Suhendro, Saring (2023) Pengaruh Pertumbuhan Ekonomi, Pendapatan Asli Daerah, Dana Alokasi Umum dan Dana Alokasi Khusus Terhadap Pengalokasian Anggaran Belanja Modal. Management Studies and Entrepeneurship Journal.

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his research aims to analyze the influence of economic growth, local revenue, generalallocation funds and special allocation funds on the allocation of the capital expenditurebudget.Thesamplingtechniqueusedinthisresearchwaspurposivesampling.Thetypeofdata used is secondary data. The type of research used is quantitative research with datacollectiontechniques,namelytheRegionalRevenueandExpenditureBudgetReport(APBD) obtained from the Directorate General of Financial Balance and the SupremeAudit Agency (BPK) regarding Regional Original Income, General Allocation Funds,Special Allocation Funds and Capital Expenditures and for Economic Growth (GRDP),data was obtained from the Central Statistics Agency for all regencies/cities in Indonesiafor2018-2021.ThedataanalysistechniqueinthisresearchwascarriedoutusingtheSPSS26method.Theresearchresultsshowthatthereisnopositiveinfluencebetweeneconomicgrowth and capital expenditure. Meanwhile, local revenue, general allocation funds andspecialallocation funds haveapositiveeffect on capitalexpenditure.Keywords:CapitalExpenditure,Economic Growth,LocalRevenue,GeneralAllocationFunds,Special AllocationFunds

Item Type: Other
Subjects: H Social Sciences > H Social Sciences (General)
Divisions: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis (FEB) > Prodi Akuntansi
Depositing User: Dr SARING SUHENDRO
Date Deposited: 19 Jun 2024 08:47
Last Modified: 19 Jun 2024 08:47

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