Rancang Bangun Mobile Infant Warmer dengan Menggunakan Pemanas DC

Bayu Wahyudi, Mohamad Miftahudin, Iqbal Firdaus


Infant warmer is one of the tools used to provide comfort and warmth to newborns, where the baby needs a temperature that is in accordance with the temperature in the mother's womb, which is between 34ºC - 37ºC. This tool is made so that a newborn baby can feel the temperature outside the mother's womb will be the same as the temperature that is in the mother's womb. Until now, infant warmer still has to be connected to the PLN nets to activate it. This study aims to create and design infant warmers with DC pemanass equipped with batteries so that when the electricity dies by the PLN this tool can still be used. Data analysis results for power supply output, 12V pemanas input measurement is 11.9V with 0.8% error and 11.8V with 1.6% error, still within the tolerance limit of 5%. The measurement results of temperature comparison between DS18B20 sensor and thermometer, have an average difference of 0.3ºC or 1% error, so that it is still within reasonable limits. This tool has a maximum electric power of 36 Watt which saves power usage around 80%. Compared to a real device where the power needed is around 200 Watts to 300 Watt.


Arduino, battery, DC pemanas, Infant Warmer, temperature sensor

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23960%2Fjtaf.v7i2.2143

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