Santanumurti, Browijoyo and Samara, Syifania and wiratama, Aldi and Putri, Berta and Hudaidah, Siti
The effect of fishmeal on Oithona sp. (Claus, 1866) production through density and growth analysis.
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science.
(In Press)
Abstract. The natural feed is a non-artificial sourced feed used to increase the growth of aquaculture commodities. One of the widely used natural feed was Oithona sp. The development of Oithona sp. is expected to be increased by using a fish meal. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of fish meal on the production of Oithona sp. This study used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) consisting of 3 replications and 4 treatments (A: Oithona sp. with the feed of Chaetoceros sp. 200 x 104 cells/ml, B: Oithona sp. with a fish meal of 0.03 gram/L of water, C: Oithona sp. with a fish meal as much as 0.10 gram/L of water, and D: Oithona sp. with a fish meal of 0.17 grams/L of water. The research parameters observed included the density and growth of Oithona sp., also its water quality. The results showed that giving fish meal did not significantly affect the density and growth of Oithona sp. This was indicated that fish meal was not effectively used to increase the production of Oithona sp.
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The effect of fishmeal on Oithona sp. (Claus, 1866) production through density and growth analysis. (deposited 18 Nov 2020 01:28)
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