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Geomorphology study on the Bandar Lampung Capital City for recommendation of development area

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Bandar Lampung area is a capital of Lampung Province that located on the south of Lampung Province. It has highly populated urban area consisting of land and waters with several highlands and mountains lied in Bandar Lampung. Population density supported by high infrastructure development makes Bandar Lampung City become a city with rapid growth. Consequently, spatial planning concept by considering all aspects needed to support sustainable development in a city, one of them is geomorphology aspect. Geomorphology has an important role to give the information and overview on the existing landscape in an area. The aim of this paper is to know geomorphology characteristics of this area that could provide an information to land use, disaster mitigation, and references for infrastructure development area. Analysis of geomorphology aspect was employed in this study, which are morphology aspect (morphography and morphometry), morphogenetics aspect (morphostructure active, passive and dynamic), morphochronology aspect and also consider the morphoconservation aspect. Remote sensing is a method which is carried out to know characteristic of geomorphology aspect become a map. The geomorphologic map is resulted based on analysis of geomorphology aspect. This area could be divided to four geomophologic units, there are fluviatil unit, structural unit, volcanic unit, and denudational unit. In addition, based on analysis of geology and geomorphology, the area composed of two degree of geohazard, which are secure zone and dangerous zone. In addition, geomorphology map could be used to designed and development for recommendation area in Bandar Lampung.

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