Muhammad, Basri and Sumargono, Sumargono (2021) The Influence of Digital Learning Media Towards Students’ Historical Learning Interests. International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding (IJMMU), 8 (4). pp. 557-561. ISSN 2364-5369

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The school’s learning history can form a nationalist attitude, or serve as a moral education for students or learners. Therefore, the history subject can be used as a tool to form a nationalist attitude through educational institutions or schools, which can be seen from the changes in the attitude of the history subject and the learning outcomes of students. The research method used is quantitative, the quasi- experimental method is adopted, and the research design is a non-equivalent design. The sampling method in this study is purposeful sampling. The data analysis technique used in this study is independent testing. According to the completed data analysis, the following conclusions can be drawn: The influence of iSpring suite learning media on students' learning interest can be seen from the calculation results of the independent sample test. The value of this sample is 0.000, which is less than the standard significance value, which is 0.005. This means that there is an influence between the post-experiment and post-control values, that is, the post-control value 61.03 and the post-experiment value 71.57, so H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. In addition, there is a difference between the interest value between the control class and the experimental class, which is 6.54, where the interest value of the experimental class bigger than the control interest value, or it can be said that iSpring suite media is better than PowerPoint media. This is also supported by the advantages of this media, which can convey material through images, videos, music, animation, and media based on computer-based assessment questions. Keywords: Media ISpring Suit; Interest in Learning History

Item Type: Article
Subjects: L Education > LA History of education
Depositing User: MUHAMMAD B
Date Deposited: 10 May 2021 05:56
Last Modified: 10 May 2021 05:56

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