Strategi Perbaikan Kualitas Pelayanan Publik Badan Pusat Statistik Lampung Selatan (Studi pada Pelayanan Statistik Terpadu Tahun 2022)

  • Pebra Nazalini Universitas Lampung
  • Eko Budi Sulistio Universitas Lampung
  • Intan Fitri Meutia Universitas Lampung
Keywords: Strategy Implementation, Management Strategy, Public Services


Providing the high quality of public services are government’s responsibility. In
responding to the advances of information and communication technology,
Badan Pusat Statistik through the Integrated Statistical Service Unit seeks to
improve the quality of public services by implementing several strategies to
produce the high quality of statistical data services for the community. This
study aims to analyze the process of strategy implementation for improving the
quality of public services in Badan Pusat Statistik South Lampung Regency and
to analyze the quality of public services based on the implementation of these
strategies. This research is a qualitative descriptive study that was studied using
strategy implementation theory according to Hunger & Wheelen (2003) with 3
indicators, namely programs, procedures, and budgets, and the theory of public
service quality according to Nurdin (2019) with 6 indicators, namely facilities,
reliability, responsiveness , assurance, empathy, and price. The results of this
study indicate that the implementation of the strategy to improve the quality of
public services has not run optimally because the procedures for implementating
the programs are still constrained regarding the mechanism of online service
time, utilization of service facilities and the lack of actors that involved in the
process of implementing the socialization program. Furthermore, the quality of
public services that has been provided are in accordance with the dimensions of
the high quality of public services related to the provision of supporting
infrastructure, reliability, service assurances, empathy, and service prices, but
the responsiveness dimension has not been maximally provided.
