Published Online: November 2017
AIP Conference Proceedings 1904, 020004 (2017);
Nickel and cobalt metal able to process from low grade laterite using solvent extraction and electrowinning. One of electrowinning methods which has good performance to produce pure metal is electrometal-electrowinninge(EMEW). In this work, solventextraction was used to separate nickel and cobalt which useCyanex-Versatic Acid in toluene as an organic phase. An aqueous phase of extraction was processed using EMEW in order to deposit the nickel metal in Cathode electrode. The parameters which used in this work were batch temperature, operation time, voltage, and boric acid concentration. Those parameters were studied and optimized using the design of experiment of Taguchi. The Taguchi analysis result shows that the optimum result of EMEW was at 60°C of batch temperature, 2 Voltage, 6 hours operation and 0.5 M of boric acid.
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  11. Published by AIP Publishing.