Rio Tedi Prayitno, RTP and Serly Silviyanti, SS and Agustya Ratna Pratiwi, ARP (2018) PROGRAM PENGUATAN LEMBAGA DISTRIBUSI PANGAN MASYARAKAT (P-LDPM) TERHADAP KINERJA GAPOKTAN DI KECAMATAN BEKRI KABUPATEN LAMPUNG TENGAH. Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Agribisnis, 6 (4). pp. 453-460. ISSN 2337 7070

16. JURNAL RIO, JIIA 6 (4), 2018.pdf

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This research aims to analyze the implementation of the P-LDPM and the difference between the performance of program recipient farmer groups and non-recipient. The research is a survey conducted in Bekri District, Lampung Tengah Region, as Bekri is an area chosen by government as P-LDPM receiver. Respondents are organizers of farmer groups chosen purposively by consideration that the organizers are the people who receive the program directly. The research data are collected in January – February 2018 and analyzed by quantitative descriptive analysis method. The results showed that implementation of the P-LDPM was started in 2013, which known by the donation from government amounted Rp150,000,000.00. The rate of performance of farmer groups recipients of the P-LDPM program was as high categorized. Meanwhile, the rate of performance of farmer groups that do not receive the program was in a medium category. P-LDPM had significant impacts on the rate of performance of farmer groups. Key words: farmer groups combined, performance, P-LDPM

Item Type: Article
Subjects: A General Works > AC Collections. Series. Collected works
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian (FP) > Prodi Agribisnis
Depositing User: RIO TEDI PRAYITNO
Date Deposited: 02 May 2019 04:11
Last Modified: 02 May 2019 04:11

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