Yıl 2018, Cilt 6, Sayı 3, Sayfalar 39 - 54 2018-09-15

Temperature and Heat Learning Through SSCS Model with Scaffolding: Impact on Students’ Critical Thinking Ability

Antomi Saregar [1] , Irwandani Irwandani [2] , Abdurrahman Abdurrahman [3] , Parmin Parmin [4] , Shanti Septiana [5] , Rahma Diani [6] , Rumadani Sagala [7]

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Lately, the industrial revolution 4.0 has become an important issue in all countries, including Indonesia. Indonesia responds quickly to this issue, especially in the field of education. The Directorate General of Research and Technology Resources of the Ministry of Higher Education (Kemristekdikti) provide actions to face the industrial revolution 4.0 through critical thinking, creativity, communication, and collaboration (4C). Critical thinking is important to be applied in all subjects, one of which is physics. Physics learning requires search, solve, create, and share learning model (SSCS) to stimulate critical thinking. The aim of this research is to investigate the impact of SSCS model with scaffolding toward students’ critical thinking. This research was done through quasi-experimental research with non-equivalent control group design at Al-Huda Vocational High School, Jati Agung, Lampung, Indonesia. Based on the results of the statistical analysis, the SSCS learning model with Scaffolding is influential in increasing students’ critical thinking. This research can provide one method in facing the industrial revolution 4.0.

critical thinking, scaffolding, SSCS model
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Konular Antropoloji
Dergi Bölümü Thinking Skills

Orcid: 0000-0002-2652-1694
Yazar: Antomi Saregar (Sorumlu Yazar)
Ülke: Indonesia

Yazar: Irwandani Irwandani
Ülke: Indonesia

Orcid: 0000-0003-4289-6557
Yazar: Abdurrahman Abdurrahman
Ülke: Indonesia

Yazar: Parmin Parmin
Ülke: Indonesia

Yazar: Shanti Septiana
Ülke: Indonesia

Yazar: Rahma Diani
Ülke: Indonesia

Yazar: Rumadani Sagala
Ülke: Indonesia

Bibtex @araştırma makalesi { jegys453460, journal = {Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists}, issn = {}, eissn = {2149-360X}, address = {Genç Bilge Yayıncılık Ltd. Şti.}, year = {2018}, volume = {6}, pages = {39 - 54}, doi = {}, title = {Temperature and Heat Learning Through SSCS Model with Scaffolding: Impact on Students’ Critical Thinking Ability}, key = {cite}, author = {Septiana, Shanti and Sagala, Rumadani and Diani, Rahma and Parmin, Parmin and Irwandani, Irwandani and Saregar, Antomi and Abdurrahman, Abdurrahman} }
APA Saregar, A , Irwandani, I , Abdurrahman, A , Parmin, P , Septiana, S , Diani, R , Sagala, R . (2018). Temperature and Heat Learning Through SSCS Model with Scaffolding: Impact on Students’ Critical Thinking Ability. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists, 6 (3), 39-54. Retrieved from http://dergipark.gov.tr/jegys/issue/39595/453460
MLA Saregar, A , Irwandani, I , Abdurrahman, A , Parmin, P , Septiana, S , Diani, R , Sagala, R . "Temperature and Heat Learning Through SSCS Model with Scaffolding: Impact on Students’ Critical Thinking Ability". Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists 6 (2018): 39-54 <http://dergipark.gov.tr/jegys/issue/39595/453460>
Chicago Saregar, A , Irwandani, I , Abdurrahman, A , Parmin, P , Septiana, S , Diani, R , Sagala, R . "Temperature and Heat Learning Through SSCS Model with Scaffolding: Impact on Students’ Critical Thinking Ability". Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists 6 (2018): 39-54
RIS TY - JOUR T1 - Temperature and Heat Learning Through SSCS Model with Scaffolding: Impact on Students’ Critical Thinking Ability AU - Antomi Saregar , Irwandani Irwandani , Abdurrahman Abdurrahman , Parmin Parmin , Shanti Septiana , Rahma Diani , Rumadani Sagala Y1 - 2018 PY - 2018 N1 - DO - T2 - Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists JF - Journal JO - JOR SP - 39 EP - 54 VL - 6 IS - 3 SN - -2149-360X M3 - UR - Y2 - 2018 ER -
EndNote %0 Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists Temperature and Heat Learning Through SSCS Model with Scaffolding: Impact on Students’ Critical Thinking Ability %A Antomi Saregar , Irwandani Irwandani , Abdurrahman Abdurrahman , Parmin Parmin , Shanti Septiana , Rahma Diani , Rumadani Sagala %T Temperature and Heat Learning Through SSCS Model with Scaffolding: Impact on Students’ Critical Thinking Ability %D 2018 %J Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists %P -2149-360X %V 6 %N 3 %R %U
ISNAD Saregar, Antomi , Irwandani, Irwandani , Abdurrahman, Abdurrahman , Parmin, Parmin , Septiana, Shanti , Diani, Rahma , Sagala, Rumadani . "Temperature and Heat Learning Through SSCS Model with Scaffolding: Impact on Students’ Critical Thinking Ability". Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists 6 / 3 (Eylül 2018): 39-54.