Widiastuti, Ratna and Mayasari, Shinta and Utaminingsih, Dyah (2022) Analysis of Disaster Preparedness Knowledge and Skill Among Teachers at Middle School and High School, South Lampung. Indonesian Journal of Creative Counseling, https://ukinstitute.org/journals/ijcc/article/view/170.

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Disasters happened at South Lampung. There were tsunami, Anak Krakatau erruption, and now also Covid-19 pandemic. It makes sense that people overthere should have a tool to prepare themselves cope the crisis and traumas they face related to disasters. As the goverment states that the community is the spearhead of the crisis; it should be understood that the community has to have the strength to cope the disasters by itself, too. Some findings showed that teacher has some aspects that could help increase the disaster preparedness in the community. Teacher will increase the emotion stabilization of their students. It means that teacher should be the one who give the tool to prepared the disaster they face, such as Psychological First Aid (PFA). This study were aimed to determine the level of disaster preparedness among the teachers of Middle and High School at South Lampung. The subjects of this study were 273 Middle and High School at South Lampung. Research data collection was done through the distribution of PFA questionnaires. A statistical quantitative descriptive approach was applied. The data showed that the teachers understand about giving Psychological First Aid as a disaster preparedness; which was showed with the frequency of the high knowledge of PFA of 62,63 %, the frequency of the moderate knowledge of PFA of 35,53%, the frequency of the low knowledge of PFA of 1,84%. We are optimist that the knowledge of the disaster preparedness among teachers will help student overcoming some psychological distractions or traumas at shool related to the disaster crisis.

Item Type: Other
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
Divisions: Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (FKIP) > Prodi Bimbingan dan Konseling
Depositing User: M.Psi, Psi SHINTA MAYASARI
Date Deposited: 02 Feb 2023 01:56
Last Modified: 02 Feb 2023 01:56
URI: http://repository.lppm.unila.ac.id/id/eprint/48259

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