efriyan imantika, EI and Dian Isti Angraini, DIA (2019) Peran Zat Besi terhadap Adaptasi Fisiologis Ibu Hamil dengan Anemia Akibat Malaria di Daerah Endemis Malaria Kabupaten Pesawaran. JK Unila Jurnal Kedokteran Unila, 3 (2). pp. 241-246. ISSN 2614-6991


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Malaria is an infection by parasites of the Plasmodium group that live and multiply in human red blood cells. This disease is transmitted by female Anopheles mosquito bites. Five regions in Pesawaran Regency, Lampung Province with the highest malaria positive cases occurred in 4 working areas of Puskesmas, Hanura Public Health Center with the highest number of cases, 1,738 cases, Padang Cermin Health Center 91 cases, and Pedada Health Center 82 cases. In Indonesia, Malaria cases in pregnant women occurred 66 cases of an estimated 4066 pregnant women in 2014. Worldwide, deaths occur in 10,000 pregnant women and 200,000 babies each year due to malaria in pregnancy. In Pesawaran Regency, Lampung province, the morbidity rate (Annual Parasite Incidence) is 4.44 per 1000 population at risk. Malaria in pregnant women increases the risk of death in pregnant women and the fetus they contain. Effects of Malaria on the fetus in the form of anemia, Low Birth Weight (LBW), fetal growth stunted, premature birth and perinatal death. Using observational analytic research methods with a retrospective cohort study design. The hypothesis test used is the Independent t-test, which is the researcher studying the role of iron administration in the physiological adaptation of pregnant women diagnosed with anemia due to Malaria infection. Iron administration of 30-60 pieces for 4-6 weeks in the anemic and normal groups, gave a difference in pulse frequency (89.7 ± 7.6vs78.6 ± 8.1; p = 0.001; 95% CI (-16.2 - (- 5.9)) and the difference in hemoglobin levels before and after administration of iron tablets was statistically significant (1.1 ± 0.4 vs 0.6 ± 0.4; p = 0.001; 95% CI (-0.8 - (- 0.3)). Giving iron tablets to pregnant women was 30 -60 pieces for 4-6 weeks caused physiological adaptation in the form of an increase in pulse frequency 11.3 times in the anemia group due to malaria and an increase in hemoglobin level of 0.53 mg / dL.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: R Medicine > R Medicine (General)
Divisions: Fakultas Kedokteran (FK) > Prodi Pendidikan Dokter
Depositing User: DIAN ISTI Rini Angraini
Date Deposited: 27 May 2020 02:48
Last Modified: 27 May 2020 02:48
URI: http://repository.lppm.unila.ac.id/id/eprint/20628

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