Permana, Rama Adika and Harianto, Sugeng P. and Winarno, Gunardi Djoko and Dewi, Bainah Sari
Persepsi Wisatawan Terhadap Pengembangan Wisata
Puncak Mas Lampung.
In: SEMINAR NASIONAL KONSERVASI 2020 “Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam untuk Pembangunan Berkelanjutan”, 21 April 2020, Bandar Lampung.
(In Press)
Tourist perception is a way to find out tourist assessment of an ecotourism object which later can be a reference for ecotourism managers to the planning strategy that will be planned and have an impact on the development of an ecotourism object. Tourist perception data obtained previously needs to be done in-depth observation to determine the question of a fundamental problem of an ecotourism object, so that the question to be asked can represent an aspect of the problem found in an ecotourism object especially the Puncak Mas Lampung ecotourism. This research was conducted to determine visitor ratings of several aspects of assessment that can support the development of Puncak Mas Ecotourism in Lampung. Some aspects of the assessment that have been determined and are the basis of the questions contained in this study include facilities, services, accommodation, infrastructure, and tourist attractions. This research was conducted in December 2019 at Puncak Mas Lampung Ecotourism. The collection of perception data obtained in Puncak Mas Lampung Ecotourism uses in-depth interviews for manager data, after the manager interview data is obtained then it will be concluded and the data will be incorporated as supporting data into the tourist perception data. Collecting data on the perception of tourists by closed interviews using the Likert scale method by determining the number of respondents using the Slovin formula. In-depth interview data for the manager is obtained by asking in-depth questions to the manager directly, while for the assessment of tourist perception data will be determined by the assessment score, 1 for "Very Bad", 2 for "Poor", 3 for "Enough", 4 for "Good" and 5 for "Very Good". The results of the assessment of tourist perceptions that have been obtained on several aspects of the assessment that have been previously determined show the perception score of tourists. The tourist perception score obtained by each aspect of the facility is 4.1 which means "Good", the service aspect is 4.1 which means "Good", the accommodation aspect is 3.9 which means "Good", the infrastructure aspect is 4, 2 which means "Good" and aspects of tourist attraction of 4.1 which means "Good". The assessment of tourists to Puncak Mas Ecotourism shows that tourist satisfaction has shown "Good" results, because the desires and satisfaction of tourists visiting enjoying Puncak Mas ecotourism in Lampung have been fulfilled in conducting tourism activities, with an average score obtained from the assessment aspects of 4, 1 of tourist ratings of Puncak Mas Ecotourism. There needs to be development in maintaining and increasing tourist satisfaction to support the sustainability of Puncak Mas Lampunng Ecotourism. The intended development effort is to evaluate and add or renew various aspects that exist to support the needs of tourists in the future.
Keywords—Perception, Tourists, Managers, Ecotourism and Interviews.
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Persepsi Wisatawan Terhadap Pengembangan Wisata
Puncak Mas Lampung. (deposited 01 Jun 2020 05:45)
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