gunarto, Toto Gunarto and Marselina, Marselina (2016) Hubungan Antara Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Dan Ketimpangan Pendapatan Antar Wilayah (Studi Kasus Provinsi Lampung). Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan, 5. ISSN 2302-9595

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The improvement of economic growth policy is not guarantee that the income gap among region is small. The higher economic growth, the bigger gap in income. The aims of the research are to prove this statement, to find some regions that are in this position and give a policy recommended to government. To find income gap among regions is used Gini Ratio. To relate between income gap and economic growth is used Tipologi Klassen. Based on the result, 8 regions in Lampung Province are in quadrant I in which their economic growth are higher and income gap is smaller than on the average, 5 regions are in quadrant II in which the economic growth and income gap are lower than an average, 2 regions are in quadrant III in which the economic growth and income gap are higher than on the average. no region in quadrant IV. It can be proved that, the higher economic growth is not guarantee the smaller income gap. Because of the budget limitation, the priority of policy which is recommended is, firstly how to smaller the income gap and the next , is how to improve the growth. For the higher economic growth regions, its policy is, how to improve the quality of growth and push the other regions surrounding.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: A General Works > AC Collections. Series. Collected works
Divisions: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis (FEB) > Prodi Ekonomi Pembangunan
Depositing User: LPPM . Unila
Date Deposited: 10 Jun 2020 07:43
Last Modified: 10 Jun 2020 07:43

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