Book of insects’ immune system: development and implementation with pbl in increasing students’ learning outcome
The purpose of this research was to develop a research-based reference book and applied it through the PBL using reference books in learning activities. The method for the reference book used the ADDIE development models. The effectiveness test results of the reference book were conducted using a purposive sampling technique, with a total sample of 55 students and analyzed by t-test. The results of the research showed that the reference books of the development results were declared valid by media experts and material experts. The integration of the development of reference books in learning activities has an impact on increasing student understanding as demonstrated through the pre-test and post-test scores that differ significantly with t-value> t-table (4.149> 2.045) at p <0.05. Therefore, the development of the insect’s immune system book with PBL model increasing the student learning outcomes significantly. Also, this research has been able to improve students' ability and competence in solving problems in insects’ immune system subject matter.
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