblowing System and Fraud Prevention: A Literature Review. Asian Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting, 22 (18). pp. 23-29. ISSN 2456-639X
Dewi, Anita Kusuma and Nurdiono, Nurdiono and Dewi, Fajar Gustiawaty and Yuliansyah, Yuliansyah and Komalasari, Agrianti (2022) Strategic Performance Measurement System: Its Impact On Firm Performance In The Covid-19 Pandemic Era. Webology, 19 (2). pp. 8846-8859. ISSN 1735-188X
Adaria, Desvita and Komalasari, Agrianti and Kusumawardani, Niken and Andi, Kiagus (2022) PENGARUH FINANCIAL DISTRESS TERHADAP NILAI PERUSAHAAN SEBELUM DAN SAAT PANDEMI COVID-19 (Studi Pada Perusahaan Property dan Real Estate). Jurnal Akuntansi Bisnis dan Ekonomi, 8 (1). pp. 2131-2142. ISSN 2460-030x
Kenamon, Mardiah and Komalasari, Agrianti and Dewi, Fajar Gustiawaty and Yuliansyah, Yuliansyah (2022) The Interactive Performance Measurement System and Psychological Empowerment. Multicultural Education, 7 (11). pp. 56-64. ISSN 1068-3844
Sulistiyanti, Sri Ratna and winanti, diki and Komalasari, Agrianti and Setyawan, FX. Arinto (2022) DIGITALISASI KETERSEDIAAN BAHAN BAKU DAN PRODUK PAKAN TERNAK DI DESA RUKTI ENDAH, SEPUTIH RAMAN, LAMPUNG TENGAH. Nemui Nyimah: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, 2 (1). ISSN 2808-0904
Trilaksono, Ibnu and Komalasari, Agrianti and Tubarad, Chara Pratami Tidespania and Yuliansyah, Yuliansyah (2021) Pengaruh Islamic Corporate Governance dan Islamic Social Reporting terhadap Kinerja Keuangan Bank Syariah di Indonesia. Bukhori: Kajian Ekonomi dan Keuangan Islam, 1 (1). pp. 11-20. ISSN 2798-6691
Tubarad, Chara Pratami Tidespania and Komalasari, Agrianti and Kananda, Husni Bagud (2020) Analisis pengaruh leverage profitabilitas suku bunga jumlah uang beredar dan kurs terhadap ihsg. Jurnal Akuntansi dan Keuangan, 25 (2). pp. 94-115. ISSN 1410-1831
Riswan, Riswan and Nurdiono, Nurdiono and Einde, Evana and Komalasari, Agrianti (2020) Effects Of Moderating Variables On Audit Tenure And Audit Quality. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC & TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH VOLUME 9, ISSUE 03, MARCH 2020, 9 (3). pp. 431-439. ISSN ISSN 2277-8616
Riswan, Riswan and Nurdiono, Nurdiono and Evana, Einde and Komalasari, Agrianti (2020) THE EFFECT OF AUDIT TENURE AND TIME BUDGET PRESSURE AGAINST AUDIT QUALITY WITH MODERATION OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTING OFFICES SIZE. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29 (02). pp. 2225-2244. ISSN 2005-4238 IJAST
Riswan, Riswan and Nurdiono, Nurdiono and Evana, Einde and Komalasari, Agrianti (2020) THE EFFECT OF AUDIT TENURE AND TIME BUDGET PRESSURE AGAINST AUDIT QUALITY WITH MODERATION OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTING OFFICES SIZE. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29 (2). pp. 2225-2244. ISSN 2005-4238 IJAST
Puspitasari, Dwi Ayudia and Komalasari, Agrianti and Sudrajat, sudrajat (2019) Analysis the Effect of Growth Opportunity, Liquidity, Leverage, and Cash Flows Volatility to Hedging Decision. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 7 (12). pp. 307-312. ISSN 2411-2933
Permatasari, Intan and Komalasari, Agrianti and Septiyanti, Ratna (2019) The Effect of Independent Commissioners, Audit Committees, Financial Distress, And Company Sizes on Integrity of Financial Statements. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 7 (12). pp. 744-750. ISSN 2411-2933
Syuhada, Muhammad Nur and Komalasari, Agrianti and Sudrajat, Sudrajat (2019) Effect on The Performance of Ethics Disclosure of Identity in Islamic Bank Indonesia. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, 7 (12). pp. 326-332. ISSN 2411-2933
Suryanto, Tulus and Komalasari, Agrianti (2019) Effect of mandatory adoption of international financial reporting standard (IFRS) on supply chain management: A case of Indonesian dairy industry. Uncertain Supply Chain Management, 7(2), 169-178., 7 (2). pp. 168-178. ISSN ISSN 2291-6830 (Online) - ISSN 2291-6822 (Print) Quarterly Publication
Komalasari, Agrianti (2018) Activity Based Costing for the better Supply Chain Management: An Integrated Approach for the Business Performance. International Journal of Supply Chain Management (IJSCM), 7 (5). pp. 343-352. ISSN ISSN: 2050-7399 (Online), 2051-3771 (Print)
Komalasari, Agrianti and Suryanto, Tulus (2018) Corporate Governance and Audit Quality: A Comparison of ASEAN Countries. Journal of Applied Economic Science, XIII, (3 (57)). pp. 693-700. ISSN ISSN-L 1843 - 6110 ISSN 2393 – 5162
Nurdiawansyah, Nurdiawansyah and Lindrianasari, Lindrianasari and Komalasari, Agrianti (2018) Carbon Emission Issues in Indonesia. Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research, 7 (3). pp. 20-33. ISSN 2304-1013
Damayanti, Tri and Lindrianasari, Lindrianasari and Komalasari, Agrianti and Dewi, Fajar Gustiawaty and Gamayuni, Rindu Rika (2018) Entrenchment Effect and Financial Performance in. Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research, 7 (S2). pp. 152-166. ISSN 2304-1013
Lindrianasari, Lindrianasari and Kufepaksi, Mahatma and Asmaranti, Yuztitya and Komalasari, Agrianti (2018) SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBILITY IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES: A THEORETICAL APPROACH TO REGULATION. International Journal of GEOMATE, 15 (49). pp. 47-52. ISSN 2186-2990
Rusvalita, Erna and Komalasari, Agrianti and Dewi, Fajar Gustiawaty (2017) Pengaruh Penerapan Good Governance Terhadap Kinerja Organisasi Dengan Implementasi Whistleblowing System Sebagai Variabel Pemoderasi pada Direktorat Jenderal Pajak. Jurnal Akuntansi dan Keuangan, 22 (1). pp. 1-25. ISSN 1410-1831
Komalasari, Agrianti (2017) Implementation the International Financial Reporting Standards as a Moderating Variable of the Relationship of Corporate Governance with Earnings Management. Comparative Study on Consumer Protection in Indonesia through Mechanism of Product Liability Insurance, XX (3A). pp. 259-277. ISSN 11082976
Khasanah, Siti Khusfatun and Komalasari, Agrianti ANALISIS PERBANDINGAN KUALITAS LABA SEBELUM DAN SESUDAH IMPLEMENTASI PSAK 71 PADA PERBANKAN YANG TERDAFTAR DI BURSA EFEK INDONESIA. E-journal Field of Economics, Business, and Entrepreneurship, 1 (4). pp. 391-399. ISSN 2964-5697
Andi, Kiagus and Komalasari, Agrianti Comparison analysis of profitability and leverage of hotel, restaurant and tourism sub�sector companies before and during a covid-19 pandemi. ASIAN JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS MANAGEMENT.
Sulistiyanti, Sri Ratna and winanti, diki and Komalasari, Agrianti and Setyawan, FX. Arinto DIGITALISASI KETERSEDIAAN BAHAN BAKU DAN PRODUK PAKAN TERNAK DI DESA RUKTI ENDAH, SEPUTIH RAMAN, LAMPUNG TENGAH. Nemui Nyimah: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat. ISSN 2808-0904
Dewi, Anita Kusuma and Nurdiono, Nurdiono and Dewi, Fajar Gustiawaty and Yuliansyah, Yuliansyah and Komalasari, Agrianti Effects of Strategic Performance Measurement System and Islamic Work Ethics on Firm Performance: (Evidence from Malaysian Islamic Banks). Ilkogretim Online - Elementary Education Online, 20 (5). pp. 781-796.
Damayanti, Tri and Lindrianasari, Lindrianasari and Komalasari, Agrianti and Dewi, Fajar Gustiawaty and Gamayuni, Rindu Rika Entrenchment Effect and Financial Performance in Indonesia Family. Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research, 7 (2). pp. 152-166. ISSN 2304-1013
Andi, Kiagus and Komalasari, Agrianti PENGARUH FINANCIAL DISTRESS TERHADAP NILAI PERUSAHAAN SEBELUM DAN SAAT PANDEMI COVID-19 (Studi Pada Perusahaan Property dan Real Estate). Jurnal Akuntansi Bisnis dan Ekonomi, 8 (1). pp. 1901-1910. ISSN 2460-030x
Book Section
Nurdiono, Nurdiono and Komalasari, Agrianti (2010) Analisis Pengaruh Pengungkapan Corporate Social Responsibility Terhadap Kinerja Perusahaan. In: Prosiding Seminar hasil-Hasil Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat. Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Lampung, B348-B346. ISBN 9789798510199
Komalasari, Agrianti and Zubaidi, Indra and Komaruddin, Komaruddin (2019) ANALYSIS OF INFLUENCE OF AUDITOR QUALITY ON EARNINGS MANAGEMENT CASE STUDY OF PUBLIC COMPANIES IN ASEAN. Working Paper. Graha Ilmu.
Wulandari, Agnes Fitria and Komalasari, Agrianti and zahron, Agus and Lindrianasari, Lindrianasari (2019) THE EFFECT OF CORPORATE INCOME, IFRS CONVERGENCE, AND THE COMPLEXITY OF COMPANY’S OPERATIONS TO AUDIT REPORT LAG. Working Paper. Graha Ilmu, Yogyakartya.
Conference or Workshop Item
Komalasari, Agrianti and Zubaiidi, Indra and Komaruddin, Komaruddin (2018) ANALYSIS OF INFLUENCE OF AUDITOR QUALITY ON EARNINGS MANAGEMENT CASE STUDY OF PUBLIC COMPANIES IN ASEAN. In: The 4th IFA International Conference will be held on 5-6 September 2018 hosted by the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Lampung (FEB Unila), 5-6 September 2018, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia.
Rikafitri, Risa and Lindrianasari, Lindrianasari and Komalasari, Agrianti (2017) Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Tingkat Pengungkapan pada Website Pemerintah Daerah di Indonesia. In: Seminar Nasional FEB Unila 2017, 11 Desember 2017, Bandar Lampung.
Komalasari, Agrianti and Dewi, Fajar Gustiawaty and Oktavia, Reny and Sukmasari, Dewi (2017) Workshop Kewirausahaan Bagi Pengusaha Pemula Berbasis Komunitas di Bandarlampung. In: Prosiding Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat: Penelitian Bidang Ekonomi - Bisnis Serta Pembangunan Masyarakat dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Publikasi Internasional, Bandarlampung.
Komalasari, Agrianti and Andi,, Ki Agus and Zahron Idris,, Agus and Warganegara, Doni Satria (2017) PENDAMPINGAN PENYUSUNAN LAPORAN KEUANGAN BAGI KOMUNITAS PENGUSAHA KECIL DI DESA KALI SARI KECAMATAN NATAR. In: Seminar Nasional Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Lampung, 4 November 2017, Bandar Lampung.
Komalasari, Agrianti and Nurdiono, Nurdiono (2010) Analisis Pengaruh Tingkat Kepatuhan Perusahaan Publik dalam Penerapan Regulasi Informasi dan Good Corporate Governance Terhadap Kinerja Perusahaan Publik. In: Seminar Hasil-hasil Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 2010, October 2010, Bandar Lampung.
Sukmasari, Dewi and basuki, wibowo and Komalasari, Agrianti and Sarumpaet, Susi PENDAMPINGAN DALAM PENENTUAN BESARAN BIAYA PRODUKSI UNTUK USAHA KERIPIK DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN METODE ABC (ACTIVITY BASED COSTING). In: STABEK 4 (Seminar Teknologi, Akuntansi, Bisnis dan Ekonomi dan Komunitas 4, 28 Oktober 2020, Hotel Raddison. (In Press)
Komalasari, Agrianti and Gustiawaty Dewi,, Fajar and Oktavia, Reni and Sukmasari, Dewi WORKSHOP KEWIRAUSAHAN BAGI PENGUSAHA PEMULA BERBASIS KOMUNITAS DI BANDAR LAMPUNG. In: Seminar Nasional Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Lampung, 4 November 2017, Bandar Lampung.
Agrianti Komalasari dan Rindu Rika Gamayuni (2017) Sertifikat HAKI. 2017. Buku Pengantar Akuntansi II. Agrianti Komalasari dan Rindu Rika Gamayuni. KEMENTERIAN HUKUM DAN HAK ASASI MANUSIA REPUBLIK INDONESIA. EC00201822452, 31 Juli 2018.
Puspita, Harsono Edwin and Nairobi, Nairobi and Hendrawaty, Ernie and Komalasari, Agrianti and Sri, Suningsih (2023) CEK PLAGIARISME: Literasi Keuangan dan Kelestarian Lingkungan melalui Bank Sampah. Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, Unira Malang. (Submitted)
Hendrawaty, Ernie and Nairobi, Nairobi and Komalasari, Agrianti and Hasnawati, Sri and Sri, Suningsih (2023) CEK PLAGIARISME: Pemanfaatan Produk Fintech bagi UMKM di Bandar Lampung. Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, Unira Malang. (Submitted)
Setyawan, FX. Arinto and winanti, diki and Komalasari, Agrianti and Sulistiyanti, Sri Ratna (2021) Tim Pengabdian Unila Ciptakan Sistem Rantai Pasok Industri Pakan Ternak Digital Berbasis IoT. Radar Lampung, Radar Lampung.
Komalasari, Agrianti (2019) SK Membimbing S3 Hidayatullah. Unila. (Unpublished)
Haninun, Haninun and Lindrianasari, Lindrianasari and Sarumpaet, Susi and Komalasari, Agrianti (2019) Does the Cost of Capital Affect Environmental Performance? Universitas Pasundan, Indonesian Journal of Sustainability Accounting and Management.
Haninun, Haninun and Lindrianasari, Lindrianasari and Sarumpaet, Susi and Komalasari, Agrianti and Gunadi, Ardi (2019) Environmental Disclosure on Cost of Capital: Environmental Risk as a Moderator Variable. Asers Publishing, Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism.
Nurdiawansyah, Nurdiawansyah and Lindrianasari, Lindrianasari and Komalasari, Agrianti (2018) Carbon Emission Issues in Indonesia. Inder Science, RIBER.
Damayanti, Tri and Lindrianasari, Lindrianasari and Komalasari, Agrianti and Dewi, Fajar Gustiawaty and Gamayuni, Rindu Rika (2018) Entrenchment Effect and Financial Performance in Indonesia Family Listed Companies. GMP Press and Printing, Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research,.
Lindrianasari, Lindrianasari and Kufepaksi, Mahatma and Asmaranti, Yuztitya and Komalasari, Agrianti (2018) SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBILITY IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES: A THEORETICAL APPROACH TO REGULATION. Geomate, Geomate.
Lindrianasari, Lindrianasari and Kufepaksi, Mahatma and Asmaranti, Yuztitya and Komalasari, Agrianti (2018) Social and Environmental Responsibility in Developing Countries: A Theoretical Approach to Regulation. The Geomate International Society.
Komalasari, Agrianti (2017) SK Co Promotor Haninun. Unila. (Unpublished)
Komalasari, Agrianti Peer Review - Activity Based Costing for the better Supply Chain Management: An Integrated Approach for the business Performance. International Journal of Supply Chain Management.
Komalasari, Agrianti Peer Review - Analisis Pengaruh Karakteristik Perusahaan, Kualitas Auditor, Pergantian Auditor, dan Independensi Auditor terhadap Integritas Laporan Keuangan. Jurusan Akuntansi FEB Unila.
Komalasari, Agrianti Peer Review - Analysis of Influence of Auditor Quality on Earnings Mangement Case Study of Public Companies in ASEAN. Graha Ilmu.
Komalasari, Agrianti Peer Review - Analysis the Effect of Growth Opportunity, Liquidity, Leverage, and Cash Flows Volatility to Hedging Decision. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research.
Komalasari, Agrianti Peer Review - Corporate Governance and Audit Quality: A Comparison of ASEAN Countries. European Reserach Center of Managerial Studies in Business Administration.
Komalasari, Agrianti Peer Review - Corporate Governance and Audit Quality: A Comparison of ASEAN Countries. Journal of Applied Economic Sciences.
Komalasari, Agrianti Peer Review - Effect of Mandatory of International financial reporting standard (IFRS) on supply chain management: a case of indonesian dairy industry. Growing Science.
Komalasari, Agrianti Peer Review - Implementation the International Reporting Standards as a Moderating Variable of the Relationship of Corporate Governance with Earning Management. University of Piraeus, International Strategic Management Ass..
Komalasari, Agrianti Peer Review - Jokowi Effect: a Study On The Market Reaction To The Presidential Election in Indonesia. Universitas Indonesia.
Komalasari, Agrianti Peer Review - Pendampingan Penyusunan Laporan Keuangan bagi Komunitas Pengusaha Kecil di Desa Kalisari Kecamatan Natar. Universitas Lampung.
Komalasari, Agrianti Peer Review - Pengaruh Penerapan Good Governance Terhadap Kinerja Organisasi dengan Implementasi Whistleblowing System sebagai variable Pemoderasi pada Direktorat Jenderal Pajak. Jurusan Akuntansi FEB Unila.
Komalasari, Agrianti Peer Review - Pengungkapan Informasi Wajib dan Sukarela. Universitas Lampung.
Komalasari, Agrianti Peer Review - The Effect of Corporate Governance on Earnings Management Post Financial Crisis In Indonesia. Society of Interdisciplinary Business Research.
Komalasari, Agrianti Peer Review - Workshop Kewirausahaan Bagi Pengusaha Pemula Berbasis Komunitas di Bandar Lampung. Universitas Lampung.
Komalasari, Agrianti SK Disertasi Mamay. Unila. (Unpublished)
Komalasari, Agrianti Similarity - Activity Based Costing for the better Supply Chain Management: An Integrated Approach for the Business Performance. International Journal of Supply Chain Management.
Komalasari, Agrianti Similarity - Analysis the Effect of Growth Opportunity, Liquidity, Leverage, And Cash Flows Volatility to Hedging Decision. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research.
Komalasari, Agrianti Similarity - Effect on adoption of international financial reporting standard (IFRS) on supply chain management: A case of Indonesian dairy industry. Publisher of Distinguished Academic, Scientific, and Professional Journal.
Komalasari, Agrianti Similarity - Implementation the International Financial Reporting Standards as a Moderating Variable of the Relationship of Corporate Governance with Earnings Management. European Research Studies Journal.
Komalasari, Agrianti Similarity - THE EFFECT OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE ON EARNINGS MANAGEMENT POST FINANCIAL CRISIS IN INDONESIA. Society of Interdisciplinary Business Research.